Night Ranger

Chapter 409-418

Chapter 409: Gemini Souls

he Eternal Bottle was a Legendary item that was frighteningly effective in the hands of a powerful Legend Wizard.

From what Marvin knew, this item had at least two functions:

First, it had the ability to absorb Chaos Magic Power. As long as you had the incantation, the Eternal Bottle could absorb a great amount of Chaos Magic, storing it away.

Second, it could be used to instantly replenish Chaos Magic Power. A Wizard wouldn’t have to rest to recover his Magic Power if he had the Eternal Bottle in hand. This was like a supplemental pool that could be drawn from.

Some large-scale Legendary Spells used up a lot of Magic Power, creating a huge burden on Legend Wizards. Without the help of certain tools, a caster’s will could collapse if they didn’t have enough power.

The Eternal Bottle was no less important to Legend Wizards than Nightfall was to the Shadow Prince.

Although Marvin wasn’t a Legend Wizard himself, he had Legend Wizards at his side.

And aside from Hathaway and Madeline, even his brother Wayne was a Seer that had just reached the peak of 3rd rank.

When Marvin left White River Valley, Wayne had to devote some of his energy to managing White River Valley. Despite this, his progress was still extremely fast. Moreover, he walked the path of the Ancient Wizards. He didn’t draw on the support of the Universe Magic pool to cast his spells, so he wouldn’t be hindered during the great Calamity.

Marvin believed that with time, Wayne could grow into a powerful Legend Wizard.

So there was no worry about not being able to put the Eternal Bottle to good use.

After taking the things he wanted, Marvin didn’t stay at Pearl Island.

The six servants were grateful to Marvin for removing the seal and the six of them would continue to reside in the Sanctuary.

They didn’t have much contact with the outside world anymore, and they also had the mission of guarding Pearl Island’s treasure, so they wouldn’t leave easily.

Marvin could visit Pearl Island anytime, but it would be a while before he could access another treasure.

He used the Sea Emperor’s Crown to move through the water unhindered and quickly returned to Sword Harbor 1.

The people on the ship relaxed when Marvin came back unscathed.

Besides Roberts and his second’s “it goes without saying” attitude, the rest looked at Marvin with great admiration.

Even though Marvin still looked like a fifteen year old youth, the aura behind his movements was enough to subdue others.

This was the effect of having strength, status, and prestige.

Marvin didn’t really care about how others looked at him. He just did what he wanted to do.

After returning to White River Valley with the treasures, Marvin gave the Summoner Emblem to Anna and Wayne.

He also taught them the way to use the Golems.

Wayne was a Wizard himself and had some knowledge of summoning.

As for the blueprint for the surrounding fortifications and city walls, Daniela had already made a design. They only needed to order the Golems to build it according to the plans.

After everything was finished, Marvin finally left and went to rest at midnight.

The next morning, he and Daniela left White River Valley together.

On top of Madeline’s Wizard Tower, they opened a Long Distance Teleportation Array with the coordinates they had for Lavis Dukedom.

Daniela set foot on the Teleportation Array, feeling excited. Marvin smiled and joined her.

The next second, an intense light flashed as their surroundings spun!

When he opened his eyes again, the cold wind was rushing over from the distance as he saw that they were surrounded by snow.

They stood on a mountain, and below them, they could see a flourishing city.

Bright flames were swaying in braziers that were everywhere, and the snow covering the mountain glittered under the radiance.

In the distance, only some scattered flames were visible.

The snow looked majestic. The two hadn’t been on the Teleportation Array for long, yet a layer of snow already covered them.

“Welcome to the North.”

A heavy voice echoed behind Marvin.

Marvin turned and saw a man that seemed to be around thirty years old. He was quite handsome and had a well-trimmed beard.

He was wearing a thick fur coat which was rarely seen in the South and had a long, thin sword tied at his waist.

“Welcome to Lavis. Viscount Marvin…” The man paused with a smile, before continuing, “I suppose that sounds a bit too distant. According to our family tree, we are cousins.”

“You can call me Turalyon.”

Marvin greeted him with a nod. Although this man was wearing a smile, looking honest and considerate, Marvin had a feeling that he had an ulterior motive. Traces of greed and envy could be seen in his eyes.

After advancing to Legend, Marvin’s perception became a lot sharper.

Sure enough, Daniela also didn’t have a good opinion of this Turalyon. She asked him while frowning, “Why did you come to welcome me? What about my elder brother?”

Turalyon indifferently said, “Dear Daniela, I am your elder brother.”

Daniela chuckled sardonically. “My elder brother wouldn’t have poisoned my tea as a child.”

Without the slightest pause, Turalyon rebutted, “That was an outsider attempting to destroy our relationship as siblings. You have been misled for so many years and still don’t want to believe that I was defamed. Even though you had no proof.”

Daniela took a step forward and gave Turalyon a cold glare. “Some matters don’t need evidence.”

Turalyon sighed while turning to Marvin. “Sorry, but even if I want to attend to you, today the Duke sent me mainly to receive Mister Marvin. As for you, my pitiful younger sister, if not for Marvin’s kindness, would you be here in the North today?”

Daniela was furious, but Marvin gave her a gentle tug.

He looked at Turalyon and laughed. “Let’s go first. I am from the South and can’t get used to the North’s cold climate.”

Turalyon immediately put on a welcoming expression. “Naturally, please get on the carriage. We made a lot of preparations for you.”

“I’m sure you’ll love this place… After all, it is your hometown.”

The warm carriage kept shaking as they made their way down.

Daniela was sitting on one side of the carriage, lifting the hanging screen to look toward the familiar streets with a blank expression on her face.

As for Turalyon, he passionately introduced many features of Fairhala, the capital of Lavis, to Marvin, chatting about a lot of notable places.

He had to admit that Turalyon was an outstanding guide.

Marvin was naturally putting on a smiling face.

Through the brief exchange they had earlier, it wasn’t difficult for Marvin to understand the situation between the siblings.

Turalyon and Daniela were the two most promising individuals of the Lavis Dukedom and received the attention of the Great Duke. Turalyon had outstanding talent and was older and more stable.

But Daniela’s bloodline was even more outstanding, which made it very difficult for the Great Duke to choose.

Marvin could see from Daniela’s previous words and her expression that his “fiancée” had suffered from Turalyon’s persecution when she was small. But that little girl also wasn’t a simple person, or else she wouldn’t still be alive today.

Apparently, when Daniela left for White River Valley, she originally didn’t make an oath.

But she was actually provoked by Turalyon’s words, giving birth to the oath:

– I won’t return to the North without Ancestor’s Mystery –

What happened after Daniela went to White River Valley made Turalyon unable to hide his happiness.

He was very satisfied with Marvin’s performance. He had kept Daniela in the South for nearly three months.

And during that time, he had been able to do a lot of things.

The people of Daniela’s faction in Fairhala were either killed, alienated, or convinced to change sides.

This time was enough for Turalyon to use his political tricks.

The Great Duke was old and seemed to be on the verge of leaving this world. With his son’s generation being full of nobodies, Turalyon’s claim to power in Lavis was getting stronger and stronger.

Daniela, who seemed like a mighty figure in the past, had apparently already been forgotten in the capital city.

She almost turned into a joke.

The majestic Dukedom’s princess had no choice but to marry a small Overlord in the countryside, and it was said that she still ate a loss there. The little Overlord obtained Ancestor’s Mystery and Daniela couldn’t return north.

Lavis was a very cruel country.

In this cold place, there was no need for gentleness, only strength.

As most people saw it, Daniela lost and Turalyon won everything.

The Great Duke’s recent delegation of power to Turalyon explained many things.

This time, Turalyon personally took care of everything during Marvin’s visit to Lavis.

He was very proud about this and turned a cold shoulder to Daniela.

He even attempted to win over Marvin in front of Daniela, promising all kinds of benefits.

Because he knew that the lifeline of the Lavis Dukedom was locked on Marvin’s wrists.

Only if they got the Archdevil’s head could the Lavis Dukedom’s Numan bloodline last.

And he often heard this piece of information when attending to the Great Duke:

Whoever could settle this matter would be Lavis Dukedom’s next ruler.

Marvin clearly was the key to settle this problem.

He didn’t care about the relationship between Marvin and Daniela. He believed that an Overlord who could use his own power to make such a name in the South certainly had great ambitions.

As for this woman, Marvin would surely keep her in White River Valley.

This was exactly what Turalyon wanted to see.

In the warm carriage, besides Daniela, who had a cold expression, Marvin and Turalyon seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Marvin also praised Turalyon many times and pretended to not notice some of Turalyon’s hints that he’d like to make an agreement of some sort.

The carriage arrived at the Great Duke’s castle and because of Marvin’s special status, they were able to go all the way without being stopped.

The three people got off the carriage and walked past the public square filled with snow before arriving at a hall.

“This is the guest reception room. Grandfather should be resting right now. I’ll ask him to come over.”

Turalyon politely took his leave.

Only Marvin and Daniela were left in the guest reception room.

It was rumored that the Great Duke didn’t particularly like servants so there were only a few people in this castle.

The fire in the fireplace was raging and Daniela’s complexion gradually improved.

She was looking at Marvin. She seemed to have many words she wanted to say, but she ultimately chose to remain silent.

Marvin felt a bit funny because he knew what Daniela wanted to ask, but since she didn’t say anything, he naturally wouldn’t speak about it either.

Teasing her was fun.

The two remained silent for a while, and after a long time, an old voice came out. “You finally returned, darling.”

Daniela jumped from the sofa feeling pleasantly surprised and threw herself on the new arrival.

Standing to the side, Turalyon had an unpleasant expression. He had always been jealous of Daniela’s privileges since childhood.

In the entire Dukedom, only this little princess had this kind of treatment. She could ignore the Great Duke’s status and strength to hug him.

Marvin curiously sized up the Great Duke.

The wielder of supreme power in Lavis Dukedom was different from what he’d imagined.

He looked very old and although there was a powerful force on his body, his health seemed to be declining.

The Great Duke was the brother of Marvin’s grandfather, so based on his grandfather’s age, he shouldn’t be so old.

After all, Daniela had said that the Great Duke’s strength was unfathomable and that he was a Legend Sorcerer.

A Legend powerhouse would have a much longer lifespan than an ordinary person.

But it was a bit troublesome for the Sorcerer class because many spells could overdraft their life force as a price.

The Great Duke seemed like a kind old man. After chatting a bit with Daniela, he did something surprising.

He had Daniela and Turalyon leave, saying that he wanted to speak with Marvin alone.

Turalyon was a bit unhappy with this, but seeing that Daniela didn’t have the right to attend either, his expression eased a little.

After Daniela withdrew reluctantly, only Marvin and the kind old man were left in the room.

The appearance of this old man was fitting with Marvin’s definition of “grandfather”.

Prior to this, whether it was the painting or the youth in the Nine Hells, both gave Marvin a weird impression.

Time didn’t seem to catch up to his grandfather.

“Marvin, let’s chat.”

The Great Duke gently asked, “Tell me, is my brother Diross doing okay?”

Marvin took a deep breath and looked straight at the Great Duke. “It seems like you know about some things.”

The Great Duke showed a weary smile. “Eh, of course, of course…”

“We are twins, Diross and I… thus, we have many things in common. Could you have imagined that we were born with the ability to communicate through our minds?”

Marvin froze for a moment. “Gemini Souls’ contract?” he asked.

“Not bad, it’s only an innate mind skill,” the Great Duke said, “but the reaction disappeared a few years ago.”

“I guessed that he died.”

