My Fanfic Stash and Favorite online quests

Chapter 400: Fate/Master of Steel by AbyssalDivine

Words: 35k+


(Emiya Shirou with a Mind of Steel finds himself dragged into the Grand Order(Fate/Dead End Agency v1) )

Humanity's Favorite Pastime

To newer readers, feel free to skip this chapter. It just provides a silly meta reason for character creation as well as the character creation itself. The Quest begins in the next threadmark.

A step meets a step, meets another hurried step.

First day on the job! There's no need to be nervous, it's a low-entry position, though at an admittedly rather important institution. It's a big step for you, most dimensional companies don't hire amalgams of souls, due to 'contradictory opinions' and 'poor decision-making'.

Both of these things are true, but you can work past that! You refuse to be a diversity hire!

Only a few hundred more steps before you find your new office for the next few centuries, maybe only a single century if you work hard enough! Your shining future is in your grasp-


-and you've run headfirst into someone. Hopefully not someone too high and/or too malicious, or else your employment is off to a shaky start…

"Oh, perfect! A prime candidate has made themselves evident! Pardon me dear, but would you mind taking an impromptu promotion?"

Well, that's a far better response than you ever would have thought could happen. Actually, you're half convinced the collision has made you start hearing things. Seeing things too, considering the woman(?) in front of you is about 7 feet tall and with wings.

Oh and glowing, she's glowing. As one does.

You attempt to ask some questions, anything at all, but just end up spitting out a "S-sure?"

Godsdamnit. Majority-wins stabs you in the back again, around 80% of you were too busy arguing over what to ask! Whatever, she's happy about it…

"Lovely! Well then if you'll just follow me we have something really important to do as soon as we can," Your hand is quickly grabbed, and the rest of you is dragged along with her. "-after all, it's not every day we get to (possibly) save a timeline or two or four!" Hold on, what? "Really, it's so convenient you were there to help, I was about to panic!" What was that about the timeline thing??? "Abyssal was of no help at all trying to find anybody! He just sat there moping that he'd actually have to do some work!" This is way above your pay grade. Your competence level too, probably!?

You've slowed down. You must be close to wherever your destiny is taking you. In front of you is…

"And here we are~!"

A janitor's closet. With utmost certainty, this is a janitor's closet. With a rather large sticky note stuck over the previous signage, labeled "Timeline Saviors of Friendship, Justice, and Love!" as well as "(name subject to change)" written in a different handwriting. You are starting to feel far worse about your current predicament. Is she just a random crazy lady..?

The as-of-yet unnamed lady -oh hey, that could have been one of your questions- enthusiastically pushes open the door, confirming that she at least took the effort to clear out the supplies that used to be in the closet.

"I see you've found someone, Divine. Did you just grab the first person you saw?" A man(?) speaks, lazing on one of the three chairs in the 'room', his legs thrown over the singular table.

"No!" Divine, as you now know, says with full confidence. Which is good to know, she must've seen some hidden talent within you. "They're the second. The first said he was too busy…" Your brief flash of hope collapses into itself nearly instantly.

Wait, why were you getting your hopes up, this is the same woman who has decided a closet previously filled with chemicals was a great place to house an 'agency'.

"Have you even told them what they're doing here? They look lost. Incredibly lost."

"Of course I did. I got a super enthusiastic response! Employee #3 obtained fully voluntarily!"

A heavy sigh echoes softly, as the man stands up and turns to you. He's quite tall too, though not as much as Divine. No wings either, and he seems to be absorbing the light around him, everything seeming just a bit darker when you look at him. He also seems to be breaking at least half of the dress code. Not wearing his suit jacket, shirt untucked, no tie, heavy makeup, piercings for the ear, nose, mouth… You could go on, but you probably shouldn't. It's quite the contrast to Divine's pristine suit.

"I suppose I'll be the one to inform you of your job description then, and sorry, but there's no going back now. They take tardiness quite seriously." As in, 'instantly fired' seriously, according to the orientation guide. "We've been given a limited amount of authority over doomed and slightly less doomed timelines, and given the absurd-" He tosses a glare at Divine. "-task to 'fix' them. Said authority was also the only thing we were given, we had to bribe the sanitation crew for this closet, at least until we can prove we can actually do something."

Oh. Great. Perfect, even. Do the impossible and maybe you'll get paid. What do they even need you for, here? As a fall guy?

