My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 5 - In Hot Water

Chapter 5: In Hot Water

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

An important event was happening on that day in Future New City.

Qiaoshi Group 1 ‘s president had personally come to carry out inspections on the building site. The Engineering Department was a bundle of nerves, kept on tenterhooks.

With the papers out a few days ago, practically everyone found out the union bust between the Yang and He family, so everyone was feeling the pinch for the president to visit at a sensitive moment like this.

One false step and they could be sacked.

The construction site in Future New City was informed to put safety first as well as to watch their tongue. Any mistake could cost them their job.

Yang Xinyi became the center of attention as she got down the car with sunglasses and activewear on with her hair coiled up.

She was like a proud swan among the crowd with all eyes on her.

“President Yang, welcome.” Head of the Engineering Department, Xia Qiu came over with a group of engineers.

“Hand me a safety helmet,” Yang Xinyi instructed.

With haste, someone passed a new safety helmet over. After putting it on, Yang Xinyi headed straight to the construction site.

It was then, her phone rang.

“President Yang, I received word that He Haodong dispatched a mass amount of resources to seek Ye Xiong’s whereabouts,” the group’s Security Manager said.

“Have you managed to find out?”

“As of yet, no.”

“Continue your investigation and find Ye Xiong before they do,” Yang Xinyi ordered.

After hanging up, that mysterious and accomplished man came onto Yang Xinyi’s mind once again.

Who was he? What profession was he in? Why did he help her?

Ever since the night, he seemed to have vanished into thin air. Yangshi Group and Heshi Group 1 were both highly influential families in Jiangnan City yet they were unable to locate him. It was as though he disappeared from the face of the earth.

“President, shall we look at the townhouses or houses first?”

“Let’s look at the townhouses first!”

Future New City was a promising project and Xinyi Group had invested no less than 3 billion in it. It was one of the best commercial buildings in the city and one of Xinyi Group’s important estate at this stage.

On the path towards the townhouses.

Ye Xiong wore a torn rubber slipper as he pulled a wheelbarrow loaded with bricks with the lanky Wang Tong alongside him towards the construction site.

“Brother Xiong, do you know why Yang Xinyi broke off the engagement that night?”

“He Haodong was cheating on her with another woman in the bedroom upstairs during the wedding!”

“Pah, as if that was true.” Wang Tong gave him the finger.

“Why won’t you believe me when I tell the truth?” Ye Xiong sighed and continued, “I then went to Yang Xinyi’s villa for a seat and chatted with two beauties in the same room.”

“I call bullshit.” Wang Tong lost his mind.

The two went on chatting and were almost near the townhouses when Ye Xiong’s eagle eyes caught sight of a valiant policewoman. She was talking to Madam Bao.

“Oh, shoot!”

He could tell that the policewoman was the high-ranking police that cuffed him to a billboard the other day.

“I need to take a piss.” Ye Xiong pulled down his helmet and slipped away from the side.

He had made his great escape into the construction site when his phone rang. It was from Madam Bao.

“Just won’t leave me alone!”

He set his phone on silent before slipping into the site.

“Where’s Ye Xiong?”

Madam Bao was puzzled when she noticed Wang Tong walking over. “Didn’t I arrange you two in a group? Why are you the only one here?”

“Brother Xiong went to take a leak.” Wang Tong’s eyes lit up at the sight of Luo Weiwei.

A voluptuous figure, delicate facial features, and long lashes. Her deep eyes, paired with that body in a police uniform was more charming than those uniformed beauties in porn.

“When did he leave?”

“A few minutes ago.”

Knowing she found the right person, Luo Weiwei exclaimed sternly, “He better be captured within five minutes or you’ll be culpable.”

“What did Ye Xiong commit?” Madam Bao asked with a weak voice.

“Rape.” The thought of the guy had Luo Weiwei’s blood boiling. Hence, she intimidated them so they would strive to search for him.

“Fellow officer, I think you might be mistaken. Brother Xiong isn’t that kinda guy.” Wang Tong immediately cried.

“If he did not commit any wrong, why did he flee when he saw me?” Luo Weiwei asked in return.

“I’ll help you search for him,” Wang Tong ran off after he said these words.

Madam Bao entered the construction site and yelled, “Everyone, stop what you’re doing. Find Ye Xiong, he’s in hot water.”

Ye Xiong was hiding by the toilet. After his phone rang several times, he turned off the service.

A group of workers walked over, pointed at him and shouted, “He’s there, quick, grab him.”

“Ye Xiong, I can’t believe you’re this kind of guy. How can we be so blind?”

“You won’t even let a fifty-year-old lady go, are you even human?”

“There are a few police cars out there waiting for you, you better surrender.”

“Don’t waste your breath on him. Catch him and beat him up before handing him over to the police.”

The group of people charged over with vigor.

Ye Xiong was startled. Were these guys out of their minds? He only ran over a car, when did he rape an old lady?

Nevertheless, making a getaway was the matter at hand or these guys would beat him into a pulp.

Resting his hand on the wall, Ye Xiong flipped over and made a quick escape.

“There he is, don’t let him escape.”

“Darn it!”

Ye Xiong made a sharp turn to the left by a pile of cement when a figure jumped out and pounced towards him.

“Really? Is there a need to risk your life?” He took a light step to the side and dodged the surprise attack.