Marvin shook his head, “He only left this plane.”

“No,” the Great Duke sighed. “Regardless of where he went, in any corner of the multiverse, I could still sense him.”

“This was our relationship as twins.”

“But after that time, he really disappeared.”

“Don’t reject my conclusion so fast. I noticed something unusual from your eyes. You apparently came in contact with someone recently… Someone who looked awfully similar to him?”

“I know what you want to say, but what if I tell you that the name of the Archdevil sealed by our family for so many years is also named [Diross]?”

Marvin felt cold all over. His mind was in chaos!

Chapter 410: Mystery

p>The Great Duke’s words were very convincing.

His tone was very sincere, and Marvin could feel that he wasn’t using any spell to try to bewitch him.

His words came from the bottom of his heart.

[Diross Cridland].

This name seemed to be lingering in his mind like a curse.

The Great Duke solemnly asked, “Did you really see him?”

Marvin nodded. “In the Nine Hells.”

The Great Duke was silent for a while. He held his forehead, thinking over the matter. “Over the past years, I’ve been working hard to find traces of him. But he was very crafty, and although I could feel a slight reaction from him, he could still block my ability to find him.”

“I only knew that he was still in this world. In fact, I knew about his intention to take the Archdevil Diross’ head. We are linked after all.”

“But I didn’t stop him. I felt that with my younger brother’s natural talent, he was qualified to possess it. But later, something seemed to have gone wrong.”

Marvin shook his head. “Maybe the mind link faded with the passage of time?”

The Great Duke smiled but didn’t say anything.

Marvin felt awkward. He himself didn’t believe in this lame excuse!

If the Great Duke and his grandfather really had Gemini Souls, this innate mind skill wouldn’t fade until death.

But it was impossible for Marvin to completely believe that his grandfather had died just based on the Great Duke’s words.

If not for him helping out in the Nine Hells, Marvin and Ivan would have been in a serious predicament.

Moreover, he gave Marvin two things.

But these two things seemed more mysterious now.

If the Great Duke’s words were true… would he establish a temporary door when using the Hell Corps Contract, or would it be a permanent one?

Marvin didn’t know, but felt that this had become a lot more complicated.

Originally this Hell Corps Contract was one of his trump cards that might be able to turn the tides at a critical moment.

But it didn’t look as certain now.

He had to verify whether his grandfather was alive or not, and if he was, what were the differences between his current self and his past self?

This was something Marvin needed to figure out.

Thinking of this, he felt a big headache coming on. One of the reasons behind his trip to Lavis was to learn more about his grandfather.

He hadn’t expected it to become even more incomprehensible after talking to the Great Duke.

The Great Duke took a deep look at Marvin and then suddenly stood up.

“Seems like you still have some doubts. Let’s go.”

“I’ll take you to meet someone.”

The Great Duke led Marvin through the guest room toward the depths of the castle.

After they left the warmth of the fireplace in the guest room, the North’s cold attacked once again.

Marvin glanced at the time when he passed by a time stele and a water hourglass.

Wizard Era Year 819, Month 1, Day 10. 10 Hours and 8 Minutes.

It was an elaborate tool made by the Ancient Gnomes for measuring time. It was very old but quite accurate. He didn’t expect to see one here.

The 10th of January…

In six days, the Gods would be starting the Great Calamity.

Marvin took a deep breath.

It seemed that some had already heard about this information. The South Wizard Alliance remained mostly ignorant of it.

This was also the reason the South suffered the most during the Great Calamity and the South Wizard Alliance’s rule was almost completely overturned.

This was naturally due to Dark Phoenix’s actions.

Even the North’s Lavis Dukedom had already made preparations against the disaster, so there was no reason for all of the South Wizard Alliance’s Wizards not to know.

The only possibility was that the people who knew left silently since they weren’t Dark Phoenix’s match.

The remaining people were the wretches deceived by Dark Phoenix.

The two passed many ancient structures on their way and reached the deepest part of the castle.

Marvin noticed that although White River Valley’s castle was very simple, it was built in the same way as this ancient castle.

Perhaps Diross built his castle based on the place where he grew up.

In the deepest part of the castle, there was an ice garden.

Although the Great Duke seemed old, his footsteps were still steady.

He led Marvin step by step toward the center of the garden.

In the center, there was a large block sitting on the ground, covered by a great amount of snow.

Despite his fierce body, the flying snow made Marvin unable to stop trembling.

Cold Resistance didn’t mean you wouldn’t feel cold. What’s more, this place was colder than other locations in the North.

At the Great Duke’s prompting, Marvin took a step forward and gently wiped away the layer of snow.

The next instant, his pupils dilated!

This was a crystal coffin!

He hastily removed all the snow, revealing that there was a delicate-looking woman lying within the crystal coffin.

She seemed to be around thirty and was extremely beautiful, with a gentle appearance.

In that split second, Marvin felt an indescribable heartache.

As if someone used a hammer to beat on his heart.

Marvin didn’t need the Great Duke to tell him who the person in the coffin was.

“He hasn’t come to see her for a very long time.”

A silhouette mysteriously appeared near them, walking pitifully beside the crystal coffin.

“Sir Owl!” Marvin’s body shook.

Shadow Thief Owl nodded.

He ignored Marvin and continued looking at the woman in the crystal coffin with a gaze full of affection.

To be honest, how could people feel good about a wretched old man looking at a beautiful woman like that…

But Marvin only felt sadness and pain.

He was a bit convinced by the Great Duke’s words.

Perhaps his own grandfather had truly been swallowed by the Devil. Or maybe both sides had already fused.

Regardless, how could he forget the wife that he loved so much?

“This is… My grandmother?”

Marvin quietly looked at the woman in the crystal coffin.

“She is still alive,” the Great Duke said suddenly.

Back in the toasty guest reception room, the atmosphere was still cold.

After seeing his grandmother’s crystal coffin, Marvin had a lot more faith in the Great Duke.

For Sorcerers, that bloodline reaction couldn’t be faked.

The Great Duke didn’t need to deceive him, let alone with Shadow Thief Owl as a witness.

“Her name is Jade,” Owl began.

“Ever since she became like that, Diross entrusted Sir Duke with her protection and began crazily looking for a way to restore her lifeforce.”

“Diross was a genius, but when on the verge of despair, it is also very easy to become a lunatic.”

“He used to come here every year to see her. In fact, I always hid to watch him.”

“He would put a Thousand Paper Crane made of ice on her crystal coffin. It would only last three minutes before disappearing into the sky. Haha… I hadn’t expected that his attainment in Origami was far above mine at the time.”

Resting near the warm fireplace, Owl took a large mouthful of wine and his expression blurred. “But he hasn’t appeared for many years.”

“Later, Sir Duke told me that he couldn’t sense Diross’ soul imprint anymore.”

“When I heard that, I sneakily went to White River Valley without your father or uncle knowing. I discovered something strange. He went to Hell but took neither the Archdevil’s head nor Ancestor’s Mystery with him. Instead, he set them aside for his direct descendants.”

“But regardless, your grandfather already passed away. I know you might have met him, but that him…”

Saying this, Shadow Thief Owl seemed puzzled as to how to finish his sentence. “Might not necessarily be the real him…”

Marvin was silent.

He was also very puzzled. If his grandfather was truly bewitched by the Archdevil to do some crazy things, then why wouldn’t he release the Archdevil’s head?

Everything was a mystery.

The main thing was that Marvin was now aware that his grandfather might really have an issue.

He hesitated, before ultimately taking out the Hell Corps Contract and that potion.

If it was only his grandfather’s brother who he had never met before, he wouldn’t be this trusting.

But Shadow Thief Owl was completely different.

This guy had saved his life. Marvin was willing to believe in him.

The Great Duke examined the two things solemnly, carefully inspecting them for a moment before revealing a suspicious expression. “There is nothing wrong with these two things. There is no loophole.”

“This potion can help you break through your current Sorcerer rank without any side-effects. As for the Hell Corps Contract, there isn’t an issue with how it would work either.”

He returned those two items to Marvin without the slightest hint of greed.

The three people were confused.

Apparently, Diross had nothing bad planned for Marvin.

Or was he plotting something bigger?

They wanted to go to Hell now, but unfortunately, with the current situation, experts couldn’t afford to move freely from their land.

Besides Shadow Thief Owl being relatively free, Marvin still had White River Valley behind him, and the Great Duke had the reputable Lavis Dukedom whose bloodline had been passed down for generations!

Too many were depending on them so they couldn’t act casually.

“In fact, I already knew about the Archdevil’s head in White River Valley.

“But I didn’t want to destroy it.”

After a while, they broke free from the mysterious matter of Marvin’s grandfather and began to talk about another topic.

“Later on, there were some issues with Lavis’ Dukedom’s inheritance, so I had no choice but to dispatch Daniela to look for you in White River Valley.”

“We need the Archdevil’s head. To be precise, we need to use an ancient method to withdraw something from his head.

“Like it was for our ancestors, there might be danger there.”

“But before we discuss this, I want to ask you. Do you wish to marry the most precious pearl of the Lavis Dukedom, your younger cousin Daniela?”

The Great Duke’s gaze focused on Marvin as he muttered, “She is a very talented child, and so are you. Your descendants would have unimaginable power.”

“Answer me, Marvin. This is an important question.”

Chapter 411: Angel and Devil

p>Regarding this matter, Marvin didn’t hesitate at all.

He chose to reject it.

First of all, he and Daniela were related by blood, as she was his younger cousin. Although it was frequent to marry between cousins in Sorcerer clans, this was something that Marvin couldn’t accept since he came from Earth. Also, Marvin felt that he and Daniela weren’t that intimate. At most, the two admired each other. In the beginning, Daniela even looked down on Marvin, and it was only after she saw Marvin’s accomplishments that her opinion of him rose greatly.

As for romance, there was none.

The Great Duke brought this topic up since he had intended for the two to marry.

But Marvin couldn’t accede to this.

In fact, there was a more important third point.

Marvin had already held Daniela back in White River Valley for so long, which hadn’t let her talents blossom. He didn’t want her talent to be buried because of him.

Her strength didn’t rise at all during her time in White River Valley.

Although this was partially related to the Sorcerer class, staying with Marvin had also delayed her.

The future Ice Empress shouldn’t be confined to White River Valley.

The Great Duke didn’t seem surprised by Marvin’s choice.

He had some connections to Shadow Thief Owl, so knowing some inside information was very normal.

But there was still a hint of sadness in his eyes.

In his opinion, Daniela’s bloodline was very outstanding, and although Marvin’s bloodline was thin, he was still his younger brother’s descendant!

Diross was called the man “closest to God” by the elders when he was only ten years old!

His descendants naturally would have endless potential.

But since Marvin didn’t want to, Daniela herself wouldn’t be willing to keep acting as Marvin’s fiancée. It was originally only a makeshift stratagem for getting Ancestor’s Mystery. With Marvin cooperating, Daniela didn’t have to sacrifice herself.

Under such circumstances, the Great Duke also chose to give up.

Both sides began to discuss the matter of cooperation.

At this time, Shadow Thief Owl took the initiative to leave. This concerned the deepest secrets of the Cridland Clan after all.

Inside the warm room, a blue package was put on a cedarwood table.

At that split second, the temperature of the entire room dropped.

“You really brought it back.”

The Great Duke felt moved.

Marvin nodded, but he was still very cautious.

After advancing to Ruler of the Night, he had re-entered White River Valley’s secret passage and pushed aside the boulder to the secret room where the Archdevil’s head was sealed.

