My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

75 – Yufi and Galvados

I kicked the fool on the ground back towards the group. He didn’t seem that injured as he got up.

“You were too careless Kolos.” (Galvados)

“I apologize for my mistake, My King. I have showed you something unsightly.”

“Sorry about that Yufine-san. This child is overprotective. So please forgive her, alright?”

“It doesn’t seem you can manage your subordinates, is this what the rumored Previous Demon King can do?”

The air suddenly went cold again. Even if Galvados was laughing, there was a trace stiffness in it. He might have been shocked for being said by that for the first time.

“….Yufine-san, you haven’t lived here for more than ten years, right? Despite how I look, I’m more unthinkable as you imagine me to be. Don’t you have any respect for your elders?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t do such troublesome things. Also, while it may be true that you’ve lived longer, respecting you is a different matter. At the very least, not to a kid who runs his mouth here and there.”

“I see. I guess that means we can’t be friends. Well, if that’s the case, bye bye.”

He snapped his fingers again. Similar to what happened to the army, the ground cracked under my feet. And a large pilar of file engulfed me.

“Yufi!!!!!!” (Luvia)

“Nee-chan!! NO!!” (Lotte)

“YAMEROOO!!” (Nana)

Everyone was shouting and tears started flowing from their eyes. However, after a brief moment, for the first time, Galvados’s expression broke. And the reason for that is because I swung Aetherius around and dispersed the flames. There wasn’t a single scratch on my body.

“Is that it?” (Yufine)

Everyone became confused. The flames that killed Demon King Bolerius and his army couldn’t kill one human?

“Your Highness, shall I…” (Leon)

“Don’t interfere, Leon. The same goes for all of you. This human just did something interesting.” (Galvados)

“It seems you don’t understand. I’ve already read through you. Even if you come at me yourself… you can’t win.” (Yufine)

“Yufi…. what is….?” (Iris)

“Hey Yufi, he’s getting scary. We should work together and…” (Vira)

“I will not tolerate that. Stand back all of you. This one is mine.” (Yufine)

I started to take steps forward towards the center of the crater. And Galvados did the same thing. My girls were shocked. They couldn’t understand what was going on. Honestly, the chain of events was something too big even for me, but due to Olivia’s training, I can keep a calm attitude, up to a certain limit. Normally my girls know that I would rely on them. But this guy has a very dangerous skill. And unless you know how to deal with it, you’re dead. Thanks to my Perfect Vision, this is going to be just a farce. But for now, let’s play along.

Galvados extended his hand forward. A flurry of elemental magic assaulted me. Fire, ice, earth and wind well all trying to rip my flesh apart. However I closed my eyes and didn't flinch. Eventually, the fireworks stopped.

My girls still didn't understand how that was possible. After all, my body is not indestructible.

"Tsk. So you really have that much mental strength, huh?" (Galvados)

"Were you doubting me?" (Yufine)

"When did you realize it?" (Galvados)

I didn't answer at first. I just gestured for him to look down at his feet. The answer was there, but he seemed he didn't get it as he made a weird face. Do I really have to spell it out?

"Your shadow."


"You have no shadow. The same like Leon and a few others of your henchmen. The robe that charged at me did have a shadow and that's why I countered him.

The rest of you on the other hand are not actually here. You're just illusions."

I understood it clearly, but it seems my girls are still making weird faces. After all, if it's an illusion, why did it kill Bolerius. I better say this out loud. This is the reason I wanted to butt heads with this guy myself. To protect my girls.

"Although I don't know the details of it, you're using some type of psychic power. It's probably a unique magic. If the enemy believes it's real then it becomes real. 

Since Bolerius believed you are real, he died to your attacks. Using Pain Increaser also helped stimulate that suggestion. 

However, if you come to the conclusion and enforce the fact that this light show is fake… it won't do shit." (Yufine)

"Hahaha!! Splendid. You really are something else. To be able to have the mental strength to ignore all natural stimulus. I must say this is impressive. This makes me want you more."

You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what I have in my pants.

"But I guess you guys will have to be a stepping stone in my quest for world domination."

"World domination?"

"That’s right, there are things I can’t let you do as you please. Miss Dragulia's way of thinking… It’s not possible to solve problems through your peace talks. How will I do it instead?…….. Simple, I will deprive everything through sheer strength.”(Galvados)

“D-don’t screw with me! You intend to increase again the hatred! Even if the people started to agree with my vision? That's just sheer arrogance!!” (Lotte)

“Then, just be quiet and obediently become under my jurisdiction. If you do so, I could have handled you all properly.”(Galvados)

“All the more reason to reject your offer! It’s better to annihilate us rather than to become under your control you bastard!”(Lotte)

“Maa, you’re probably right. I don’t need the beastmen after all. Even if I didn’t invite you, you’ll eventually become pets, or rations, no?” (Galvados)

“Evil. You are pure evil.”(Lotte)

“Ahaha, while I’d be glad to keep you guys in company, as expected I don’t have such luxury. I’ve made a lot of preparations in my side.” (Galvados)

Suddenly, the pool of water below the group’s feet spread as everyone in the place were blinded by a bright line. And then, the group were slowly sucked by the water. They seemed to be taking their leave. And Galvados also started to fade away like a ghost.

"Well, I look forward to meeting you all again in the near future. Especially you, Yufine-san."

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