A second person threw himself towards him without thinking twice.

“Oh mother, I can’t remain here any longer.”

Ye Xiong hurdled through obstacles and swiftly made his way towards the exit.

“Get him, don’t let him escape.”

Dozens of construction workers followed behind. It was a surging mass movement.

Luo Weiwei stood at the construction site’s entrance and took a sip of water as she watched with great interest at Ye Xiong desperately trying to flee from the pursuit of his dozens of colleagues.

Strangely, it had been more than ten minutes, yet his colleagues still could not apprehend him despite Ye Xiong not laying a finger on anyone. This guy was as slippery as an eel.

It was total chaos at the construction site.

While leading Yang Xinyi towards the site, Xia Qiu started talking about the place.

“President, our construction workers are all highly skilled and had been through stringent checks. You’ll be able to see them working conscientiously in a bit…”

Xia Qiu was in for a nasty shock before he could finish.

What a turn of events just around the corner!

Dozens of workers were chasing another construction worker around the site. The incident was in full swing as shouts filled the air.

“This is what you mean by a highly-skilled team?” Yang Xinyi frowned.

Xia Qiu broke out in cold sweat as he whipped out his phone to call Madam Bao. He shouted on the phone, “Bao, what’s going on on the site? What? Rape?”

After ending the call, Xia Qiu replied with bated breath, “President, a construction worker committed rape and they are trying to capture him.”

“What’s going on?” Yang Xinyi’s brows were tied up in a knot.

“Officer Luo’s over there, why don’t we ask her?”

The group quickly made their way towards the construction site where the valiant policewoman was standing and laughing hard with her hands over her belly.

Luo Weiwei watched as two workers pounced in unison at Ye Xiong but banged their heads together after a dodge attempt by Ye Xiong. They rubbed their heads and cried out in pain.

“Officer Luo, what happened here?” Xia Qiu walked over and asked.

“Taking a person back for questioning,” Luo Weiwei packed away her smile and pointed at Ye Xiong. “Could I trouble you to bring him over?”

“Stop right there.”

Xia Qiu took strides over and shouted for everyone to stop. He then pointed at Ye Xiong, “You, come over here.”

Ye Xiong sighed. He knew there was no escape for him today, so he obediently followed behind and came over.

“Fellow officer, we meet again,” Ye Xiong said awkwardly.

Luo Weiwei circled him like a shark and clicked her tongue with amazement after noticing there was no need for him to catch his breath.

“Not bad, even dozens of people aren’t enough to catch you.” Luo Weiwei smiled.

“I moved a lot of bricks so I’m quite dexterous with my body.” Ye Xiong fished out a pair of dirty-looking handcuffs from his pocket and handed over. “Back to its rightful owner.”

Upon receiving it, Luo Weiwei chained it to his hand and pointed her at her superbike. “Let’s go!”

Ye Xiong docilely marched towards her vehicle. Suddenly, he realized Xinyi Group’s President, Yang Xinyi was leading a group over.

He immediately lowered his head. It would be a hassle if he was recognized.

He was not afraid of Yang Xinyi but her friend, Xiao Fangfang was a handful.

Yang Xinyi’s gaze cast on him. He had his head down so she could not get a good look at his face but his body structure seemed huge.

“Fellow officer, what has this employee committed?” As he was one of her employees, Yang Xinyi showed concern.

“He ran over someone’s sedan with his bike. He hates the rich,” Luo Weiwei answered.

“It’s not rape?”

“I’d have killed him with one shot if it’s rape,” Luo Weiwei responded.

“Act according to the law then!”

Yang Xinyi took another glance at Ye Xiong and found that he was familiar. She added, “Lift your head up.”

Pretending not to hear, Ye Xiong continued walking with his head down.

“The President told you to lift your head, didn’t you hear?” Xia Qiu furiously chided.

As if too embarrassed to show himself, Ye Xiong buried his head down further.

A seed of doubt grew within Yang Xinyi. A figure flashed through her mind as she spoke, “Thank you, for that night.”

“You’re welcome, it was nothing.” Ye Xiong flauntingly waved his arm. The next minute, he realized he was duped.

Helplessly, he raised his head and smiled. “President Yang, we meet again.”

Yang Xinyi looked back at the man covered in dirt and grime for more than 30 seconds before coming to. If it were not for his trademarked shameless smile, she would have thought she had the wrong person.

He was indeed the guy from the other night.

How could it be?

The guy from the other night was dressed in a branded outfit from head to toe and exhibited a rather fascinating charm. He was tall, dark, and handsome.

The guy before her?


Yang Xinyi could not help but laugh.

It was no wonder the Yang and He family searched everywhere and yet were unable to locate him. Who would believe this guy was a construction worker and hiding in a site?

The people that surrounded them exchanged glances. No one knew how President Yang was acquainted with this construction worker and judging by her tone, Ye Xiong seemed to have helped her?

“We really had a hard time searching for you!” Yang Xinyi flashed a rare smile.

Now she believed the policewoman’s words. This guy dared to climb up five floors in order to recover a debt, what more running over a sedan with a bike?

“How much was the damage? I’ll pay for it but first, let him go,” Yang Xinyi replied out of the blue.

Her words triggered reactions all around. They turned their gaze towards Ye Xiong, with a face as though they had seen a ghost.

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