After a careful inspection, Marvin found out that without Ancestor’s Mystery, people simply wouldn’t be able to resist the enticement of the Archdevil’s head.

He also kept hearing the head’s mutters on the way, which annoyed him greatly.

Thinking that his grandfather might have been assimilated by the Archdevil Overlord, Marvin’s mood worsened.

Devils were really frightening lifeforms. Anyone in contact with them would have to be very careful.

“This layer covered with Ancestor’s Mystery is the final seal and cannot be opened,” Marvin reminded.

The Great Duke nodded, he took a deep breath and his eyes recovered to a peaceful expression.

Marvin was inwardly shocked. The Great Duke’s strength apparently exceeded what he had imagined. His willpower was very high!

It had to be known that he didn’t have Ancestor’s Mystery, Vanessa’s Gift, and the Spirit Armband to raise his Charm Resistance.

This old man was completely resisting the Archdevil’s enticement with his own willpower.

This power proved that the Great Duke was definitely at the peak of the world.

“Let’s go to the [Black Room].”

The Great Duke stood up and hinted Marvin to pick up the package. Although he could resist the Archdevil’s enticement, getting in contact with the head was something else.

Currently in Feinan, only Marvin, who possessed the Ancestor’s Mystery, could suppress the head.

“We will speak about the other matters on the way.”

The so-called Black Room was an abandoned laboratory in the depths of the castle.

This laboratory was the origin of Lavis Dukedom!

The original Cridland clan extracted the Archdevil’s power there and obtained the bloodline inheritance.

In this room, there was an ancient alchemy array that could automatically collect the Archdevil’s Divine Source.

That’s right, it was Divine Source!

The original Devil was a Fallen Angel. Angels from ancient times were different from the current Angels in the God Realms. They were existences as powerful as Ancient Gods and Ancient Elements.

They were part of Ancient Gods.

Later on, because of some particular events, part of the Ancient Angels turned evil and founded the Nine Hells, becoming the Archdevils.

The matters of those years had long passed and couldn’t be checked anymore.

Only one thing was certain: the Archdevils had Divine Source in their bodies.

But most of this Divine Source was extremely evil.

This was also one of the reasons Sorcerers were considered as evil in the eyes of others. After all, the Numan Sorcerers gained their power from an Archdevil.

The Fiend Sorcerers were even more of a symbol of chaotic evil, while the Dragon Sorcerers were too rare and not particularly powerful, and thus had no representation.

Lavis Dukedom had been able to keep standing in the North for all this time, and it was related to the constant inheritance of their Numan bloodline.

Almost every Cridland Patriarch was a powerful Legend Sorcerer.

But in this generation, a gap appeared in the Cridland family.

The Divine Source they had stored had been used up. And in the new generation, although there was the frighteningly talented Daniela, there was no Divine Source left, so they were unable to break the boundary of the Legend Realm.

Thus, the Archdevil’s head was very important to them.

“Forgive me for asking, but if the Divine Source was used up, then the Cridland clan should have made preparations a long time ago.”

Marvin doubtfully asked the Great Duke, “Why does it seem so sudden?”

The Great Duke had a helpless expression.

He hesitated before revealing the truth to Marvin.

In fact, the Cridland clan originally had enough Divine Source stored for more than ten gifted people to use.

Thus, the Great Duke had turned a blind eye when Diross stole the Archdevil’s Head.

But a year earlier, their treasury was plundered!

The other things were mostly untouched. Only the Divine Source was cleanly snatched away!

This matter created a great shock in the Cridland clan, and many people believed that it was a traitor’s doing!

The Great Duke was furious and ordered people to find the robber.

But the outcome didn’t follow their expectations.

A year had passed and the Divine Source seemed to have completely disappeared. There wasn’t a bit of information.

Even with the Great Duke’s outstanding Magic Power, he couldn’t find a single clue of who the robber was.

This created a predicament for Lavis Dukedom.

In fact, the one who suffered the biggest loss was Turalyon.

He had already been a Half-Legend Sorcerer. As long as he used some of the Divine Source, he would be able to awaken his bloodline power and become a Legend Sorcerer.

But at that crucial time, there was no Divine Source.

This gave Daniela a chance to catch up.

In short, the competition of the younger generation was only between the two of them.

But what was embarrassing was since the Divine Source was gone, their competition had no meaning.

Thus, after the news of Marvin and White River Valley, the Great Duke knew that he couldn’t ignore the Archdevil’s head anymore.

He decided to have Daniela retrieve the Archdevil’s head. At the same time, she would be betrothed to Marvin. And the older Turalyon would become Lavis’ heir.

After all, he was older and more stable. He had finesse and didn’t lack the appearance of a Lord.

But it was a pity that the plan kept changing. Lavis’ people didn’t cause trouble for Marvin because the Great Duke himself kept them under control.

And now, both sides agreed to cooperate.

The terms of the cooperation were very simple. Marvin supplied the Archdevil’s head, while Lavis supplied the Black Room.

The Divine Source extracted would be split evenly.

Marvin had no complaint toward this agreement.

The Archdevil’s head would produce three drops of Divine Source each month. The Great Duke sincerely requested that Lavis Dukedom get two the first month.

And the two drops of Divine Source would be used today.

Because the Great Duke decided that the successor of Lavis Dukedom would be decided today!

Marvin and the Great Duke stayed in the laboratory in the depths of the ancient castle for most of the afternoon.

This was considered a forbidden area of the Dukedom, and besides these two, no one could enter.

The Great Duke started the refining array alone, and Marvin put the Archdevil’s head in.

Under the effects of the ancient array, three drops of Divine Source were forcibly extracted from the blue package.

Two of them were carefully collected by the Great Duke. Another drop went to Marvin.

Marvin originally didn’t have a receptacle to keep Divine Source, but there were many such things in Lavis.

He was gifted a small porcelain bottle by the Great Duke which could hold about thirty drops of Divine Source.

Back when he didn’t have something to hold it, he had simply let the Book of Nalu swallow the Divine Source. It was simply a waste of resources.

‘Book of Nalu?’

Thinking of this, Marvin had a sudden flash of insight. ‘Hold on… Stealing Divine Source…’

He suddenly told the Great Duke, “I think I might know who stole the Divine Source in the Cridland clan’s treasury!”

The Great Duke was stunned.

Marvin immediately laughed lightly. “I have no evidence at the moment, but I have a rough idea.”

“Let’s wait until tonight’s matter has ended. I’ll go rest first.”

After saying this, he saluted the Great Duke with the etiquette of someone of a younger generation and suitably left the Great Duke’s castle.

There would be a good show tonight.

Snowflakes were fluttering in the air.

The flames were ceaselessly blazing on the snowy mountain.

Today was Lavis Dukedom’s [Winter Resting Day], which was a celebratory holiday.

But compared with the shocking matter that came out of the castle that afternoon, the Winter Resting Day celebration wasn’t even worth mentioning:

[Turalyon and Daniela are the two heirs of Lavis Dukedom and will hold an advancement ritual tonight! The one successfully advancing to Legend will become the Lord of Lavis Dukedom!]

Chapter 412: Fallen Angel

p>The castle’s court was brightly lit at night.

Not only did everyone from the Cridland clan gather in the palace, but so did all the other nobles of Lavis.

Everyone knew what tonight’s event meant.

A lot of nobles and commoners were surrounding the castle walls.

They were celebrating the Winter Resting Day while trying to learn about the Great Duke’s decision as soon as possible.

Many were worried while many others thought that victory was in their hands.

In short, all kinds of complicated feelings would become magnified when it came to anything involving power struggles.

But Lavis Dukedom was simpler than other countries in the North.

Sorcerers always liked to speak with their fists.

This was also the reason that even though Turalyon almost controlled all the power in the capital city at this point, he still didn’t dare to be rash.

Even if the Great Duke was old and looked like he could die anytime, his former strength still made Turalyon wary.

Before advancing to Legend, Turalyon would always be a docile sheep in front of the Great Duke.

It was the same for Daniela.

To control this chaotic land, one needed to have enough power.

Otherwise, the Cridland bloodline that had continued for so many years would eventually end in their hands.

Everyone was clearly aware of this point.

Compared to the ones in the South, Lavis’ court banquet didn’t seem as boring.

Maybe due to the Numan bloodline, the men and women attending the banquet looked pretty good.

The men were mostly tall and handsome, while the women were sexy and beautiful.

It was true even for the younger generation of the clan’s branches.

Marvin wasn’t very eye-catching among them, with his thin build.

But his seating location drew the attention of many people.

Because he was sitting directly next to the Great Duke.

The only reason for Marvin to be able to sit there would be if he had an influential identity or ability and was a distinguished guest.

Soon, rumors pertaining to Marvin spread through the courtyard.

Even in this relatively peaceful banquet, Marvin felt that many people’s gazes lingered on him.

Some had evil intent, some showed jealousy, some were cautiously probing, and even more were burning with desires.

The North’s young ladies were bold and unrestrained. Although Marvin’s pretty face might not be their first choice, there was no need to doubt his powerful strength.

They stared lustily at Marvin’s every movement.

If not for the restrictions of court etiquette, many girls would have approached Marvin to strike up a conversation.

Toward this, Marvin had an unbearable feeling.

Most of these girls were his younger cousins. Even if they were distant blood relatives, there was still that faint resonance.

This resonance made it easy for them to have good impressions of each other.

According to the customs of Winter Resting Day, this day was also a holiday for the Cridland clan’s younger generation to choose a spouse.

Everything would happen during the ball after the banquet.

It was a bit strange for Marvin to participate in this banquet as a guest, but what felt even more annoying to him was that he himself was also a member of the Cridland clan.

Although he was born in White River Valley and his soul came from earth, he couldn’t erase his bloodline resonance.

He could only bury his head in the food.

The North had many delicacies that couldn’t be tasted in the South.

At the banquet, everyone was softly conversing with the people at their sides.

The Great Duke seemed abnormally quiet. This made the people around him feel somewhat oppressed.

Daniela, who was sitting at Marvin’s side, and Turalyon, who was on the other side, were both very quiet.

Especially Turalyon. He seemed to be a bit nervous.

Compared with the way he confidently greeted Marvin earlier, he seemed like a completely different person.

It could be because he had received a notification not long ago informing him that the future ruler of the North would be decided that night.

Even though he had made a lot of plans, if he was outdone by Daniela tonight, so much of his scheming in the capital city would become useless.

Thus, he was somewhat nervous and unwilling.

Perhaps he hadn’t thought that the Great Duke would decide the successor in such a way.

To some others, this seemed like a careless and impetuous decision.

Although strength was important in Feinan, governing a country required some political finesse too.

When countries chose their heirs, strength would only be a factor, not everything.

But the Great Duke’s decision clearly showed his intentions:

The future ruler of the Lavis Dukedom would be the most powerful Sorcerer.

This not only confused Turalyon quite a bit, but it also puzzled everyone else.

Only Marvin and some others knew that in the future, regardless of how influential the leader was, he would have to be powerful enough to defend the country.

In front of the frightening Great Calamity, tricks were useless. Strength was everything.

Marvin filled his stomach during that awkward and dull banquet.

He chatted with some nobles courteously while Daniela remained seated beside him, silent the whole time.

After the banquet, everyone’s eyes focused on the Great Duke.

According to the usual customs, the Winter Resting Day’s ball would take place after the banquet.

The young Sorcerers would try to choose their future companions.

But tonight was clearly different.

Before the ball started, the two highest ranked heirs of Lavis Dukedom, Daniela and Turalyon, would advance in front of everyone.

