Night Ranger

Chapter 400-408

Chapter 400: Witch Ruler

p>Monica had expected Marvin to strike at that moment!

In an instant, a pale green light flew out from her body and surrounded Marvin!

“I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time!” Monica sneered. “There is no Legend class that can contend with Legend Wizards!”

Despite being enveloped by that green light, Marvin just ridiculed with disdain on his face, “Too much nonsense!”

His movements weren’t hampered at all and Monica was surprised to see that curved dagger still slashing down!

The Magic Penetration property didn’t trigger on the first attack, but Marvin wasn’t worried.

Since he was in close range, Monica was already dead.

That green light was a curse that would debuff the target’s speed. Yet Marvin had the Curse Agreement specialty, which made him extremely resistant to curses. A curse like Monica’s simply had no effect on him.

Before Monica could finish any further spell preparations, the Desperation Style was displayed like a sudden gust of wind!

In an instant, Marvin attacked six times!

Magic Penetration eventually triggered a few times and the [Azure Leaf]s easily shattered the Arcane Barrier and the Distortion Field.

The last attack directly chopped Monica’s head!


Marvin swung a reverse slash and Monica’s head fell to the ground!

Her eyes were still wide open with disbelief at the events before her death.

A Legend Wizard able to cast earth-shattering spells was killed so effortlessly by Marvin.

This scene was astounding.

Monica died and the Alliance group had completely collapsed.

Faced with the might of the Black Dragon, everyone had dropped their armors and weapons, fleeing in chaos.

Half an hour later, only a pile of dead bodies remained on the battlefield.

At Madeline’s direction, River Shore City’s soldiers began piling the corpses up to burn them.

She did as Marvin told her and set up a sentry post on the northern part of the main road.

The news of the army returning after suffering a crushing defeat would definitely spread through Jewel Bay in a short amount of time.

As for the news of Marvin surviving and breaking into the Legend Realm, it couldn’t be hidden either.

But that was the result Marvin wanted.

With the impending Great Calamity, it would take at least 20 days or so for the Alliance to gather their elites.

And within these 20 days, the world would see a chaotic change.

The Wizard Rule Era would end.

At that time, this conflict would die down because people would be concerned with how to live in this cruel world.

He made Madeline pay attention to the main road just in order to be prepared.

Under the worshipful gazes of River Shore City’s inhabitants, Marvin stepped on the Black Dragon and headed east.

Black Coral Islands, in a dark hall. A black-gowned woman suddenly opened her eyes!

“Monica… actually died.”

“Who did it? Madeline, that newly advanced Legend, simply doesn’t have the capability! Could it be one of the other Legends associated with Marvin?”

After thinking for a bit, she grew agitated.

She then started mumbling something.

The Ancient God Language echoed in the hall and a lifelike scene appeared before her eyes.

In that scene, a man was standing on a Black Dragon and brandishing a spear while looking down on the world.

He had a faint smile on his face, apparently containing the hint of a sneer.



Dark Phoenix’s face contorted.

In this world, no one could deceive her perception.

She had already seen him on the brink of death at the hands of the fake Hathaway!

‘Could that have been faked?’

Dark Phoenix’s heart was beating crazily.

She faintly felt that there was an issue with her plan.

And it was because of this man!

She bit her lip, closed her eyes, and connected to that bit of Divine Source.

But how could she have expected that the Divine Source had already disappeared!

It wasn’t hidden, and it wasn’t that she just couldn’t get in touch with it… it had simply ceased to exist!

Dark Phoenix’s expression sank.

‘Even my Divine Source has been dealt with… And to be able to show me a fake scene… Only one thing is able to do that.’

Marvin had an Artifact in hand!

Only that Artifact could trick a Half-God’s senses.

“The Book of Nalu!”

Rage flashed through Dark Phoenix’s eyes.

Her cunning face became somewhat sinister.

‘No wonder you would rather pay this price to protect him.’

‘What’s that kid’s origin? How could he grow so fast?’

‘But the price to provoke me isn’t something you can afford!’

Dark Phoenix suddenly disappeared from the hall.

The next moment, she appeared outside the frozen isle.

“Hathaway, you really think I can’t break your Ice Crystal World?”

Cruelty flashed in Dark Phoenix’s eyes. A black flame appeared in her hand.

It grew in size and then suddenly flew toward the ice crystals.

Facing such a strange flame, the ice couldn’t resist and slowly melted.

Hathaway opened her eyes from within the ice. Her expression was peaceful. Facing the erosion from the black fire, she didn’t say a word.

In contrast, Dark Phoenix’s expression became increasingly more twisted and sinister.

“Your sweetheart is very troublesome. He not only avoided my chase, but also killed my disciple.”

Hathaway’s ice was gradually melting, and meanwhile, her body kept changing.

6 years old, 16 years old, 26 years old, the three phases kept cycling.

Her voice came out:

“You lost.”

Dark Phoenix showed a vile smile. “Whether I’ve lost has yet to be known, but today you’ll die.”

Hathaway remained silent and didn’t even try to resist the black fire’s power.

There seemed to be some issue with her body. The Legend aura was gradually being extinguished.

Dark Phoenix watched coldly. This kind of flame had the same origin as the Divine Fire that had harmed the Great Elven King. Hathaway certainly wouldn’t be able to resist.

In the end, all the ice had melted and the black fire was wrapping around Hathaway.

She frowned in pain.

The black fire seemed like manacles that spread upward from her legs and gradually crushed her body.

In a short dozen seconds, Hathaway was turned into ashes!

Dark Phoenix finally had an air of satisfaction.

But suddenly, in the remains of the Divine Fire, the ashes gathered to form into a 16 year old Hathaway.

Dark Phoenix was stunned but immediately continued burning Hathaway.

Soon, Hathaway’s 16 year old shape was burnt, leaving almost nothing behind.

Only ashes.

At that time, Dark Phoenix noticed something wrong.

This Divine Fire was supposed to burn everything. How could it leave ashes behind?

Sure enough, those ashes once again gathered and turned into a 6 year old child.

Her eyes were vacant.

Dark Phoenix was angry and kept burning her furiously.

She once again burned the 6 year old to ashes. From beginning to the end, she only frowned in pain, never letting out any sound.

This time, the ashes didn’t recombine.

Dark Phoenix looked at these ashes doubtfully, about to collect them.

But before she approached, the ashes started to flicker with light.

Twelve aged shadows appeared from the light.

They seemed to be mumbling something.

Dark Phoenix was overwhelmed with shock!

Though very few would know of these twelve Witches’ origins, Dark Phoenix, as a being from the 3rd Era with extensive knowledge, naturally knew about them.

They were the twelve aged Anzed Witches!

In the Anzed legends, the twelve Witches were the protectors of the Ashes Magic Precept.

Unfortunately, the Anzed had faded from history a long time ago. The twelve Witches were only considered myths and legends.

The twelve Witches mumbled and disappeared.

The ashes disappeared with them.

Dark Phoenix was distraught with anxiety and immediately waved her hand, summoning a fairy.

“Tell that fat pig to attack Sword Harbor immediately!”

“If they haven’t seized White River Valley before dawn, he doesn’t need to act as the Pirate King anymore!”

What Dark Phoenix didn’t know was that the moment the ashes disappeared, a light slowly descended in the middle of Feinan’s Millenium Mountain Range.

A 6 year old girl opened her eyes, at a loss.

Standing in front of her was a wrinkled old woman.

The little girl suddenly began to cry bitterly.

The old lady held her softly, her countenance filled with love.

“Don’t be afraid, you broke the curse.”

“The prophecy said that the person who breaks the curse will inevitably become the new Witch Ruler.”

“You will quickly regain the power you lost. You will grow stronger than before, a lot stronger.”

The little girl couldn’t stop sobbing. “I know, I know…”

“But… I seem to have forgotten many important things.”

“And something… Very important.”

The old lady was filled with grief. “This is the price of breaking the curse, child.”

“Don’t worry. Maybe one day, you’ll be able to recall them.”

“Remember your name. You are called Hathaway.”

Hathaway nodded. She wiped her tears and gradually smiled with joy. “I finally get to see you again, Mom…”

The mood in White River Valley was rather subdued.

The adventurers in the Adventurer Camp had long since withdrawn. Facing the Alliance’s sanctions, everyone could see that the current White River Valley was on the verge of destruction. They didn’t want to be affected.

The Shas didn’t leave, though. They believed that their leader Constantine would lead them out of any predicament.

The interior of the castle seemed desolate. The leaders weren’t present, as they had gone to Sword Harbor because it was the eastern barrier of White River Valley.

The west had Madeline and River Shore City to defend it, while Sword Harbor’s defenses were very weak.

In the desolate White River Valley, only a few old men were sitting on their chairs, looking foolishly at the horizon.

At that time, a few furtive silhouettes appeared in White River Valley.

“Hahahaha, I said to circumvent the Crimson Cross and take the secret path.”

“The current White River Valley has no way out and most of their power is focused on defending their sides, so the power in the territory is definitely weak.”

“If we don’t rob now, where would our reputation as the Black Hand Thieves go?”

A few people laughed wretchedly as they rushed in front of a few old men.

The fiercest of them sinisterly demanded, “Old man, give us everything you have!”

Chapter 401: Sword Harbor’s Crisis!

p>These old men already had a foot in the grave.

In fact, if they had even a bit of strength, they wouldn’t have stayed in the village.

Everyone able had already moved to Sword Harbor, and besides the Dark Knight guarding the Blood Cross path to prevent a large group of soldier sneak attacking White River Valley from Jewel Bay, White River Valley was indeed nearly empty.

The Black Hand Thieves truly made an accurate judgement.

The elders looked at each other, a cold expression appearing on their faces.

In any case, they were about to die. It wasn’t too scary.

One of them said with a quivering voice, “We don’t have money.”

“Youths, you did so much, but won’t get any benefits. Wait until Sir Marvin returns and you’ll pay the price of your offense.”

Even though the old man’s tone was gentle, the content was extremely serious.


That fierce man laughed heartily. “You old farts actually believe in that unreliable Overlord?”

“Let me tell you the truth!”

“The Marvin you are hoping for died long ago. He offended the highest higher-up in the South Wizard Alliance. Even your so-called hero can only end up dying.”

