NARUTO:The sealed shinobi

Chapter 74: CH 74

The dark-skinned girl was about to draw her sword when the Kumo blonde walked closer to Naruto and stayed her from attacking with a movement of her hand, "Karui, Omoi, calm down." She looked the foreigner up and down, "You have a very short fuse do you know that?"

Naruto gave her a dry look, "I'm getting the third-degree from people I don't know, telling me that I'm doing something that I'm not. And they won't leave me alone, of course I have a temper, you're all pissing me off." He shrugged, "I do actually want to train, but there's no way a foreign ninja here on a diplomatic mission is going to be able to get permission to use the training fields for no good reason. I guess I subconsciously carried myself here, I was just wandering around."

Omoi pulled a sucker out of seemingly nowhere and put it in his mouth, "What kind of diplomatic mission would a Konoha ninja be carrying out here?"

Naruto shrugged, "How should I know? I'm just the muscle, the rest of my team are with the guy we're protecting."

This brought the lifting of a dainty eyebrow from Samui, "So you're a ninja sent here on a diplomatic mission from Konoha that just so happened to be let go from the rest of your group. That sounds somewhat familiar doesn't it?" Naruto let off a sweat-drop. It did sound familiar, because that was basically what Kumo tried to pull on Konoha years ago when they came to negotiate a treaty. One of the diplomats attempted to obtain the Byakugan for their village by kidnapping Hinata in the middle of the night. It was the story that Neji told during the chunin exams, and it almost resorted in another war when Konoha was still weak from the Kyuubi attack that had taken place three years prior.

'Do they really think this is some kind of revenge espionage kick?' Naruto really just wanted to knock them all out and go about his business, but that would probably make things worse before it made them better, "What do I have to do to make you all leave me alone? Seriously, I'm going to get in trouble if I stay here for too long without checking in." Omoi scratched his head and looked at his two female teammates, "Maybe we should let the kid go. I mean look at him, he doesn't seem dangerous at all, that scar is a nice touch, but he doesn't look like he can cause any kind of ruckus by himself, even if he was lying."

Naruto resisted the urge to roll his eyes, 'Gaara's smaller than me and nobody says that shit about him. Everybody's on pins and needles around him… why am I so short?'

Karui walked around Naruto, taking in his appearance, "Just because he can't be anything more than a genin doesn't mean anything. Look at him and his gear, you don't just carry a sword around unless you're pretty good at using it, it doesn't work like that. I can see some outlines of scars on his body through his shirt too, he's dangerous alright." Samui spoke up, "Maybe we should take him in just in case." The two others shrugged in agreement and Samui nodded as to confirm their plan of action.

Naruto sucked his teeth, this was not what he needed to happen. One day in a foreign village that Konoha wasn't on the best terms with and he already found himself in what could be a mess. It wasn't his fault damn it! He didn't do anything!

"What are you all doing?"

All eyes turned towards the summit of the slope to see another blonde, this time significantly older than Naruto, he would estimate at least seven years his senior in this case. Karui's eyes widened as she saw who it was, "Yugito! We just found this Konoha ninja snooping around. We didn't know what he was doing here."

Naruto scoffed, "I told you already damn it. I was wandering around and ended up here by accident, I'm not repeating myself again. What am I, a damn tape recorder?"

The woman known as Yugito looked down on the Konoha ninja that the three other Kumo chunin had 'captured', "Take him to the Raikage."

'FUCK!' Fighting was now the stupidest thing he could do. He was wary back when it was three chunin on just him, now they were joined by someone that could actually give them orders, undoubtedly making them stronger than the others. Before he might have been able to simply kick their asses and maybe disappear until it was time to leave, he really doubted that Homura would ever ask him along on guard duty anyway, but any kind of fight he engaged in here would be coming down on his head.

Being sensible was the only option he could take. There was no room for crazy bullshit ideas to escape that only worked in movies, "Fine whatever. If this will clear everything up then I'll go."

Yugito nodded, "Good choice. You couldn't have gotten away." She looked to the other Kumo ninja, "Tie him up."

Naruto had his hands bound behind his back by Omoi. This was too much for him, but again, fighting would have ended really badly for him even if he did end up winning. As the boy trailed some of the rope he tied Naruto's hands with out in front and began to walk and attempt to drag Naruto he felt that there was too much slack in the rope. When he turned around he saw the rope down on the ground and Naruto rubbing his wrists.

Yugito narrowed her eyes as the younger Kumo nin all got into ready stances. Naruto looked at them all coldly, "What? It's not my fault he can't tie a knot that I can't break. I've taken your bullshit without kicking your asses, I'm going with you to see your Raikage so he can prove why I'm here, and I'm taking it all in stride, but if you think that you're tying me up and parading me through town like a trophy then you can all go fuck yourselves, verstantlich?"

Karui took offense to Naruto's tone, "You're not in Konoha. You can't just do as you like here you know?"

Naruto crossed his arms across his chest, "You're damn right I'm not in Konoha, if I was in Konoha I would have just beaten your asses the second I knew you weren't going to leave me alone and left you here. I didn't know tying up random foreigners was big in Kumo… but anyway, you can take me in right now as I am, hell I'll probably head over myself to complain about you seeing as how I can't do anything myself or else I'll start a war."

Sick of standing around talking to a brick wall, also known as Kumo ninja, Naruto maneuvered his way through the chunin around him and stalked up the slope to the top of the mountain. As he reached the top he spared a glance at the oldest Kumo kunoichi, Yugito.

Not really able to understand, he felt some kind of familiarity with her, "Huh… So that's what happened to Nibi."

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