Naruto: Mind over matter

2 Years

Pov: Riku

'It has been two years since I entered into my new body, on the becoming super powerful note I am rather unsuccessful in finding my chakra, don't know if that is the norm around here or if I am inadequate but I've just been doing stretches really and meditation in my spare time, orphanage has a lot of chores to get done and I also got to spend time with my new buddy speaking of, on the completing my favours note I already found one of the people or children that I need to protect!'

'Naruto Uzumaki, I have no idea what he or his family did but absolutely no one loves him or cares for him, it was about one year ago that I was able to relearn the human basics and decided to form a pact with the tiny man aka I crawled with determination to the corner the adults put him in and decided to give him my bracelet, the one with my name on it, he was shocked, happy and gave me his undying loyalty I'm sure, definitely didn't attempt to eat my gold engraved smooth and shiny slim bracelet...

But with a year of hanging out with him I think he figured the gift out and is usually smiling whenever I waddle on over to his depressing corner... on this note I'm pretty sure the adults are trying to separate me from him and take the bracelet back, but I use the good old baby strategy of being relentlessly annoying when I don't get what I want and they usually give up mumbling and grumbling'

'Anyway back to the now nothing much has happened, nothing much can really happen when your a child, and I don't particularly care for regaling you with story of how I don't shit myself any longer, or how I relearned walking so that's it pretty much'


'It seems one Mr Uzumaki is approaching me and my favourite tree, by the looks of it he is crying again'

A frown forming on my face I sigh, 'he has been trying to reach out to others recently and having no hope, of course I think everyone does the same to me now too but its worth it if I can make sure the kids okay at least'

"Naruto, you alright?"

He grumbles and sits right next to me putting his head into his knees

"Tupid' old lady said I couldn't play wit' the others anymore"

Another sigh escaping my lips

'Old lady is the head of the orphanage... should probably learn her name, Hope she isn't named Sasuke would hate to have been enforcing the might of the terrible twos on her if she is... maybe'

I start patting Naruto's back as I reply

"Naruto... I don't know how I can help you here buddy, if I had any way of knowing what's happening I would be fixing this misunderstanding in a heartbeat, and plus she says that all the time and the others still play with even then right?"

He lets out a small sniffle

"The others don' wanna play anymore either.."

'Yikes, what the hell did your family do kid, I really need to find out, cant have him dying to internal conflict, id rather him not be having any internal conflict with the very village he will be working in but nothing much I can do there. Sucks to be two I need to meditate more, get my Telekinesis up and running so I can get around easier'

'Hehehe no one expects the flying baby'

Coughing I shake my head and get up from the ground, lightly dust myself off then extend my hand towards Naruto

"Come on I just made up this new game we could play together"


"Yep, fancy, new and I definitely put more than 30 seconds of thought into it"

Doing a flip in personality he starts beaming a smile towards me and takes my hand jumping up

"What is it? Do we get to be ninjas!? Or! or! or!?"

"Woah calm down soldier, the games easy to learn and I've named it..."

Spreading my hand wide for emphasis I dramatically pause


"Super Ninja Sword Rush!"

"Woohoooo! What do we do what do we what do we d-"

As he jumps around me- might I add he is one of the most resilient people I have ever met, I mean the kid was sulking just a minute ago- ah as I was saying I walk around the tree and unveil two super badass swords (sticks that I thought looked cool) and hand one to Naruto

"The aim of the game is to defeat the enemy ninja -me- who will attempt to run away! I will be trying to get to the other side of the park, you only need stop me with your super awesome ninja sword skills, now face me Naruto!"

I brandish my sword (cool stick) and charge!


Pov: 3rd person

Hokage's office

Most days end like that with Naruto and Riku, usually Riku just adds super ninja etc awesome noun and bam a new sense of entertainment for Naruto

The image of the two being displayed on a crystal ball, the ball in the hands of the Hokage who sits and contemplates, taking a puff from his pipe the man places the ball down and thinks to himself

'Naruto... not even the orphanage will care for anymore, though I'm glad to see you making a friend... should I give him his own apartment? And if so should I suggest the same for Riku who would be restricted from seeing his friend the second they don't live in the same building?'

Expelling smoke from his lungs the 3rd Hokage looks towards the orb again

'No, I cannot show blatant favouritism towards Naruto by granting his friends the same benefits especially so in this situation, the council would restrict a waste of such funds and my old friend still doesn't believe we should be raising Naruto as anything other than a weapon'

Putting the crystal ball away the Hokage starts picking up sets of documents on his desk and gets to work

'Sorry young Riku, Naruto, but you should be able to see each other in the academy, I have to maintain stability within Konoha and Danzo has been on my hide about Naruto's friend, by temporarily accepting that Riku should not be near the jinchuriki I am able to get his assistance in the next Clan council meeting regarding the peace talks with Kumo and make myself look like I hold no favouritism as the Hokage'

While signing a few documents the Hokage speaks to the air as if someone is listening