The successful one would wield Lavis Dukedom’s power.

If the two both failed, then the Great Duke might make an even more shocking decision.

And if the two both succeeded, it might not necessarily be a good thing for the Dukedom.

Although Sorcerers were exceptionally united when facing outsiders, there might be an awkward situation regarding the authority of the Dukedom if they both advanced here.

But the Great Duke promised that regardless of what happened, he would choose an heir tonight.

This made everyone look forward to that scene.

After the banquet, some people came to remove everything.

Only a few chairs were left in the hall. Besides the Great Duke and his guest Marvin, everyone else was still standing.

They formed a circle and waited calmly for the start of the ritual.

Marvin looked toward Daniela from the crowd.

Coincidentally, the other side also turned to look at Marvin. He gave her a nod, showing an encouraging expression.

He believed in Daniela’s natural talent. With the help of the Divine Source, she would definitely be able to advance to Legend.

He was surprised by a voice suddenly echoing in his mind. “I heard Grandfather say that you refused to marry me?”

Marvin had an awkward expression. After advancing to Ruler of the Night, he naturally became better able to notice the Sorcerers’ mind communication skills due to his improved perception.

He didn’t block the spiritual connection that Daniela quietly initiated as he explained, “I only think that you shouldn’t be restricted to White River Valley.”

Daniela coldly snorted, “You think I’m not suitable for you?”

Marvin got a headache. He didn’t know how the Great Duke explained it, but Daniela was clearly resentful toward Marvin.

He rolled his eyes and asked, “Could it be that you wish for me to agree?”

Daniela was at a loss for words.

She frowned and ended the communication on her side before turning and ignoring Marvin.

Marvin could only shake his head silently.

The ritual was about to begin, yet she was still in the mood to bother about these things.

Women’s minds are truly unfathomable.

The Sorcerers’ advancement ritual was very simple. It was far less complicated than Wizards’.

As long as they could find some things to purify or strengthen their bloodline, or better yet, simply awaken their bloodline, they would naturally advance.

Waiting for the two to get ready, the Great Duke personally took out two small porcelain bottles and handed them over.

Daniela and Turalyon took the bottles in front of everyone.

The others were staring at the bottles with eyes burning with desire. Everyone present knew that this was a treasure able to trigger an increase in the strength of one’s bloodline.

This was something that every Sorcerer yearned for.

But unfortunately, not everyone could get it.

It was just like the [Golden Blood] from Rocky Mountain that Marvin obtained. It wasn’t easy to get some.

And Divine Source was even more valuable than Golden Blood. It was a pure treasure.

It was the source of power for Ancient Gods, Angels, and Devils. It was also the source of power of Numen.

When Turalyon took the Divine Source, he had an excited expression. His whole body shook.

He had waited for this day for too long.

And on the other side, Daniela was exceptionally calm.

She was full of self-confidence.

In fact, she once told Marvin that she could still advance to Legend in the near future without outside help.

This was pure instinct, but Sorcerers, and especially women, had very reliable instincts.

But Marvin had answered, “With the Great Calamity approaching, if you can advance just one day earlier, then do so.” This was what he felt would be best.

And the Great Duke had the same opinion.

As a result, Daniela dropped her idea of not “wasting” a drop of Divine Source.

Now, in front of everyone, the two opened their porcelain bottles.

The Divine Source appeared.

They didn’t choose to swallow his drop of Divine Source. Instead, they triggered their bloodline power!

The two powerful auras burst through the hall, faintly fighting against each other!

The east side of the hall instantly became a world of ice and snow!

Daniela in her Ice Angel shape looked like an otherworldly beauty, and the extreme pride hiding behind that coldness was something that ordinary women didn’t possess.

An Ice Angel was a type of Ancient Angel and was on a totally different level from the Angelic lifeforms made by the Gods.

She softly whispered an incantation.

Faint purple runes began to flutter over her body. These runes wrapped the Divine Source into her body as they slowly rotated.

Although Marvin wasn’t really a caster, his class was still sensitive to runes, incantations, and other such things.

He could feel that these runes were small alchemy arrays.

That Divine Source was slowly absorbed by Daniela’s body.

Things seemed to be going smoothly.

The other side of the hall seemed to have turned dark and gloomy.

Marvin turned his head, noticing that a power carrying destruction was steadily flowing out.

Turalyon had also changed shape!

But what surprised Marvin was that this guy’s shape was a Fallen Angel!

The Cridland clan actually had two Ancient Angels!

Compared to his own Beast-shape, Shadow-shape, and Diamond-shape, hadn’t the bloodlines of those two reached perfection?

Marvin couldn’t help but inwardly mock himself.

Fierce Asuran Bear, Shadow-shape, and Unbreakable Diamond were pretty good upgradable skills.

But they were simply trash compared to what two Lavis successors had.

No wonder he originally had no chance to awaken his bloodline; it was really too thin.

Without Ding’s luck, he would never have had the chance to become a Shapeshift Sorcerer.

In his Fallen Angel shape, Turalyon clearly seemed more like Devil.

His eyes were grave and his killing intent spilled all over the place. His previously modest and courteous appearance had completely disappeared.

It was replaced by a kind of crushing aura of destruction. His eyes were those of an arrogant monarch ruling all the land below the Heavens.

He was even more berserk than Daniela and didn’t use any magic to help, instead directly devouring the Divine Source to advance!

Perhaps he was too impatient.

But a Fallen Angel’s body could completely handle the Divine Source’s berserk power.

Marvin took a deep breath.

The two were Half-Legends but had been unable to advance because of the shackles of their bloodlines.

However, these two drops of Divine Source changed everything.

The reason Marvin never heard of Turalyon’s name in the past was most likely because Daniela had secretly disposed of him.

After all, in the previous history, Daniela had successfully acquired Ancestor’s Mystery and controlled the Archdevil’s head. She definitely wouldn’t give any Divine Source to Turalyon. She then reached the Legend realm and Turalyon didn’t, so he could only be ruthlessly eliminated by the Ice Empress.

But this time, because of the deal between Marvin and the Great Duke, Turalyon also had the qualifications to get a drop of Divine Source.

Everything changed.

Marvin closed his eyes and used [Earth Perception].

The status of Legend advancement couldn’t be seen with one’s eyes. Only mental perception could work.

In his mind, two auras were catalyzed by the Divine Source, one on the left and one on the right, as they were frantically advancing!

In the hall, the power of darkness and coldness clashed forcefully.

Most people were unable to resist their auras and kept withdrawing, eventually even being forced to leave the hall.

Only six people were left behind.

Besides Marvin and the Great Duke, there was a pair of young twin brothers, as well as two Elders.

Marvin wasn’t surprised about the Great Duke and the two Elders, but he was curious about the twins.

“These two are actually Half-Legends…”

“Why aren’t they qualified to compete for Lavis’ leadership?” Marvin was somewhat curious.

The Great Duke at Marvin’s side seemed to sense his gaze and answered, “These two aren’t part of the clan.”

Marvin couldn’t help but be surprised.

Being able to attend such an important event despite not being a Cridland… It seemed that these two didn’t have simple origins.

He was about to ask for more information when suddenly, the two auras flared up even more!

The dark and icy blue auras reached the extreme.

“Crash!” Ice and snow filled the area as the beautiful Ice Angel successfully transformed, advancing to Legend!

On the other side, Turalyon also walked out of the fog of darkness, filled with confidence.

Marvin clapped his hands. “This is good, two Legends.”

He looked at the Great Duke and asked, “How will you settle that?”

In his opinion, both of them becoming Legends definitely wasn’t a good outcome. If the Great Duke didn’t handle it properly, Lavis Dukedom might suffer internally.

Chapter 413: Second Gathering of Legends!

p>Facing the two newly advanced Legends, the crowd, which had just rushed back into the hall, went silent.

They were Sorcerers of the Numan bloodline, so they naturally could feel Daniela and Turalyon’s power.

The process of advancement for Sorcerers might not be too complicated, but the outcome was extremely simple.

At least it wouldn’t use too much time.

People with discerning eyes could notice that both of them advanced to the Legend realm!

Daniela in her Ice Angel shape seemed even more prideful and threatening. As for Turalyon in his Fallen Angel shape, he was a lot more somber and made those that looked upon him even more frightened.

The two newly advanced Legends were glaring at each other. If not for the Great Duke standing in the middle, a violent struggle might have broken out.

After absorbing the Divine Source and obtaining unimaginable power, it was normal for them to want to vent.

Marvin wasn’t surprised by this outcome.

Daniela was bound to become a Legend Ice Angel, while Turalyon also had great skill and exceptional talent.

He had been suppressed by Daniela in the game’s timeline, but he had an opportunity this time.

This was due to Marvin.

The world had already changed.

Marvin took a deep breath and looked at the Great Duke, wondering how he would handle it.

The others were also looking at this elder who had defended the Dukedom for dozens of years.

The old man with one foot in the grave slowly stood up from his chair and looked toward the two heirs of the Dukedom. “Follow me to the [Cursed Well].”

These words caused a commotion.

No one expected the Great Duke to make such a decision.

But with his power and prestige, no one dared to question it.

Daniela nodded at Marvin and followed the Great Duke. Turalyon hesitated slightly, and then also followed.

After the three people left the hall, the entire hall burst into an uproar.

Marvin was originally confused, but after others explained, he understood their reactions.

The Cursed Well was the Dukedom’s most dangerous location.

It was rumored that even Legend realm experts could fall inside.

In short, it was a fierce place like the Secret Garden.

Apparently, only the Cridland’s leader could control the Cursed Well.

There was only one end for any others that attempted it.

As for what was there, no one in this hall was clear about it.

They only knew that in the past few centuries, there had been various powerhouses who wanted to enter the Cursed Well, but in the end, there was no news about it.

Now that the Great Duke and the two Legend candidates entered the Cursed Well, could it be that he wanted to use the situation in the Cursed Well to find out who was the stronger of the two?

Wasn’t this a bit too decisive?

Marvin was actually looking forward to this, though the information about the Cursed Well from the people in the hall wasn’t too reliable.

And the Great Duke didn’t mention how long it would take before leaving, which made Marvin a bit regretful.

Because he had to immediately leave the Lavis Dukedom.

Before the banquet, Shadow Thief Owl had already brought some news to him: The Legends invited by Marvin had already gathered in White River Valley.

Marvin had originally planned to depart after seeing Daniela becoming Lavis’ new leader.

But it seemed that this wouldn’t do now.

Shadow Thief Owl left first, and Marvin had no choice but to leave Lavis Dukedom.

He hoped to get good news from Daniela after he was done with everything that he needed to handle before the Great Calamity.

Daniela did help him a lot after all.

Marvin returned to River Shore City through the long distance Teleportation Array at the top of the snowy mountain, and from there he headed to White River Valley.

There was nothing he could do about that.

White River Valley didn’t have a Wizard Tower. Even if Marvin made Madeline start building a long distance Teleportation Array that could assimilate plane marks in White River Valley, this wasn’t a thing that could be settled in a day or two.

The Craftsman Wizards from the Craftsman Tower were already working extra hours on it. After the start of the war with the Alliance, they almost wanted to leave, but Madeline made them stay for Marvin.

And the result of the war made the Craftsman Wizards shut their mouths. No one knew White River Valley’s might better than them.

They could only helplessly keep working.

Marvin didn’t want to force them, but they did have a deal, and without the long distance Teleportation Array, he wouldn’t let them go.

He flew from River Shore City to White River Valley. Marvin made a quick circle around the area under his rule.