The elderly men remained unmoved.

They were long-time inhabitants of White River Valley.

They had experienced the Gnoll Disaster, witnessed Marvin floating down on the golden bulls, heard of the Crimson Patriarch’s attack, and also seen Marvin fall down from the World Tree… but he still ended up returning as a king.

[Magical Marvin] might be just a name to outsiders.

But to White River Valley’s inhabitants, their Overlord Marvin was truly able to create miracles.

Regardless of how disastrous the calamity was, they believed that their Overlord would lead them to survival.

“He will return.”

A stubborn old man resolutely insisted, “It’s like this every time, in time of need.”

“He’ll return.”

“Fuck you!” The fierce thief grew angry and kicked that stubborn old man in the stomach.

The old man groaned and almost fainted.

The other elderly men had looks of sorrow. They were extremely angry but lacked the strength to lift a weapon, and even lacked the strength to stand.

A crafty-looking guy pulled the fierce thief and stopped him from doing anything worse. “Let it be, don’t bother with these old guys. They only have a few days to live.”

“Quickly plundering is the way to go.”

The others nodded.

They were thieves, not bandits, so even in this situation, they still didn’t dare to go to Marvin’s castle.

Because there were certainly still some experts defending that place. Only the defenses under the mountain could be considered weak.

They had to take advantage of this opportunity to take as much as they could.

At that time, that old man who had been kicked down crawled up and pointed angrily at the thieves. “You devils! You are bound to go to Hell!”

“I don’t know whether I’ll go down to Hell, but I know that you’ll definitely die before me!” That sinister robber had reached the limits of his patience. He fished out a knife and walked over menacingly.

The other elders stared at him, anxious about the cruel scene on the verge of happening.

But suddenly, thunder rumbled in the distance!

This thunderous sound, although powerful, didn’t affect the old men.

On contrary, those thieves went limp, bleeding from their noses and kneeling on the ground.

The old people were watching in bewilderment.

In the distance, a shadow was quickly approaching!

A few thieves managed to raise their heads, noticing a cold and indifferent face looking down at them.


All the members of the Black Hand Thieves paled in terror!

The Alliance had claimed that Marvin was already dead!

How could he appear here?

But then, they noticed that an even more frightening lifeform had appeared in the sky.

He spiralled in the sky, but didn’t come down.

Despite this, that powerful presence made the thieves unable to breathe!

A Black Dragon!


The thieves groaned one after the other.

Not only had Marvin returned… He even brought a Black Dragon back with him!

Such a disaster had actually fallen upon them.

A few of the elderly were crying tears of joy and saluting, “Overlord!”

“Lord Marvin!”

Marvin waved his hand, indicating that it was okay to sit.

He turned his head and gave the thieves a severe look.

The thieves felt extremely guilty. A smart one among them tried to speak. “We only…”


The blade left a shadow.

He’d barely started talking when all the thieves’ heads were cut off!

“Sorry, I don’t have time for your bullshit.”

Although Marvin’s expression was very calm, his anger had already reached its peak.

After he had left for just a few days, some lowlives aimed at his territory.

Moreover, from the look of the village, Sword Harbor’s side might be in a really desperate situation.

Otherwise, Daniela wouldn’t have mustered all the manpower to Sword Harbor.

Her strategy was correct. They absolutely couldn’t let the Alliance’s people land.

Although there was still the Ogre Mountain as a barrier of defense and they had installed a sentry checkpoint there, defending that place would be very difficult.

Constantine had already blown up a third of the mountain previously and it wasn’t as steep as it used to be.

Along with the continuous mining operations, the place wasn’t too suitable as a defence point.

They had to defend Sword Harbor and not let them land near the White River’s estuary.

Marvin had already dispatched people to survey the other areas and it was fine if they landed in those other places.

If they had enough courage and dared to circumvent them through the southern wilderness, who knew how many monsters they would meet?

Thus, Sword Harbor was facing the brunt of the assault of the Alliance’s maritime forces!

After being clear about this point, Marvin hurried and rode the Black Dragon to the east!

The pitiful Black Dragon Izaka had originally been summoned to probe Marvin, but now he was being threatened into becoming Marvin’s temporary mount!

The meaning behind the designation “temporary mount” was that Marvin didn’t regard the Black Dragon as a suitable mount for him.

Hearing this argument, the Black Dragon felt like crying.

But the other side had the Dragon Slaying Spear in hand. Along with his frightening strength as a Ruler of the Night, it would only take a few moments to slay him.

The situation was beyond his control…

In order for the great Black Dragon race to keep reproducing, Izaka had no choice but to agree to a series of unfair pacts with Marvin.

He could only hope that as Marvin assured, he had no interest in extinguishing the Black Dragon race and had only been forced to act against them before due to the circumstances.

Black clouds surged from the seaside.

The sky had long been completely dark and only two lighthouses on Sword Harbor’s sides were shining through this darkness.

Not far on the sea, a fleet was holding its position in an orderly pattern.

They were calling to each other, apparently communicating something.

“They are waiting for the tide,” Sword Harbor 1’s Captain Roberts explained with a grim expression.

Everyone on the city walls looked serious.

Those garrisoned had long since prepared their weapons. The Shas were also clenching their weapons.

Unless Constantine came back to White River Valley and decided otherwise, they wouldn’t abandon it.

Daniela took a deep breath. Her gaze seemed more profound. “Pirate King Pietrus, a total of twelve Black Sails pirate ships, and five of the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce’s private military boats.”

“Their ships might have cannons. We can’t let them approach!”

Seeing her movement, Anna hurriedly pulled her. “You can’t go!”

Daniela shook her head, “We have to repel them before the high tide!”

“Sword Harbor was personally established by me. I definitely won’t let these pirates destroy it!” Her eyes were bright with determination!

She had known long beforehand.

Back when Marvin put on Ancestor’s Mystery, her fate was already tied together with White River Valley.

Because the clan’s prophecy said that the clan and Ancestor’s Mystery had an unbreakable relationship, to the point that the key to break through to the Legend Realm came from Ancestor’s Mystery.

In other words, she was fated to be connected with Marvin.

In her days in White River Valley, she hadn’t been considering herself Marvin’s fiancée for no reason.

She disregarded Anna’s attempts to stop her and directly activated her Ice Angel Shape!

The powerful icy aura filled Sword Harbor as a graceful Ice Angel flapped her wings, flying over the sea.

But then, six rays of light flew out from a pirate ship.

Six Half-Legend Wizards came out on their flying carpets one after the other.

On the biggest ship, a one-eyed fatty sneered, “An Ice Angel fluttering into a trap on her own…”

“I waited for so long.”

The six Half-Legend Wizards surrounded Daniela and started casting their spells.

The people on the city wall couldn’t help but hold their breaths.

“I’ll help her!” a young voice echoed.

“Woosh!” A flying carpet flew over as Wayne rushed into the air like an arrow!

He was resolute. Although he was only at the 3rd rank, he had the confidence to contend against a 4th rank Wizard!

This was the strength of Seers.

Not waiting for him to approach Daniela, two black lights rose up from the White Elephant boats!

They were two more Half-Legends!

Expressions sank as the defenders couldn’t help but anxiously cry out, “Young Master Wayne!”

But no matter how much they worried, Wayne and Daniela had both landed in a predicament.

They simply couldn’t stop the gathering of the fleet.

At the order of the Pirate King Pietrus, the ships arranged into formation.

Next to the biggest ships, there were six Sea Dragons appearing out of the water from time to time while roaring!

This was the reason the Pirate King was able to move unhindered on the seas!

‘Lady Dark Phoenix is making too much of a fuss,’ Pietrus thought. ‘This territory didn’t even have a few Wizards. They even sent a little kid to fight, hehe. How could that threaten me?’

Everyone on the city wall was extremely anxious.

At that time, a man dressed like a peacock suddenly stepped in front of them.

Chapter 402: Layer of Ice and Sea Monster

p>The Nameless Alchemist!

The people present were from White River Valley, so that guy appearing didn’t do much for their confidence.

Only Anna was familiar with him and blocked his path. “What do you think you are doing? Leave quickly! You have no fighting ability, and this place is very dangerous!”

The Alchemist laughed and suddenly took out a delicate instrument.

“They want to use the high tide to attack the harbor. Making the tide unable to rise shouldn’t be too bad.”

After saying this, he threw that small instrument into the sea.

Everyone froze as they looked at his action. This unreliable guy had stayed in White River Valley for a very long time.

Although he often claimed to be the Greatest Alchemist in All History, they didn’t see any real results from him.

What would be the effects of the small instrument?

Most people thought he was only making a scene so they still solemnly watched the battle in the sky.

Because of Marvin’s order, Wizards were scarce in White River Valley.

But in this era, Wizards could greatly influence the outcome of a battle!

In the entire White River Valley, the only casters left were Sorceress Daniela and Proxy Overlord Wayne.

The Three Ring Towers’ Wizards and River Shore City’s Wizards had already returned. White River Valley didn’t have their own force of Wizards.

Many people couldn’t understand this matter.

But Marvin had stressed time and time again not to recruit Wizards, so they could only carry out his orders.

The current situation was far from ideal.

Although Wayne and Daniela were outstanding and had exceeded the standard of ordinary people, they were still at an absolute disadvantage against such numbers. It would be very difficult to break out of the encirclement.

And the number of Wizards that the invaders had was definitely not only limited to this.

Sure enough, when Pirate King Pietrus saw that the battle was unlikely to end in a short time, he impatiently made someone raise a flag.

Rays of light once against burst out as flying carpets flew up.

At least ten more Wizards were dispatched to surround Wayne and Daniela!

“No good, they are in danger!”

Roberts was filled with worry. “We have neither ballistas nor Wizards, and even the archers are few in number. How can we keep the city?!”

Although they didn’t want to acknowledge Roberts’ analysis, the others were forced to admit that he was correct!

Sword Harbor had been built quite recently, so how could they have the time to prepare those things?

Who would have expected that the Alliance would suddenly come to suppress them?

This simply was a disaster!

“Young Master Wayne, hurry back!” Anna shouted in worry.

But at that time, the sound of a world-shaking explosion came from the seafloor!