"Nothing so crass!" Oh, apparently that was unanimous enough to be said out loud. "Abyssal and I aren't allowed to actually… do much to change things. Our dimensional weight is too significant to make any big changes, we'd end up making too many ripples." Well, that's some assurance, and it's good to confirm the other's name. You had assumed that was it, but still.

So, they'll be sending you to these disaster zones? You don't have combat skills! Or social skills! Or anything you might need to save a world!

Abyssal chuckles at your panicked expression, then says, "No need to worry there, newbie. You'll simply be assigning a Lost Soul to be sent to do the saving, and then nudge them to make certain decisions when necessary. Easy. Still unlikely to succeed, though."

Well, that's better for your heart. When do you start? How will you be making these decisions?

"I have the answers to those! Right now, and through the power of…" Divine seems to be expecting something, so you make a light drumroll on the table, making her smile positively radiant.


Your drumming stops. Abyssal facepalms.


You slump into the nearest chair. Abyssal follows.

"What is it, you two?"

Your head slams into the table. Abyssal's goes into his hands.

"It's humanity's favorite pastime, isn't it? They do it all the time!"

You groan, because of course even with your new 'position' you'll still be doing nothing but paperwork. Whatever, let's see what you're dealing with…

"That's the spirit! I've already picked out some prime candidates for you, as well as some fun bonuses to pick, just for you~!"

Looking at the files in front of you, it turns out that it's just a candidate, singular. How do four different variations of a guy end up Lost? Based on the filing there's even far more…

Still, though, he's strong. Not overwhelmingly so, not even close, but there's quite the capacity for growth. Especially with this armory of his-

"Oh, most of that's gonna be locked…" She seems to notice where you're staring and delivers a rather crushing statement. "Look, it's difficult, okay!? Along with all of the other modifications I have planned, I'm sending a soul -one of them I had to put back together!!!- to somewhere completely different! It'll still be there at least, he'll just need to put some effort in…"

You'll have to deal with it. Hopefully it's not all hopeless.

Character Archetypes:

[ ]Heaven's Fall

Timeline Designation: F20S04N.UBW24-D

Destination Worldline: Honkai: Star Rail

Transfer Point: As a Stellaron is implanted in a receptacle

Transfer Location: On the Herta Space Station, in a horde of Voidrangers

Combat Difficulty: Very High (You'll be up against things and people that can destroy worlds.)

Social Difficulty: Easy (Companions will essentially fall into your lap. Probably not literally.)

Notable Physical Differences: None. Red hair, amber eyes, unchanged height or skin tone. Your everyday Shirou Emiya.

Origin Synopsis:

Your circuits were exhausted, but you had won. You couldn't let there be even a chance of him getting out alive, so you threw yourself into the rift he was attempting to climb out of. Feet first, too, just for the split second satisfaction of kicking him while he's down.

As the void swallows you whole, you lament that it had to come to this, that your wish to save people will go no further. A traitorous part of you feels that this was the only outcome for someone like yourself.

Even so, you'll stay true to that hypocrisy no matter where it leads.


Strength: D

Endurance: D+

Agility: D

Mana: C-

Luck: C-

Tagged Skills: Reflex, Awareness, Influence

Deteriorated Skill: Research

Tagged skills start a rank higher than standard, while the deteriorated skill is a rank lower. All other skills start at rank D.

Starting Weapons: Kanshou & Bakuya(The Married Blades)

Perk Gained: Streamlined Manufacturing

Archer's shared experience has made your tracing far more effective than it would've been. However you're still a long way from the heights he had reached.

Projecting weapons causes 20% less strain on your magic circuits, and their quality won't be affected by mana overuse.

Flaw Gained: Martyr Complex

You've already given your life to save others, and you'd easily do it again. Far too easily, actually.

Choosing not to attempt to help someone, no matter how impossible the situation, will cause stacking penalties.

[ ]Holy Grail Completed

Timeline Designation: F20S04N.F14-D

Destination Worldline: Persona 5 Royal

Transfer Point: March 31st, 2016

Transfer Location: A random street in Tokyo, where a man is forcing a woman into a car.

Combat Difficulty: Easy (Possible threats are rather powerful, but you'll be granted powers to match and surpass them.)

Social Difficulty: Moderate (You'll be heading to school with criminal charges, which may make it a challenge to have people to talk to in the first place.)

Notable Physical Differences: Darkened irises, near black with light speckles of the original amber.

