Chapter 401: Fate/Master of Steel part 2
There was 2 more chps I wanted to add but chp word limitd wre troublesome
Success Rate
[X] Find Archer.
Ignoring any possible personal reasons for it, Archer is the most ever-present threat. You'd rather not risk arrows flying in your direction while dealing with something else.
"We should capitalize on the fact that Archer's injured. If we add in the fact that we outnumber him, it's our best bet." You pause for a bit, debating if you should share more. After a brief moment you continue with, "I'll warn you that his close-combat is more proficient than most Archer's. It's not enough to overwhelm Saber here, especially not with backup, but it's still noteworthy.
"Emiya-senpai, how do you…?" The rest of her question goes unsaid, though it's clearly shared by the other three.
"It's not my first time fighting Servants, nor my first time against him. I was here in Fuyuki during our version of events, without the singularity." Not something you would've liked to share, but if more and more enemies line up with your memories, it will be hard to advise against them without seeming suspicious. A break of trust could be fatal, here.
"Wow, that's a coincidence…" A not-unexpected mutter from your fellow Master is the only thing to break the long silence after your statement.
"Is there anything else you can tell us about him?" She speaks up, with a good question.
"Not much. I didn't see him in action much during the war. He uses projection magecraft, mainly to make his bow and 'arrows', as well as two blades for close combat. From what I could tell, his talent with the sword isn't exceptional, though I'd imagine his Servant container doesn't help with that." You keep quiet about your suspicions about his identity, you're not certain you'd get anything done if you kept dropping bombs like that.
"A dual wielder…? Hmm…." It seems she's already pondering on the battle ahead.
"Then let's go, no more time to waste." You can think up an attack plan on the way. Asking the Servants about their capabilities will be of the most help.
"Oh, Saber, could you carry Emiya there?" You snap your head to Fujimaru, now carried in Kyrielight's arms. It's a suggestion made in good faith, but-
"No." The response comes out quicker and harsher than you would've liked. To quickly save face you add, "I can reinforce myself enough to stay on pace. No need to occupy more of our Servants' arms when they might need it. Especially considering she's a Saber."
The shocked faces subside a bit, though she still looks a bit hurt.
"Now Master, wouldn't that just be a waste of mana?" Your retort dies in your throat as you realize the practicality of her question. "Besides, aren't you forgetting someone? I could carry you just fine, and I don't have a sword that needs swinging." As you open your mouth to mention she's also a fair bit physically weaker, she continues with "Caster or not, I'm still a Servant, Master."
Your bond with Caster has increased by 250 125 points.
The wind rushes around you as you gather information about your current allies, your group speeding toward Archer's last known location.
Fujimaru's combat capability is completely nonexistent. You'll need to make sure to watch out for her when arrows/sword-beams/bullets/others start flying.
Kyrielight is apparently of the Shielder class, which you never knew existed before then. Of course, considering Avenger you really shouldn't be surprised by random classes popping up. Her specialty is -shocker- defense.
You were right about Caster, she has some offensive abilities but her main strength is from debilitating opponents and enhancing allies.
Lastly, you didn't need a refresher about her capabilities, though she is weaker than she used to be.
In fact, all of the Servants are weaker than they should be, and after a quick call to Chaldea, it seems it's a symptom of the FATE summoning system. Allowing for the mass-summoning of Servants but reducing their base power. Unfortunate.
However, he also mentioned that trust between Servant and Master should start restoring some of their former glory. Seems there's an uphill battle ahead of you for that…
"This is around where the arrows came from, so how should we find him?" Kyrielight, still carrying her Master, asks.
Spoiler: Insight Check
44 vs 30. Pass.
+0(Rank D Insight)
"He'll still be in the same building."
"Huh…? Wouldn't it make more sense to reposition?"
"Yes. That's why he didn't."
"It's what I would do."
"Would he do that, though?"
At your insistence, Fujimaru's questioning stops and you all enter the building. With you thankfully out of Caster's arms, now. The elevator is unsurprisingly incredibly out of order, so you all sprint up the stairs, the tension in the air getting thicker and thicker with every floor passed. You start projecting and then reinforcing bullets for your rifle. You shouldn't need to get too involved here, but you should still be prepared. Your success rate for reinforcement goes way down when you're rushed.
Projection(Bullets) and Reinforcement(Bullets)
+10 and +5 points of circuit strain. (Nominal (15/120))
Five bullets, ready to go. They aren't much, but they'll still hurt if they hit. You quickly load them as you ascend.
