NARUTO:The sealed shinobi

Chapter 77: CH 77

The silence permeating the room after that was unnerving, "What?" The stares from everyone around him was starting to piss him off, "What the hell is wrong with you all? Did I say something wrong?"

Omoi pointed lamely at the blonde boy, "Y-You ignored him…"

Karui followed up, "No one ever does that… ever."

Getting tired of the odd looks he was getting and seeing his opportunity to leave staring him right in the face, he began to slink towards the exit, "Okay, well if anyone still wants to speak to me in a less hostile environment I will be staying at the hotel that the Konoha dignitary is in. Goodbye."


By the time he made it back to his hotel room it was nightfall and Naruto was not looking forward to getting his butt chewed out by Genma once he caught wind of what had gone down today. As he entered the room he saw Genma laying back on his bed seemingly relaxing, "Have a good time out there?"

Naruto glared half-heartedly as he sat on his own bed, "Whatever Izumo and Kotetsu told you I would just like to say that it was one-hundred percent not my fault." Genma chuckled, "Now do you get what I meant when I told you to stay out of trouble? You're like a magnet for stuff like this kid. I've read your file, the stuff you did in one year as a ninja most people don't get close to touching until their third year at least. Just the sheer amount of troublesome situations you get yourself into could have been stretched out to two years when compared to someone else. It's no wonder you're strong, if you were weak you'd have died after the first incident."

Naruto lay his head back on a pillow, "I almost got into a fight with three Kumo ninja today that accused me of spying. Me! If I wanted to spy on them they never would have known about it." He turned serious, "They know about me and the Kyuubi."

Genma's senbon fell from his mouth, "Are you sure? How could they find out about it?" Naruto looked up at the ceiling blankly as he spoke, "I met both of Kumo's jinchuuriki today. Both of them could sense that I was one too and they called me on it in front of the Raikage…"

Genma bit his lip, "That's not good… They might use that in negotiations tomorrow…"

Naruto gave him an odd look, "Who cares if they spread it around that I'm Konoha's jinchuuriki? Yes it's a shame that the secret finally got out, but hey… thirteen years is a long time to keep a secret like that from the majority of the world. Tell Old Man Homura not to worry about it too much, tell him to act like it doesn't bother Konoha that the secret is out. Honestly it doesn't bother me."

Genma gave the boy an odd look, "So you don't really care that your entire generation will learn that you house the Kyuubi? Not even if they turn away from you or hate you for it?"

Naruto gave a bored look to him, "I've already alluded to two people at least, that I have the Kyuubi in me, the second the news comes out things will be clearer to a whole lot of people. Hell I may just ask Tsunade-baachan to just flat out tell everyone in the whole village, I mean, what do I have to lose? No one my age can kill me if they do take the news wrong and it couldn't make the adults feel any differently about me could it? They already knew, and however they treated me beforehand wouldn't change if the news was open for everyone to know."

Genma shook his head, "You're a ballsy kid, kid." Naruto smirked, "So I'm told."


(The Next Day)

Naruto was sitting on the roof of the hotel meditating. Since he was once again prevented from accompanying Homura to the meeting like the rest of his team and he couldn't actively train, he took it upon himself to meditate and get more in touch with what he liked to call, much to the Kyuubi's chagrin, his furry side.

Inside his head he found himself in the familiar bedroom of his apartment and went searching for his giant demon of destruction. Looking outside he saw the massive fox sunning itself of all things. Shaking his head he made his way down and cleared his throat to get the Kyuubi's attention. The demon cracked open one eye to look at its jailor, "Are you serious? I gave you free reign to create stuff to hunt, do whatever you want with my mindscape's citizens, wreck any of the buildings in here that you want, basically to blow up anything and everything you want, and you're sleeping?"

Kyuubi yawned as it lifted its massive head to look at Naruto properly, "Mortal, as fun as it was destroying your mindscape Konoha over and over again the fact that it rebuilds itself kind of takes some of the luster out of the carnage. I mean, as great as it is to slaughter wave after wave of defenders, seeing the entire place rebuild two hours after you've eradicated the place of any and all signs of life kind of irks you after a while."

Naruto sweat-dropped, "Uh huh… Okay, the reason I came. How do you think I stack up against the Kumo jinchuuriki?" Kyuubi didn't think on it, "The female would be a tough match for you, but you could defeat her without activating the Kitsune Trigger. She doesn't have enough control over Nibi to keep her mindstate stable during the fight, it would be far more difficult than your fight against Shukaku, but you would still win. The Hachibi container on the other hand, would destroy you, no question. He has full access to his biju's chakra and perfect control over it. Even if you activated the Kitsune Trigger or went to your limit of my chakra that you could use he would go straight to eight tails and tear you apart, do not fight him… ever… no matter what."

