My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.101: Festival Walking; Lost and Found

After out eating my mother with a fourth dish, Mom got a phone call and quickly left the table for a moment. Leaving me alone with a polished plate, a crunchy maybe crispy plate? It could have a similar texture to a cookie with crispy edges………. I quickly looked away from it. Oooonnly to spot Anne nervously waving at me from a short distance. Once she was certain she got my attention did she slowly walked up to me but kept a small distance from me as she scratched her neck and looked at the floor.

“Uh……..H-here!” She quickly placed a bead with a rose inside it on the edge of the table before rushing off, right into the kitchen door, bumping her head before she rushed inside.

Did she just………..? I looked down at the bead, it had a miniature blue rose inside it while the outside of the bead had a light purple shine to it. The fact she gave me this, was she acting as the guy……a-and she-uh, he? Was asking me out? My hand reached up to rub my forehead only to lightly graze my right horn with a soft click. “Uh…?”

Even if I looked up the meaning of this, I wouldn’t know her reasoning behind giving me this. with her gone. I guess she was hitting on me. Great, here I worried it was going to be some moron of a dude and it’s a girl. My brows pressed together as I was reminded yet again that if its attractive then people would come to bat. “Was that fairy hitting on me too? And that weird thing that happened with Belle too.” I muttered to myself. I think there were a few others too.

This just made me feel like my gut was heating up so I quickly shook my head of the thoughts. Getting up I was about to leave when Mom popped back up.

“Hey Oly. So your Grandad called and said he’ll drop off Cole soon. And………” Her eyes spotted the bead on the table before quickly widening. Her eyes snapped to the kitchen door, narrowing. She picked up the bead and held it out to me. “Here. Can’t have a kindness ignored.”

“But isn’t she trying to date me?” I asked with a frown.

“No. Those are silver. She’s just saying good luck. Just don’t leave it here.” She sighed before dropping it into my hand. “Don’t worry, she means well. She’s……. just cheering you on in her own odd way.” She shrugged and fixed her back posture. “Now let’s go. We gotta meet up with everyone else near townhall.”

So I applied the mana concealer, feeling it tug at my mana. it was being fed into it but instead of pulling more in, it felt more like it was taking a quick sip from a straw. Guess it might be getting full? Or I’m just pumping out more mana than I thought.

“Huh? W-w-wua? Uh where’d he go?” Anne nearly shouted from the slightly open door.

“Ay! Mija, tu cula está matando a mis clientas!” Shouted a man from the kitchen.

“No papá!” Anne whined as she ran deeper inside the kitchen. 

 I just shook my head as I quickly left. Whatever her dad said probably was true, I think? Whatever. I just slowly jogged up to my mother who was already nearing the corner of the sidewalk, she wasn’t walking as slowly as before. Instead she was kinda rushing? though it was a little harder to tell when I didn’t have to run around people in these mostly empty streets. She needed two steps for one of mine. Guess this is how tall people feel when their short friends fall behind?

Regardless of that, we went down a different street but this one had rows after rows of hedges decorated with figures, lights and even fat marbles were tied to them. Silver ribbons arched between trees and street lights, where it was wrapped into large bows. Many of the stores were even open in this area, a few clothing stores that seemed to specialize in either medium or large races. Then there was horn jewelry that either was attached to the tips like a cap or rings that seemed to wrap around the horn? These ones even had rings, chains and gems hanging from them like earrings.

As I looked on, I couldn’t help but rub the side of my horn, feeling the ridges. It felt oddly naked now that I think about it. Golden bands with jewels or perhaps something with a streak of silver? Maybe some red orichalcum? I could try on something mature or colorful to go with it too!

I let out a soft sigh as I stared longingly at the different jewelry, even my wings flapped, making cool air rush into my sides and down my back. Sadly I had to leave with my mother half way down to the end of the block. Perhaps next time then…………………..My eyes followed the displays as I slowly walked away, catching a nice side angle as I moved aw-

The fuck?!

My field of view was dragged into the next store’s display. A long, wide and slightly curved shaft. It was made of a light gray mesh material with baby blue wavy ribbons tied around it like a gift. It was attached between the legs of a rather endowed mannequin. If anything it put most human men to shame! And the mannequin next to it was a full set of metal armor………….with…………………….b-b-b-boobs? The armor’s chest plate slopped into a pointed almost butcher’s knife shape in the middle with two orbs that appeared on either side. It was like those very obvious fake boob jobs, round and as big as watermelons.

I quickly stepped back only to instantly catch the name of the store, ‘Truth from Hunger’. I looked on almost gaping in shock and probably lost in my blindness. I thought at least this town wasn’t- but here it is. In the middle of what looks like the mainstreet of the town or near it. Aaaaaaaaaaand my wings just popped open.

Damn it. I quickly grabbed both my wings and forced them closed, holding them down even as they struggled to pull open. Sadly it didn't stop the blazing heat my face felt or the odd squirming my lower gut was suddenly doing. I could feel my eyes slowly inching back to the display, trying to get all the angles of both mannequins. So I did what I could and tried to speed walk away but I wasn’t fast enough as I easily caught sight of giant side boob. Making my gut clench and heat up like a sticky sauna.

“Rggggghhh…….” I quietly growled as I caught up to Mom.

“Huh?!” She jumped into a sideways stance with a right fist and her wand is instantly pulled from her purse with her left hand.

Damn it all. I would’ve tapped her shoulder but after seeing how well she fights, well maybe it’s better to make a loud enough tap on the floor. 

“Oh. Sorry about that, you spooked me.” She sighed before stashing her wand and changing to a casual pose, though she still kept her legs somewhat apart. “Just don’t do that when we meet up with Grandpa and Cole.” She finished before walking past a store called, ‘Day in Day Out’.