"Get me the listings of apartments in Konoha I need every one available"

And not but 10 minutes later is the documents regarding apartments in Konoha on his desk, sifting through them he sighs

'I should be able to withhold this for another year, maybe a bit longer, Danzo only needs my word for his help so that should be fine, meaning Naruto has to live on his own at three to four years of age'

Frowning the Hokage pauses on few apartments and starts comparing them

'Riku is smart... and I cant be watching the children all the time so there is no reason to suggest that he cant sneak out once or twice to help Naruto, I just got to give the address to Naruto in front of Riku so he gets the idea... maybe suggest a few games of ninja revolving around sneaking? Nevertheless Naruto needs an Anbu watching over him, should give Cat something to do for a while, ill have to make sure his apartment is around some retired ninja that would be able to help... and hopefully retired for any other reason than the Kyuubi'

With one final sigh the Hokage puts the 6 selected possible apartments into a new folder and places them into one of the draws

'For the future I suppose, for now I should send for Danzo'


Pov: Riku

"Alright Naruto you win"

Huffing and puffing out the words I lean against the ground and struggle to get up

"Alright! You cant beat the next Hokage, dattebayo!"

Taking a few breaths and calming down my heartrate I let myself fall into a sitting position

"Damn right you are! But next time it isn't gonna be so easy"

Watching Naruto giggle in glee I finally calm down my breathing and take control of the thumping heart in my chest, for some reason my body feels weaker today

Actually my body has been feeling weak for quite a while now, I have tried going to the old lady and asking for a check-up but... that being Naruto's friend de-buff is working wonders, like seriously did his dad eat babies or something!?

"Alright Bright-child, a little birdie tells me lunch is in ten minutes, Onwards to the orphanage!"


I swear I've heard that verbal tic somewhere before though?..


1 year later

Pov: Riku

Old lady finally took me to the hospital, and all I had to do was vomit a tiny bit of blood in front of the Hokage, who might I say is a very kind man who visits me and Naruto every once in a while, probably every second month or so

And what I got from that is, Naruto's dad didn't eat the Hokage's baby! Which is a plus I suppose...

Right the examination I'm getting, the doctors hands are glowing green and I can feel the warmth in my body, flowing throughout every part of me like blood flowing into veins, is this what chakra feels like? I should try to memorise it for later

After about 10 minutes if this he sits down and exhales a deep sigh, that is... not so good a sign of my health, then he starts to speak

"You want the long or short version kid?"

Oh gods that doesn't sound good at all

"Long version please"

"Every person alive needs two things to live, both Yin and Yang chakra, a combination of the two allow you to naturally form what is commonly known as chakra- are you following"

Giving him a nod he continues

"Yang chakra is created from the body, your physical health and energy that the body can use to function is reliant on Yang chakra, it is also a form of loop, where the better your health the greater pool of Yang chakra, and Yin chakra is from the mind whether it is spiritual or intellect it grows as your intelligence and wisdom grow, usually that's how chakra forms, mixing the two and why chakra can grow as you get older, your two pools of Yin and Yang are able to mix greater amounts"


Taking another deep breath the man explains further

"I spent ten minutes using a diagnostic Jutsu in order to find your Yang chakra, I couldn't, now obviously you have yang chakra because you are living right in front of me, but the issue is your Yin chakra, you have way too much to the point that it shrouds any miniscule amount of Yang chakra in your body, you have one of the greatest pools of Yin chakra I have ever seen, only the Yamanaka head would have as much as you and he is a grown adult"

Ah. Telekinesis might of been a bad choice.

"Now the actual problem in your body is that parts of it shut down when using too much energy, they don't see any Yang chakra and think the body is dead or dying, so they stop working"

"So I cant be a ninja..?"



"I'm afraid not kid, you could attend the academy and work on less stressful jobs at the genin corps but that should be the limit"

"My body is slowly shutting down? Does that mean I wont live as long?"

He takes yet another deep breath and mumbles something of an apology, my mind is currently in shambles trying to piece together this information, calming my breathing and holding my thoughts for one more sentence I look up at him

"I'm sorry kid but the best estimate of your life is sixteen to twenty years"

With that information, I give. My mind starts to fall with that final straw and I black out


Pov: 3rd person

Hospital hallway, just outside of Riku's room is his doctor and the Hokage

"Sorry Hokage-sama, but after I talked to him Riku seems to have fallen asleep, we can keep him here and watch over him but it doesn't seem like he will awake anytime soon, should I let you know if he awakes"

"Yes if possible, thank you for your hard work Daguchi-san"

The doctor gives a short bow and leaves down the hall, the Hokage peers into the door to see a young Naruto crying over Riku, exhaling a sigh the Hokage leaves the building to his office

Forgot to mention last chapter that Riku or Luke never knew of Naruto and its world in the slightest, whether that means it doesn't exist on his earth or he just simply missed it is up to you as it holds no bearing on this story. Thanks for reading. :)

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