Naruto: Mind over matter

Luke’s Death; Riku’s Birth

Pov: 3rd person.

Luke a man with greying but mostly black hair that is slicked back and a goatee + moustache that would be called evil looking if the moustache wasn't so buoyant or 'Mario like' as his brother Jacky often calls it, tied with green eyes and bony but strong features, Luke having been to a party or 3 seems to be walking home, mostly stumbling though.

'Well that was definitely the most interesting birthday party I've ever attended, probably should take the park route home, I am way too drunk to walk near the main road'

Taking steps into a small clearing of trees and following a small concrete path Luke finds himself in the ever familiar Homewood park, a place where Luke often finds himself in times of silence and contemplation, this time thinking back on his life.

'Actually who's birthday was that? Wait, damn it, I'm pretty sure I was attending an anniversary party how'd I end up at a birthday one? Jacky. Lets blame Jacky he always gets me into these situations'


'Okay I may of snuck away and hopped on a random party bus, but! I still blame him for something, just got to figure out what that is'

Sighing Luke looks around the park, his clear green eyes scanning the trees he used to climb as a child, wondering when they got so small.

'Huh I'm back here again'

Stopping at a small clearing in the park and gazing towards his favourite bench that seems to have been in disrepair over the years, Luke breathes in the cold air.

'You know Em... I think you were right, just needed a breather and life didn't seem so hard after all'

Taking a detour and going to a small tree probably around ten years of age Luke drops to sit next to it and beside him lays a small memorial of flowers and wooden toys, above them carved into the tree is the words 'Emily's tree! Beat it!' Upon seeing it, Luke lets out his final chuckle for the night.

'Should probably get back into carving stuff again, love these little toys... though got to trade some hours at the gym for it...hmmm? decisions, decisions? ahh ill think about it tomorrow when I get groceries, see if I'm feeling like spending money on a new set of tools, oh and some new flowers for here too before I forget'

As Luke thinks about his plans he drifts to sleep lying next to the memorial, and gently, ever so gently dies in his sleep, never to awake again or figure out what it was that killed the 33 year old man... probably was the alcoholism but no need to worry about that now.


Though Luke should of never awoken, he did.

Suddenly regaining his thinking and thoughts again Luke tries to move but cannot, tries to smell but cannot, tries to breathe and tries to do a multitude of things but can only do three things, think, see and hear, thousands of glowing lights around him, dim, bright, loud and quiet they travel forwards and looking around Luke seems to be the same, bright but quiet, warm but lonely the feelings rushing through him and the lights all around make him wake up and it seems he is the only one as the thousands of lights continue forward while he remains in the dark expanse.

'Hello! Can anyone hear me? What's going on?'


Met with silence Luke tries to move like the other lights but fails and slowly drifts off course.

'Wait! Wait for me! What's happening here why am I a light... thing?'

Drifting further and further time starts to lose meaning and so far from the other lights distance goes with it.


No thoughts for a while and without most senses Luke only seems to drift further.

Eventually without warning Luke awakes bumping into another light this one warm and Loud and definitely angry yet with an undertone of happiness and care?

'Another light, yes I can follow them I'm not lost! Not at all!'

Looking around and seeing hundreds of other lights again a sigh of relief escapes his... thoughts?

'Can you hear me? Angry light?'

After a few seconds the light responds in what seems to be Japanese, Luke has never ever been so thankful for his mother forcing him to learn her first language at a young age.

'Yes? sorry I was lost in thought, I think? Huh, never felt so... odd before dattebane..'

'Hi! yes sorry, I got lost but I think I was supposed to follow a group of lights? But got side-tracked, I think I'm gonna stick to this group and see what happens, and.. oh I'm Luke by the way'

'Ruke? Oh I'm... Kushina, last thing I remember was dying, is this the afterlife?'

'Luke. And I'm not entirely sure, I was resting by a tree and woke up here'

Disgruntled by the thought of this being the after life, Luke takes a second too change the conversation but before he can a light next to.. Kushina speaks up, it is radiant and warm but also saddened and hopeful.