Origin Synopsis:

There are five original penalties. Life penalty, body penalty, freedom penalty, fame penalty, fortune penalty. Give the penalty that extends so much punishment, mud, darkness, and malice.

All of humanity's sins crash against your consciousness, cementing your loss, your agony. You were utterly dissected in that fight if you could even call it one.

death penalty penal servitude imprisonment custody fine penalty, crime from a grudge, crime from self-interest, unconscious crime, self-conscious crime, civil war, inducement

Your thoughts start to drift, an endless cold replacing an endless pain. Your very self begins to crack, then shatter.

false statement, theft, robbery, kidnap, suicide, rape, tyranny, arson, bombing, violation, negligent homicide, mass violence, death at work, overconfident accident

The last of your thoughts before you fade away is that you hope Saber is alright.

dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty you are dirty atone atone atone atone atone atone every violence every crime every victim atone atone atone with death

You know that she isn't.


Strength: D

Endurance: C

Agility: D-

Mana: E

Luck: C+

Tagged Skills: Grit, Tinker, Initiative

Deteriorated Skill: Composure

Starting Weapon: Caliburn(The Golden Sword of the Victorious)

Perk Gained: The Everdistant Utopia

Her sheath is still within you, granting protection. Its strength is far weaker with her gone, but it stubbornly holds on.

0.5% of your health will be healed every minute, and major wounds will take a half of the time to recover from.

Flaw Gained: All The World's Evils

Being touched by Angra Mainyu is already a terrible outcome. Taking the equivalent to a bath in the stuff is considering "way fucking worse".

You now have a voice in your head with absolutely no one's best interest in mind. Also, it seems to have some minor control over your actions. Congrats, buddy.

[ ]Sparks Liner High

Timeline Designation: F20S04N.HF38-E

Destination Worldline: RWBY

Transfer Point: As the Beacon initiation test begins

Transfer Location: In the sky above the Emerald Forest

Combat Difficulty: Variable (Your competency will vary wildly for quite a while, as you attempt to rebuild yourself)

Social Difficulty: Very Easy (You'll find yourself surrounded by people attempting to be heroes, or at least a close analogue. The remnants of your personality make it very easy to get along with them.

Notable Physical Differences: Patches of tanned skin and white hair.

Origin Synopsis(?):

Spirit and technique, flawless and firm.

Our strength rips the mountains.

Our swords split the water.

Our names reach the Imperial Villa.

The two of us cannot hold the heavens together.

There's more afterwards, but it's a garbled mess. This must've been the soul that had to be pieced back together. Not much to go off of…


Strength: C

Endurance: E

Agility: C

Mana: D-

Luck: D+

Tagged Skills: Athletics, Research, Insight

Deteriorated Skill: Stealth

Starting Weapons: K??s?ou & ??ku?a

Perk Gained: Artificial Phantasm

You are capable of sudden and seemingly impossible bursts of effectiveness, as though being possessed by an unseen force.

Your critical successes will add an Explosive Die to the roll, possibly skyrocketing the result.

Flaw Gained: Shattered Soul

You are missing far more than just your memories. There's a disconnect in everything you do, hindering your actions.

Every roll will have a -5 penalty.

[ ]Hero of Justice

"Oh, this one's a bit different than the others. See, he wasn't dead or anything, so I couldn't just move his soul somewhere else. So instead I sorta pushed together the two timelines! Genius, right?"

"I really hope no one finds out about this…"

Timeline Designation: F20S04N.HF30-B

Destination Worldline: Fate/Grand Order

Start Point: An hour before orientation

Start Location: Chaldea's entry airlock

Combat Difficulty: Moderate (Most threats are far beyond your own capabilities, luckily you're in an organization that is able to summon an incredible amount of heroes of the past, huh?)

Social Difficulty: Hard (You've abandoned most of your social inclinations. You'll be able to make base level relationships just fine, but growing deeper bonds will be difficult.)

Notable Physical Differences: Stark white hair, and a bit taller than the rest due to the age difference.

Origin Synopsis:

You made your choice. The many over the few. The way it has to be.

Ten. The priest goes first, moments after declaring that the competition would be pointless, as no one but you could be the victor. He allows himself to be killed, with a sickening smile.

Nine. Berserker falls to the mockery of the King of Knights, to the shadow's death throes.

Eight. Archer uses his life to save his and Berserker's Masters. The thought makes your heart clench for but a moment before it is once again covered by steel.