The waters didn’t shake at all after the sound. Instead, it began to freeze at a visible speed!

The waters around Sword Harbor turned into a field of ice!

At least the surface was like that.

The cold air could be felt on one’s face. Everyone was looking at the Alchemist in shock.

The latter gloated complacently, “Now they can’t take advantage of the high tide to come over. The sea has already been frozen!”

“Moreover, this layer of ice isn’t very deep, so if they try to go on foot… Haha, I can shatter it anytime, leaving their corpses to rest on the seafloor!”

The defenders looked at the delicate tool in his hand and they were startled, yet delighted.

At such a crucial time, they hadn’t expected that unreliable Alchemist to finally play such a big role!

The tide had been rising, but who would have expected the Alchemist to manage to stop it with a magical trick.

Cheers appeared on the city wall.

The two people bitterly fighting in the sky saw this scene and relaxed. They immediately used escaping skills and took advantage of the fact that the second batch of Wizards had not completely surrounded them yet to hurriedly withdraw to the city wall.

Wayne and Daniela were pale.

Especially Daniela. Although she had activated Ice Angel Shape, fighting 1 versus 6 was extremely strenuous.

Also, even though the Alchemist had frozen the sea, it would only postpone the fight for some time.

The next attack would come sooner or later.

“Don’t relax!”

“Remain prepared for battle!” Anna shouted sternly.

On the sea, Pietrus squinted while having an expression of amazement.

He didn’t know which spells could freeze such a large area of water into ice, but it would have to be at least a Legendary Spell.

Even though Daniela was a peak 4th rank Ice Angel and was innately gifted in Ice magic, she still couldn’t do this.

Because she wasn’t a Legend.

This was a limitation from the Laws.

‘Could White River Valley still be hiding a Legend Wizard?’

He felt a bit hesitant.

A Legend Wizard was very likely to have a huge impact on the battle.

But he thought it through carefully. Usually, Legend Wizards were registered with the Alliance, and it was unlikely for a Legend to come out of White River Valley unnoticed.

Moreover, the report came back from the Wizards that the ice didn’t seem to have been frozen by magic.

And as a subordinate of Dark Phoenix, even if Pietrus had a fighting class, he also had very sharp perception.

He immediately raised his huge hand and sneered, “Summon Logenath!”

On the pirate ship, six sturdy pirates strenuously brought a huge bugle horn.

The Pirate King personally blew on the horn!

A huge whirlpool appeared in the depths of the sea!

A single horn stretched forward from the seabed, and those six Sea Dragons couldn’t help but withdraw!

The horn seemed far yet close, as a roar seemed to come from the distance.

A frightening Sea Monster gradually emerged on the surface. His head was full of roots, and his body was plump, round like a meatball.

There was only one horn on his head, and it was exceptionally sharp!

“The Sea Monster of Emerald Sea, Logenath!”

“Why would he answer the Pirate King’s summons?”

Roberts was knowledgeable and quickly noticed Logenath’s body.

They paled.

This Legendary Sea Monster was listening to Dark Phoenix’s order to help Pietrus rule the sea.

His horn could pierce volcanoes at the seabed, let alone this small layer of ice!

“Break the ice for me!” shouted the Pirate King.

As Logenath advanced, a crack appeared at the edge of the layer of ice.

Although the Sea Monster’s body wasn’t particularly huge, he could still crush that layer of ice!

White River Valley’s side was extremely anxious.

In that situation, they looked back at that Alchemist once again with some hope.

The latter clenched his teeth and fished out two things from his pockets.

Shortly after, he stared at them with disappointment. “Hmmm… These are useless items. I can only open three of these pockets a day…”

Everyone froze, not understanding the meaning of his sentence.

At that time, a shadow suddenly appeared on the sheet of ice!

T/N: Next chapter is a bit over double this one. Coming a bit later than usual.

Chapter 403: Arrogant Marvin

p>That shadow showed up so suddenly that no matter how good anyone’s perception was, nobody had foreseen its appearance.

But in a short time, it attracted everyone’s attention!

After all, the lighthouse shone on the boundless layer of ice, which made it very conspicuous for a quickly-moving shadow to suddenly appear there.


Wayne immediately pointed out the shadow’s identity as his eyes filled with tears!

These days, he had heard too many rumors, so he could only feel relieved after finally seeing Marvin in person.

The people on Sword Harbor’s city wall were all pleasantly surprised.

They were very familiar with Marvin and could see that this was definitely Marvin’s back.

It seemed that every time his territory was in a critical situation, he would appear just in time.

And his appearance signaled that the crisis would soon be settled.

Everyone thought like this!

‘What is he trying to do on his own!’

Only Daniela was worried. She was different than the others, not having such blind trust in Marvin.

After all, that was the Sea Monster who occupied the Emerald Sea for a millennium, Logenath!

Anna held her breath, closely watching the silhouette that was rushing along the sheet of ice.

This guy really made others worry.

But he finally returned.

Since he returned, everything will be fine, right?

She knew Marvin wouldn’t do something he wasn’t sure of. Since he rushed to the Sea Monster, he was certain to defeat it.

The White Elephant chamber of commerce and the pirates also grew restless when they noticed Marvin.

Apart from Pirate King Pietrus, they didn’t know about Monica’s death.

They were only shocked by Marvin’s appearance.

But when they saw this so-called Hero charging toward Logenath by himself, they relaxed.

The Alliance’s Wizards sneered, “He is courting death! Even a Legend powerhouse wouldn’t dare to fight Logenath in the sea.”

Someone else agreed, “Of course! Otherwise, the Alliance would have already pacified the seas and wouldn’t have let that Pietrus guy move unhindered for so long.”

But as he finished his sentence, the man realized something wrong.

At the will of the Alliance, they had allied with Pirate King Pietrus and the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce’s private army.

But whatever the case, Marvin’s return was outside his expectations.

Pietrus frowned, staring at the shadow on the ice.

‘This is the guy you are afraid of?’

‘His strength is good… A pity his brain isn’t.’

The Pirate King sneered and secretly gave out an order, making Sea Monster Logenath change his target.

Give up on the ice layer, go all out on Marvin!


The voice of the Sea Monster came from the sea.

But suddenly, that shadow rushing across the ice stopped.

Marvin casually tore apart a scroll to amplify sounds and spoke out:

“Those ships over there, listen to this Lord!”

“You already entered White River Valley’s private waters. This is part of my territory. You have five minutes to leave these waters.”

“Otherwise you’ll receive an unimaginable punishment.”

These words created a commotion.

Whether it was the Pirate King’s group or White River Valley’s people, they all felt their heartbeats quicken.

Those from White River Valley were looking at each other in dismay. Fidel couldn’t help but say, “Since when did he have such thick skin?”

The others coughed. Even if they didn’t say anything, they felt the same.

With the army pressuring the territory, the Overlord had returned and wasn’t clear about the situation yet…

And he actually threatened the enemies?

Even if he said something good in this kind of situation, the other side would still not let him off. Wouldn’t such a weird declaration only infuriate the enemy even more?

Just as expected…

A chaotic array of scolding echoed from the other side.

The composition of the forces making up the Alliance’s forces on the sea was even more complex.

It consisted of the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce’s private ships, the South Wizard Alliance’s direct subordinates along with some recruited adventurers, and the Pirate King’s troops.

They were all working for Dark Phoenix and jointly aimed at White River Valley.

They originally wanted to use their power to grab White River Valley while Monica advanced from the other side, but they didn’t expect the issues.

First, they were obstructed by a layer of ice and had to call on Logenath, and now the supposedly “dead” Overlord of the territory had appeared.

Every time that guy appeared in public, he would create a world-shaking event.

Thus, many experts had been cautious and alarmed when he appeared.

But who would have thought that this guy would make such a brainless provocation!

This actually made them more confident.

To think the rumored Marvin only amounted to this much.

The chaotic scolding gradually calmed down, and eventually, the Chamber of Commerce’s owner personally made an appearance.

After all, this was a punitive war using the matter of Marvin stealing the Southie as the justification. Having the owner appear personally couldn’t be better.

“Mister Marvin, I’m afraid you misunderstand something.”

“The Alliance already took back the title they conferred you. This territory and its waters are owned by the South Wizard Alliance. We are under the orders of the Alliance to reclaim this territory for the Alliance.”

“This is no longer your private territory. If you are still clear-headed and surrender early, maybe it won’t affect the people close to you.”

The owner continued pensively, “As for you, you have already committed the following crimes: Stealing a legitimate vessel of the Alliance, murdering a noble of the Alliance, ignoring the Alliance higher-up’s rule, colluding with Devils… These charges together are more than enough. Accept the Alliance’s punishment.”

Marvin stood on the ice and sneered, “The Alliance wants to act against me, so why the need to make those false charges?”

“In any case, I already warned you. Whoever takes a step forward will die!”

Everyone in White River Valley’s side was stunned.

Marvin’s words filled them with disbelief.

This wasn’t just resisting the Alliance, it was simply asking for trouble!

He really planned to go against the South Wizard Alliance?

Worry flashed through their eyes.

And the people on the ship were extremely angry!


Really too arrogant!

He was a madman!

Who did that guy think he was? Even Legends didn’t dare to say such things!

A man standing alone on the frozen sea while facing so many ships dared to provoke them?

Many of those on the ships couldn’t help but want to ruthlessly rush out to beat up that overly arrogant kid.

But the Pirate King’s Sea Monster was ahead so they didn’t dare approach, out of fear that they might accidentally get injured by Logenath.

Everyone was waiting for the Pirate King’s reaction.

Pietrus squinted, exposing a cold smile. ‘Interesting, no wonder he was fearless and rose so suddenly. He became a Legend, and moreover, it seems to be an outstanding Legend class.’

‘But since time immemorial, no one was able to prevail over such an army alone. Even Legend Wizards would be unable to.’

‘War isn’t something you can fight off on your own. Little guy, are you still a bit too naive.’

The next second, the Sea Monster under the ice roared and rushed out!

The frightening sea waves broke into thousands of layers of waves as the Sea Monster crushed the ice. Countless tentacles stretched from his meatball body.

At the back of the tentacles were countless squirming dark holes, with some gloomy green liquid being secreted from inside!

Some dark holes had some bones that were still being digested!

