My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 6 - Long Gone

Chapter 6: Long Gone

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Weiwei was flabbergasted. She had heard of Yang Xinyi, the President of Xinyi Group. Many had been obedient to her but she never bothered with them. Who would have thought that she knew this porter and tried to get him out of a sticky situation? Her curiosity towards Ye Xiong grew.

“President Yang, I’m only escorting him back to aid in an investigation,” Luo Weiwei said politely.

Yang Xinyi turned towards Ye Xiong before she answered, “Alright, Ye Xiong, you better cooperate with the police.”

“What are you still standing here for? Let’s go,” Luo Weiwei yelled.

“Why are you yelling? It’s only a BMW that I ran over and President Yang has agreed to pay for me.” Ye Xiong was displeased.

“Oh, talking back since someone has your back?” Luo Weiwei was angry.

“I wouldn’t dare offend the triad.” Ye Xiong shrugged.

He must have been the first one to call the police a triad.

Luo Weiwei brought him to her superbike. She climbed on the bike and looked down at him from a commanding position like a queen before she coldly said, “I ask the questions and you answer. You know the deal if you refuse to cooperate. First, give me your identification card.”

Ye Xiong forked out his identification card from his back pocket and handed it over.

Luo Weiwei flipped his identification card back and forth and confirmed that it was a fake card. There was no chip in it. This guy actually handed the police a fake identification card.

“Congratulations, you have added another conviction. Fake ID.”

Luo Weiwei knocked the card on his head a few times.

“We’re going to have a falling out if you knock the card on my head one more time.” Ye Xiong took a few steps back.

“Humph, are you challenging me? You want to add another charge of assaulting a police officer?” Luo Weiwei leaped down her vehicle and walked towards him. “Come on, I thought you wanted to hit me?”

She straightened her back on purpose.

Ye Xiong shot a glance at her chest. Her loose uniform was not much of a cover.

Curling his lips, he fished out another identification card from his jeans to hand over.

Luo Weiwei was bewildered as she accepted the card. This identification was the same as the previous fake one. The address, name, ID number were all the same but this was the real ID.

He took two identification cards with him, both alike but one was real while the other was fake. Just what was he thinking?

“I took out the wrong one. I lost my ID before but applying for one takes a long time and I need it urgently for work so I made one that’s exactly the same. A fellow officer can check on it, I’m a law-abiding citizen without any prior convictions.”

“Return to your dorm for a clean change of clothes and follow me back to the station.”

Luo Weiwei set her mind on bringing this guy back to the station. There was a sense of mysteriousness about this guy. It might lead her to a big case.

“Beautiful officer…”

“You have ten minutes to shower and change. Any longer than that and it would be an obstruction of justice.” Luo Weiwei took out her phone to look at the time. “And the time starts, now.”


Ye Xiong rushed back to his rental housing for a quick wash and change of clothes. He showed up on time before her.

A plaid top, jeans with multiple holes, and a pair of sneakers that had not been washed in a while. It was the outfit of a thug. Doesn’t he have any decent clothes?

Luo Weiwei hopped on the bike and yelled, “Touch me and you’ll know the consequences soon enough. Get on!”

Ye Xiong obediently sat on the bike. His hands were itching to wrap around her waist at the scent of fragrance assailing his nostrils. However, the thought of the treatment he would receive in the police station held him back.

“Impulse’s the devil, impulse’s the devil!”

Her back drew a beautiful curve, zooming away on her bike. There was a certain charm to riding the bike that brought out alluring femininity. Ye Xiong found the dent on her back deepening in as she leaned forward in riding, the dent became more obvious.

How huge was this dent?

Suddenly, the ride came to a screeching halt. Ye Xiong caught unaware, bumped onto her back and his hands wrapped around her waist out of instinct.

“Let go.”

Luo Weiwei was up in arms but it was not the time to hover on the matter, because she was under attack.

The car beside made a sharp right turn which forced her to stop.

“Ah, there are murderers behind!”

Like a startled child, Ye Xiong held onto Luo Weiwei tightly, as though clutching at straws.

The alert from Ye Xiong drew Luo Weiwei to glance her rear mirror. She saw two bike riders slowly whipping out silencers.

The car spun on the road which prompted Luo Weiwei to whizz pass with her bike through a blind spot.

Piu piu piu!

Bullets came from the back as the two bikes followed in pursuit.

“Beautiful officer, can you let me down? I don’t want to die yet,” Ye Xiong held on tight. His voice was trembling with fear as he whimpered. “I have parents and children to take care of. There are four or five mouths waiting for me to feed.”

“Shut up if you wish to live!”

