My Terrified Yokai Academy School Life With Monster Girls!

Chapter 5: Regretful Thought!


Moka cried out Tsukune's name when witnessing him being sent flying by Saizou.  

Fearing for her friend’s life, Moka Immediately scrambles onto her feet and rushes toward Tsukune. 

However, before she could get to him, Saizou, with a lustful grin plastered indecently on his disturbing-looking face, blocked her way with his huge arm filled with popped veins. 

‘‘Where do you think you're going, little Beauty?’’ Saizou said, eyes moving to scrutinize every part of Moka's body, carefully checking her out. ‘‘Hmm, after looking at you I change my mind, raping you in front of him would be more fun than outright killing him right now. That is... if he’s still alive after that. Haha…!’’ 

Saizou laughed uproariously when mentioning the last part.   

‘‘...!’’ Already terrified by him blocking her way, Moka's expression paled instantly when she heard what Saizou had said he would do to her. Unconsciously moving a step back, Moka voices in panic and fright. ‘‘G-get away!’’ 

‘‘How cute, but it’s pointless, you won’t be able to escape from me! Hehehe!’’ Seeing Moka shout for him to get away while continuously moving back, Saizou chuckled unashamedly in a lecherous manner. ‘‘Now get back here!’’  


Despairing, Moka was about to make a run for it but Saizou moved even faster despite his large builts, quickly advancing in front of her to block her way from running. When she notices her path block, as Moka is about to turn and dash the other way, he intercepts her by reaching forward with his hand and grabs hold of her.  

Lifting her up from the ground as easily as if one would lift a feather, Saizou smirked, tongue slithering about as he grinned evilly while saying. ‘‘Up close you really are better looking than those human females I had back in the human world. I really struck gold with someone like you on only the second day of school. Now what were you again, a vampire, right? Now this only makes it all the better!’’ 

As he speaks, his long tongue extends forward and licks the side of Moka’s delicate and fair tone. Tears formed from Moka’s green eyes, spilling and rolling down her cheek as despair flashed deeply within them. 

‘‘How tasty~ Even your tears are among the top of those I had the pleasure of tasting before enjoying the main course. This just makes me more excited than I already am!’’ 

However, Moka’s despair was only met with more despair when hearing Saizou’s words and witnessing him licking and savoring the tears that had fallen from her eyes in a disturbing lecherous grin. 

As terror and despair fell upon Moka in such a sudden and unexpected manner, with tears further squeezing out from her eyes, Moka cried out the name of the person she could only think of at this time. 

‘‘T, Tsukune h-help…!’’                       

‘‘Crying out for your boyfriend? Hmpn, I’ll make sure you forget all about him in just a moment.’’ Still lifted up Moka with one hand, Saizou snorted coldly when he heard the words coming out of her mouth. 


Saizou threw Moka down to the ground harshly, causing her to release a painful moan from the impact. 

‘‘Shall we get the fun started now.’’ Saizou utters after throwing her down. 


Thereafter, the blond monster was about to throw and poach down on Moka, whose eyes flashed with hopeless despair that was about to befall her. But before Saizou could do so, suddenly, out of nowhere, a medium-sized rock came flying at an extremely fast pace, and emitted a swooshing sound that directly struck the back of Saizou's head hard.           

Although the rock wasn’t strong enough to leave any scratch on the backside of the blond monster’s head, when the medium-sized rock struck squarely at the back of his head, he still reacted quickly and turned around to look for the one who had thrown that rock. 

‘‘Who the hell- You!’’ As Saizou’s eyes blazed with anger at whoever was throwing the rock at him, when he turned around and saw who it was, his eyes flashed with a little surprise before more anger took over him.  

‘‘Hey! You fucking ugly disgusting asshole, don’t tell me you forgot about me!?’’     

Moka, also surprised when a rock suddenly struck Saizou, stopping him from doing unspeakable things to her, quickly swept her gaze toward the one throwing the rock as she heard the familiar voice of a boy.  

‘‘T-tsukune! You’re okay!’’ Knowing the owner of the familiar voice immediately, Moka cried out Tsukune's name with genuine relief and happiness when seeing that he was alive despite being struck hard and sent flying by Saizou. 

With dust and dirt staining his turquoise uniform, Tsukune, with his brown hair and eyes, short stature, lean physique, and average appearance, calmly locked his gaze intently at Saizou's monstrous figure from a distance. 

‘‘You’re alive, that is very great-’’

‘‘Ugh! Seriously dude, not only is your appearance so disturbingly grotesque, but why are your voices also so awful and unpleasant to the ears as well? With you like this, I’m afraid to even think about what your mother who gave birth to you would look like, or even sound like for that matter.’’ 

As Saizou starts talking with a delightful grin, Tsukune cuts him off from finishing his speech as he gazes at him, feigning disgust while insulting him with a mocking smirk hanging across the corner of his lips. 

The moment Tsukune’s words rang out, a deathly silence immediately befell the place. 

Saizou, who was once full of delightful grins at the thought of what he would do to Tsukune, had his face directly frozen in shock at the word spoken by Tsukune. Even Moka held her hand to her mouth, gazing at him with agape eyes when hearing him bluntly insulting Saizou, shocked by his sudden courage and worrying for his safety.

Why is Tsukune making him more angry? Doesn't he know he’s putting himself in even more danger by doing this!? Moka thought, confused by what this human friend of hers was thinking, insulting someone who could easily kill him in this situation.  

