NARUTO:The sealed shinobi

Chapter 79: CH 79

Karui gave him a weak smile, "I killed one of the bastards, but I think that just pissed him off." Samui arrived alongside them and handed Karui her katana back, "I needed this."

She righted herself and stood on her own power, "This guy isn't even using his demon's chakra and he's been beating the crap out of us. He wouldn't go that far in a spar right?"

Samui held out her short blade, "He shouldn't, but it shouldn't matter. Kirabi-sensei has used the Hachibi's chakra against us and he is far more powerful than Uzumaki."

Naruto must have heard this and taken offense to it because he immediately came rushing in, ninjato drawn back for an attack. Samui took the brunt of the attack as she stepped out and defended for her team while Karui and Omoi flanked him and attempted to cut into him. Naruto let one hand off of his sword and drew a kunai to block the two other Kumo nin's blades. Currently stuck in a deadlock, it amazed all of Team Samui how this boy was able to hold all three of them off all by himself at the same time. As the sliding of metal was the prevalent noise in the valley a low hissing noise could be heard. Omoi immediately knew what the sound was, but he couldn't believe it, "No… No way… No one's that insane…"

Naruto grinned maniacally as on the front of his shirt there was an explosive note, burned almost all the way through. His grinning face mouthed the word 'boom' as Omoi and Karui stopped their attack on Naruto and rushed to relieve Samui from Naruto's attack, pulling her away and sprinting swiftly from him as a massive explosion rang out, engulfing Naruto and shocking his opponents.

Karui's eyes widened as the flames died down, leaving a small scorch mark on the ground, "He, he blew himself up."

Omoi, had bitten down on his sucker and spat out the stick, "This guy is crazy… Even if that was some kind of trick, that explosion was real, he could have blown himself up."

Samui kept her eyes peeled for anything, not believing the fight was over just like that. There was no way it was that easy. Who blows themselves up in a spar anyway? No, he was still around, but where?

Chuckles were projected throughout the valley as all three members were looking frantically for Naruto, "Congratulations. You beat my team of Kage Bunshin."

Panting came from the team as they craned their necks about, trying to identify where Naruto was. They had just been beaten down by mere Kage Bunshin, not even with the real one mixed within. He hadn't even shown himself since the fight started. They all went back to back in order to search more effectively, but still could find nothing. Karui yelled out, hoping to get him to expose himself, "Come out and fight us you coward!"

After a second his voice was heard again, "Now why would I want to do a thing like that? It's three-on-one. Who attacks head on when it's three-on-one? Besides, it's a ninja's job to fight from the shadows. While I myself enjoy a good fight every now and then, I love it when my opponents never see me coming just as much. It means I'm actually doing my job the right way."

The valley went silent once more as a subtle amount of killing intent washed over them from Naruto. Not enough for them to choke on, but enough to make them believe that if they couldn't find him they would pay dearly for it, in other words, just enough to make them panic.

"Doton: Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu (Earth Release: Inner Decapitation Skill)"

Naruto's hands burst from the ground between all of them and latched on to Karui and Omoi's legs while Samui got away, he only had two hands after all. He swiftly dragged them underground up to their heads. When Samui saw her teammates both temporarily taken out of commission she ran over to free them until Naruto burst from the ground right by them.

Omoi wriggled, trying to get free, "When did you place yourself underground?"

Naruto frowned at them, "People are pretty predictable in fights. Whenever there's a definite center of the fighting area people love taking the center of it. I set the jutsu up the moment I made clones in the smokescreen, all I had to do was wait for you to beat them all because I knew you'd take the center of our platform while you looked for me afterwards."

He kneeled down and patted Karui on the head, pulling his hand back before she bit him, "I should pat myself on the back. I've never even been here before and I was still able to use the terrain to my advantage in order to manipulate the battle."

Karui smirked at him, "We're not done… Raiton: Enryuu Jiseitai (Lightning Release: Body of Electric Flow)!" The ground around herself and Omoi loosened up as they burst from their place and attacked Naruto, not even bothering to use their swords. Omoi went low with a sliding kick while Karui ran at Naruto high, "Lariat!" She lashed out at Naruto with her entire arm, attempting to take out his head with her bicep. Naruto took a chance and ducked low, launching himself at Omoi leading with the crown of his head, crashing into the boy's face as he slid towards him. The two rolled forward with Omoi landing on his feet and Naruto ending up on his back, holding onto one of Omoi's arms. While he held a grip on the white-haired boy, pulling him in as he shot an upkick at his face, nailing him right under the chin.

Omoi stumbled back but Naruto kipped up off of his back high into the air to deliver a falling haymaker to Omoi's face before he could recover. Naruto knew that he had hit Omoi perfectly on that shot as he felt the boy go limp the second he made contact, 'One down.' Karui went back to where they had burst from the ground and tried to retrieve her sword until a sharp kick to her back sent her flying on her face. Naruto was simply standing guard by the hole with the swords in them until Samui re-entered the fight. Her short sword cut him on his arm, forcing him to curse himself for not being more attentive to his surroundings, he was fighting multiple opponents after all.

Samui wasn't allowing him to reach for his kunai to fight back like he did before so it was a strictly dodging game for the boy. He grimaced sharply as shuriken embedded themselves in his back, and that painful distraction led to him taking a cut across his chest before he could back away.

Naruto got some space and got the two girls in his sights, sighing as he dabbed at the slash on his chest, "I liked this shirt… Why do my shirts always get cut to ribbons when I fight people with swords and sharp things?" Shrugging to himself when he didn't receive a response he saw Karui moving for her katana again. Seeing Samui move to watch her back while she went for it, a little misdirection was called for in this circumstance.

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