NARUTO:The sealed shinobi

Chapter 73: CH 73

Naruto nodded, "Do you use the same senbon for as long as you can, like until you kill somebody with it, or do you just swap them out at regular intervals?"

Genma sweat-dropped and made for the door, "I'll see you later Naruto, stay out of trouble."

Naruto scoffed and flopped on his bed, "Who do you think I am? What kind of trouble can I get into away from the meeting?" He noticed Genma hadn't shut the door and was standing in the doorway giving him a deadpan look. Naruto glared and pointed at him, "Nevermind. Don't answer that."

A chuckle came from Genma, "Take it easy kid. Don't do anything stupid while we're gone." Naruto yawned and waved him off as his tokubetsu jounin commander shut the door. Naruto rolled over and looked out the window, "It's still the afternoon. There's no way in hell I'm staying in here until they all get back. The old bastard said I can't go to the meeting, he never said that I couldn't leave the hotel."

Naruto grabbed the key Genma left for him on the nightstand and slipped out the door to head to the street.


Naruto yawned as he walked through the streets of Kumogakure. He didn't get too many odd looks just because he was a foreigner. He chalked that up to the fact that there were a lot of blonde people in Kumo, as opposed to in Konoha where only the Yamanaka Clan and Tsunade had blonde hair. While he found it to be a decent waste of time to partake in looking around, Naruto wasn't too happy at the moment, 'I can't even train here. It's not like they'll let a foreign shinobi like me just use their training areas or anything. What am I supposed to do while I'm here then?'

He eventually ended up wandering over to a training field anyway, although it was by accident. While wandering about on the outskirts of the village he found an open area bored out from the side of the mountain at least a mile wide. Inside he saw two ninja engaging in a spar and realized where he was. As he turned to leave a cool sounding voice came to his ears, "This place is off-limits to civilians."

Naruto turned around slowly with a frown on his face, "Well if I see any civilians I'll be sure to let you know then."

The girl noticed the hitae-ate attached to his belt "Hmm, so we have a Konoha ninja spying on us do we?"

Naruto sighed, 'Goddamn it… This is just what I was trying to avoid…' Naruto placed his hands up in a placating fashion as he came face-to-face with the blonde girl a few years older than him. Her hair stopped roughly around shoulder length and like him she had blue eyes. She had a low cut short skirt outfit with mesh armor underneath it, a short sword horizontally held on her lower back, and what appeared to be a modified Kumo flak jacket that simply wrapped around her stomach, and Naruto could see why it was like that, because her chest size was huge, 'Damn, she's only a bit older than me and-… Don't stare dumbass! You're already in deep shit as it is!' Naruto, with much effort on his part, lifted his eyes to meet hers, "Listen, I found this place by accident. I didn't even know it was a training field until I heard fighting sounds coming from directly behind you. I'll just turn around now and head back towards town okay? I don't need any kind of B.S. right now…"

"Samui." The blonde woman stated when she felt Naruto reaching for her name, "You have me at a disadvantage right now. You know my name and yet I don't know yours."

The two blondes kept passive eyes on one another, Naruto out of masking anything that might set a situation off, and Samui because that was just how she was. Deciding that diplomacy was the quickest course to getting out of dodge, Naruto decided to satiate her with the information she requested. It's not like anyone knew him or anything, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I'm just here on a mission and was granted some down time. I was wandering about okay? No need to cause a ruckus. And tell your team that if they want to sneak up on me they need to do a better job of it."

Naruto jerked his head in the direction of upraised craters, prompting two people to emerge from the area. One of them was a dark skinned boy, also a few years older than Naruto, with spiky white hair, black eyes, grey pants, and a grey hoodie with the white Kumo flak jacket over it. Naruto could see a long katana on his back, signifying that he was at the very least a competent swordsman.

Next to him was dark skinned girl with amber eyes and long red hair. She had her hitae-ate in a bandanna, a grey short sleeved long dress, the Kumo flak jacket, and a katana on her back.

These were the two that he had seen sparring before he turned to leave. Apparently they went around to try and cut him off from leaving so easily. Naruto resisted the urge to slap his hand to his forehead, "Can I go now? I kind of have to get back to my hotel before my team leader has to come out looking for me."

The male of the team gave him an appraising look, "Maybe he's going to report back on Kumo's secrets and just stumbled on us while he was making his escape?"

Naruto almost face-fell at that, 'Great… Now I've got a guy that overanalyzes everything. This is what I needed right now… yeah right.' Naruto could see the situation could unravel at any moment and just wanted to leave, 'Why did I leave the hotel room? Even when I'm not trying to start stuff, things like this happen. It's like I'm a magnet or something.'

The red-haired female noted the ninjato on his back, "You have a sword. Maybe you were spying on our kenjutsu to take back to Konoha."

Naruto's voice held a slight growl, "You have a katana and I have a ninjato, it's shorter, your style would be useless to me. Let me go already damn it…" He turned his glance to Samui who was still looking at him with an unreadable expression, "I've tried to be civil about this, like I said I just want to leave. But if you don't all back off of me I'll move you myself."

She bared her teeth at the boy, "You think you can take on three chunin? By yourself? I'd love to see you try." Naruto coiled his muscles, "You're not going to let me go so easily are you? *sigh* This is a waste of everyone's time! I have somewhere to be, I was just killing time, I'm on a mission!"

The calm boy nearby nodded in agreement, "Yes, to spy on the inner workings of Kumogakure."

Naruto had to slap his hand to his face this time, "Alright, I don't care anymore, international incident or not. Either get the fuck out of my way and let me go back to my hotel, or I'm going to kick all of your asses… and then go back to my hotel."

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