'Hello Ruke is it? I'm Minato, I can feel the chakra around us leading us towards somewhere and I'm sorry to say but I think this is the afterlife, almost all of the other souls here feel... saddened or angry from there passing'

'Luke. And I'm pretty sure I was just sleeping a few seconds? Hours? Ago'

Thinking hard on this for a few moments Luke eventually resigns to accepting his fate in his mind, he knew he had to go eventually and if this Minato seem so certain maybe its best not to argue until he figures it all out, speaking up again Luke 'speaks' to the two again.

'Never mind... I probably died in my sleep, worse ways to go I suppose.'

Minato speaks up to reply.

'you must of been sleeping through the Kyuubi attack? Or no.. you said you drifted from the souls you originally were with? What part of the Elemental nations are you from Ruke?'

'Elemental nations? I think I might of drifted a bit too far, do you know of Australia? Asia? And its pronounced Luke'

'No I apologize I've never heard of those places Ruke... then do multiple worlds exist? Or perhaps my theory of multiple universes is not so insane after all? Perhaps...'

'Its Luke, with an L... Minato?'

Waiting for Minato to stop mumbling about 'hirashin' and 'space chakra?' Luke turns to Kushina.

'So how did you two die? Something about a Kyuubi?'

Kushina glowing a shade angrier than before responds.

'That! yes! and also that dumbass! mask wearing stupid! idiot dumb...'

Both Kushina and Minato now rambling about two different things, Luke turns to look to the front and slowly starts to drift asleep again.

-Luke pov-

What? Where am I? Oh right the being dead thing... though this is a change of scenery, a white room and a meditating old man with horns?

"Hello, sir? Do you perhaps know where I am"

The man shows no Visible reaction.

"A drifting soul so far from its place and its afterlife, I apologize for taking you from your trip to the pure lands but I couldn't help but to think about how lucky or unlucky you are"

The figure responds clearly and his voice radiates throughout the white expanse.

"Lucky? What do you mean sir"

I ask trying to ignore the 'unlucky' part.

"You are not built for the afterlife you where headed towards, without chakra you wouldn't have survived, if you could get by the king of Hell that is"

"So again... kind of lost on how I'm lucky here?"

"Because I found you before your purging, and decided to ask you for help in a certain family affair of mine"

"And how do i do that, now that im dead and... about to be purged?"

The figure before me opens his eyes to reveal a unique set, purple and with a ringed pattern that sets upon me

"I will use my rinnegan and creation of all things to revive and remake you in the world of the elemental nations, I will guide you through the creation of your new self and in return for this second chance at life I will ask you to to do two things for me. Firstly protect and help one Naruto Uzumaki and another Sasuke Uchiha. And Secondly I want you to help prevent or save the tailed beasts from being sealed within the Gedo statue. These tasks may seem difficult but hopefully with enough determination, skills and power that I will grant to you it will be done"

"Do I get any clues onto what that all means?"

"I'm afraid not young Ruke, I am already breaking the rules enough by doing and saying what I have and will do with you"

"Luke. And I could understand a few souls that just woke up but surely you can say Luke right?"

Chuckling the figure in front of me smiles for the first time.

"Perhaps its time we move onto the creation of your new self and what better than to start with a new name, for a new life."

Great he was messing with me, wait... was Minato and Kushina messing with me!? No no they just died and woke up, ill give them the benefit of the doubt... maybe.

"So I cant keep my old name? Makes sense considering that it wouldn't for some baby in wherever I need to go to be randomly named a foreign name... I am being reborn right, or is this an adult body that's being made for me."

"Correct, you are to be reborn in the form of a baby alongside your memories, I will drop you at an orphanage in a place called Konoha and create a bracelet or such with your new name, and so I ask again, a name for your new self?"

"Any suggestions, is Ruke a Japanese name? I better brush up on my Japanese there..."

Chuckling again the figure thinks for a moment and replies.

"Perhaps Riku with the kanji of surpass and overcome alongside from long ago?"

Making a clicking sound with my thoughts I respond

"Perfect, what next?"

"I will try to keep your features the same  but they may end up changed due to differences in lifestyle, but next would be your favourite of these options, ill even let you pick two; Earth, Water, Wind, Lightning and fire."