Everyone seeing this scene froze.

All the people looking at this frightening Sea Monster shivered. This kind of lifeform shouldn’t exist in this world! It would only create destruction!

The people on White River Valley’s side held their breaths.

Marvin stood in front of the huge Sea Monster and quietly spread his hand.

He whispered an incantation while still looking complacent.

‘I wanted you to appear!’

If the Sea Monster attacked from the seabed, it would be very troublesome. But Marvin’s previous display infuriated Pietrus, so the latter wanted Logenath to kill Marvin. And the result was just as Marvin planned!

The next moment, dark purple gates opened in the sky!

A Dragon’s roar came out!

Everyone paled.

A Black Dragon!

Black Dragon Izaka roared and dove down, capturing Logenath with his claws just as the Sea Monster rose out of the water, reaching for Marvin with his tentacles!

“Aooow!” the Sea Monster bellowed painfully!

The Black Dragon vigorously flapped his wings!

This Sea Monster was frighteningly heavy, but Black Dragons were the strongest creatures in the world when it came to physical bodies. He took advantage of the creature being off guard to carry it up!

Pietrus was shocked, but before he could react, the Black Dragon soared over and threw the Sea Monster toward the wilderness south of Sword Harbor!

The frightening Sea Monster took a tumble on the ground. The Black Dragon felt drained and landed on a hill to the side to rest while coldly watching for any abnormal movements from the Sea Monster.

To be honest, he actually wasn’t Logenath’s match at sea.

If not for Marvin using a perfectly timed [Eternal Night Banish] to seal him in his own space before releasing the Black Dragon, Izaka simply wouldn’t have been able to threaten it!

But this scene still brought a lot of shock to everyone present!

Marvin actually had a Black Dragon working for him!

The Sea Monster that the Pirate King was relying on to move unhindered on the seas was thrown ashore by the Black Dragon. This clearly wouldn’t be an issue of just fighting strength, but a question of life and death!

If in the sea Logenath was the supreme ruler, once on land, even a pitiful angel wouldn’t be worse than him!

A Black Dragon was plenty enough to keep an eye on him.

Marvin was still standing on the shattered ice. When that Sea Monster appeared, he not only loosened the seal on Izaka, but also entered the Shadow Plane.

This let him dodge the Sea Monster’s filth sputtering about.

At that time, Marvin returned to normal.

The previous provocative attitude was only to remove the hidden threat of the Sea Monster. Looking brainless really worked quite well.

But in any case, Marvin wasn’t worried!

Before the Gods’ descent, although he couldn’t be considered unrivalled, he would at least be able to fight anyone, and if he couldn’t defeat the opponent, he could still run. If even that didn’t work out, he could still call on others for help!

Thinking of this, his signature smile appeared on his face. “Well, everyone’s time is very valuable.”

“If you want to attack Sword Harbor, then attack. I am standing right here, and my words still count.”

“Whoever takes a step forward will die. That ugly Sea Monster is a perfect example.”

As he talked, he slowly began to release his power.

At this time, he was no longer holding back.

The powerful aura of the Ruler of the Night spread out, along with the aura of the Night Monarch’s Soul. It made everyone shudder.

It seemed that in that split second, even the moon and the stars darkened!

The Sea turned completely dark while the lighthouse’s light focused on Marvin’s body. He looked indomitable with Weeping Sky on his back and two daggers within reach.

Not far away, the Black Dragon’s roar and the Sea Monster’s shriek could be heard.

Someone with a bullying nature like Izaka naturally wouldn’t pass up the chance to trample this powerful Sea Monster.

After recuperating, he even intended to take that Sea Monster’s life.

The Sea Monster’s shrieks made everyone shiver.

Dragon Might was still in effect and many people even wanted to flee.

Pietrus was startled and furious.

He didn’t think that any creature could contend against his Sea Monster in the sea!

How could Marvin have the help of a Black Dragon?

Dark Phoenix hadn’t told him anything about that.

He felt anxious but couldn’t think of any plan.

The Pirate King was very paranoid. Marvin was standing there, seemingly by himself, but who knew what else that guy had in stock?

Was he luring him over? Like he handled the Sea Monster?

He was hesitating.

The six Sea Dragons growled, feeling quite uncomfortable under the Black Dragon’s Dragon Might.

As the Pirate King was wavering, the Wizards were also calculating the chances of success and failure.

The original plan to take advantage of the high tide to attack had already been canceled, and now, even the Pirate King’s Sea Monster was suffering. Even if the entire Wizard Regiment attacked, who knew what that Marvin had to use against them?

That Legend aura Marvin just revealed made them very afraid.

What Wizards were most afraid of were Legend rogues.

Because Monica left for the west, the strongest among them were 4th rank Half-Legends.

Killing a Half-Legend Wizard as a Ruler of the Night was as easy as killing a chicken. They didn’t dare to rush in.

The only group that wasn’t intimidated by Marvin’s Legend aura was the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce.

The old man watched Marvin impassively as he softly whispered to a woman with a wild aura wearing very revealing clothes. “You kill him.”

That woman licked her scarlet lips and nodded.

Her eyes were filled with the thirst for slaughter!


As the others watched respectfully, she disappeared from the deck.

On the ice sheet, Marvin clearly noticed what happened on that ship.

This was a benefit of being a Night Walker.

‘Legend Killer Amazon?’

Marvin narrowed his eyes. ‘Interesting.’

Chapter 404: Duel or Group Battle?

p>Killer Amazon… this was a relatively rare class.

Generally, Amazons would choose the Fighter class.

Because this race was very brutal, bloodthirsty and warlike.

Their bloodline had the Berserk trait and was rumored to be connected to the Abyss.

And Killers need to be calm and composed. Strictly speaking, this race and the Killer class didn’t match at all.

But Marvin didn’t lower his guard.

To be able to advance to Legend with such an unsuitable class, she was definitely quite outstanding.

He closed his eyes and used the [Earth Perception] that he had been taught.

This skill was very practical. And even though it was called Earth Perception, it actually targeted the entire space around him, including layered spaces.

After advancing to Ruler of the Night, this skill was strengthened greatly. Marvin was able to sense the sky, the ice layer, and even any changes in the sea.

Everyone was watching how the confrontation on the ice sheet would play out.

Marvin’s strength was beyond anyone’s expectations. If this Killer Amazon couldn’t deal with Marvin, anyone would have to think twice before coming to look for trouble here.

Was White River Valley a gold mine? Or was it an odorless poison?

The Pirate King’s gaze was extremely deep. Marvin’s performance made him even more worried.

He wasn’t foolish enough to think that Marvin would just close his eyes and wait for his death.

This was clearly a signature Monk ability, Earth Perception.

Facing an assassin-like class, Monks would often use this ability to counter them.

Sometimes, counterattacking was better than getting the first strike.

But Marvin had a rogue class!

How could he have this skill?

Moreover, he seemed to be very confident in his mastery of this skill. His opponent was a Legend after all!

Pietrus still wasn’t showing much on his face, but the killing intent in his heart had been surging up violently.

He’d already decided that if the Killer Amazon made a mistake, he would take advantage of the situation to catch Marvin off guard with a sneak attack.

He had to kill that Marvin regardless of the cost!

Dark Phoenix was right. That guy couldn’t be seen through.

On the cold sheet of ice, Marvin suddenly opened his eyes…

‘She’s coming!’

The Killer Amazon didn’t hide herself at all!

She was just bluntly attacking!


A crimson light flashed above the dark sea. She looked like a hunting leopard with her shocking burst power.

In a blink, the light streaked toward Marvin.

She was holding blades in both hands, brutishly slashing toward Marvin. Her mouth also slightly open…

‘[Arrow Spit]?’ Marvin shivered.

He immediately dodged and entered the Shadow Plane!

The blades and a small, green arrow flashed past Marvin!

If not for Marvin realizing that the other side’s blades were only diversions to distract from the Arrow Spit, he would have suffered a great loss.

That arrow was definitely dipped in poison.

Based on Marvin’s experience, it was highly likely to be a powerful paralysis poison.

After all, lethally poisoning someone of the Legend Realm was almost impossible.

Assassins were fond of keeping their targets bleeding, or causing trouble to their enemies via paralysis or petrifaction.

Marvin instantly counterattacked!

He let a foot out of the Shadow Plane as if stepping out. The Killer Amazon roared and turned to slash at him!

But Marvin sneered and pulled back his foot.

He had already noticed that this woman was fighting on instinct!

The Amazons’ slaughtering instincts were indeed very strong. They were the most gifted of all races when it came to such instincts.

But fighting on instinct wasn’t enough.

Especially in front of an expert like Marvin!

His foot seemed to have revealed his position, but it made the Amazon overaggressive!

She unhesitantly rushed into the Shadow Plane!

This was inevitable.

As a Killer that had reached the Legend realm, she definitely had the ability to cross through the Shadow Plane, but she couldn’t remain there as long as a Ruler of the Night could.

Marvin was free to roam the Shadow Plane, while the Assassin class had a time limitation.

The Killer’s silhouette suddenly disappeared from the ice layer.

Both sides watching the battle were breathing nervously.

Especially White River Valley’s side. Although it was true that Marvin advancing to Legend was worth celebrating, he was a new Legend.

Meanwhile, the enemy clearly had advanced to Legend a long time ago. If Marvin had a mishap, it would be devastating to White River Valley!

Daniela took a deep breath and opened the Demon’s Eye of the Ice Angel Shape, trying to see what was happening in the Shadow Plane.

But next second, a foot stepped out of the Shadow Plane!

Everyone squinted as they looked!

That was Marvin’s leg!

There seemed to be some blood on it.

But just as White River Valley’s people started to lament, Marvin completely exited the Shadow Plane.

He was carrying a head dripping with blood!

It was shockingly that Killer Amazon!

It created an uproar.

The people on the sea were even noisier!

The White Elephant Chamber of Commerce’s owner opened his eyes wide, looking down at the ice sheet in disbelief.

That Killer Amazon was the strongest expert of the Chamber of Commerce!

The White Elephant Chamber of Commerce’s power in the South was deep-rooted, and many shameful matters had been handled by that Killer Amazon.

She had always taken care of everything properly. She didn’t even suffer a loss when facing a Legend Wizard!