As if feeling her gaze, Moka notices Tsukune briefly moving his attention to her in a subtle manner. And as their gaze met each other in that very short instant, Moka’s expression flickered, somehow she was able to understand all he wanted to say just from that brief instant where their gaze met without him actually speaking them out. 

He’s telling me to run… without him... Getting his message, Moka’s tears suddenly ran down like a stream from a waterfall, showing no sign of stopping.    

Tsukune on the other hand, didn’t notice the tears streaming from Moka's eyes after sending her those unspoken words through the eye, as he quickly turned his attention back onto Saizou, still donning a smirk; taunting said person. Or monster in this case.  

After the brief shock and his freezing up from Tsukune’s taunt pass, Saizou ground his teeth tightly as veins that were already there, to begin with, formed even more around the area of his forehead as an extreme expression of fury donning his entire face.   

‘‘You fucking punk! I’m going to kill you in the most painful manner after getting my hand on you!’’ Eyes seeming to turn completely red from anger, Saizou said in a loud growling tone. 

However, despite the threat aimed at him with such intensity that it would cause anyone in his position to peed their pants from sheer fear. Still looking calm with no sign of fear that could be found on him, Tsukune pointed a middle finger at Saizou and said in an uncaring manner. 

‘‘Yeah, yeah, are these continuous half-ass threats the only thing that a simple-minded brain of yours can only retort with? If it is, that is just pathetic, dude. Then again, how can one expect any good retort from someone as hideous and dumb as you? Am I right, fuckface?’’ 

‘‘You fucking-!’’ 

‘‘See what I mean.’’ 

Tsukune cut Saizou off again, shaking his head mockingly, seemingly fearless despite the genuine danger the blond monster posed, who looked to be about to explode from anger building up at any time. 

But unbeknownst to Saizou and Moka, Tsukune's outward appearance might have shown that he truly was unfearful at this moment despite the very real danger he was in. Inside, not a single trace of the fearless attitude he was showing in outward appearance could be found.  

Crap crap crap…! I am really digging my grave here! Fuck, I should just run and not look back when I have the chance! Despite calling this bastard dumb, aren’t I the really dumb one here!?  

These regretful thoughts popped up in Tsukune’s mind when looking at the angry-looking Saizou, who looked like he still wouldn’t be satisfied after ripping him apart from limb to limb, gobbling him down, and chewing his bones out before grounding them to dust. 


Earlier back before Tsukune had thrown Saizou's head with a rock. 

After being sent flying from a single sweep of Saizou’s arm. Tsukune, back leaning against a cracking tombstone because of the impact from ramming into it, grunts deeply in pain as a small teardrop forms from his eyes. 

Urrggh! Dammit, that freaking hurt so bad, are any of my bones broken? After crashing into the tombstone with such force, Tsukune felt every part of his body screaming out in pain as he quickly checked himself for any potential fracturing or broken bones.

However, as he checked himself for any fracturing and broken bones, not finding any, strong relief washed over him as he couldn’t help but form a slight smile even with everything.    

‘‘Phew~ Times like this I really can’t thank Mom enough for birthing me with a tough and strong body despite my puny size.’’    


Unfortunately, the slight smile only formed briefly as Moka's voice caused it to immediately crumble the next moment. 

‘‘Shit, Moka! I need to save her.’’ After hearing her calling his name, Tsukune quickly raises his head to look at her. But when raising his head to look at Moka, he directly cursed when he saw Moka’s path being blocked by Saizou.

And while nothing has happened yet, giving Saizou clearly expresses less than morally decent intent toward Moka, worrying for her instantly rises up in Tsukune. So despite his painfully aching body, he was about to scramble onto his feet to rush over to help her, but before he could a thought popped into his mind. 

Save her, like how…? 

The instant the thought pops into his head, like a cold glass of water doused down on him, it causes him to freeze up from rushing out to help Moka. 

‘‘Yeah, help her, but how? How can I possibly help when I’m just a weak human who got sent flying from a single sweep from that monster!? If I go over to help, isn’t that just throwing my life away meanlessly!? Besides… I only know her for a short amount of time, and while she may be pretty; is it really worth risking or even meaninglessly giving up my life for her!?’’ 

Tsukune gritted his teeth, muttering gloomily to himself.     


‘‘In fact… if I… If I run now while he is distracted by her and hide until that creepy bus driver comes by… I will be able to leave this damn monster-infested academy, won't I? So why should I risk my life for a friend only a little more than a day, nevermind the fact that she is a monster and our relationship might not even work if she ever has the thought of sucking me dry one day.’’ 

Tsukune chuckled self-deprecatingly, mocking himself for having these thoughts. But he couldn’t help it either, the fear of death and the helplessness of knowing that even if he rushed over to help Moka now, he would only end up getting himself killed in vain, preventing these thoughts from leaving him.

As the thought of abandoning Moka continuously danced about in his mind like an invisible chain wrapped around him. 

‘‘T, Tsukune h-help…!’’ 

Tsukune's eyes directly snapped wide open as he heard Moka’s familiar voice crying out for him to help. 


‘‘Ha ha, I’m so pathetic… To think I would think of abandoned Moka — my kind, beautiful, charming monster friend. I really am a pathetic, huh?’’ Tsukune mocks himself as one of his hands grabs hold of a rock, clenching it tightly while his teeth chatter from gritting it too hard.    

Soon after, he pushed himself up with his other hand despite his aching body and raised the hand to hold the rock, he then threw it at Saizou as hard as he could.      

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