He was sitting on Madeline’s flying carpet and soon finished looking over his land.

As expected, with the Golems’ assistance, the defenses around the perimeter of White River Valley perimeter were built quickly.

In a bit less than a day, a small fort had been built on the road from the Alliance to River Shore City.

And on each side were the Despair Hills and the Deathly Silent Hills. These two areas were very ominous places. Even the Alliance’s main forces wouldn’t dare approach those areas lightly.

Marvin was even more focused on the other side.

The Alliance’s army shouldn’t be able to gather before the Great Calamity.

And once the Great Calamity started, the Chaos Magic Power would make the world return to Primal Chaos in a short time. The monsters in the wilderness would become more violent and rampage due to the Chaos Magic Power.

Thus he had to establish walls stable enough at the southern side of White River Valley.

He would rely on the Adventurer Camp, Sha Village, and Sword Harbor to build an unstoppable defensive line.

Once Marvin gave his order, his subordinates would implement it very precisely.

This was an advantage of dictatorship. The efficiency was a lot better.

With the physical defenses, as well as the preparations Marvin made for a Sanctuary and the Source of Fire’s Order, White River Valley would be able to smoothly make it through the period of the Great Calamity.

He took a long break after his inspection.

“Let’s go, let’s not make them wait too long,” Marvin told Madeline.

The latter nodded. She had been a Half-Demon Legend powerhouse, but was now reduced to being Marvin’s driver. This was a rather pitiful sight.

But this was the reality. Madeline wasn’t able to resist the Book of Nalu’s temptation. Otherwise, with time, she would definitely have become one of the most successful Legend Wizards.

When Marvin returned to the castle, the air in the living room was a bit oppressive.

Wayne and Anna had been taking care of these guests, and although the two could be considered the leaders of this place, they weren’t Legends so they were unable to say much.

Fortunately, these Legends were familiar with each other and freely chatted in groups of two or three.

And the instant Marvin entered the living room, the atmosphere immediately changed.

Marvin’s gaze swept across everyone, nodding gratefully at each of them.

The first time, he had only been a small character who had put forward a plan to many Legends.

Despite him displaying heaven-defying power many times, to these Legends, he had only been a young man with potential that was worth befriending.

But now, this potential had become strength!

Ruler of the Night!

A very powerful Legendary class appeared in front of them. They had heard of the deaths of Monica and the Killer Amazon.

Just from this feat, no one dared to underestimate Marvin.

Moreover, this guy had always been very crafty.

They all smiled at Marvin one after the other. The current Marvin could stand on an equal footing with them.

After Marvin took his seat and chatted a bit with the Legends, he went to the main issue!

This time, he invited everyone not only to save Hathaway, but also to carefully discuss the alliance between their powers after the Great Calamity.

But that matter could be put off until later.

The most important thing right now was to take advantage of the time before the Great Calamity and the recent defeat of Dark Phoenix’s forces to attack the Black Coral Islands and save Hathaway.

Moreover, Marvin also decided to make Dark Phoenix’s identity public at this time.


“First of all, I am very grateful to everyone for taking some time to come and help me.”

“You might have thought that this was a simple rescue operation.”

“But in fact, it isn’t.”

Next, Marvin shocked everyone with his calm declaration.

“We have to kill Dark Phoenix.”

The hall was silent after these words were uttered.

The expressions of the Legends looking at Marvin were all different. Whether these people had a deep relationship with Marvin or not, they had at least interacted with him a few times. They knew Marvin wasn’t one to speak without reason.

There were numerous Legends present. Almost all the Legends Marvin could look for were gathered together.

Legend Monk Inheim had just arrived at White River Valley and he was the first to propose a plan to rescue Hathaway. He had a decent relationship with her. He, Hathaway, and Owl had been the ones to handle the Shadow Prince that time.

White Deer Holy Spirit Lorant and Great Druid Sky Fury were also there. The Heavenly Deer’s strength was also very formidable. This time, Marvin’s information let him go back to the Sage Desert to warn the Bai clans, and for the favor of saving his children, he straightforwardly came to help.

As for Sky Fury, he had also fought together with Marvin in the Decaying Plateau. He ultimately transformed into a Bronze Dragon, leaving a strong impression on everyone.

And besides Sky Fury, another Great Druid had appeared in White River Valley. But to Marvin’s surprise, this wasn’t Endless Ocean, even though he had asked Constantine to invite her. It was actually Mother of Creation who turned up uninvited.

She had spoken first. “The Migratory Bird Council is very grateful for your reminder. Most of the Druids in the North’s forests began to move to a Sanctuary. Lady Endless Ocean has her own arrangements, and thus is unable to come help.”

She glanced at Constantine when she said those words, and Marvin noticed Constantine having a very forced smile.

He knew that there was something going on between Endless Ocean and Constantine, so what had happened here?

Did the two have a falling-out?

But whatever the case, Marvin had no energy to get to the bottom of this.

Mother of Creation was a Great Druid just like Sky Fury and Endless Ocean. In fact, she was very proficient in healing and recovery. She had saved Marvin and Inheim’s lives.

Marvin expressed his gratitude for her appearance and thanked the Migratory Bird Council.

Whether it was Endless Ocean or the Mother of Creation, his plan didn’t involve them following along to deal with Dark Phoenix.

Besides the Great Druid, there were two Night Walkers. In fact, eighteen of the nineteen members of the Night Walker organization had already arrived at White River Valley.

Anna helped them settle near the former leader, Old Sean. These people were elites and followed O’Brien’s commands.

As for Constantine, he was here as an invited guest. He was the chief of the Shas, after all.

There was still a Legend powerhouse missing from the Night Walkers, but unfortunately, when O’Brien contacted her, she was still busy with a group of Demons in the Abyss and shouldn’t be able to come back on time.

Regardless, with the addition of the Night Walkers, White River Valley was even more secure. O’Brien had once probed whether Marvin was interested in taking the leadership of the Night Walkers, but Marvin replied that this matter should be kept for later. He had too many things to focus on at the moment.

He had to save Hathaway and survive the Great Calamity.

And the first matter was clearly the most important part of tonight’s gathering.

He had to persuade these Legend powerhouses, because he wouldn’t be able to kill Dark Phoenix with his own strength.

“I don’t understand.”

Owl raised a concern. “Dark Phoenix saved your life. Even if she captured Hathaway and pressured White River Valley… even if like you said last time, she might be related to a God, I don’t think it’s worth going all out against her.”

The other Legends also thought like this.

If it was just a rescue, as long as some of them could hold back Dark Phoenix, the others could save Hathaway.

That kind of mission would be far simpler than killing Dark Phoenix.

Most people weren’t prepared for a decisive battle.

But Marvin’s next words completely shattered their hesitation. “She is a God.”


Everyone was astonished!

Even the experienced and knowledgeable Inheim and Owl were also startled.

“Impossible!” Inheim said decisively, “I fought Glynos many times, and I know how to differentiate a God’s aura.”

“I fought with Dark Phoenix several times, her body doesn’t have a God’s strength.”

“That is because she is a God, yet not a God. At best, she could only be considered a Half-God. But her power is already very frightening,” Marvin clarified.

“This is also the reason I sought everyone.”

Marvin slowly asked, “In fact, does anyone know what era Dark Phoenix is from?”

Everyone froze, not understanding Marvin’s meaning.

Sky Fury looked toward Lorant. The latter hesitated before shaking his head.

“See, even the oldest doesn’t know of Dark Phoenix’s origins,” Marvin said solemnly. “You might think I have a grudge toward Dark Phoenix and thus want to kill her.”

“But in fact, before Hathaway froze herself, she sent a piece of information to me.”

“The content of the information could shake the entire South.”

After saying this, the living room was completely silent.

Marvin faintly tapped his finger before continuing, “Dark Phoenix is someone from the 3rd Era. She had a fragment of Fate Tablet.”

“And actually more than just one!”

Chapter 414: Remains Island

p>As everyone listened attentively, Marvin told them some pieces of information that he knew about Dark Phoenix.

This was definitely the most secret information in this world.

No one else in Feinan knew about Dark Phoenix’s true identity, because she had already hidden everything so well.

The method she used was very simple. It was like shedding her former shell. The powerful Wizard Dark Phoenix used a rather formidable reincarnation method.

Pirate King Pietrus was transformed into a doppelganger.

That’s right, Dark Phoenix had once been a man and became a woman after going through a strange ritual.

But she didn’t care about this. Many gods didn’t distinguish between being male or female, since in the end, strength was everything at that realm.

She definitely had Fate Tablet fragments in her hand.

And Marvin knew which ones!

“You mean… Dark Phoenix wants to replace the Wizard God?”

Marvin’s news was too shocking, startling even all these knowledgeable Legends.

After a long time, Inheim shook his head and asked, “How could this be possible? The Wizard God is unsurpassed. Even if Dark Phoenix has Fate Tablet fragments, wouldn’t it still be unfeasible?”

The corner of Marvin’s mouth lifted. “She couldn’t during the 3rd Era. The Wizard God was still in this world. Thus, she chose to endure silently.”

“She has endured all the way from the 3rd Era till the end of the 4th Era. This is her best opportunity, and her last opportunity.”

“If I’m not wrong, even a Half-God’s lifespan eventually comes to an end. She lived for too long,” Marvin explained.

In fact, in the game, Dark Phoenix waited even longer. She gradually revealed herself around the end of the first period of the Great Calamity.

In this timeline, Marvin’s dazzling performances might have made her feel something wrong, causing her to start taking bolder actions sooner.

Regardless, Dark Phoenix exposing herself earlier was beneficial for Marvin.

Because she could use a Fate Tablet fragment to ascend anytime.

One of the fragments in her hand was [Magic].

Wizard God Lance was a very special God. His title was misleading, because he actually wasn’t a God in charge of Magic. He was Feinan’s most powerful God. But he was named this way because he created the Universe Magic Pool and was worshipped by the Wizards.

But the Wizards and the Wizard God had no “faith” relationship.

This was only a title.

This world still didn’t have a God of Magic.

Although the fragment of Magic was obtained, Dark Phoenix didn’t dare to ascend while the Wizard God was still present.

She chose to bear with it patiently, and she had gotten it right. At the end of the 4th era, the New Gods couldn’t resist attacking the Universe magic Pool.

And the Wizard God had already left this world.

With the Universe Magic Pool collapsing and the world becoming chaotic, it was her best opportunity to ascend.

In the game, she was almost successful.

But she was sneak attacked by a few Gods and failed to ascend, because she would have become one of the most powerful Gods if she succeeded.

The might of Magic was too vast.

Especially since after the Universe Magic Pool’s collapse, the world was filled with Chaos Magic Power.

If she was able to become the God of Magic, Dark Phoenix could definitely control the new era’s Wizards for her own uses.

This was something the New Gods of the 3rd Era were unwilling to see.

They wanted to shatter the Universe Magic Pool but didn’t want Dark Phoenix to reap the benefits of their efforts.

The positions of allies and enemies would often change easily because of different interests.

The atmosphere in the living room was awkward.

The Legends were silent.

Although Marvin’s words were right and Hathaway’s identity as a Seer was a fact, Dark Phoenix’s strength was weighing on their minds.

Even after knowing that she might attempt to ascend during the disaster, they still weren’t prepared to deal with a Half-God.

Back then, Marvin had marched into the Decaying Plateau with a complete plan and those Legends were willing to follow him.

Now, facing the deeply hidden Dark Phoenix, even if the Legends had confidence in their abilities, they still wouldn’t dare commit to it easily.

Marvin needed to convince them.

