My Terrified Yokai Academy School Life With Monster Girls!

Chapter 4: Saizou’s Attack

As soon as Tsukune exclaimed with fright, the large and tall muscular young man with blonde hair with an unpleasant grin walked out from the fog, gazing at the two with obvious malice. 

As Saizou directed his ill-intent attention at them, when his gaze swept past Moka, lustfulness flashed through his eyes as he wetted his lips with his unnaturally long tongue. An unhidden disgusted grin was plainly plastered on his facial expression at that moment. 

However, that lustfulness immediately morphed into an expression filled with rage and murderous intent the Instant his gaze left Moka and switched to Tsukune, who shuddered unconsciously from the undisguised murderousness held within the gaze. 

‘‘As for the trash that dares to make a fool out of me not once but twice, I’ll tear and grind your bones down to nothing after getting my hands on you.’’ Saizou declared, the anger coursing through him causing veins to pop up on his forehead, twisting and transforming his facial face. 

Thereafter, his face morphed and exactly resembled the hideous countenance monster with a long slithering tongue back when he rushed into the academy to chase after Tsukune, and his entire person also went through the same transformation. 

Saizou began to quickly grow in size and height, his already muscular appearance took on a whole new change, becoming bigger and bulkier with visible blood vessels and veins appearing on almost every part of his body. 

The sudden transformation made Saizou take on a completely monstrous appearance; ghastly and terrifying looking. 

And with a deep and loud beast-like growl, after transforming into his true form hidden behind the human disguise, Saizou spoke again with a grin. ‘‘But there won’t be a third time, here where there is no safe place you could run or hide away from me, you won’t be able to get away this time. And you can thank her for leading me straight to you.’’

Shit shit shit, why the heck is this bastard so persistent!? Witnessing Saizou’s monstrous form again, the memory of the literally bone-chilling fear from first catching sight of the form from within the crowd came back to him at full force. 

And with no masses of people to hide among this time, the bone-chilling fear could be said to be ten times worse than the first! 

Tsukune grappled with fear as cold sweat continuously rolled down from his forehead. However, even as the fear tightly grasped hold of him...

Driving forth by his strong desire to survive, despite the fear that caused his whole person to shudder and stiffen up, Tsukune pushed down the fear and urgently uttered to Moka beside him. ‘‘We’re in deep trouble, let’s run now!’’  

‘‘U-um yea-’’ 

Looking at her stuttering and bore a pale countenance, Tsukune kitted his brow and bit his lips, able to easily tell that Moka, too, was afraid. Seeing her frozen up because of fear, he felt the urge to comfort her but knowing this wasn’t the time for any of that, he reached forward and grabbed her hand. 

‘‘Come on, as a monster yourself you should be less afraid than me. There’s no time, we have to go.’’ After grabbing her hand, he leaned his head a little closer to the pink-haired and said in a low tone. 

Moka, hearing his urgent yet caring voice, eyes flashed with hesitation at first before quickly changing into determination.   

However, Tsukune didn’t notice the small change in her gaze as after uttering those words of comfort in an urgent manner, he directly pulled her along to make a run for it. 

‘‘Do you think running away would work for the third time?’’ Saizou, watching the two fleeing while holding hands, annoyedly sneered at the sight. He then outstretched his long yet huge arm down to grab hold of one of the tombstones embedded in the ground, and with inhuman strength, he directly pulled the entire thing out from the earth. 

Pulling the tombstone out from the earth with dirt and grime falling off from it, Saizou, in his hideous monster form, lifted the tombstone weighing tens of pounds in one hand, high overhead with ease. He grinned sinisterly at the two and hurled forward the entire tombstone in their direction. 

‘‘Since you like running so much, try getting away from this!’’ 

As the two made a run for it, Tsukune's expression flickered suddenly as an unknown loud whooshing noise sounded behind them. And hit with this sudden unease, he unconsciously glances back in the midst of running. 

The fuck-!’’ When glancing back, Tsukune subconsciously curses in his mind when noticing a large object hurling its way at a fast pace. The moment his mind registered the flying object, acting upon instinct, he threw himself at Moka and shouted. 

‘‘Get down!’’

‘‘Wha-’’ finding him suddenly throwing himself at her, Moka wore a surprised expression as the boy dragged both of them down toward the ground at rapid speed. 

Just a short instance after Moka was dragged to the ground by Tsukune, not understanding the reason why, a loud and booming noise rang out a few short distances ahead from them. Surprised by the sudden explosion, Moka, pressed underneath him, tilted her head, and moved her eyes at where the loud explosion came from. 

‘‘!!!’’ Upon looking at the location where the explosion sounded from, the only thing Moka saw was dust floating in the air, broken tombstones, and small unearthed ground. The sight shocked her as fear crept throughout her body.