Luo Weiwei’s mind was occupied with running away, so she was not aware that she was being molested. She went ballistic when she uncovered what had happened.

The guy was screaming and grasping her out of fear, leaving her unsure whether it was an instinct from fright or an intention to take advantage.

It was unforgivable regardless.

“Let go now.” Luo Weiwei raised her voice.

Ye Xiong seemed to return to his senses and immediately loosened his grip.

It was a complete disaster on the road as drivers tried to shy away from the attack. The traffic was in total chaos!

The killers were hot on their tail for a bit. Seeing that their golden opportunity to kill Luo Weiwei was gone, they took a turn into an alleyway before disappearing out of sight.

Luo Weiwei finally stopped her bike and called the police on the road.

It was a dire situation. A car and two bikes were sent to kill her. It was highly possible that it was linked to the case she was on. It was no wonder her father wanted her out of the case. Someone influential was pulling strings behind, seeing her investigation progress a threat.

Luo Weiwei had a lot on her mind. She was lost in thought for long after she escaped by the skin of her teeth. When she finally got off her bike, she realized her waist was tightly clamped. Their bodies were stuck close to one another.

It was her first time being held by a man, and a lame construction worker at that. Luo Weiwei trembled out of anger. She drew out a dagger from her leg and sliced towards the arm that was holding her.

“I’m finally safe!”

Ye Xiong let loose, evading the assault in time. He jumped off the bike and patted his chest. “It feels great to be alive.”

Luo Weiwei was perplexed. This guy was in luck. She was about to teach him a lesson when he let go. Did he know?

How did he know the two bike riders were killers? They had not whipped out their guns when he called them out.

If it were not for his warning, she may have ended up dead.

Ye Xiong then saw the dagger in Luo Weiwei’s hand and shouted, “What do you think you’re doing? Don’t scare me, I’m a coward.”

“You touched me, you held me, do you still think I’ll let you keep your hands?” Luo Weiwei swung the dagger in her hand.

“Madam Officer, I’ve been wronged. I had to hold onto you at such a situation, don’t you think?”

Ye Xiong took step after step back and with a pitiful voice, he called to her sympathy. “I beg you, I have parents and children. Four mouths are waiting for me to feed!”

“Take another step back and you’ll see,” Luo Weiwei said coldly.

“Oh no, the killers are back!” Ye Xiong pointed behind her.

Luo Weiwei instinctively whipped out her gun and crouched down before pointing the gun behind her. No killer could be seen.

Realizing she was fooled, she quickly turned back to find nothing ahead. Ye Xiong was missing.

“That b*stard ran away!”

Luo Weiwei stomped her foot. She wanted to get even with him but getting to the bottom of the killers was the priority; she did not have time for anything else!

In the adjacent cafe, Ye Xiong walked into the washroom to tinkle before leaving through the back door.

“This b*tch sure has a good figure. What a nice touch.” Ye Xiong made a squeezing gesture to relive the moment. “Wouldn’t it be a waste if this highly-skilled cop was killed?”

Ye Xiong was deep in thought about whether to lend her help but decided to forget about it. He was no longer the same person he was.

He saw a familiar figure as he threaded through the cafe.

It was a cold and arrogant woman. A gorgeous lady over the height of five feet and seven inches. She was wearing sunglasses and wore a black windbreaker. Her hair was up to her ears which hinted on her aggressive nature. She sat there quietly as though she knew Ye Xiong would walk by this cafe.

Ye Xiong took strides over and sat opposite her. He took the coffee sitting in front of her and downed it in one gulp.

The gorgeous lady in black cloak did not speak, seemingly familiar with his behavior. She waited until he finished the coffee before dully asking, “When are you returning to the team?”

Ye Xiong fixated his gaze on her bewitching face. Unlike his glibly self, he put on a teasing look. “You know it’s impossible.”

“I admit, it was the superior commander’s fault that left your team wiped out but you’re still alive, aren’t you?”

“Do you think I look alive?” Ye Xiong stood up, looking malevolent. He pointed at his heart, “Here’s long gone.”

Through her sunglasses, the beautiful woman in black stared at him with her bright eyes without uttering a word.

She saw his eyes shining with tears. They had been partners for six years yet it was Phoenix’s first time seeing tears in God of Death’s eyes.

“Half a year as a porter, half a year as a lumberjack and another half as a construction worker. Is this the result of experiencing worldly pleasure?” Phoenix asked and lowered her head.

“It’s my business and has nothing to do with you,” Ye Xiong coldly added and then stood up.”You can tell Long Tianya that the God of Death is dead. Thank you for your coffee and I hope to never see you again.”

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