NARUTO:The sealed shinobi

Chapter 80: CH 80

Naruto made seven kage bunshin and handed off kunai from his own pouch to them all. Three of the Kage Bunshin chucked the weapons at Samui, forcing her to dodge aside while the other four threw them at Karui, who took refuge in the hole with her sword in it. She smirked as she re-emerged, but the smirk died when she saw the sadistic one gracing Naruto's face.

Both girls saw him attempting a string of hand-signs. When Samui went to intercept him his clones cut her off at the pass and forced her to defend herself instead of her red-haired teammate. Meanwhile Naruto finished his hand-signs, "Raiton: Denkai (Lightning Release: Electric Field)! You're stuck!"

Karui tried to escape the electric prison and yelped as volts of electricity flew through her body when she touched the edge of the barrier. She looked over and saw Naruto's clones, who honestly couldn't engage Samui for long in direct combat, keeping her on her toes and preventing her from stopping Naruto, who had to remain stationary while holding the final hand-sign.

Naruto whistled sharply to Karui to get her attention away for attempts to escape, "I can make this jutsu much nastier with five more hand-signs. You should give up now before I decide to just use the branch techniques I have from here, this is checkmate for you."

Karui reluctantly conceded defeat and Naruto dropped the jutsu to allow her to go to the unconscious Omoi so they could leave the immediate area and allow Naruto to fight Samui alone. Naruto got back in his taijutsu stance and watched Samui do the same, "I could ask you to surrender now, but I won't. You know by now not to hold back on me, so I'll skip that part. Let's get right to the fighting shall we?"

"Raiton: Raikyu (Lightning Release: Lightning Ball)!" Samui quickly gathered lighting chakra in her hands and launched an electric orb at Naruto.

The defending blonde quickly made hand signs, held the last seal, and stomped his foot on the ground, "Fuuton: Fuugekitai Kabe (Wind Release: Wind Repel Wall)!" A spherical wave of wind came from Naruto's body in all directions, forcing Samui's jutsu to dissipate. Naruto came rushing in head on to attack her.

Samui drew her short blade once again, ready to test herself against the real Naruto this time. His rush was so basic she timed her first swing in conjuncture with the speed he was running at, timing it for just when he got into her range.

With a smirk on his face, Naruto pushed wind chakra from the front of his body to immediately halt himself just outside of the range of her longest swing. Stopping on a dime the way he did, it was too late for her as she had put everything into the one clean shot she thought she was going to get. This left her dangerously over-exposed and off balance, allowing her to disarm her and flip her to the ground.

She tried to start another jutsu but Naruto jumped over her prone body while in the air and linked his fists together before thrusting them out, "We're done! Fuuton: Fuujin Seiken (Wind Release: Divine Fist of the Wind God)!"

Samui uncharacteristically screamed in pain as she felt a crushing pressure push down on her form from above, locking her in place and forming a shallow crater the shape of Naruto's linked fists and the size of two human bodies. As the force subsided she coughed up blood and stayed in place as she found a knee situated on her belly and a kunai to her throat.

As she looked up at Naruto with cold blue eyes she found him looking down at her with the same. Sighing, she finally spoke, "I yield… You win."

Naruto's eyes lit up as he smiled and helped her to her feet. By now Karui and Omoi were able to get up and had made their way over to the other two. Karui rubbed her arm and looked away sheepishly, "Damn, we barely even scratched the real you. How did you beat us like that?"







head sheepishly, "When I was little I was trained to be an assassination specialist in addition to heavy combat, which was my main focus, this is the kind of thing that I'm good at. I didn't even use many of my higher profile ninjutsu because they're really dangerous and are intended to scar and kill."

Omoi gave Naruto a goofy grin, "I couldn't even come up with a strategy to use against you fast enough. You were too good at disguising your movements so I couldn't come up with a real idea that could flush you out. When you were out in the open you were all over us."

Samui walked close to Naruto, putting him somewhat on guard; hey, no one likes it when people suddenly walk up on you. After a moment she gave him a small smile, "We really need to work don't we? You beat us so easily you didn't leave any doubt about the outcome didn't you?"

Naruto sighed, "If it was a real fight instead of a spar you would have all attacked me when the fight started instead of underestimating me and that would have made the bout more interesting and closer. I'm not saying you would have won, but this still helped me out. From experience, S-rank ninja are somewhat arrogant, even to other S-ranked ninja, and they probably would have done the same thing that you did."

"Whoa! Mr. 9 I have to say, that battle of yours sure made my day!"

Naruto involuntarily twitched as a familiar voice from yesterday rang out from the peaks surrounding their ring. Naruto turned to Samui with a slightly perturbed look, "Ugh… I knew he was watching this the entire time, I could feel him. Why is he here?" Samui raised an eyebrow at the actions of the one who had just defeated her entire team, "Omoi already told you. Kirabi-sensei lives here. It's not that hard to believe that he saw the fight. His home is right there." Samui pointed up at the house that was seemingly dangling from one of the peaks.

Kirabi shunshined next to all of the younger ninja and clapped Naruto on the shoulder, "I had to pinch myself like some kind of dream, I thought there was no way that you'd beat my team!"

Naruto's twitch became more pronounced, "Please stop rhyming…"

Kirabi ignored him, grinning the entire time, "No can do Mr. 9! The Killa' Bee can't fight the rhyme!" He turned to his team, "Now that you all saw how this kid came to play, what did we all learn today?"

They all took this as a normal occurrence, while Naruto wanted to bash his head in with something blunt, 'Don't start a war, don't start a war, don't start a war.'

Omoi looked at his sensei, "Don't judge a book by its cover. We all thought that because he was younger than us we were stronger. We didn't even care that he was a jinchuuriki like we found out yesterday, just that he was a kid."

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