Moka wasn’t dumb, she might not personally see what caused the destruction, but she could come up with a guess when recalling Tsukune's extremely urgent words and him throwing himself at her suddenly to drag her down to the ground.    

Whatever is heading our way just now if it had hit, we'd die without a doubt! Looking at the destruction unearthing before her eyes, Moka shudders deeply, realizing she might have just narrowly escaped death.   

‘‘Crap, if that had hit us we would be dead immediately!’’ Still having Moka beneath him, Tsukune felt a little weak from fear. He had also noticed the loud explosion and destruction caused by the tombstone hurled by Saizou. However, understanding that this wasn’t the time to be cowering in fear like a scared little rabbit, he quickly shifted to Moka and concernedly asked. ‘‘Are you alright, Moka?’’  

‘‘Ye-yeah, because of you…’’ Upon being asked if she was okay with such intense concern, Moka meekly uttered while roaming her eyes around with a hint of blush. ‘‘Great! We can’t stay lying down like this forever, since you are fine let’s get ourselves up and start running. ’’ Relieved that him forcefully dragging her to the ground hadn’t hurt her, Tsukune said as he propped himself back up.                 

After Tsukune propped himself back up, he reached down to also pull Moka back up. But as they were about to make a run for it again, Moka, being pulled back up on her feet by him, suddenly had a drastic change in her expression. 

‘‘What is it?’’ Noticing the drastic change, Tsukune inquired of her.  

‘‘Be-behind you…!’’ 

‘‘Hu- Shit!’’ About to answer Moka with a confused look, he instead cursed unconsciously when accidentally glancing down and saw a huge monster-like shadow overshadowing them both. 

‘‘Finally notice me, huh? I was starting to get irritated watching you two flirting so happily when I’m only a little distance away.’’ Saizou, towering over the two with his height, spoke in a deep voice. 

Up close, his monster appearance which was filled with disturbing-looking bulge muscles with veins popped everywhere, and a long snake-like tongue and big sharp teeth, were only more pronounced to Tsukune after he hurriedly turned around when knowing Saizou was right behind them.  

Being only a few feet apart from the monster, Tsukune’s heart rapidly beat loudly as if it would fly right off from him while sweat profusely formed from his back in a pool-like manner, drenching his school uniform in that area. 


Dammit dammit, he’s so close! Crap, I’m doom! Random nonsense begins to spew out within Tsukune's mind as the sensation of terror crept through his very being at that moment. Caused his mouth which was usually foul to barely be able to utter the name of the monster standing before them, like a demon straight out from hell itself. 

‘‘Heh heh, are you scared, runt?’’ Saizou started as he grinned wickedly. ‘‘Since you’re great on your feet, how'd ‘bout you try running again? Oh, you can't do it? Too scared to move those tiny legs!?’’ 

However, despite the mocking insult thrown at him, Tsukune didn’t respond. Or he couldn’t at this time. 

Tsukune felt such terror that his expression was deathly pale, and he couldn’t contain himself from trembling. 

Upon standing so close to the monstrous existence like Saizou, losing all his once courage when trying to escape previously, only his thoughts were truly able to form words as his mouth could only stood agap out of fear. 

It was only a normal reaction though, up to just the other day, he had never thought monsters actually existed. So facing the reality of their existence becoming real in such a short time and having one stare down at him with such animosity, it was only natural for him to be petrified completely. 

‘‘Enough! Please, why are you doing this!?’’     

As Saizou continued throwing mocking insults at Tsukune one after another, Moka, seeing the sight of Tsukune’s face bleached in white and trembling from Saizou's presence, couldn’t hold back anymore and shouted at the blond monster.  

‘‘Ohh~ the beauty seems to have some backbone in her~’’ Unperturbed, Saizou licks his lips, as if amused by Moka's question.


However, the next moment, Saizou's face hardened, he outstretched forward his hand and swept Moka away, sending her slamming to the ground with ease. ‘‘Wait for your turn, I’ll make sure to enjoy you fully after dealing with this little bastard. Haha…’’

Saizou then went on to say with the same lustful grin he had always wore when staring at Moka.   

‘‘Mo-Moka!’’ Witnessing the sight, while still trembling with fear, Tsukune worriedly called out. 

‘‘As for you, it won’t be as gentle as her!’’ Saizou's gaze toward the young man was completely unlike Moka’s, as the only thing that could be seen from his eyes was pure coldness and murderous intent. 

Fuck…! Hearing the words spoken by him, Tsukune trembled even harder. 

Then his face was directly filled with extreme terror as Saizou raised his large hand and… swept him away in the same manner as Moka, but with far more strength put into it.    


Tsukune, upon having the impact smash onto him, was immediately sent flying a few meters away. He only stops when his back crashes into some random tombstone, shattering the thing with a loud bang. 


Moka’s cries rang out. 

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