NARUTO:The sealed shinobi

Chapter 68: CH 68

Tsunade wiped off her bloody fist and sat back down at her desk, "What the hell is wrong with you brat? You beat up an entire class of academy students. Who does that?"

Naruto stood up and dusted himself off, "In my defense I let them all come at me at once, and I tied one hand behind my back. Consider it a teamwork exercise. Give them all extra credit grades, tell their parents it was sanctioned, everybody wins."

Tsunade snorted, "You're going to catch some flak for this kid. What were you thinking?"

Naruto looked around at the Anbu still in her office, "You mind sending these guys out? This is kind of sensitive information." Tsunade gave him a look that said 'are you kidding?' "Well okay, I mean I was under the impression that Minato Namikaze was important."

Tsunade's eyes widened and she quickly ordered her Anbu out, "What do you know about Minato brat?"

Instead of flat-out answering, Naruto stood and made his way to the wall that had pictures of all of the Hokage in order from first to fifth. He stopped in front of the picture of the Yondaime and stood next to it looking out at Tsunade, "I must be fucking retarded. How the fuck did I not see this?" He gestured between himself and the picture, "He looks just like me. Kami, I'm slow on the uptake."

Tsunade sighed and rubbed her temple, "How did you figure it out? We were going to tell you soon."

Naruto chuckled, "Iruka-sensei." He noticed her surprised look, "Oh come on baa-chan!" He pointed out the window at the Hokage Monument, "It's been literally staring me in the face every day for thirteen years. I had to get help to figure it out! I should be pissed off right now! But I'm not, and I don't know why."

Tsunade sighed, "You are angry, you're just repressing it. That's not healthy Naruto, I think it's time I assign you a mission. You need to get out of town and take some of the edge off, I'll have something for you tomorrow. We can talk about this when Jiraiya gets back, he can answer all of your questions. I think you know that you can't tell people about this."

Naruto shrugged, "What else is new? I'm a walking secret. Am I leading or tagging along for this mission?" "Does it matter?" Tsunade saw Naruto shake his head before she got an evil smirk on her face, "Now I think the crime of assaulting an entire class of students warrants some kind of punishment. Don't you think brat?"

Naruto's jaw dropped, "Punishment? You punched me in the face and knocked my tooth out! What the hell are you going to do with me now?"


(Four Hours Later)

"This is bullshit!" Naruto yelled as he speared another piece of trash with his stick and placed it in his bag, "I should be done by now, but you won't let me use any jutsu!"

Slightly out of his way, Shikamaru was laying on one of the hills that Naruto had cleared keeping his eye on his fellow chunin, "Hokage-sama called me to oversee your D-ranks for today and gave me explicit orders to make sure you didn't use any ninjutsu to help you complete the jobs faster, this is the last one for the day so calm down Naruto."

Naruto angrily stalked over to more trash in the park, "You're just alright with this because it's giving you the excuse to do nothing. You lazy bastard…"

Shikamaru yawned as he turned his attention to the clouds, "Troublesome, just finish up so I can stop listening to your complaining. Between you and Ino I can't tell who's worse right now."

Naruto chuckled as he stabbed consecutive pieces of trash, "You should take up drinking. It's done wonders for baa-chan, I don't even bother her that much anymore, sometimes she's totally lucid, you'd love it." As he returned to his work he cursed again, "I'm not even getting paid for this crap… Stupid kids that can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag… That Inuzuka kid dropped like a stone. I thought they were supposed to be good at taijutsu."

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, "It was a class full of seven and eight year-olds."

Naruto pointed his stick at Shikamaru, "Don't make excuses for them!" Naruto closed up the last bags and tossed them on the back of a cart, "Okay, now that hell day is over let's report so I can get hammered."

Shikamaru stood up and the two started towards the Hokage Tower, "You're thirteen Naruto. We're too young to drink."

Naruto flicked the hitae-ate on his belt, "If I can spend all day doing minimum wage jobs and killing people for money I have the right to use that money to purchase liquor. It comes with the status Shikamaru."

"Troublesome…" Shikamaru shook his head as they continued their walk to report in to the mission table.


Naruto leaned on the counter of the weapons shop owned by Tenten's family while he waited for someone to appear to help him. "Hello Naruto." Naruto lifted his head to see Tenten entering the shop, "Are you here for your sword?"

Naruto nodded and yawned, "Yeah, what? Did you just get back from team training?"

Tenten nodded as she went behind the counter to talk with the scarred boy, "Yep. Gai and Lee said they saw you painting a fence. Why are you doing D-ranked missions? You're a chunin now."

Naruto smirked, "I beat up a class full of kids at the Academy and the Hokage made me do a ton of them. It was great while it lasted… They shouldn't have been talking shit." Naruto noticed a brown haired man coming from the back wiping his hands off, "So, um…Mr. Tenten's dad, how long do you need my sword for. I have a new mission to go on tomorrow, it's the broken ninjato."

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