3rd floor.
7th floor.
12th floor.
18th, 25th, 33rd.
"He's here." You and Caster speak simultaneously, and Kyrielight finally places Fujimaru down on the ground, stepping out in front with her shield ready.
"So, Emiya Shirou survives again." His aggravating voice rings out from his seat atop a pile of rubble. "Always such a cockroach."
So, there was another version of you, here. Before whatever happened.
"Archer, what happened here?" He leaps to his feet, walking out of the shadows. He pauses for a moment after seeing her but keeps moving soon after.
"Does miraculous revival come with memory loss, now? I don't see why I should answer any of your questions." Now that he's fully visible you can see the dark lines running through his skin.
It's that mud…
"Never mind, I've already figured it out." He quirks an eyebrow at your statement, seemingly puzzled by something.
Is the corruption affecting him that deeply?
"I see you've made a new contract already. Not too attached to the old one, then?" That one made your chest ache a bit, annoyingly. "Poor Saber. Abandoned so quickly." He's started taking steps forward, and Kanshou and Bakuya take their place in his hands. "Luckily she won't have to bear it, as you'll die here."
He's goading you. Hoping for a one-on-one fight, something the you of the past would immediately jump into.
Still, hearing him say those words… almost makes you feel like your heart is of glass instead of steel.
So… you already know what you have to do.
Spoiler: Agility Check
112 vs 60, 80. Critical Success
+12(Rank B+ Agility)
+3(Mind of Steel)
I see nothing. Neither does Archer, somehow.
Before anyone can blink, your Enfield is brought up and fired. He must truly be blind to think you're the same fool that he still is.
The bullet you expected to be quickly slashed by a blade manages to squeak past Kanshou, burying itself into his upper chest as you dive into cover. He retaliates by throwing both blades, but luckily Kyrielight quickly runs out, her and the rest of the Servants starting the plan.
Right, the plan. Which was…?
[ ] Rush him down.
All three Servants will go on full offense, to try for a quick and decisive victory.
[ ] Sap him of his strength.
Play the long game, have Saber and Shielder keep him occupied while Caster spams curses.
[ ] Keep it safe.
Saber engages in CQC, Caster supports her, and Kyrielight stays next to you and Fujimaru in case he tries to take one of you out.
Author's Note: I imagine that fake out was incredibly obvious, but I still felt like I should put it in. Other than that I don't have much else to say, I already have something planned for the Agility check thing, but it sure does just keep happening. Happy voting and all that!
Bone White
[X] Keep it safe.
You can't afford to give him even an inch of opportunity or else he'll exploit it. You make your way to the back, using Mash as cover. She has already begun her assault, the golden sword battering against Archer's blades, projected once again. Soon after, Caster begins her support, enhancing the young king's already incredible advantage.
As the sparks fly you chamber the next bullet and assess everyone's positioning. She's slowly pushing Archer farther away, though not out of range of Caster's curses. Kyrielight, Fujimaru, and yourself are in the backline, all staying focused on the fight ahead.
It's a good opportunity to try to examine the effect the corruption is having on him. He seems slower, perhaps even a full rank lower in Agility than normal.
That matches what happened with Saber back during the Fifth War…
It doesn't seem as though anything got particularly stronger in return though. Maybe his strikes have a bit more power, or his body is holding together better? It isn't significant enough of a boost to think of a counteraction for it, he's still losing more and more ground every second. Enough so that he's already lost a litter over a dozen of his blades by now.
Admittedly, only around half of them are from Caliburn shattering them, the other half are thrown in your direction whenever there's an opening, only to be quickly blocked by Kyrielight.
The first real hit -other than your own- is shockingly Archer's, as a blade is traced into being above the conflict and quickly launched down. She dodged almost immediately, likely due to her Instinct, but it still grazed part of her upper arm. You didn't know he could do that. This begs the question…
…could you?
Not now, with your current projection issue, but when you fix that, it'll be something to look into.
He uses his gained opening to make some space by kicking off the floor to make space, then speaking. Chanting, to be more accurate.
"I am the bone of my sword."
The three other Servants in the room as well as yourself know the significance of his action immediately. Even Fujimaru seems to feel something about it, considering the way she pales. Those specific words though, confirm your suspicions without a shadow of a doubt. Not that it changes anything, he's still an enemy to get rid of.
"Steel is my body and fire is my blood."
