Chapter 76: CH 76
Naruto shook his head, "They were about to tie me up. But if they had pushed the issue with that then all bets would have been off and we would have been fighting." He looked around, "Where's Genma?"
Izumo pointed up, "Genma's with Elder Mitokado. He's speaking with the Raikage's advisors right now." Samui pushed Naruto forward, "So the Raikage is free. Good, we can settle this now."
Naruto slapped the girl's hands off of him, "Hands off. I'd say that this settles what I'm doing here. I mean, this is my team after all. But if you want to continue to make obsessive asses out of yourselves then by all means, let's go."
With that they all went up the stairs and stopped in front of a secretary's desk. After a short word with the woman there they all entered the office of the most powerful man in the country. A massive man seated behind the desk in his traditional kage robes looked up from whatever was on his desk, "Yugito… Samui, Omoi, Karui. What are you all doing here surrounding this Konoha ninja." Karui pushed Naruto forward, causing him to glare back at the girl, 'You're so lucky that this guy would kill me before I could even get a shot off edgewise or I would backhand you right here, right now.'
Omoi shook his head at Karui's upfront abuse of the kid. Samui sighed at her teammate's brash action, "Raikage-sama, we found this Konoha ninja overlooking one of our training sessions. Being that we are trained by Kirabi-sensei we figured he may be trying to steal some of Kumo's hidden techniques so we elected to escort him here."
Naruto snorted, "If by escort you mean give me an ultimatum to either fight all of you and get my ass thrown in prison for sure, or be dragged through town like a goddamned prisoner of war, then yes you 'escorted' me here." The Raikage shot his eyes to Naruto. Despite the physically imposing size of the man, Naruto still wouldn't give him any tells that he was actually intimidated. I mean what's the worst thing that could happen? They kill him?
The Raikage rubbed his white mustache, "I am the Yondaime Raikage of Kumogakure. My name is A boy. What is your name?"
Naruto looked at the man in the eye, "Naruto Uzumaki, chunin of Konohagakure no Sato, ninja registration number 012607."
A raised his hand to stop him from talking, "Enough Uzumaki-san. What are you doing in my village? Are you conducting espionage under the guise of a diplomatic mission?"
Naruto sighed, "No Raikage-sama. I was bored so I walked around the village and came across a training field. I tried to leave immediately, but by the time I realized where I was your ninja had seen me and accused me of spying."
A gave him a stern look, "And were you?"
Naruto flicked his ninjato on his back, "I couldn't use your style anyway. Honestly, I just… *sigh* got lost on the road of life…"
(Meanwhile in Konohagakure)
Kakashi turned his attention from the Memorial Stone to look up at the sky. Kakashi uncharacteristically pumped his fist in the air in victory, "Yes… I've finally got one of them."
XxX (Back in Kumogakure)
Naruto felt a shiver go down his spine, 'I just made someone very happy just now…' Going off in his own world for just a moment he was asking himself what he could have done to warrant such a feeling.
Eventually the Kumo ninja noticed his lack of attentiveness at the current preceedings. Karui walked up and poked the boy on the shoulder, "Hey, listen to Raikage-sama. I don't know how things are done in Konoha, but here we listen to what our kage has to say." This did nothing to spur Naruto from his line of thought.
"Hello Kumogakure!"
A slapped his hand to his forehead, "The man has no sense of timing I swear…" The doors to the office were blasted open as an exact copy of the photo Naruto had been briefed on in his adolescence burst through the doors. He walked past everyone in the office and right up to the Raikage's desk, "Yo big bro! Hachibi-sama is back from his latest mission!"
A's eyebrow twitched as he watched his little brother, who had a massive grin on his face, "Kirabi… I'm happy to hear that, but could you have waited until I was done before you came in?"
The man in question scoffed, "Waiting out in the hall is for chumps, you're saying I'm less important than one of these lumps?" He turned around and saw his team standing and looking on with sweat-drops on their heads, "Hey students of mine! Is my big bro giving you your daily shine?" Yugito sighed and walked forward, "They came across a suspicious Konoha ninja and brought him here. He's standing right next to you."
Naruto had moved directly out of the path of the desk the second he heard the door bust open and simply watched from the side, 'This guy is worse than I was when I was sealed…'
Kirabi turned his attention to the young boy next to him, making Naruto somewhat uncomfortable because the man was towering over him looking directly down. After a moment Kirabi stuck his fist out, "How ya doin' Mr. 9?"
Naruto blinked in place before slowly sticking out his own fist and tapping it against Kirabi's. Samui pointed at Naruto after hearing what Kirabi called him, "Kirabi-sensei, his name is Naruto Uzumaki, not Mr. 9."
Yugito shook her head, "He wasn't referring to just a simple name, he was referring to the tailed beast that he has within him."
Naruto sighed and shook his head, "Thanks for that… because I really needed everyone in the room to have another reason to be suspicious of me." Noticing that all eyes in the room were on him he grunted in affirmation, "Fine, alright. Since I'm stuck here, Yugito knew already, and Hachibi guy over here busted me out anyway I guess I'll tell you."
Kirabi stomped his foot childishly on the ground as Naruto thought about the best way to go about speaking. Somehow his thought process was uninterrupted by the large man's ranting about how it was 'Hachibi-sama' and not 'Hachibi guy' as Naruto had put it. Eventually he figured the best way to explain himself to the room of people and tuned in to Kirabi's rant that he figured was directed at him when he noticed that he was looking at him, and that everyone else looked like they wanted to strangle the Hachibi jinchuuriki for not shutting up.
Naruto however, had not been listening to a single word that had been said and was forced to say the only thing he could in this situation, "I'm sorry, did you say something?" Another shiver went down his spine, 'I'm making someone's day right now.'