Who could have imagined that she would die in such a baffling manner when facing a kid that was a newly advanced Legend!

The people on the ships with good eyesight could see that the head’s eyes were wide open with an expression of extreme surprise.

What the hell happened in those few seconds in the Shadow Plane?

No one knew.

Cheers came from Sword Harbor.

Anna, Andre, and the others were practically crying tears of joy.

This time, Marvin returned even more powerful!

He was standing alone on the ice layer, looking at a ship in the fleet.

The Killer Amazon’s head in his hand kept dripping blood. Her corpse was left in the Shadow Plane and would most likely become food for a Shadow Beast.

Marvin casually tossed the Killer Amazon’s head on the ice while looking at the distant Chamber of Commerce. “Truly unlucky. You’ve lost another follower of the Chamber of Commerce.”

“What are you going to do next? Look for another excuse? Duels or group battle? How many Legends do you have left?” Marvin ridiculed while looking at them.

He was standing alone but still managed to intimidate most of his enemies with an evil smile!

The Legend Killer’s death was too unfathomable.

Everyone was shivering.

They weren’t Dark Phoenix’s suicide squad. They had attacked White River Valley for the chance to earn some profits.

But now Marvin appeared, having become a Legend rogue.

This kind of expert was very difficult to kill. Even if they managed to capture White River Valley and force Marvin to escape today, these powers wouldn’t have an easy time in the future!

Some already had the intention to retreat.

But at that time, all the pirate ships began to move!

Rushing at the forefront was the Pirate King’s ship, the fearsome [Destroyer]!

“Full speed ahead, raise the ice-breaker!” Pietrus coldly ordered.

In an instant, a great amount of seawater bubbled at the front of the Destroyer as a sinister Dragon’s head appeared!

The Dragon’s head knocked against the ice sheet and crushed the ice ahead of it into pieces!


A roar came from the Pirate King’s ship as a frightening flame came out of the Dragon’s head.

The wild blaze cleared out an entire area! Even Marvin, still standing on the ice, was swallowed by the roaring flames!

All the pirates were following closely behind the Destroyer as they rushed in!

The Wizards were still hesitating.

But at that time, a voice suddenly echoed in the mind of the Wizard Regiment’s leader. “Fully cooperate with the Pirate King to kill Marvin and seize Sword Harbor.”

“Lady Dark Phoenix!”

The 4th rank Wizard muttered this name bitterly. That person was the highest ranked Legend Wizard in the Alliance. He could only obey.

“Wizard Regiment, all-out attack!”

He passed down the order!

Copious rays of light rose as more than a hundred 3rd rank Wizards flew on their flying carpets into the night sky. The Wizard Regiment’s power was quite terrifying, covering the sky like a flock of fierce birds.

And the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce was even less hesitant. The old man didn’t even think of retreating as he ordered his subordinates to follow the Pirate King to attack Sword Harbor!

Although there was no tide, they still had magic.

Such a forceful attack might come with a huge price, but since things had reached this stage, they already had no way out!


The Pirate King, standing on the Destroyer, was at the forefront. His gaze was like a fiery torch, searching for Marvin’s silhouette.

But that insufferably arrogant brat seemed to have disappeared.

He continued crushing the layer of ice into pieces!

They soon approached Sword Harbor, close enough that he could even see the worried expressions on the faces of the people defending the city wall!

‘Still hiding? Was everything before a bluff?’

Pietrus glowered sinisterly as he loudly roared, “Forward!”

The Destroyer was advancing at full power!

It was furiously breaking through the ice and plowing ahead!

But suddenly, purple gates appeared in the sky!

At that time, all those who followed the Pirate King seemed to have a sinking feeling.

They had previously seen those gates… they were the same as the one used by Marvin to summon the Black Dragon!

They had an ominous premonition.

Just as expected, the previously out of sight Marvin had now appeared beside the gates.

He was looking at the ships below him as he sneered, “Group battle? It’s what I’m most fond of.”

A huge piece of metal fell down from the gates and smashed thunderously into the Pirate King’s ship!


The Destroyer was sinking!

Chapter 405: One Man Army!

p>To the shock of all the pirates, that huge piece of metal sank the Destroyer and then was left floating on the sea!

A faint blue light appeared on the surface of the Mechanical Titan’s body. In the cockpit, the Gnome brothers kept cheering. This was something they had held back for a long time. Ancient Gnomes originally greatly enjoyed demolishing things.

And Marvin’s Eternal Night Banish hadn’t only been sealing a Black Dragon!

The Mechanical Titan sank the Pirate King’s most powerful battleship just by using its own weight. The Fighters and the Pirate King himself didn’t know what to do when facing this!

What was more frightening was that the Mechanical Titan was also equipped for naval battles.

Under the operation of the Gnome Brothers, that piece of metal shone with the might of the Ancient Gnome Empire of olden days. It transformed into an eight-clawed spider. Each claw had a floating enchantment on it! This was how the Mechanical Titan could move on water.

Although this transformation used energy, it was also amazingly effective!

In the water, among the broken pieces of ice, the Mechanical Titan began to crazily tear apart the pirate ships!

The pirates first panicked for a while before mustering the presence of mind to counterattack.

A rumbling noise echoed.

The pirate ships moved their prows one after the other, aiming at that strange piece of metal!

The Wizards in the sky also noticed this scene.

They were aghast as they watched the Mechanical Titan’s wanton destruction.

Some of the more knowledgeable Wizards even recognized this thing’s origins!


“This is a product from the peak of Ancient Alchemy. How could White River Valley have this?”

“It definitely was something Marvin did in the dark. Yes, a Mechanical Titan was said to have appeared a few days ago in Saruha in the west, and it slaughtered a few Black Dragons… Wait, Black Dragons… Could that matter also be related to Marvin?”

The Wizards on their flying carpets were even more frightened.

They were considered this era’s most informed people. Although Rocky Mountain was far from the city, they still knew of the war between the Fate Sorceresses and the Black Dragons. They also knew that a guy named Robin piloted the Mechanical Titan to slaughter many Black Dragons.

And Marvin seemed to have been out of his territory at that time.

This clue connected Marvin and Robin. From their information, this guy was an Overlord who liked to run all over the place while using aliases.

If he was Robin, then everything would be logical.

“No wonder he is so powerful.”

“Yes, if Dragon Slayer Robin is Marvin, then it makes sense for the Black Dragon to swear allegiance to him.”

“We can’t win this battle! Marvin has a Mechanical Titan and is strong enough to instantly defeat a Killer Amazon. We need the help of a Legend Wizard!”

The Wizard Regiment became restless.

But the leader of the Wizard Regiment rebuked in a heavy voice, “Don’t speak nonsense!”

“Go all-out! Break through the Mechanical Titan first! This is the Wizard Era, not an era of Ancient Gnomes!”

“This is Lady Dark Phoenix’s order. We can’t disobey. We have to carry out the order perfectly!”

Dark Phoenix’s name made everyone go silent.

Although they were unwilling, the Wizards on their flying carpets began casting spells.

Arcane energy gathered in the air as they chanted their incantations. These Wizards were the combat elites of the South Wizard Alliance. Battle Casting, Mobile Casting, Air Casting, they all had these powerful specialties.

It would be very difficult to find another power in this world that had so many elite Wizards.

But it was a pity… They met Marvin, they met the Mechanical Titan!

The Mechanical Titan was made of K metal so it wasn’t worried about spells!

The frightening arcane energy released by the hundred Wizards didn’t even create a spark on the Mechanical Titan’s surface!

Their spells seemed even less effective than the pirates’ artillery!

But this group of people making a move did create some troubles for the Mechanical Titan.

Despite being unable to damage the Mechanical Titan, the spells and the artillery still shook the two brothers in the cockpit.

They wanted to use all their firepower to completely annihilate the enemies.

But Marvin didn’t allow them to do that. First, they had to conserve energy.

Second, they needed to cooperate with Marvin’s plan!

The first step was for the Mechanical Titan to attract attention and draw the enemy fire onto itself.

The second step was coming soon!

The Gnome brothers were floating on the water, occasionally destroying a ship and leaving many pirates and sailors screeching in the water!

Causing troubles like this was quite fun.

The two gnomes cheered.

Everyone’s attention was focused on the Mechanical Titan.

At this time, they even forgot to pay attention to Marvin, who was in the sky above them.


Marvin had started activating another skill after closing the gates of Eternal Night Banish when he saw that everyone was distracted!

This skill’s preparation time was relatively long, so he needed the Gnomes to cover for him.

Marvin’s preparations for the skill took about two minutes.

Six huge Teleportation Gates appeared over the sea!

When the arcane energy surrounding the gates began to leak, the Wizards discovered in agitation that something was wrong!

“What’s this!?”

“Is he not even giving us a chance to fight? Is he a Legend rogue or a Wizard?”

“Quickly interrupt his summoning skill!” bellowed the Wizard Regiment’s leader.

But it was too late.

A huge head came out of each Teleportation Gate.

When six Shadow Dragons appeared in the sky, they all paled in fright.

More Dragons!

Although they weren’t lifeforms on the same level as Black Dragons, these 20th level Shadow Dragons were still very frightening!

“Split into six groups!”

At that critical time, the leader of the Wizards was still facing the danger fearlessly. “We still have a chance!”

“It’s only six of them! We have enough manpower to completely annihilate these six Shadow Dragons!”

Their minds’ cleared up as they realized that their leader was right. Even if six Shadow Dragons would be very difficult to deal with, with a Wizard Regiment of a hundred 3rd rank and 4th rank Wizards, they still had a chance.

But just as they steeled themselves to fight the enemy, something happened that left them disheartened yet again.

Above the sea, the same six Teleportation Gates reappeared!

Six more Shadow Dragons rushed out from within!

The Wizards nearly collapsed!

The pirates were even more shocked.

Marvin smiled faintly. He had planned to use some other cards, but he didn’t expect lady luck to trigger his [Double Efficiency]. He would get to hide his hand a while longer.

Twelve Shadow Dragons were hovering above the sea!

The Wizard Leader’s face became green!

Alone? This clearly was a Legion!

Before they could react, terrifying silhouettes jumped from the city wall!