Seven. Rider attempts retribution, but with no Master, she exhausts herself before landing a lethal blow. Fading into nothingness.

Six. Five. The shadow is obliterated by a hail of weaponry for the audacity of staining the tyrant's 'beloved possession'. The golden king, overtaken by his obsession, is consumed as fuel for the grail.

Four. The Master of Archer is driven to desperation to try and grasp the grail and is blindsided by a blade to the back. Yours.

Three. Two. The hidden Master falls to the same folly all magi do, overconfidence. Assassin joins soon after, weak enough while at full power, next to useless with no mana.

One. The snow fairy makes her own choice. She fulfills her role to the very end. The Greater Grail finds itself dismantled, its purpose left buried forevermore.



Strength: D-

Endurance: D

Agility: C+

Mana: C

Luck: E

Tagged Skills: Stealth, Willpower, Composure

Deteriorated Skill: Influence

Starting Weapon: Monohoshizao(The Laundry-Drying Pole)

Perk Gained: Mind of Steel

An unyielding force of your own 'justice', your will empowers you in deadly situations.

Half of your Willpower bonus(rounded up) is added to all rolls during combat.

Flaw Gained: Heart of Rusted Iron

Your glass heart has been smothered in wrought iron, which has long since rusted, allowing no entry.

All affection gains are reduced by 50%.

"So, those are our 'Heroes', huh? My faith isn't exactly renewed here."

"I said I had fun bonuses too! Do you even listen to me!?"

It seems you can take one perk per section. Better choose carefully…

Spoiler: Unique Perks & Downgrades

Form Modification:

"I wish I could give you a better explanation as to how this works. Unfortunately it's rather complex and-"

"We have no idea!"

"-yeah, it's just like pushing some buttons for us. Sorry."

[ ] Giant's Might C+

Your power is enhanced by the spirit of the mad Berserker.

Your Strength increases by a rank, as does your Athletics skill.

[ ] Swallow's Grace B

Your dexterity is enhanced by the spirit of the serene Assassin.

Your Agility increases by a rank, and a roll is considered a critical success if it is 95 or above, instead of 100.

[ ] Hound's Tenacity B

Your constitution is enhanced by the spirit of the dogged Lancer.

Your Endurance increases by a rank, and each rank of Endurance gives an extra 5 max health.

[ ] Hound's Tenacity C-

(Sparks Liner High rankdown)

Your failing constitution is stitched together by the spirit of the dogged Lancer.

Your Endurance increases by a rank, and your max health increases by 10.

"I tried my best, okay…"

[ ] Witch's Potency D

Your magecraft is enhanced by the spirit of the lovesick Caster.

Your Mana increases by a rank, and your circuits take half the amount of time to warm up.

[ ] King's Garden A

(Holy Grail Completed only)

Your soul is revitalized by the spirit of your king.

Your Luck increases by a rank, and the regeneration granted by The Everdistant Utopia is increased to 1% per minute.



Combat Specialties

[ ] Goliath Slayer C+

Following in Archer's footsteps, your CQC is designed around exploiting your opponents greater capabilities, allowing you to cut them down to size.

When fighting a clearly physically superior foe, your Strength and Agility are considered to be a rank higher.

[ ] Superior Tactician C

Your Mind's Eye is rapidly developing, allowing you to analyse situations and use the people and things around you to greater effect.

Your surroundings will be given more in-depth descriptions, and when fighting in a team each member gains a +5 to applicable rolls.

[ ] Superior Tactician E+

(Holy Grail Completed rankdown)

Most of your plans are some form of 'hit it till it dies', but you're working on it.

You'll sometimes notice a convenient position or useful object, and when fighting in a team each member gains a +3 to applicable rolls.

"Still better than Divine's planning skills."

"...Shut up."

[ ] Bloodied Survivor C

Each injury you receive simply fuels your determination to live through the fight.

When below half health you gain a +1 bonus to physical rolls for every 10% of your health missing.

[ ] Bladed Bombardier

(Heaven's Fall Only)

Developed as a counter to the Gate of Babylon, you are now able to fire off your projections much in the same way the golden king did.

Gain the ability to project weapons at a distance and fire them off. If multiple of the same blade are used in a single barrage every projection after the first has half the cost.

[ ] Mage Killer

(Hero of Justice Only)

Most people consider the 'sins of the father' to be something to avoid. You clearly don't share this vision.