“It needs a reliable plan,” Lorant mentioned cautiously.

This sentence seemed to be questioning Marvin, but in fact, he was helping Marvin. Marvin had saved his children, so he was naturally willing to fight alongside him.

As long as Marvin had a decent plan, he would answer first, and the other Legends would most likely consent.

But they didn’t expect that a lazy voice would immediately echo, “The Night Walkers will fully support Marvin.”

“I did say that I regretted missing last time’s operation and that if another one happened, you had to call me.”

O’Brien displayed a brilliant smile. “Half-Gods, I seem to have killed a few.”

Marvin grinned gratefully at O’Brien.

Not only did this guy have shocking strength, but he also was very honest and would never beat around the bush.

When he found out about the “death” of Marvin, he had entered the glacier alone and almost killed the Azure Matriarch!

It must be known that the Azure Matriarch secret training method was passed onto her by the World Ending Twin Snakes, and the Nine-Headed body was nearly undying. Under such circumstances, despite fighting on her home ground, seven of the Azure Matriarch’s heads were exploded. This guy’s strength was unfathomable and was definitely comparable to Inheim’s, possibly even one whole level higher!

With his backing, Marvin’s mind was calm.

The other Legends were silent for a moment. Shadow Thief Owl said, “I can definitely go save Hathaway, but I’m not too proficient in killing.”

Inheim similarly nodded. He still had misgivings about Marvin’s information. Dark Phoenix led the South Wizard Alliance for many years. If Anthony had been the face of the Alliance, then Dark Phoenix had been the one controlling it from behind.

Such a person, how could she be associated with the filthy Gods of the 3rd Era?

But regardless of that, he would definitely save Hathaway.

The reactions of Shadow Thief Owl and Inheim were well within Marvin’s expectations. He currently had no proof that could convince them.

But as long as they set off to the Black Coral Islands, Marvin could naturally find a way to show them the real Dark Phoenix.

Of the remaining Legends, Lorant was strongly supporting him. Lorant had an excellent friendship with Sky Fury and the two of them announced that they would work together with Marvin.

Such an outcome was more or less what Marvin was going for.

He didn’t intend on having everyone following him because once he was gone, his territory would end up too empty.

In his plan, Constantine and Mother of Creation would remain in White River Valley.

The others went to Sword Harbor that very night and set sail toward the dark waters on a captured pirate ship. Marvin had captured a few pirate ships, and now they came in handy.

Of course, they didn’t go straight to Black Coral Island. In fact, they left for Pirate King Pietrus’ headquarters, Remains Island.

To let the Legends see the truth about Dark Phoenix, Pietrus was the key.

Marvin was certain that after losing the war, Pietrus would return to his headquarters and resume his operations.

As long as they could capture and interrogate him, the doubts in their hearts would disappear and Marvin would obtain more information about Dark Phoenix.

Actually, he wasn’t too sure about Dark Phoenix’s true strength, because that woman didn’t act often in the game.

Every time she acted was in an overpowered matter, and it was related to Gods.

But he looked at the people at his side and felt that they were enough.

Leader of the Night Walkers O’Brien, Great Druid Sky Fury, Holy Spirit Deer Lorant, Legend Monk Inheim, Shadow Thief Owl, Ancient Black Dragon Izaka, himself, and the powerful Night Walkers. Such a Legend Squad was worthy of slaying a God. If there was one regretful thing, it was that they lacked a powerful Legend Wizard.

And it was unfortunate that the Elven Prince Ivan didn’t answer Marvin’s invitation.

After his return to Thousand Leaves Forest, the Great Elven King seemed to have revoked his banishment order, so he had many things to take care of.

This was something Marvin was very regretful about.

If Ivan came, he should have been able to lure the Sea Elven Queen.

He certainly wouldn’t believe that such an outstanding lineup would be unable to deal with Dark Phoenix, who had yet to ascend.

The ship was speeding forward on the boundless sea.

Under the direction of a pirate, they entered the dense fog, going toward the northwest.

All the sails were raised and a lively figure was skipping over, cheerfully boosting the winds.

Wind Fairy!

This was the servant Hathaway had gifted Marvin. Marvin hadn’t kept it with him and had let it grow wild on Sword Harbor 1.

The small fairy’s growth was beyond Marvin’s expectations.

It had already reached level 9 and with its innate gifts, it could unceasingly blow gusts of wind, making the ship five times faster.

This was much more powerful than a Wind Wizard trained by the South Wizard Alliance.

But using a Wind Fairy just to sail a ship was somewhat of a waste.

Marvin would have to find time to learn how to train the Wind Fairy. After all, it also was a lifeform with the potential to reach the Legend realm.

As for his pet, the Three-Headed Hellhound, it was also summoned back by Marvin.

This guy had gone to the southern side of White River Valley, wandering through the wilderness. He was clearing the area of monsters while also swallowing their souls to hasten his recovery, killing two birds with one stone.

Though the monsters on the outer side of the wilderness were powerful, they were still rarely as savage as the Hellhound.

His strength had almost recovered, having reached level 17. Moreover, that conspicuous deformed head seemed to have finished developing, while the two heads on the side had grown once again. He looked extremely fierce but was quite docile in front of Marvin.

This was the power of the contract.

Marvin had a faint feeling that the Hellhound was slightly different now after swallowing the Shadow Prince’s Divinity.

He couldn’t tell the details for sure, but in short, he was very optimistic about the little guy’s development potential.

On the deck, several Legends were chatting idly.

Suddenly, the Hellhound began barking furiously!

A wave of emotions flowed through Marvin’s mind.

‘What? An aura of death?’

Marvin was at a loss for a moment. Ahead of them, a sinister outline was approaching continuously!

Chapter 415: Miserable Condition

p>”Sir Marvin, Remains Island is in sight!” the Captain warned. The captured pirate had been considered Pirate King Pietrus’ trusted aide.

Don’t count on pirates’ loyalty; with some coercion and temptation, the location of Remains Island was disclosed.

And that sinister outline ahead of them was a strange sea canyon.

It was said that this had formed due to the corpse of an Ancient Rock Dragon.

The ship was sailing calmly through the entrance of the passage, which strikingly resembled a bloody mouth.

But what made Marvin uneasy was that the Hellhound had noticed an aura of death!

Something flashed in his mind.

“Stop the ship!” he ordered loudly.

The captain was somewhat stunned, but he immediately carried out Marvin’s order.

The Wind Fairy stopped propelling the wind and the ship slowly came to a stop outside the canyon.

A dense fog was blocking their line of sight.

By that time, it wasn’t only the Hellhound, which was very sensitive toward souls, that had noticed something wrong. The Legends also felt something disturbing!

“It’s the aura of souls, the aura of numerous people that died!”

Sky Fury, as a Great Druid, was most sensitive to spirits and suddenly had that feeling.

He waved his hand and a light green Nature spell instantly took shape.

[Piercing Eye]!

A large green ball condensed at the front of the ship and shone like a lighthouse, piercing through the entire sea canyon.

Green mist then condensed and formed several images.

These images showed what was on the other side.

As everyone looked at those scenes, their expressions changed drastically!

Even that pirate, who had been here many times, was greatly frightened!

How was that Remains Island? It clearly was the Nine Hells!

Marvin took a deep breath.

An island shaped like a crescent moon could be seen on the images displayed by the Piercing Eye.

These islands had uncanny cliffs and were surrounded by reefs. They looked like they would be rather easy to defend.

No wonder the Pirate King chose this place as his headquarters.

All of Remains Island only had one road.

But at this moment, the images showed the sight of a purgatory!

Corpses were scattered across the island: on the docks, on floating planks, stuck in ropes, and even on the reefs.

None of the corpses were intact, and all of them had suffered terrible deaths.

Some had their chests opened up, while others had holes in their necks.

In short, every pirate there had died a tragic death.

It was clear that they were the pirates who had been following Pirate King Pietrus.

There were more than two thousand people there!

Yet these thousands were now all corpses. This made everyone feel even colder.

The pirate who was leading the way trembled and fell to the ground.

“How could this be?”

The pirate muttered under his breath, “When we left for battle, the island was still fine…”

He suddenly rejoiced in his heart when seeing the corpses of some of the pirates who escaped.

He was still alive because he had been captured.

And those who escaped to Remains Island had already died unfathomable deaths!

He lowered his head, not daring to look again. This scene was a complete nightmare!

On the deck, the Legends wore unsightly expressions.

Sky Fury maintained his Piercing Eye, sweeping around all of Remains Island.

In the end, they found Pirate King Pietrus’ corpse on the dock.

After the Mechanical Titan sank the Pirate King’s ship, he didn’t know what to do in the end.

Still, with his ability, escaping to Remains Island wasn’t an issue. Marvin had decided that they should come straight to Remains Island to look for him.

But now that they found him, this guy was already dead.

He had a spear stabbed through his heart, firmly nailing him on a pillar at the dock.

They could even see the consternation in his eyes as the image shown by Piercing Eye focused.

What did he encounter that made him so shocked?

The atmosphere on the deck was very grave.

Marvin shook his head and said two words: “Dark Phoenix.”

This was the only explanation.

The others might not believe it, but Marvin was already quite certain that this matter was Dark Phoenix’s work.

But for what purpose?

Marvin suddenly had a bad feeling.

He had provoked Dark Phoenix in the open because Hathaway had told him that Dark Phoenix couldn’t harm her life. But it was very unlikely for Hathaway to be able to escape on her own, so she needed Marvin.

But Dark Phoenix’s crazy move here made Marvin worry about Hathaway’s safety.

“Go to Black Coral Islands now!” Marvin ordered.

But before he could say more, a black-gowned silhouette quickly flashed on the Piercing Eye’s image!

“There is someone!” Sky Fury shouted.

That black-gowned figure seemed to sense something. It turned around, but the face couldn’t be seen under a wretched white mask!

The figure waved a hand and a purple lightning instantly destroyed the Piercing Eye!

Only a thick fog remained in front of everyone.

“Damn! This is definitely Dark Phoenix.”

Marvin lost his calm.

Dark Phoenix rarely took action, but when she did, it would always be a huge move.

Killing so many people here definitely wasn’t just to vent!

“Wait here, I’ll go take a look first!”

The next second, Black Dragon Izaka unwillingly flew out at Marvin’s command.

Marvin jumped on the Dragon’s back, and even the Hellhound hopped on. This made Izaka extremely angry, but he had signed a contract with Marvin, so he could only restrain himself.

The Black Dragon immediately spread his wings and broke through the dense fog, flying toward Remains Island!

The other Legends hesitated but decided to follow.

Sky Fury summoned a flock of Great Eagles to carry the Legends who couldn’t fly and they followed Marvin as they charged to Remains Island!

The bloody smell on Remains Island was very thick.

The black-gowned person was hovering in the sky, looking coldly at the fog in the distance while muttering, “Found out so quickly? I truly underestimated you, Marvin…”

“That’s fine. These wastes will be taken care of while also giving you a huge gift!”

“I can’t delay my plans because of these guys.”

She began chanting an incantation.

A sickly green radiance appeared on the corpses across Remains Island.

Countless carved runes floated up and ultimately formed a deep green skeletal Dragon head!


The sound of a Dragon’s roar that seemed to have crossed through countless worlds echoed out.

The black-gowned person smiled. “Long time no see, Tidomas…”

Chapter 416: Dark Phoenix’s Plan

p>The Dragon’s wings spread open and flapped vigorously.

Peering through the dense fog, Marvin grew increasingly more anxious!

His improved perception from being a Ruler of the Night told him that some terrible change was happening in Remains Island.