Odd, didn't she want the opposite? Is something happening? This instantly reminded me of how creepy the alleyway was after meeting that weird charlie girl. My eyes started to slowly scan the area around us, focusing on any dark spaces between buildings. Places where the shadows seemed to form long winding shapes or cloak objects into the silhouette of humans. There were at least six alleys, two small parking lots and more than a few people. Their eyes shifting from side to side, some watching my mother and others walking down the alleys. I even saw a small squirrel dart away from a alley, up a pole and on to a roof. Was it possibly running from something hidden in that alley?! I scanned it as we passed by, nothing there….

Even if I was the reason for her jumpiness, I’d rather be safe then believe nothing was actually watching people in that alley. Or more morons ready to jump us again.




There, above a shaded roof, nestled between two larger buildings was nothing. Cold air was processed then transferred. Escape, find, feed. In and out, gasp and fill.

Nothing was to worry as familiar lines of energy softly flowed. Sweet, pure feed. Soon the dark will come and perhaps then nothing will be another. Perhaps food will find its way home.

A small squirrel rushed out of the shade. Its nose wildly twitching for the scent of leftovers, kernels or a passing insect to devour. The small animal peered at the street below.

Oh? There’s the green leftovers….

The tell green one held their hand to their head. “Hello? Yeeaah… I got lost again..What?! No! I followed your instructions and now I’m-I….yeah…ok……….uh huh…where’s that? Nope, no clock. Lover’s lane? Ooo~ooh~! UH! Not what I was thinking!’ll meet me there? Alright! Bu-byiii!” it pulled their hand away and dropped a leaf to the ground. “Yeas! I can do some shopping for my sweet dew drop!” The tall one walked deeper into the valley, hopping around.

Predator has just found the sweet meal! 




We quickly made our way down the street right in front of a large sandy blue building with several stained glass windows. Three made to look like red fairies, two green ones of what looked like very curvy women holding apples and potatoes and one of a blazing sun in the middle of the slanted roof. All around it was lamposts wrapped in silver and many of the trees were decorated with figures, toys and marbles. While on the large open lawn were several people doing things like making swimming serpents out of water, using fire to form figures that moved to a song and in another spot were rows of large plants. There weren't just things like pumpkins but things that looked like a door sized kiwi and a few medium tree sized brown capped mushrooms where people ate at tables under.  There was even a large pale red hedge that people walked up to, pulled on it and it stretched like gum or cotton before it was pulled apart. They either ate it or put it on cones and some of the cones looked like mist shaped like a scoop of ice cream?

They just had clouds?! Uh! Ehm! I shook my head as I tried to ignore a tall minotaur carrying two barrels, each one big enough for two humans to fit inside of standing. His muscles bulged as he slowly walked around a crowd, his muscles looked like a chiseled sculpture wearing a soft velvet like leather costume…. Maybe I could try to pin him down?

Uh….. protecting Mom is more impor- That goblin looks very flexible and those thighs, nice, full and meaty. My eyes tracked the spoon shaped morsel as she ran down a road with other people in some race? Well the way her ass and legs moved! Like a pillow doing crunches, up, down, side to side.

“Oof! The heck?!” Said a random voice that bounced off me.

Looking down was a thin guy who probably bumped into me. Not really cute like Belle and not really muscular either. Sorta annoying he wasn’t watching where he was going bu-wait…………………………………my eyes narrowed while my head slowly scanned the area around me. Where did, shit.


Shit blender.

I couldn't find her anywhere! Looking around, I spotted what looked like Mom. So I quickly tried to rush over, only for a group to walk right into my path, forcing me to pull to a stop. Stepping forward then back as the gap quickly filled with more people. So I stopped and refocused my eyes on Mom and an easier, less crowded path to her. Maybe going around would work? Or I cou-something bumped into my belly and even felt a knee hit my tail.

“Whoa! Someone using magic?” “Ah void! My favorite shirt is messed up now!”

Damn. this fucking. Rrrrgggh! I slowly made my way away from the crowd and into less crowded edges to get closer to my mother. I even had to press my tail downward, dragging it across the dirt and probably bug infested grass. But instead of helping I almost tripped over while my head rammed into a nearby lamppost. My head warped the shape as easily as clay covered tinfoil, leaving an odd almost triple butt cheek dent in its base. Oh god damn it!

It took a while before I reached Mom. only for the person to turn around and have something off about her face, her eyebrows were slanted in an angry look and her chin was pointed. Oh Fuck me! That wasn’t my mom, just a rando that sorta looked like her! Even her dress is just a large tanktop with weird leaf straps!

I sluggishly dragged my giant stupid butt out of the crowd and near the outskirts of the event grounds. 

I couldn’t find her. Not to the left. Just a sea of unfamiliar faces. To the right, a load of performers….oh, there’s that lady again………. I sighed. She wasn’t anywhere and looking over at the town hall, the doors had a sign that had a big closed on it. There wasn't any obvious places I could check, not without tossing a few people around.

If only I could use some magic to- WAIT! I could use that! Without wasting another second, I began to channel my mana and spreading out my arms. My body warmed up only to feel something pull on my mana and then the warmth was quickly gone, replaced with a cool puff of air. 

Fuck! My mana concealer is sapping all my mana! My shoulders dropped and even my tail slapped the floor for a moment before I quickly pulled it back up. I really should've tested if I could use magic with this thing! “Uhg!” I shivered as cold air rushed down my back. Wait, cold? I looked down at my arm, the odd transparency I had was slowly flicking in and out. Shit.

I turned my head searching for a mostly empty road but my eyes fell on a fountain. People were choking any and all space around, leaving it almost as crowded as the main event area. My shoulders squeezed together from chilly air clawing its way up my back.

Mom’s sewing room warehouse it is then.

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