Naruto grumbled, "I still can't win… I've got to be the worst jinchuuriki in the elemental nations. I might as well be a regular person for all the good that using your chakra does me. This guy has full control and all I can handle right now is three tails worth without going insane with bloodlust." Naruto had tried pushing himself to his absolute limit a few days before leaving on this mission. He cleared it with Tsunade first and went deep inside the Forest of Death in case things got too tense. Good thing he did too, because he flipped out at four tails and went on a rampage, slaughtering any animal stupid enough to try and take down the boy.

He didn't remember how he settled down, but he did smell the presence of one of Tsunade's Anbu after he woke up.

Kyuubi sighed and snorted, blowing Naruto back a few feet, "You are far from a weak container kit. The other jinchuuriki have natural advantages over you due to the amount of time they have had with their demons. You are thirteen years old, have been training to utilize my chakra since you were five, and were forced to stop at the age of eight for over four years. To get full mastery over three tails of my chakra in technically four years of training is a feat that I don't think any other jinchuuriki can claim to make since they began training around the same age if not older than when you began."

Naruto nodded to the nine-tailed demon, "So anything you need while I'm here? Anything you want me to tweak about my mindscape?"

Kyuubi batted its tails lazily, "Other than saying that I want you to release your memories so I can watch your old missions, no not really. Get out of here kit."

Rolling his eyes, Naruto grumbled that it was his mind, bringing a fanged grin to the fox's face before the blonde faded from his mind.


Naruto suddenly reached out and grabbed a hand that was reaching for his face, "Don't do that please." He opened his eyes to find the team from yesterday looking at him with the red-haired girl's hand in his grasp, "What are you guys doing here? Is meditation against the law for visitors now too?"

Karui ripped her hand from his grasp, "Why did Kirabi-sensei tell us to come and find this guy and talk to him? He doesn't seem special at all."

Omoi walked up and looked at Naruto who was still seated on the roof, "Didn't you hear yesterday? Kirabi-sensei and Yugito said that he has a demon in him like they do. I'm really glad he didn't try to fight us yesterday or we might be in the hospital right now."

Naruto wanted to get up and walk away, he saw nothing good coming out of this, when Samui, the blonde girl around his age spoke, "We would like to spar with you Uzumaki-san."

Naruto let a small smile cross his face, "Oh hoh, so you remember my name from yesterday do you?" Naruto looked at the three Kumo ninja, "Fine, I'll fight you. We need to go somewhere where I won't get in trouble for any collateral damage though."

They all nodded and led Naruto off away from the village. As they exited the gates and noticed how no one moved to stop them, while in Konoha he would have needed permission to leave, but these people could leave whenever they wanted. After heading over and around the numerous mountain ranges surrounding the village, Naruto brought this up, "Hey why can you guys just leave whenever you want. If it was me then I would have hunter-ninja on my ass before I reached the next town." 'Of course that may partly be because I'm a jinchuuriki.'

Omoi answered for him, "We're trained by Kirabi-sensei. He doesn't live in the village and when we were genin he got sick of having to come and get us every day for training so he got us permission to leave of our own will, mostly so we could come to him instead of him coming to us."

Naruto nodded, "So where are we going anyway? We have to be at least fifteen miles out by now."

"We're almost there. We're heading to where Kirabi-sensei lives and trains. Unraikyo (Valley of Clouds and Lightning)." Omoi pointed down as they reached the summit of another mountain. It was a relatively large place, with a series of tall peaks coming out of a large body of water.

All four ninja slipped down the slope to the water below and stood on the surface as Naruto took note of the environment, "This is a really nice place… Your sensei lives here? I really like the looks of this place."

Nearby, Naruto saw what looked like a mountain peak that was cleaved to make some flatland for training. After they all reached the platform, Naruto shook his shoulders out and looked at the three who were looking at him intently, "So how are we doing this? Is it one on one or are you all coming at me at the same time?"

The team looked between each other at him. Samui gave him a strange look, "Do you really believe you can take us all at the same time?"

Naruto gave her a deadpan look and slipped into a taijutsu stance, "No, I just said that because I'm a masochist and getting my ass beat is how I get my jollies. Of course I think I can or I wouldn't have said it. And because you took so long I'm not giving you the option, come at me, all of you. Give me your best shot."

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