From Zero to Eleven, a total of twelve Dark Knights jumped on the Shadow Dragons’ backs!

They were holding greatswords as they rode the Shadow Dragons to fly above the sea!

In an instant, the morale of the allied maritime forces collapsed completely!

The war’s outcome had been decided.

Because Marvin was a one man army!

Chapter 406: Shaking the South!

p>The roars of the Shadow Dragons spread over Sword Harbor!

The sound waves themselves carried fearsome power.

The sailors on the pirate ships tried to shoot arrows at the Dark Knights on the Dragons, but those arrows were too weak to harm the armored knights. As for the Shadow Dragons, they were in a semi-ethereal state, so they simply disregarded physical injuries!


A Shadow Dragon dove down and broke a pirate ship’s mainmast!

Shouts of alarm could be heard from the ship as it shook.

A Dark Knight suddenly jumped down and landed on the port side of the ship!

After undergoing the Night Monarch’s transformation, the Dark Knight was very heavy. The momentum from his landing destroyed the ship’s balance!


The pirate ship flipped over toward the left!

The Shadow Dragon then swept down and caught the Dark Knight once again.

Similar scenes happened all across the battlefield.

As for the Wizard Regiment, they had already decided to retreat when they saw the twelve Shadow Dragons!

The Wizards had a certain degree of autonomy in the Alliance.

Lady Dark Phoenix’s orders were very authoritative, but facing such a situation, they wouldn’t just throw their lives away for nothing.

The flying carpets illuminated the darkness as they flew!

All of them started retreating, fleeing for their lives!

Marvin watched this coldly but gave the order not to chase down the Wizards.

He deliberately let them run.

In any case, these people would soon experience a frightening disaster.

Although they were at a severe disadvantage in the fight, they still had frightening powers.

If these Wizards had no way to survive, they would likely go all-out and risk their lives, perhaps trying to take down some defenders with them. Marvin wanted to reduce the risk of that happening.

It wouldn’t be a worthwhile trade, and Marvin wasn’t one to easily take losses.

But although he let those Wizards go, the pirates and the While Elephant Chamber of Commerce’s private army wouldn’t be let off that easily!

After some Shadow Dragons destroyed a few ships, the allied maritime forces were already completely routed.

The remaining ships began to flee.

At this point, Marvin gave an order to stop destroying the ships.

The Shadow Dragons had only been causing widespread destruction to ravage the morale of the enemies.

In Marvin’s eyes, these ships were very valuable resources, so he ordered the Shadow Dragons to carry the powerhouses of Sword Harbor onto the ships. The first ones to get on the ships were naturally the Dark Knights, followed by trained adventurers and guards.

The melee finally broke out on the ships.

The morale of the invaders was pretty much non-existent by now. They only thought of escaping with their lives, so how could they keep fighting?

As for White River Valley’s end, peak 4th rank killing machines that were resistant to magic were leading everyone to massacre the enemies. This was a one-sided situation.

Marvin was very satisfied with how the attack had gone.

Daniela and Wayne also got on the move. They realized Marvin’s intentions and used precisely targeted spells to fight while leaving the ships intact.

In the chaotic battle, Marvin’s movements were like the wind. He killed the second-in-command of a pirate ship before ending the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce’s owner and a few other experts.

As the enemies lost all their leaders, some even began to jump overboard to flee!

Others just surrendered.

Marvin didn’t eradicate them, as he was content to capture the ships with less fighting.

His eyes scanned across the sea nearby.

Just as Monica was the most important figure in the western army, Pirate King Pietrus was the corresponding one for the allied maritime forces.

Marvin didn’t believe that the powerful Pirate King was crushed to death by the Mechanical Titan.

He was definitely still hiding in the vicinity, or perhaps making his preparations to flee.

‘Pirate King Pietrus is a male Doppelganger that Dark Phoenix got rid of. Although he was an abandoned personality of Dark Phoenix, he knows a lot about her past.’

‘If I can capture and torture him to get information about Dark Phoenix, the next battle will be a lot easier.’

Marvin jumped into the water and the sounds of fighting were suddenly cut off.

At that time, he didn’t dare to activate Earth Perception.

Because of the excessively chaotic battlefield, if he used it, all kinds of sounds and scenes would appear in his mind, which would be a great burden.

No one would be so foolish.

Pirate King Pietrus was a very mysterious figure. In the game, besides that startling event where Dark Phoenix revealed her identity, he almost never personally acted. Marvin only knew that he was proficient at fighting and maneuvering in the water. Moreover, he appeared to have some sort of Shapeshifting skill. He could turn into a seal.

Marvin held the Sea Emperor’s Crown and carefully paid attention to any movements in the sea.

The sea was very peaceful, totally unlike the aura of death on the surface.

Because they had all been frightened by the formidable arcane energy, the small creatures inhabiting those waters had all fled, so all he detected were those aquatic plants and the seaweed.

Marvin’s heart sank. The Pirate King had very effective hiding abilities, and he might also have a powerful Legend class…

It could be [Soul of the Roaring Seas], or maybe [Ice Hand]. If it was one of these two classes, he might have already escaped. If that was the case, Marvin might not be able to catch up, even with the Sea Emperor’s Crown.

He looked at the seafloor for a moment and regretfully didn’t find Pietrus’ tracks.

When Marvin surfaced, the fight had already ended.

After the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce’s owner died, and after Marvin’s forces killed many of the loyal followers, the remnants surrendered.

A total of eight ships were completely intact.

The pirate group surrendered even faster. These types of people were often said to have no loyalty, and once they realized that the Pirate King had disappeared, they just gave up.

Because Daniela promised on behalf of Marvin: As long as they surrendered, their lives would be spared.

If any were unyielding, they would just be beheaded by a powerful Dark Knight.

After all, the South Wizard Alliance’s Elite Wizards that had been the core of the allied forces had been scared away by the Shadow Dragons before the battle even began.

Unfortunately for them, they hadn’t known that the group of Shadow Dragons would only exist for fifteen minutes.

Shortly after the fighting ended, the Shadow Dragons disappeared and all the captives were taken away to Sword Harbor’s dungeon.

While building Sword Harbor, Daniela had made it similar to Lavis Kingdom’s capital city. And that group of northern Sorcerers had no greater hobby than making dungeons, perhaps to make it more convenient to mistreat the convicts.

In short, more than five hundred captives were locked in Sword Harbor’s dungeon.

As for the leaders, most of them had died in the battle.

The surface of the sea was peaceful once again. The shattered ice sheet was melting gradually. The moon and stars were visible, and the crisis had finally ended.

But Marvin still had a lot of things to do.

It was quite regrettable that they didn’t manage to capture the Pirate King, but in this battle, Marvin fully felt the power of the Ruler of the Night class.

He’d barely acted in the battle, only killing the Killer Amazon, and it wasn’t even a challenge.

Marvin was way too familiar with the Shadow Plane, and his experience from the game was perfectly put to use in real life.

He had pretended to expose a weakness to lure the Killer Amazon, but it was an ambush.

Then, Desperation displayed its amazing effects.

The Shadow Plane wasn’t the Prime Material Plane after all. This plane had different laws and many skills couldn’t be used there.

But Desperation was a Blade Technique Style, so it broke through that restriction and could be used in any plane.

This was the strength of the Martial Path.

Even though the Killer Amazon could also enter the Shadow Plane, that was only a class skill that she used to get inside.

Her understanding of this world was far from equal to Marvin’s. For the latter, the Shadow Plane was like a home. His Domain was [Shadow]!

In that short time, Marvin actually only did two things.

He found a vortex in the Shadow Plane and relaxed his body as he was absorbed within.

Most of the vortexes in the Shadow Plane would be harmful to the body if approached, but this kind of problem was nothing to Marvin, the Ruler of the Night.

But it was fatal for the Killer Amazon.

She rushed into the Shadow Plane after Marvin, but discovered in shock that she had lost his trail!

Taking advantage of this moment, Marvin used Shadow Escape out of the vortex with his Azure Leaf aimed at the Killer Amazon’s nape!

The latter had very good instincts, managing to block two of Marvin’s vicious attacks!

But faced with the pair of [Azure Leaf]s and Desperation Style, her weapons were shattered.

Marvin closed in on her with his Godly Dexterity for the final blow.

The Killer Amazon wanted to escape the Shadow Plane, but it was already too late. She was beheaded by Marvin’s dagger.

This time, the importance of equipment was highlighted.

The Legendary Daggers gifted by the Great Elven King could withstand any weapons, even other Legendary Weapons, except for perhaps an Artifact.

The daggers that the Killer Amazon was using were peak Magic Weapons, but they still ended up exploding under Marvin’s attacks.

Besides taking care of her, he didn’t do much else.

Black Dragon, Mechanical Titan, Shadow Dragons, Dark Knights, one powerful card after another was thrown out and wiped out the morale of the allied maritime forces.

The moment the Wizard Regiment started fleeing, the battle was already over.

This war had ended, and besides the deaths of some adventurers and two guards during the last assault, they had almost no losses.

The Dark Knights were extremely fierce. These slaughtering machines were incredible combatants, especially in a chaotic melee, where they would have the greatest results.

And the Dragons themselves were summons.

The only part of the fight that left Marvin a bit dissatisfied was that the Gnome brothers had played too much and consumed a large amount of the Mechanical Titan’s energy, only leaving 36% remaining!

Purple Fire Crystals weren’t that easy to find!

Using so much for this battle made Marvin’s face turn green from regret. The brothers saw Marvin’s expression and apologized in embarrassment.

They were too excited after finally getting the opportunity to control the Mechanical Titan in real combat for the first time and ended up not paying attention to the energy consumption.

Marvin felt very helpless about this, but he didn’t reprimand them.

The Mechanical Titan was a powerful strategic weapon. As long as it had energy, it would be an incredible deterrent!

Anyone who dared start a war with White River Valley would have to consider whether their army could overcome the Mechanical Titan!

The powerful cavalry and tough infantry still had soft human bodies in the end.

They were weak compared to the metallic construct.

After Marvin returned to White River Valley and resolved the crises happening on both sides, everyone finally settled down.

Because this time, the Overlord made a declaration: He wouldn’t leave the territory for a short time.