It might be too late for him to stop it.

Because this passage was way too strange. To the sides, there were magic arrays that even the Black Dragon was afraid of, and the water surging in the canyon was extremely rough. Even the Black Dragon had to keep his wings close to his body to fly.

He had to fly for no less than two minutes to get through the passage.

When he arrived at Remains Island, the green light filling the air and the dense aura of Evil Spirits already explained everything.

This was all a premeditated sacrifice!

Only a large amount of lives could temporarily interfere with the barrier of the Universe Magic Pool!

Because each life, and especially the life of a Human, had a small amount of Order power. This power of Order was a potent energy that could resonate with the origin of the world. This was also the reason that ancient evil Wizards were fond of sacrificing people.

It was one of the easier ways to quickly obtain more power.

There was no doubt that the person conducting the sacrifice was the masked black-gowned person before them.

Half of Remains Island was between them, but Marvin still saw that person.


The Great Eagles also flew over, keeping up with Marvin.

When the Legends saw this scene, their expressions became grim! They knew the terrible nature of sacrificial rituals!

The ancient runes and dark incantation were there to communicate with the target of the sacrifice!

2nd Era Evil Spirit Overlord, Evil Dragon Tomb Keeper, Tidomas!

They knew that Tidomas’ main body couldn’t come to this plane, but if it were only a projection, there would definitely be no need to sacrifice that many people!

So there was only one possibility. They were calling forth a part of his body!

Despite it being just a body part, it was still very frightening.

The roar of a Dragon kept echoing from under Remains Island and every corpse began dissolving into fog, including the Pirate King himself!

Marvin coldly watched the black-gowned person and suddenly shouted, “So you are willing to abandon a doppelganger like that!”

“Lady Dark Phoenix, I am very curious… At this time, why are you still hiding behind a mask?”

Everyone held their breaths and stared at the black-gowned person.

The latter laughed and truly removed her mask!

Under the mask was a delicate appearance.

Besides Marvin, the Legends’ hearts were extremely heavy!

It really was Dark Phoenix!

“You are right. I’m tired of this secretive life, so it is time to take off the mask.”

Dark Phoenix seemed very relaxed.

She looked at Marvin. “Without you, I might have still continued to endure, up until I found the perfect opportunity.”

Marvin reacted, noticing that Dark Phoenix’s sentence carried an implication.

“Eh?” he sneered, “Could it be that because of my appearance, you became afraid?”

“Indeed,” Dark Phoenix admitted.

“Your appearance changed everything, Marvin. I did a Divination six hundred years before. Everything that should have happened recently has been changed by a person that should have already been dead. While Tidomas is still crossing the planar barrier, why don’t we talk about your real identity? Mister Marvin?”

She smiled gently, like a close older sister.

But her eyes were fixed on Marvin as if she wanted to peer through him.

“My real identity is White River Valley’s Overlord,” Marvin calmly insisted. “And you seem to have hidden a lot from the Alliance and the world…”

Shadow Thief Owl’s expression was strange as he cut in, “Lady Dark Phoenix, I don’t understand…”

“What don’t you understand?” Dark Phoenix still looked gleeful as she asked. “You don’t understand why I saved Marvin, and then wanted to kill him?”

“I have to admit, this was my biggest mistake. I always thought that Seer Hathaway was my biggest obstruction.”

“Exchanging a Seer for an insignificant human, this deal seemed very profitable, didn’t it?”

“But I made a mistake. I should have let Marvin die under Glynos’ curse.”

Seeing Dark Phoenix speak so frankly, Marvin felt a bit flustered.

She was someone who could endure a lot to keep hidden, yet now she was explaining everything candidly.

It meant that she either had made sufficient preparations to ensure that everyone would be unable to leave this place, or had otherwise decided that there was no longer any need to hide anything.

Either way, this wasn’t a good sign.

Inheim stood on the back of a Great Eagle and glared coldly at Dark Phoenix.

“So that means… Anthony’s information was leaked to Glynos by you?”

There had actually been a lot of strange things about Great Wizard Anthony’s death.

Inheim had been chasing after Glynos for this reason, but he had never understood how the Shadow Prince found Anthony and overcame his precautions. Anthony was a very careful person during his life after all. He had already been on guard before the attack, and very few people knew of his whereabouts.

Aside from the [Alliance of the Seven Orders], perhaps only a few higher-ups of the Wizard Alliance knew.

Dark Phoenix was obviously included among them, but Inheim had never doubted her before this.

Facing Inheim’s question, Dark Phoenix only lightly nodded as she gave her response. “Indeed, how else could the stupid Glynos find Anthony?”

“Why did you kill him!” Inheim’s voice was full of anger.

He was Anthony’s best friend, to the point that he even broke his oath for his vengeance.

“He had an item in his hands that could protect the Universe Magic Pool. Even if it could only protect it for some time, it was a hindrance.”

“You should already know today that fate can’t be stopped.”

“The Wizard Era is coming to an end, and the Gods will finally descend.”

A faint smirk was hovering on Dark Phoenix’s face as she taunted, “You Legends are bound to bow. Otherwise, what awaits you is only destruction!”

Facing the domineering attitude of Dark Phoenix, Marvin shot back with a grin, “I’d like to know, who should we bow to after we kill you?”

Dark Phoenix laughed loudly. “You think I’m here to talk nonsense with you, and then go all-out against you?”

“Wrong, completely wrong!”

“Do you know how many doppelgangers I have in the end? Kid, you’ll never know!”

“My plan is already flawless!”

“The day the disaster strikes is the day I rule this land! Even the Gods will have to serve under my feet!”

Accompanying Dark Phoenix’s arrogant laughter, Remains Island began to collapse!

A Dragon head loudly broke out of the ground!

Tidomas’ head!

The Legends all made their battle preparations.

“Fight, fools!” Dark Phoenix sneered, “I have no spare time to play with you.”

At these words, her silhouette faded from view!

Marvin wanted to chase after her, but a roar interrupted his movement!

His body stiffened for a moment!

This was an overpowered Dragon Might!

Even though Marvin had a property allowing him to ignore Dragon Might, he was still unable to completely resist it!

Tidomas’ voice echoed, “Murderer who destroyed an Evil Spirit Plane, I saw you.”

In an instant, a frightening Evil Spirit power covered the whole sea.

The Legends felt a great pressure pushing down on them.

For that split second, they were almost unable to breathe!

This was power on the level of a God!

At this very moment, in the South Wizard Alliance’s cities.

All the high level Wizards gathered.

The Alliance’s higher-ups had announced an emergency gathering, so all the Wizards convened at the major cities.

In Bass Harbor, for example, all the Wizards were gathered in the public square.

A black-gowned figure appeared in the sky.

“Lady Dark Phoenix!”

A Legend Wizard was respectfully waiting for her there.

The black-gowned person said, “No need to be polite.”

“A critical time has come. I need to announce something.”

“I obtained precise information that several days later, the Gods will attack the Universe Magic Pool!”

In an instant, the public square exploded in a huge commotion!

The Gods would attack the Universe Magic Pool? Was there a mistake? How could this happen?

Even that Legend Wizard looked distracted.

Dark Phoenix seemed to be satisfied with their reactions.

She waved her hands and countless yellow amulets appeared in the public square.

“Everyone should already know what would result from the shattering of the Universe Magic Pool.”

“Every Wizard at the 3rd rank or above will be qualified to receive one amulet. If something truly happens, breaking this amulet might help you once.”

The next second, she disappeared.

Leaving behind impassioned Wizards!

And similar scenes were appearing all over the areas belonging to the South Wizard Alliance!

A huge plan was already being set in motion.

Chapter 417: Black Coral Island

p>Above the Remains Island sea, a frightening Dragon head was overlooking all living things, his shocking power suppressing the Legends and making them unable to breathe for a moment!

This was Tidomas’ true power.

He was a lot stronger than Diggles, and even though it was only a head that couldn’t manifest for a long period of time, it still exerted a frightening pressure on the Legends.

They were some of the most powerful people of the world below, but before the Universe’s real powerhouses, they seemed insignificant.


Sky Fury triggered his Bronze Dragon transformation, but the originally huge Bronze Dragon seemed small in front of the huge Dragon head.

Black Dragon Izaka also waved his tail in worry.

Although he was also a mighty Ancient Dragon, he was in front of Tidomas, an ancestor of Dragons.

Although he became corrupt from the temptation of the Evil Spirit Sea’s power, he was far beyond what Feinan’s Dragons could contend against.

“Insignificant mortal…” Tidomas said disdainfully, “I was disturbed by a fool last time, but this time I’ll personally kill you!”

His eyes focused on Marvin with a thick killing intent.

Marvin naturally knew that during his trip in Saruha, if it hadn’t been for the Pale Hand foolishly helping him out, he would most likely have encountered Tidomas’ projection.

But despite the situation, he was worried about Dark Phoenix’s plan!

That woman was up to something.

Summoning Tidomas was only to delay them, preventing them from pursuing.

‘She is definitely doing something very important because otherwise, she wouldn’t have let go of such an opportunity to kill me.’

Marvin thought hard and suddenly looked at the people at his sides.

The others naturally were no fools, and were also able to realize this.

Marvin was hesitating when O’Brien suddenly fiercely punched Tidomas’ head!

“Marvin! Owl! You two go first!” he called out. Without any further words, he continued to fight Tidomas!

Inheim and Sky Fury also pounced over.

Stalling Tidomas while Marvin and Owl tracked Dark Phoenix was the best choice since Tidomas wouldn’t stay for long. It was clear that dealing with her conspiracy was most important.

Actually, Marvin had already realized this, but he felt it would be a bit embarrassing to be the one to say that he should leave.

The others naturally wouldn’t mind if it came from O’Brien.

Although they felt some fear when facing that Dragon Might, that didn’t mean they didn’t dare to fight!

After all, they were this world’s most powerful people.

If they didn’t dare to take up the challenge, who could face this world’s upcoming disaster?

They had to fight!

Black Dragon Izaka roared. Under Marvin’s orders, he had to brace himself and fight.

In an instant, everyone surrounded the Dragon head.

Marvin took a deep breath, taking advantage of this opportunity to flee to the Shadow Plane.

On the other side, Owl was even more slippery and had already disappeared.

Tidomas was furious.

“Come back!” he roared.

His roar was filled with the power of Dragon Might. It not only stunned the Legends but even affected those in the Shadow Plane.

Sure enough, a silhouette awkwardly appeared and fell down from the sky!

Shadow Thief Owl fell on a reef, and Tidomas grinned evilly as he aimed mouthful of Dragon Breath at him.

The green flames burnt Owl to ashes…

But the figure struggling in the middle of the ashes turned out to be a paper clone!

The real Shadow Thief Owl already took advantage of the situation to escape through the Shadow Plane.

And there was no need to speak about Marvin because when he prepared to escape, he had taken out Weeping Sky.

By holding it, Tidomas’ Dragon Might simply couldn’t hinder his movements anymore, let alone in the Shadow Plane!

In the black night, the two twisting shadows kept flying above the sea.

They were appearing and disappearing from time to time, their speed incomparable.

“Maintaining this kind of speed is truly too strenuous,” Marvin complained. He was using the Shadow Plane’s vortexes as springboards to travel back and forth between the Prime Material Plane and the Shadow Plane.

Relying on this, he could cover large distances very rapidly.

Little did he know that his performance greatly startled Shadow Thief Owl.

If not for him knowing that Marvin had just become a Legend, he might have believed that this guy had been in the Legend realm for many years.

