My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

74 – Future vs past

The place we arrived on dragon back was the location for the meeting. The enchanted meadows. In front of everyone’s eyes lay a giant cavity.

It was a crater with a radius of approximately 200 metres. Most likely the surprise duel would be held within it.

In the center of the crater, we saw that the Demon King’s army had already taken up their positions.

“Let’s go.” (Lotte)

"Ah, wait Lotte. Just to be safe I want you to *whisper**whisper*" (Yufine)

"Okay, nee-chan."(Lotte)

Lotte’s face tightened as she took the lead and descended into the crater. After the landing, Vira switched back to human form. The enemy didn't seem too scared that we came on a dragon, though.

“How admirable of you to come, ladies and gentlemen! To think I would meet my ancestor under such circumstances, fufu.” (Bolerius)

Bolerius was a 2 meter tall demon, with red skin, large horns and 4 arms. His body was quite muscular and he gave off an intimidating aura.

However, after moving his eyes around restlessly, he spoke the following words.

“Gahahahaha! Is that really all the people you brought? It seems my ancestor isn't quite bright. Such a shame. However, history should remain history."

As he said that, numerous shadows could be seen running towards them.

“Don’t tell me…. it’s a surprise…. attack!? You bastards!” (Iris)

"Fly off and explodeeeeeeeeeee!” (???)


Yup. It was me. I told Lotte that I would drop down earlier and scan the surroundings. Needless to say that I discovered this ambush and managed to intercept each and everyone. They weren't weak, but because I caught them by surprise…

The persons bodies crashed into the ground magnificently and began to roll.

“………So they died, huh. Either I'm just too strong or they were way too weak. Honestly, now, is that how a Demon King shows courtesy?” (Yufine)

"What? A human?!"(Bolerius)

You didn't think we would come unprepared, right?"(Lotte)

Err… actually that's exactly what you did, Lotte. It's only thanks to me that we have the advantage now. But it's too early to celebrate. This guy is no pushover. His level is high. 

"Kuh! And here I thought we could settle this peacefully." (Bolerius)

Really? That's peaceful in your book? What a moron.

"It seems I need to get my hands dirty…" (Bolerius)


As the Demon King spoke those words, a huge torrent of water appeared from the feets of his soldiers, and they were washed away.

The water changed shape into tentacles, and it entered through the soldier’s body. The ones that weren't washed away. In that moment, the soldiers body swelled up, and…


……….. exploded.

"What trickery is this!?"(Bolerius)

"Fool… this is not our doing."(Lotte)

A large puddle was left behind. Water mixed with blood. And then the harmless puddle began to create ripples. It gradually grew in size, and changed into a large pool of water at about three meters in radius.

“Ahaha, it seems everyone has gathered here. Good. Now that the clowns have performed, it's time for the main act.”

A clear voice was heard from the depths of the puddle.

The moment Lotte heard that voice, she shivered. Her face began to turn pale, and her shoulder began to tremble little by little.

However, Lotte wasn’t the only who was affected. Even Bolerius 's side… All of them froze in their place as if they heard an unbelievable voice.

What in the world is happening?

Then, something came out from the surface of the water. Moreover, several existences appeared from it.

Ten people approximately appeared from there, each garbed with a black robe covering their respective identities.

Some had a larger physique while the other were smaller, but each of them emitted a strange atmosphere. One of them, I recognized instantly as he wasn't in disguise. Leon! The Divine General I faced off against.

But the owner of the voice wasn't him. It was a boy.

Lu-chan was drenched in cold sweat as a mutter escaped from her mouth.

“….. Impossible…. Lord…. Galvados….” (Luvia)

Galvados? As in the Demon King that died 300 years ago? Aren't there too many demon kings already? What's Leon doing side by side with someone like that? I don't understand. I wasn't prepared for this scenario.

This wasn't even scripted in the game. I can't process the events.

"Rest assured, I am the real thing. Although, I must say, if you guys are my predecessors, the demon race sure has suffered. U~nn, is that you Luvia? Long time no see."

Lu-chan took a few steps back in fear. There was no denying it. This guy is dangerous. But what the hell does he want?

“The hatred that you spread throughout the nation, how many times we’ve suffered from it, and finally you arrived here? I don’t think you understand any of it!” (Lotte)

“If you say it that way, then I guess I’m far from understanding such trivial things.” (Galvados)

He took a deep breath and started to scan all the people gathered here. His gaze stopped at me for a few seconds, then he continued his sightseeing.

“Alright. I pretty much got the gist of things. For starters… it’s time for the extras to leave the stage.” (Galvados)

With the snap of his fingers, the ground cracked on Bolerius’s side of the crater. In the next moment, hot flames ignited Bolerius and his entire army. Screams of pain and anguish echoed across the flames. Eventually when the flames disappeared… Only their ashes remained. I was shocked. Can a single person even have so much power? I mean, Olivia probably could have achieved the same results, but still…

“Hey, Leon, is that woman over there the irregular you mentioned?” (Galvados)

“Yes, Your Highness.” (Leon)

He pointed towards me.

“I see. Hey miss, would you like to join me?” (Galvados)

“Ha?” (Yufine)

The air around the place suddenly became heavy due to his callous solicitation.

“Why are you asking that all of a sudden?” (Yufine)

“You see, from the stories I have been gathering, you seem quite interesting. Having Luvia under your command… and I can also tell you are capable.” (Galvados)

“………….” (Yufine)

“In case of your ability…let me see, if you work hard you could probably become my right arm? What do you say? Don’t you think it’s wiser to side with me? I can open your eyes to a greater goal.” (Galvados)

“Don’t fool around! I won’t let you take Yufi into your side!” (Luvia)

“Will you please shut up a little, Luvia?” (Galvados)

An intense amount of blood lust focused on Luvia even though he was smiling. She groaned, and her body stiffened.

“Good girl. So Yufine-san, how about it? Would you like to join us?” (Galvados)

“No thanks.” (Yufine)

Galvados was taken aback by his words, even the moment he smiled back, somehow there was a trace of cramp in it.

“May I know your reason?” (Galvados)

“You reek of corruption. I don’t have any intention of being under anyone. Even less, to become a right arm of a person I barely know of. Especially for a cheeky brat who thinks and talks like a kid.”

In that moment, one of the black robed people who was standing up to now disappeared, then instantly appeared and smashed my bosom. Or so he thought. He realized too late that what he hit was nothing more than an ice clone. Another measure I prepared. And in the next moment, the robe found himself crushed onto the ground by my fist.

“You’re naive if you charge in blindly. Such attacks can’t reach me.” (Yufine)

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