Although they didn’t know how long this short time would be, as Marvin’s words weren’t clear about it, everyone still felt more at peace.

Marvin was powerful enough to protect them.

That group of adventurers who joined Marvin early on watched as he gave out some orders and then went to handle the post-war affairs. They couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

Back when they followed Marvin in Night Tide Inn, they never would have imagined that the small kid would someday be this accomplished.

Marvin’s identity as Masked Twin Blades was already known publicly.

And after the Mechanical Titan appeared, his identity as Dragon Slayer Robin was also spreading.

After this war, he would become the most dazzling star of the South!

Those supporting White River Valley firmly believed that Marvin had the potential of a Hero of ancient times. It was enough to establish a completely new country south of the Shrieking Mountain Range, enough to contend against the South Wizard Alliance. And in the dark, some were worried that Marvin’s arrogance would create a true disaster!

After all, this had been an ordinary army. The Alliance had access to far more resources than Marvin imagined.

The troops gathered at that time by the Alliance’s Eastern Headquarters in order to stop the Ancient Red Dragon Ell showed more than enough.

If Marvin really wanted to contend against the Alliance, he might end up facing a regiment of Legend Wizards in the future!

But White River Valley’s people weren’t anxious.

Marvin wasn’t worried about the number of Legends. Not to mention the fact that since advancing, he had already beheaded two Legends and forced one to retreat. Based on his relationships with other powerful Legends, the South Wizard Alliance would have to weigh the matter carefully.

White River Valley wasn’t completely lacking powerful forces. As for ordinary enemies, in front of the Mechanical Titan and Shadow Dragons, they would also be easily sent off!

After the day’s events, the night in Sword Harbor was bound to not be tranquil.

The victory made people celebrate joyously, but Marvin was busy deploying troops to rearrange the military strength of Sword Harbor, White River Valley, the zone south of the White River, and River Shore City.

The Alliance’s counterattack might not happen before the Great Calamity, but there was nothing wrong with making sure they were safe.

These matters were extremely complicated. Even though Daniela and Anna helped him, Marvin still took no less than two days to finalize the post-war arrangements.

White River Valley’s manpower was still very short in supply, but with the Shas, the outside adventurers, and River Shore City’s forces, Marvin could protect the area south of Shrieking Mountain Range.

At that time, the outcome of the battles on both sides of White River Valley spread through the South!

People read about Marvin’s name with shock time and time again!

In a single night, he overturned the situations in two different battlefields, killed two Legends, and forced the Pirate King to run.

These people were left dumbfounded by his frightening accomplishments!

The entire South shook!

Marvin’s name even began to spread across the North’s city-states.

Chapter 407: Smoke Rising

p>Everything that happened outside had nothing to do with Marvin.

Although his Fame kept rising on the interface, he was already too busy to watch these things.

Time was running out.

If his grandfather’s information was accurate, there was only a week left before the Great Calamity would begin.

He had too many things that he needed to do during this week.

Repelling the Alliance wasn’t something to be overly proud of. After all, he had no intention to fight against them.

If the Alliance could take the time to reorganize and regain their morale before making a better attempt, White River Valley would likely be unable to keep resisting.

It was a pity that this Wizard Era was about to end.

Otherwise, Marvin wouldn’t have done something so extreme.

As for the fight with the Alliance, the best thing about it was that there would now be no pressure to repay the large sum that he had borrowed from them.

Well… he had never planned to pay it back from the start.

The money had all been used for White River Valley’s construction and development.

For example, although many adventurers left the adventurer camp at the Alliance’s orders, about a third of them still decided to follow Marvin.

Their reasons were pretty simple. Adventurers already lived on the edge every day. White River Valley was very powerful, and if it really split from the Alliance, Lord Marvin would most likely become the ruler of the land south of the Shrieking Mountain Range.

In this new country, they would have a lot more opportunities. Some might even be promoted to become new nobles, obtaining proper territories.

Although seeking wealth from war was very risky, the potential rewards were also very high.

They believed in Marvin because this seemingly small youth had already caused too many shocking matters.

They believed that he was worth betting on.

Naturally, there were still plenty of traitors within that secretly sided with the Alliance.

But at this point, Marvin didn’t bother looking for traitors. His people weren’t fools. The low-level adventurers wouldn’t be able to get a hold of any really important news. They could only listen to Marvin’s orders. And with the Calamity coming up, soon it wouldn’t really matter if they sided with the Alliance.

In short, since these adventurers didn’t leave, they tacitly chose to comply with Marvin’s conscription!

Marvin’s conscription order was very simple.

The adventurers would become part of White River Valley’s forces in times of war.

All of this would be under Gru’s arrangement.

As some of the earliest adventurers to join as Marvin’s followers, the members of the Bramble team were living a lot more comfortably these days. Almost all of them had minor positions of authority.

As for Gru himself, because of his excellent commanding ability, he was promoted to White River Valley’s Head Swordsman.

He was in charge of supervising the adventurers and forming them into army troops.

As for the original guard squadron of White River Valley, they were rearranged into the Overlord’s guards, still under Andre’s leadership.

This group of young men was progressing very quickly. Because of the cultivation tanks, most of them were 2nd rank or above, and of these, half were at the 3rd rank!

Although this guard squadron only had a bit over thirty people, they were Marvin’s direct subordinates, his most loyal people.

Apart from that first group, the rest had gone through Anna and Andre’s strict tests. Whether it was moral standing, temperament or loyalty, all of them were top-notch.

And while Marvin wasn’t in the territory, Daniela had continued the expansion of the lands.

Using Marvin’s recruitment order, she had recruited people from across the South to open up more land in the wilderness.

At the time, the Alliance and Marvin had yet to fall out.

This recruitment was financed by the Alliance’s gold, but the trained group of soldiers was under Marvin’s command.

There were about three hundred of these people and most were unattached, or had moved along with their families to White River Valley, becoming residents.

This army’s commander was Anna. Although Anna was busy with governing the territory, the Half-Elf was very gifted.

Marvin was happy to discover that his butler had hurriedly taken a break from work to advance to 3rd rank.

3rd rank might not be much in the coming Era filled with Gods where weaker Legends were no better than dogs, but it still made him pleasantly surprised.

What made Marvin feel moved was that Anna chose a second advancement that would let her better help him manage his territory.

This time she chose [Legion Commander]. He heard that she had paid a high price to an old man in a Half-Elven village to teach her. Almost all her skills and specialties had an effect that would improve the Legion she was commanding.

She completely sacrificed her chance to improve her personal combat abilities and chose to manage the territory and lead the army.

It had to be said that since Marvin came to this world, Anna had always been standing behind him, silently supporting him and making sacrifices.

This Half-Elven girl was also the first person he saw when coming to Feinan.

Recalling the predicament in Fierce Horse Inn, Marvin couldn’t help but be deeply moved, feeling sour.

At that time, Marvin had been weak with a fever and Anna stayed at his side every day, looking at him and saying, “Young Master Marvin, it’ll be better tomorrow. Believe me. I’ll come up with something.”

Anna, who was immersed in a pile of documents, raised her head and glanced at Marvin while he was dazed.

She saw Marvin frowning and thought he was worried about the future situation.

The Half-Elven girl put the documents back on the table and gently reassured, “Young Master Marvin, don’t think too much, the future will definitely improve.”

Marvin froze before smiling. He sincerely showed his appreciation. “Anna, thank you.”

Anna blinked and arranged the remaining documents, apparently wanting to say something, before ultimately carrying the documents in her embrace and smiling at Marvin before leaving the room.

Marvin sighed. He knew what Anna wanted to say, but it was just that the smart girl didn’t voice her thoughts.

She knew he carried too many secrets, and he felt many times that Anna wanted to ask him.

But she never asked.

She had probably guessed some things… or perhaps nothing. But all in all, she was still supporting him with her actions.

Anna was like this, and the others were the same.

Marvin massaged his temples. The current White River Valley was very different from how it had been in those times.

Besides the adventurers, the regular army, and the Overlord’s guards, there was still the independent Sha army.

The Sha village was south of the White River. Nominally it was under Marvin’s management, but Constantine was their real leader.

To outsiders, this might seem like a danger to White River Valley, but Marvin trusted Constantine.

Just as Constantine trusted Marvin.

Two days after the war ended, Constantine arrived at White River Valley with another group of Sha clansmen.

He successfully persuaded a Sha tribe to move to White River Valley.

As a result, their numbers in White River Valley had grown to over two thousand, while the number of inhabitants of White River Valley itself reached about three thousand. These numbers definitely couldn’t be compared with those on Earth, his original world, but Marvin knew that Feinan’s population was a lot smaller than Earth’s.

A territory containing five thousand people would already be considered a huge territory.

In many parts of the North, this would be considered on the scale of a Dukedom.

If Marvin wanted to, with the support of Constantine, he could publicly establish one.

But with the impending crisis, he didn’t have that kind of interest.

So in short, there was no disadvantage in having the Shas become part of White River Valley. Many of them were also quite capable in combat.

Although their firearms might not be very powerful, they were certainly more useful in battle than farmers. The only issue was that they weren’t good at cultivating lands. But Marvin had already settled the food issue a long time ago.

The twelve Golden Bulls were the food stores that the Twin Snakes Cult had prepared in order to get through the Great Calamity.

The Golden Bulls had enough food for the current White River Valley to survive for at least two years after the Great Calamity.

And by that time, White River Valley should already be self-sufficient.

Constantine and Marvin had a discussion. This time he not only brought the Shas, but also two of his close friends.

One was the Master Harvester, and the other one was the Potioneering Master.

These two were strong people in the North without a fixed residence. They were enticed by Constantine’s tempting words of how Marvin had many Dragons’ corpses. And just recently, he’d obtained the corpse of the Sea Monster Logenath, making them even more eager to see him in White River Valley.

Marvin treated his guests with courtesy. After all, he even gave excellent treatment to Necromancer Fidel and the Nameless Alchemist, so of course Marvin wouldn’t treat such Masters improperly.

At least in the fields of Alchemy and Harvesting, White River Valley now had its own Masters.

Apart from this, Constantine also brought an additional piece of information.

The Legends previously gathered in White River Valley had gone to take care of their own matters, and some Legends with no previous ties might choose to join White River Valley.