She's rushing back in, and Caster has fired some form of lightning curse, the latter of which is quickly blocked by Bakuya. You've started aiming at him too, but it's hard to stay focused when your blood feels like it's boiling, getting stronger with every new line.
"I have created over a thousand blades."
Countless pinpricks are pressing into your skin, and the blade clash between Archer and her has started again with renewed intensity. Was he holding back, or do these words have some self-enhancing properties? Your Servant has realized the difference too, and has started focusing on draining him rather than empowering her.
"Unknown to death…"
The feeling breaks like it was naught but a faint illusion. The words themselves seem so incorrect to you. With your faculties regained you fire off a singular shot that is quickly blocked but serves as an opening for your allies to further their assault. She finally gets her revenge for the earlier hit by cleaving a solid chunk out of his side.
He once again begins tracing and firing blades, but it won't work twice on her. The few sent in your direction aren't fast enough to escape Kyrielight's notice, breaking apart against her defense. Caster is forced to retreat slightly, but her speed is enough to avoid most of them.
Spoiler: Luck check + Reflex check
48 vs 40, 80. Low Pass.
-5(Rank E Luck)
Well, it's not great, but helps on the way! Soon. Ish. Give him a break his Agility is two ranks lower than his Lancer version.
27 vs 70. Fail.
+0(Rank D Reflex)
+3 Mind of Steel)
Rerolling due to Beginner's Luck… last use! Status effect removed.
101 vs 70. Critical Success.
+0(Rank D Reflex)
+3 Mind of Steel)
Holy shit is that a NON AGILITY CRIT? Ignore that this is basically agility-adjacent
Archer's eyes flick to a space in the shadows behind you before returning to the active threat in front of him. Caster's eyes follow, then quickly widen.
Whether it's your honed senses, an enemy misstep, or even divine intervention, you find yourself jumping away before Caster can finish the first word of her warning. The dagger that cuts through where you just where is quickly joined by two others as it's thrown directly at you.
Spoiler: Magecraft Check
70 vs 50. Pass.
+5(Rank C Mana)
+3(Mind of Steel)
+0(Circuits Nominal)
+25 points of circuit strain. (Nominal(40/120))
As fast as you can, you rush the projection and swing in front of you, knocking the projectiles away. Getting a good look at your assailant, your sinking feeling of the familiar participants of this war solidifies. A tall dark figure is before you, his arm wrapped in even darker cloth, and a bone white mask on his face. Mash adjusts her position to move in between her Master and the suddenly appearing threat.
Assassin has joined the fray.
"Ha…ha…hahaha! Prey, prey!" Maniacal laughter echoes throughout the room, as those not currently in direct combat turn to look at the new arrival.
…You remember him being a lot calmer than this.
This is bad. Even crazed as he is now, this is the same Servant that took down multiple participants in your own war before you could even notice. She's still occupied by Archer, so you'll need to find another way to deal with this.
"...nor known to life."
Preferably before Archer finishes his aria. Off the top of your head, you can think of a few ways you could do this…
[ ] Stick to the plan.
Saber and Caster will keep fighting Archer, hopefully finishing him off before he is able to actualize his Noble Phantasm. Mash will fight against Assassin alone, though with your support.
[ ] Fight him yourself.
Realistically, with your new capabilities, you could do it. Caster would need to divide her support between you and Saber though, and could you afford that?
[ ] Bait him.
The main threat with him is his Cursed Arm, so if you were to say, get him to use it and slice it off, he'd be rendered almost useless. Though, you'd need a target to leave vulnerable…
-[ ] Mash
She'd be by far the most likely to survive if you fail to execute in time, but for that same reason it may be harder to get him to activate it.
-[ ] Fujimaru
The juiciest target for him. He may (rightfully) think it's a trap, but the mud seems to have scrambled his common sense, so…
-[ ] Caster
A middle ground between the previous two. In a support position with low Endurance, but still a Servant. However, this is also the option that currently has a direct mental link with you, and you doubt she'll take it well.
-[ ](0.5) Yourself
This would be making it far harder without a logical reason. Unlike the others, if you're too late then that's it, no second chance.
Author's note: Sorry, I couldn't make it too easy on you. The corruption definitely seemed to affect Hassan more than any of the other Servants, which is really unfortunate for his whole stealth thing.
As a side note, now that I've gotten more comfortable with quest writing I've been thinking of pushing up my plans for a second quest using the same character creation. Likely at the end of Fuyuki, so I've started work on adding/removing/altering some perks from that. To clarify, it won't affect update speed for this quest, as the plan is to update on alternating days for each.