He seemed to know the Shadow Plane like the back of his hand.

Only a handful of Legend rogues could use the Shadow Vortexes to this extent in all of Feinan.

And one considered the best among them was Owl.

After all, Shadow Thief was one of the classes most familiar with the Shadow Plane!

Noticing Owl looking at him as if he were a monster, Marvin laughed gently and explained, “My Domain is [Shadow].”

Owl was at a loss for a moment before shaking his head.

Even if the Shadow Domain would increase one’s understanding of the Shadow Plane, to be so familiar with it, one had to train for a long time.

Everyone had their own secrets. In his eyes, Marvin had too many secrets and things he was holding back.

The two remained silent for most of their trip across the sea.

This method of travel used a lot of stamina, but the speed was extremely fast.

A red line was visible in Marvin’s field of view, and its path was extremely clear.

This was the guidance from Night Tracking.

The effects of that skill had improved after advancing to Legend. Although Marvin didn’t obtain any item that belonged to Dark Phoenix, with her hanging around and talking so much, he was able to lock onto her aura and characteristics.

Thus, after she disappeared, he used Night Tracking and could clearly follow her path.

This path was perfectly straight, going northwest the whole time.

After some time, they went into a boundless fog.

The waters ahead were extremely dark.

They weren’t dark because it was night, but because these waters were full of black corals and black algae.

‘She really returned to the Black Coral Islands!’

‘She might have only gone to Remains Island to kill, and then taken the opportunity to give us some trouble when we happened to arrive.’

Marvin thought hard.

Tidomas’ appearance might have been something Dark Phoenix thought of later when she realized that the group of Legends had come. Her real goal in Remains Island was to kill Pietrus.

That pitiful Pirate King had originally been Dark Phoenix’s doppelganger and would often do some despicable stuff for her since she couldn’t appear.

But now that she had decided to stop acting behind the scenes, the Pirate King’s value to her had plummeted.

Because he could leak some of her weak points or maybe other secrets.

Thus, she had to kill him before her enemies caught him.

She had succeeded, and Marvin couldn’t do anything about this.

‘I hope there is nothing wrong with Hathaway.’

The closer they got to the Black Coral Islands, the more nervous Marvin was.

At that time, Owl suddenly rushed out of the Shadow Plane and stopped on a coral.

Marvin also stopped, looking at the island in front of them.

Black Coral Island.

Its other isles were surrounding it, and the isle in the east wasn’t very visible. That was where Hathaway should be frozen.

Marvin felt anxious.

“Let’s check the east side first,” Owl said gently.

Marvin nodded in agreement, and the two sped over to the eastern isle.

When they saw it clearly, Marvin’s body froze!

There was nothing on the isle besides crushed rocks!

That angelic ice sculpture… had already disappeared.

“How… How could this be?”

“Did we go to the wrong place?”

Shadow Thief Owl’s expression also changed.

Marvin’s heart beat madly, but he still forced himself to remain calm.

He quickly got closer and found some fragments of ice crystals on the island!

These ice crystals were special. They would forever remain the same, never disappearing.

‘No bloodstains…’

‘She didn’t send a signal for help…’

‘Dark Phoenix’s strength shouldn’t have reached this level.’

Marvin’s thoughts were in disorder, but his mind could still be considered clear-headed.

Dark Phoenix couldn’t have killed Hathaway without the latter being able to communicate!

She was a Seer!

‘Could Dark Phoenix have taken her away?’

As Marvin was thinking, a thin shadow flew from the main island!

He was sitting on a purple flying carpet, approaching at an incredible speed.

Owl disappeared from his spot in silence.

Marvin coldly watched that man draw near.

The latter stopped the flying carpet and looked at Marvin in a condescending manner. “You are the one who wants to stop Teacher’s great plan?”

“A waste unable to protect his own woman actually dares to set foot on the site of the Black Coral Islands?”

Marvin forcibly repressed his urge to draw his daggers. “What happened to Hathaway?”

“She died,” he sneered.

“Wrong.” Marvin’s hands were already on the handles of his daggers. “I’ll give you another chance.”

“Dead is dead!” The man howled with laughter as he boasted, “No one can stop Teacher’s plan! She will rule this Universe. What are Seers? How could they not turn to ashes in front of Teacher’s Divine Fire?”

“I believe your name is Marvin, right? Teacher was too careful in the past. She had planned to keep enduring. Thanks to your appearance, Teacher shifted her plan. I have to thank you for that.”

“The few of us have already been restrained for too long and can finally let everyone see our strength!”

Marvin looked at him with pity. “You aren’t the first disciple of Dark Phoenix that will die to my weapons.”

“I’m not a waste like Monica who only knows how to show off and flirt!” Chains of lightning suddenly burst from the man on the flying carpet, surrounding Marvin.

“Remember the name of the one who killed you!”

“I am Wilhelm, a future Vassal God affiliated to the God of Magic!”

“I am the embodiment of Thunder and Lightning!”

Wilhelm’s shouts actually transmitted through the booming thunder!

The next second, the lightning fell. Marvin’s expression sank as he unsheathed his pair of [Azure Leaf]s.

Chapter 418: Cursing Banshee

p>Hearing such lines, Marvin inwardly shook his head.

This Wilhelm was probably someone who had followed Dark Phoenix for a long time.

He wasn’t weak in strength, as he was indeed a Legend Wizard. In peaceful times he could casually walk anywhere and be admired.

Unfortunately, becoming a Legend was only a starting point in this Era.

It could be seen that his talent wasn’t high. Although he seemed to be around 30 years old, Marvin could easily tell that this guy was at least 100 years old.

Legends who had lived for a century were usually very frightening.

But his body didn’t emit that kind of fearful feeling, and with those lines he’d spouted, it wasn’t hard to guess that this guy was an apprentice that had been oppressed by Dark Phoenix.

Marvin wasn’t afraid of him.

In his previous life, there was only one famous person with a name remotely close to his.

It was the old guy of the Bright Side Vampires, William.

As for this Wilhelm, he most likely had been used by Dark Phoenix as a shield at some point.

Like right now.

The thunder boomed, but Marvin didn’t move.

Wilhelm’s Domain was Thunder and Lightning, giving his lightning spells great bonuses.

But Marvin had the Magic Foe specialty. He wanted to see the limit of this specialty in battle.

For Marvin, Wilhelm was a perfect training dummy. Only Dark Phoenix was worth being considered an enemy!

The frightening lightning kept crashing into Marvin’s body, burning his clothes black!

The mighty electric current poured into Marvin but was quickly assimilated.

In theory, Chain Lightning could paralyze enemies for at least three seconds.

But this time was reduced to half a second for Marvin.

The Ruler of the Night class had high Magic Resistance in the first place, and with the addition of that specialty, Marvin was very satisfied with the outcome.

Meanwhile, Wilhelm thought that Marvin was paralyzed and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

A large ball of lightning appeared in his hand!

“Die!” he bellowed.

The entire sky became dark as a large amount of black clouds rushed down!

Legendary Spell – Thunder Purgatory!

But Marvin’s silhouette suddenly disappeared!

Wilhelm froze with a bad feeling in his heart. He immediately triggered his scepter’s spell!

[Warding Circle]!

This was a spell that would create a force field around him that could keep enemies away from his body!

While Legend Wizards were indeed powerful, they were naturally at a disadvantage facing a Legend Rogue.

The latter had lethal damage and was skilled at closing with targets!

A quick cut to the throat and it would be the end.

Although Wilhelm was arrogant, he had no intention to take a risk.

But the next moment, Marvin’s lazy voice echoed in his ear. “Didn’t your teacher ever tell you that you should never rashly use a spell that needs more than two seconds to cast when fighting a Legend Rogue?”

The cast time of [Thunder Purgatory] was 2.6 seconds. In Marvin’s eyes, that guy only had Magic Power but no fighting experience.

Wilhelm held his breath, a feeling of terror spreading through his entire body!

“Furthermore, your [Warding Circle] was used too early.”

Marvin sneered, as he slashed downward with Azure Leaf!

Magic Penetration triggered.

The Azure Leaf directly tore Wilhelm’s defensive force field apart, ruthlessly chopping into his neck!

His body suddenly began to stiffen, turning into a scarecrow.

Not far away, the Wizard wiped his cold sweat in agitation as he sat on his flying carpet.

But Marvin was following him like glue!

Night Boundary!

“This Substitution’s timing could be considered a bit decent!” Marvin mocked as his dagger kept attacking!

The [Azure Leaf]s were top grade Legendary Weapons. Even without any skill, they would still have very frightening properties against Legend Wizards!

“Fuck!” Wilhelm cursed as he sweated all over. He clenched his teeth and threw out a yellow ball of light!

At that time, the space’s magnetic field completely distorted.

Even Marvin couldn’t maintain the Azure Leaf’s trajectory!

Taking advantage of this, Wilhelm had his flying carpet speed up and he once again pulled away from Marvin.

After suffering two unpredictable attacks from Marvin so suddenly, he became uneasy and thus decided to flee!

‘Such a lack of fighting experience…’

Marvin was speechless.

That man was shocking. What had given him so much confidence? What about his earlier words?

The Embodiment of Thunder and Lightning?

Didn’t he know that in a battle, the biggest taboo was showing one’s back while fleeing?

His back was completely undefended!

Although the flying carpet was fast, it couldn’t compare to the burst of speed from Marvin using the Shadow Plane!

Marvin forced himself and jumped into a Shadow Vortex. His body felt almost like it was ripping apart for a moment as he appeared behind Wilhelm!

Desperation Style!

Marvin slashed again and cut Wilhelm in two!

Blood flew out and the flying carpet immediately lost its powers, falling to the ground.

The pitiful Wilhelm, the self-declared future Vassal God of the God of Magic, died at Marvin’s hands.

Perhaps Dark Phoenix had promised him all kinds of benefits before he challenged Marvin.

Unfortunately, the dead have no chance to become Gods.

Marvin looked at Wilhelm’ corpse and inwardly shook his head again. Dark Phoenix kept trying to delay them. What had she planned in the end?

She even started sending her own followers to throw away their lives…

Could she be thinking of ascending to Godhood now?!

Thinking of this, Marvin was frightened.

The more he thought about it, the more likely he felt it was!

Dark Phoenix didn’t choose to ascend to Godhood during the early stages of the Great Calamity in the past because of one person: Glynos!

The Shadow Prince was still active in Feinan. If Dark Phoenix ascended, he would take the opportunity to mount a sneak attack.

She didn’t dare to ascend with such a threat looming over her.

But everything was different in this situation. Not only was Time Molt in Inheim’s hands, but Marvin’s missile had forced Glynos to seal his God Realm and drift in the endless Universe, lying dormant.

There was no great threat to Dark Phoenix now.

And the Great Calamity was the most severe barrier the Wizards would have to cross!

‘She is thinking of ascending just as the Universe Magic Pool collapses!’

Marvin suddenly came to a conclusion!

But at that time, a thunderous sound echoed from the direction of the main isle of Black Coral Island!

A great cloud of smoke rose up from a tall mountain, followed by frightening flames!

‘Volcanic Eruption?!’

Marvin was somewhat dazed.


The volcano violently erupted and a huge amount of lava sprayed out as the surrounding waters shook.

At the same time, a shadow was awkwardly escaping from the main island!

Shadow Thief Owl!

While Marvin faced Wilhelm, he had stealthily gone to the Black Coral Islands’ main island!

But he was now being pursued by something.

‘Cursing Banshee?!’

Marvin frowned, readying himself to help Owl.

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