I should probably ask what any of those mean but i would probably get the 'got to be vague for rules' answer again, what to pick, decisions, decisions... ill pick Earth cause I'm from Earth and Wind due to the tiny hope this is choosing superpowers or something, kind of wanna fly.

"Earth and wind please"

"So be it, and now for my final question, your body will be malleable and i can implant a certain gift... into them, a unique ability on your bloodline, please be as vague as possible when describing a power of sorts that you wish for so I may integrate it without any problems due to details said without knowledge of the world your going towards"

Powers? Bloodline? Okay this sounds great, I wouldn't mind getting sent to a world of superheroes or such... should I get flight? No, no there's still a good chance I can get that from the element thing still, a power but no detail, so I can say super strength without saying it absorbs kinetic energy and stores it for strength?? Aughhhb this is so annoying without detail..


Okay no more random picking things, lets look at the facts, i picked two elements so supposedly i and the people in the world around me get some elemental affinity or ability of some sort as he didn't refer to it as anything special im just going to assume its common, the bloodline power thing was different though? Does everyone get an ability or is it just some people, or a a bunch families with a unique ability they pass down? There was emphasis on being vague, so perhaps the abilities rely upon something in the world im going to and i cant make up my own reasons for its design, which brings me back to the elements... and Chakra? Minato said something about chakra...

He said he could feel it, so one can sense it, he said its around us and said it was taking us somewhere, as if it usually does not, so ill make a jump and assume its usually doing nothing till interacted with, he also mumbled space chakra? So different kinds of chakra? Im thinking i chose wind and earth chakra by the sounds of it... i can use chakra to direct wind and earth? Like chakra directed souls in the afterlife??? Okay, okay i also had no chakra like the old guy said so its something unique to elemental nations, or perhaps the people of the elemental nations can only use it and i never knew it was there due to me never having the ability in the first place.

So system of power built upon chakra, something similar to magic or mana I'm guessing which helps one direct an element or in my case two, so i should chose an ability that helps augment the two or helps me direct the chakra around us.


"May I have the ability to overcharge any Elemental ability i get from that new world naturally?"

The old man smirks and seems to think for a moment.

"Too simple, and far weaker than anything I thought you would ask for, another try."

Alright it seems that's something I can already do by the sounds of it, or I'm capable of replicating in the new world, i doubt he would of rejected it else.

"Can I ask for something as outrageous as immortality?"

"You may but depending on how its implemented, people will have questions on how you obtain this gift"

So even immortality exists in this world, but related to bad things? Cultural or perhaps some bad guy in history? Perhaps people will think me wrong and try to kill me? or not kill me due to being immortal, so trap me in a cage? or experimented on? too vague got to chose something else

"Okay lets not do immortality, how about back to the elements thing, is there any more elements I could chose?"

He smiles at that

"So I can, are they like a skill tree?, for example if I mess with wind enough will it evolve into storms or something? But that uses lightning so does it require two elements to combine or does one need to train in areas that concentrate with that element? For example directing chakra in a storm for storm chakra."

His smile brightens a bit more before he speaks

"Much smarter than i gave you credit, ill let you have this bit of knowledge; yes one must mix certain chakras to obtain another in most cases"

"Then may i have a rare chakra? Something like mind chakra that allows me use telekinesis?"

"Yes you may have Telekinesis as your ability, is that what you wish for"

Is it? I could ask for more right? Or something greater?... nah better not bite off more than I can chew, and he hasn't rejected this one so it seems good enough

"Yes, sounds great"

With a final smile he closes his eyes and pushes his palm in front of him, expelling a force that slowly makes me... want... to...sleep......

"Very well Telekinesis it shall be, young Riku, I shall use the remaining power saved for your ability and put it into a greater pool of chakra for you, live well new born"

....thanks......horn man....guy?...

And with a gasp of air I awake, waiting at the steps of an orphanage.

First story so hopefully you will like it, Doing multiple things at once currently so chapters may release randomly or I may write what I can during the week and post the amount of chapters that I have at the end of the week, kind of winging it so we'll probably find out by the end of next month. Definitely. Maybe. Probably. Thanks for reading! :) 

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