The Legend Monk powerhouse Inheim for example!

During the Great Calamity, if a person’s military force was powerful, then he would easily be able to handle the world’s chaos.

Many powers had stretched out an olive branch to Inheim, like the North’s Migratory Bird Council. Back then, Mother of Creation had saved Inheim’s life.

But according to Constantine, Inheim would most likely choose White River Valley.

The reason seemed to have something to do with the Great Elven King, but Constantine himself didn’t know the details.

And most of the other powerful Legend forces he was acquainted with would choose to cooperate with Marvin too.

Like the Heavenly Deer Lorant. Marvin had saved his children once and he clearly understood what would happen after the Calamity.

Although the Sage Desert was part of the Alliance, because of the faith of the Bai clans, the Heavenly Deer’s influence played a critical role.

If he wished for it, the Sage Desert would ally with White River Valley. And then there was the three sisters’ Rocky Mountain further west.

If the alliance between them was successful, then a large allied coalition would be appearing in the South.

Marvin was looking forward to this.

The old blacksmith Sean gave him some more news:

O’Brien went north to gather the scattered Night Walkers, and he would bring this group of people who had inherited the Night Monarch’s will back to White River Valley before the Great Calamity!

When Marvin heard this news, his heart started beating extremely quickly!

Uniting all the forces before the Great Calamity was exactly what he wanted.

And this scene was just a step away from being realized.

Despite the Gods revealing their hands, the mortals were unwilling to become their slaves.

This was a war for freedom and dignity.

Although the war had yet to be ignited, the smoke was already rising!

Chapter 408: Eternal Bottle

p>With the return of Marvin, everything in White River Valley seemed to be back on the right track.

The entire territory had high morale after the victory.

But Marvin still had many things to handle.

An invitation from Lavis Dukedom, for example.

Daniela had stayed in White River Valley for quite a long time now. When Marvin wasn’t there, this future Ice Empress did a lot on his behalf.

Even if her temper was a bit weird, it was at least reasonable.

Although Daniela couldn’t return to the North because of her oath, she still could go elsewhere instead.

But she didn’t. She chose to help Marvin.

Marvin wasn’t the greedy type. He wouldn’t betray her hopes.

He had to make a trip to Lavis Dukedom before the Great Calamity.

Thankfully, he could use Long Distance Teleportation Arrays for this.

Ancestor’s Mystery was bound to Marvin’s soul, so Lavis Dukedom’s people couldn’t peel it off even if they wanted to. Only Marvin could fulfill Daniela’s oath by going to the Dukedom with her. This could be considered as honoring her promise so that she could return to her homeland.

Marvin didn’t intend to keep Daniela forever in White River Valley. It would restrict her abilities.

The distant North was the place where she could best display her talents.

Not to mention, this time, the Lavis Dukedom’s Great Duke personally sent a letter mentioning some secrets about Sorcerer bloodline breakthroughs.

Daniela not being able to advance to Legend wasn’t due to a lack of talent, but due to an issue with Lavis’ heritage.

This problem needed to be settled with the Archdevil’s head.

And Marvin would also benefit from solving the issue.

Because ultimately, both sides were Numan descendants. In fact, if everything that Marvin’s grandfather said was true, then that Great Duke should also be called Grandfather by Marvin. From a bloodline point of view, Daniela was indeed his cousin.

Although Sorcerers’ circles were very complicated, bloodline was very important.

By having close relatives marry, they could guarantee the bloodline’s purity. Especially with a great family inheritance, it was normal to marry within the clan.

As for those groups of Sorcerers from Rocky Mountain, they were Sorcerers that had been expelled, so they didn’t have a complete inheritance.

Marvin also understood the might of Sorcerers. On his journey, if he didn’t have the Shapeshift Sorcerer class, he might have died many times.

This subclass had endless potential. If the people of Lavis Dukedom could really find ways to break through his bloodline shackles and increase his Sorcerer levels, Marvin wouldn’t mind cooperating with them.

In the end, Marvin still wanted to know more about his mysterious “grandfather.”

Ivan had pointed out that if he really became a Lord of Hell later, who knew what his next step would be?

Thinking about this felt strange, making Marvin very uncomfortable. But he had to prepare for everything.

And returning to his grandfather’s clan was the only way.

Besides receiving an invitation to Lavis Dukedom, Marvin still had another thing planned before the Great Calamity.

But this matter needed the help of even more Legends.

That was to rescue Hathaway.

Unfortunately, only Constantine and Madeline were in White River Valley, and they were much weaker than Dark Phoenix.

Hathaway sealing herself in the Black Coral Islands had caused Marvin days and nights of torment.

Countless times, he had resisted the urge to go. In fact, right after he advanced to Legend, he had almost gone alone to the Black Coral Islands to try and save her.

But he still endured.

He hadn’t felt that strange sensation in his heart again, so Hathaway should still be fine. Dark Phoenix probably didn’t do anything to her yet.

Thus, he could only stay calm and wait patiently.

He would definitely take a trip to the Black Coral Islands, but he had to gather everyone first!

Two days later, a huge wave of Legends would arrive at White River Valley!

At that time, Marvin’s plan could be put into motion.

On the eve of the departure for Lavis Dukedom, Marvin set foot on Sword Harbor 1, with Captain Roberts personally piloting the ship.

They left toward the northeast under the cover of the night.

They sailed through the dense fog under the light of the moon and Marvin reached that island once again.

Pearl Island.

Back then, he had found a cursed pearl. After hijacking the Southie, he came to Pearl Island and exchanged it for a treasure, the Sea Emperor’s Crown.

With that treasure’s help, he saved Ivan and became connected with the Sea Elves.

Although it was a sealed Artifact, sooner or later, it would be freed with a dazzling radiance.

Today, Marvin returned to Pearl Island, and this time, he had the remaining five pearls!

Indeed, during the time he left the territory, Anna and the others had followed Marvin’s request and collected all sorts of strange pearls from around Jewel Bay.

They had spent a huge amount and received seventeen pearls that might meet Marvin’s requirements.

And five among them were the keys to solving the curse of Pearl Island.

Marvin took the five pearls and walked casually along the island.

Staying away from the island’s frightening cursed pearls, Marvin arrived at the small pond from last time.

He threw the five different pearls into the pond and it didn’t take long before the water started moving.

The little fish from last time appeared again and broke through the surface. Then there was an otter, a seal, a crab, a frog, and a seashell.

They all faced Marvin and said to him in Common, “We didn’t expect that someone would be able to lift this eternal curse.”

“Are you prepared to receive the wealth of the ancient Pirate King?”

Marvin nodded.

The six small creatures hopped out of the water and suddenly became six people!

They took a few glances at each other and were filled with emotion at the passage of time.

They were all great figures from the past who had been cursed to be sealed in pearls. Now, someone finally broke the curse.

Pearl Island also had a new owner.

The six led Marvin to a door in the depths of the cave.

They pressed their palms in specific spots and the entrance opened!

A fierce gold light burst out from inside as if a powerful energy had erupted!

Marvin could feel the entire island starting to shake.

On the peaceful sea, the crew of Sword Harbor 1 was looking toward the island, feeling worried.

Suddenly, the sea began to shake.

Some old sailors were quite superstitious and thought it was Pearl Island’s curse flaring up!

They prayed in low voices.

Only a few people who firmly followed Marvin berated them, “Don’t talk shit, Lord Marvin has never done something he wasn’t certain of…”

But they had yet to finish their words when a strange yellow light shrouded the island.

A rumble came from the seabed and as everyone watched in astonishment, the whole island covered in yellow light… sank!

The island sank underwater but the seawater didn’t reach Marvin.

The faint yellow light blocked the seawater as Pearl Island sank all the way to the seabed.

The light darkened somewhat, making it look like there was a huge bubble wrapped around Pearl Island. Those inside could easily breathe.

Marvin knew that with the curse gone, Pearl Island would be a seafloor Sanctuary.

These six people were the followers of the founder of Pearl Island. Because they made some mistakes of varying degrees, Pearl Island’s founder, who was the first Pirate King that stole on behalf of the Sea God, sealed them and cursed the whole island while hiding all his wealth there.

Only by removing the curse could one obtain the gifts.

After sinking to the bottom of the sea, Marvin learnt from the six that he couldn’t just freely take all the treasures from Pearl Island.

The first time, he could take three treasures.

Then, each month, he had one chance to take a treasure until got all twelve treasures. This included the Sea Emperor’s Crown.

Thus, strictly speaking, he could get the eleven remaining treasures in nine months.

But this was only for the rare treasures.

The gold and silver and other things on the island could be taken out as Marvin wished.

But these things wouldn’t be too useful during the disaster, because at that time, a ton of gold wasn’t even as precious as a pouch of grains.

Only by establishing order again would these metals have worth.

After Marvin casually took some gold, he went to the treasure room.

He took three items from within that he had already thought about.

The first was a Summoner Emblem.

This Summoner Emblem could summon six Golems to work for him. With the disaster approaching, it was time for White River Valley to build some fortifications along the periphery.

But with River Shore City, the Adventurer Camp, and the Sha village, the territory in Marvin’s hands was already very huge.

Ordinary artisans simply couldn’t do so much work before the Great Calamity.

But these Golems could. They possessed the innate magic to alter the terrain. They only needed a steady flow of Earth Essence and they could work without rest.

Earth Essence was an item refined through alchemy. Although it was not normally too expensive, the huge volume needed would definitely add up to be a great expense.

But Marvin had already ordered people to start collecting it when he had decided on picking this item. With the Summoner Emblem, he should be able to create some elementary defenses around the territory before the disaster occurred.

He didn’t need anything high-level. Marvin had already arranged for the rest.

The second item was a box, with three scrolls bound within.

‘Three scrolls. Wish, Destruction, Holy…’

The three scrolls came from the hands of a nameless Ancient God and were extremely effective. The Divine Power inside was so vast that once used, even a God with a lot of Divine Power couldn’t handle it.

This was a real treasure which required Divinity to activate. Marvin met the requirements, or he wouldn’t have chosen it.

During the Great Calamity, White River Valley would likely be in need of those scrolls.

As for the last thing, Marvin chose a seemingly average bottle.

This bottle was called the [Eternal Bottle].

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