Chapter 69: CH 69
Tenten's father reached down behind the counter and picked up a wrapped bundle before placing it on the counter-top, "You paid when you dropped it off right?" Naruto nodded and pulled out a written receipt, "Alright then, she's all yours kid."
Naruto grinned and picked up his sword, testing it out somewhat before sheathing it on his back, "Ahh, I missed this thing. Thanks a lot sir, It's like it never even broke at all." Tenten's dad nodded and headed back to the back.
Tenten pointed at Naruto chidingly as a smile came to her lips, "Don't go breaking it again Naruto. I don't want to see that thing back in here in pieces."
Naruto scoffed, "Yes you do, that's more money for your shop girl. But yeah, it won't break anytime soon. I mean how often will I come across a guy that can make an indestructible bone drill around his arm?" After giving her a two-fingered salute he headed out of the shop for home.
Naruto went to the only place that he knew there could be no one following him and once again traversed the terrain of the Forest of Death. Once he got himself inside and found a decent clearing he bit his thumb and made his hand-signs for a summoning.
"Who summoned me out here?" As the massive plume of smoke cleared it revealed Gamabunta looking down in front of him to see Naruto standing patiently, "What do you need kid? I told you not to summon me for dumb reasons."
Naruto didn't flinch from the toad's booming voice, "Gamabunta, I'll be straight with you since I know that you know who I really am. Tell me who it is that I look like." He saw Gamabunta almost drop his pipe from his mouth and nodded, "That's what I thought. I knew you knew."
Gamabunta sighed, letting out smoke from his mouth that covered Naruto, "I knew it from the second I saw you gaki. I just felt it wasn't my place to say anything about it, and later when I confronted Jiraiya about it after you first summoned me and blacked out he told me everything about it, even the seals. I mean come on kid, I worked with the man for years and then I end up seeing his chibified version sitting on my head twelve years later? I almost dropped us down that chasm we were stuck in."
Naruto chuckled and lay back on the ground, "So who's ass am I going to kick for this? Jiraiya's I guess… and maybe Kakashi. Did Kakashi know?"
Gamabunta shrugged, "Not sure kid, but he was your old man's student so it wouldn't be a stretch to say he did. But don't do anything rash. You aren't as dumb as I thought you were when we first met so I know that you're fully aware of the reasons why it was kept from you."
Naruto sighed and sat up, "Yeah, yeah. The bullshit with Iwa and anyone else that dad beat up on sending assasins after me, the politicians getting to me to do who knows what once they realized who I was, and all of that coupled with the resentment I would have gotten for being Konoha's jinchuuriki wouldn't have gone over too well for me. Man I need a drink…"
A grin came onto Gamabunta's face, "You remember what I said you had to do with me when you first summoned me?" Naruto's eyes widened as a deep rumbling laugh came from Gamabunta, "Resummon me in 15 minutes gaki. Let's see if you can hold your booze."
(The Next Day)
Early the next morning Naruto was laying on the couch in Tsunade's office with Shizune running green hands over his head, "What did you do last night Naruto-kun? Why does a thirteen year old need a hangover cure?" Naruto groaned as the sound of Shizune's voice reverberated through his head like a sledgehammer, "Shizune-neechan… There are some things that you don't need to know about, trust me."
The next moment Tsunade walked through the door and stopped for a moment to stare at her hungover teenage chunin who had her apprentice fretting over him. Shrugging it off as early morning bullcrap she sat down at her desk and pulled up the first piece of her daily paperwork.
She looked up from her work with a quirked eyebrow, "Brat why is there a report on my desk claiming that there were sounds of Gamabunta singing drinking songs at the top of his lungs last night around Training Area 44?" She looked back at the paper and narrowed her eyes, "Also they claim that in a clearing somewhere inside the forest there are around 37 giant spider corpses littering the field. Some were ripped apart, cut clean through, burnt to a crisp, and squashed outright in giant webbed footprints with… Mt. Myoboku Fire-Brand Sake filling up some of the prints?"
Naruto shrugged and held his head, "How do you know the brand?"
"That's on here too." She pointed to the sheet of paper, "Apparently there were around 12 human sized containers strewn about the area."
Naruto smirked to himself as he felt the soothing healing feeling from Shizune's jutsu, "That's some good stuff… Gamabunta's awesome."
Tsunade placed the sheet in the discard pile, shaking her head, "I'm not even going to ask… Why don't you have alcohol poisoning? Nevermind, are you ready for the mission today, or do I have to throw you in jail for being drunk in public?"
Naruto shot up abruptly, "Hey! I was not drunk in public!"
Shizune sweat-dropped, "Naruto-kun I found you blacked out on the top of the building this morning when I came in early."
Naruto scoffed and stood in front of Tsunade's desk, "Hey! I was getting drunk in the woods, Gamabunta threw me into public. I wanted to be drunk in the forest, which is perfectly legal… arrest him."
A sigh came from the elder blonde in the room as she motioned for Naruto to come and listen to her directions, "This is B-ranked. You're escorting a VIP to Kumogakure alongside a team of two other chunin and one jounin. This should take a few weeks at the least and a few months at the longest due to the fact that there will be negotiations between our representative, who you will be travelling with, and the Kumo higher ups."
Naruto nodded, "So this is just one of those 'get experience' kind of things right?" He felt curious however, "So who are we escorting and who do I have on my team?"
A frown came from the blonde Hokage, "You know what? No, I'm not telling you this time. Get your little ass down to mission control to get your assignments. I shouldn't be handling this, I have people that actually get paid to be doing this instead of me."
Naruto stood staring silently for a moment before simply turning around and leaving the office with naught a word. Shizune looked at her mistress in a huff, "Tsunade-sama that was mean. Naruto-kun didn't do anything."