You can now trace modern firearms, and a Calico M950 is added to your starting weapons. Damage taken from magic or magic-like sources is reduced by 25%.

"This one just makes me kind of sad…"

Trait Resurgence:

[ ] Eroge Protagonist B

You still got it.

Your Influence rolls when talking to women is increased by 10, and Affection gain with women is increased by 20%. Your insight level goes down a rank.

"I'm not certain what the name of this one means. The gender requirement is a bit strange but it seems like a good ability for negotiations!"

"...That's not what this is for."

[ ] Eroge Protagonist D++

(Hero of Justice rankdown)

You still got it. Somehow…?

Your Influence rolls when talking to women is increased by 3. The bonus is increased to 10 when they are of Evil Alignment or have something akin to a savior complex. Affection gains with the same demographics are only reduced by 25% from Heart of Rusted Iron.

[ ] Bloodhound C

You've always had an in-built sensitivity to magical irregularities, expanding its ability has made you hyper aware of its presence.

Your Awareness increases by a rank, and rolls attempting to track something magical(or equivalent) will be calculated as though your Awareness was two ranks higher.

[ ] Signature Weapon(s) C+

Attempting to follow the path of a proper heroic spirit, you've begun to mainly use and train with a single or specific few weapons, though that means focusing less on others.

Your starting weapons cause half the magical strain, and rolls using them have a +5 added to the result. All other projections are 25% more expensive.

[ ] Signature Weapons D-

(Heaven's Fall rankdown)

Your consistent use of Kanshou and Bakuya have made them more comfortable to use, though you've noticed your other weapons have started being harder to trace.

Your starting weapons are 25% cheaper, and have a bonus of +3. Non-signature weapons cost 10% more.

[ ] Misfortune Avoidance B+

An ability taken from another 'you', that helped him escape the hollow dream. Instinct bordering on precognition.

Upon reaching a Bad End, all rolls will be made at advantage for the next update. Your Luck decreases by a rank.

"Helpful! Will definitely make sure he doesn't get truly stuck!"

[ ] Body of Blades B

(Sparks Liner High Only)

As your body falls apart your soul seems to ignite, and pours determination(swords) into your dying body.

While below 10% of your health, you don't receive the usual penalties, and Shattered Soul's effect is inverted into a bonus of the same value. Health gained from Endurance is halved.

"Metal as fuck."

So, those are the options. Time to do your job, you suppose.

Please vote in a plan format, like so:

[X] Plan: Picked The First Choices

-[X] Heaven's Fall

-[X] Giant's Might C+

-[X] Goliath Slayer C+

-[X] Eroge Protagonist B

And if you're so inclined, I'd love to hear your reasoning for your choices, and I'm sure your fellow quest-takers will as well!

If you have any questions for me, just ask!

If you have any questions for Divine or Abyssal (in comparison to having questions for AbyssalDivine, get with the program here) just mention them by name.

Let's have a good quest everybody!

Supposedly Moral

Character Sheet updated.

The airlock lets out a sharp hiss as it seals shut behind you, regulated heat quickly beating back the frigid Antarctic air. The interior is just as stark white as the exterior, impeccably cleaned and maintained.

"Please state your name, and press your finger into the scanner in front of you." A synthetic voice drones out of a speaker, and a panel lights up.

You quickly acquiesce, laying your pointer finger on the panel, and stating "Emiya Shirou." After a short pause, a tingling sensation shoots through the tip of your pointer and up to your chest.

Another form of identification, likely.

"Base sequence: human genome confirmed. Alignment: Lawful-Good." You feel as though it's laughing at you as it says those words, though its cadence hasn't changed.

"Welcome to the data center for the future of humankind. This is the Security Organization for the Preservation of Humanity, Chaldea."

…Indeed, that is what they have stated their purpose to be. You have your doubts, it wouldn't be the first time a magus has committed atrocities while hiding behind a supposedly moral front. You had planned on sneaking your way in at some point and confirming either your suspicions or their truthfulness, though that didn't end up being necessary.

"Fingerprint, voiceprint, and DNA authentication cleared. Magical Circuit assessment complete. Username matched."

They invited you on their own. As the 30th Provisional Master. Your rise to notoriety over the last year has caused quite a lot of denouncements, though never a 'polite' invitation. That alone is enough to make you suspicious. Still, though, it's an easy way in.

"Nice to meet you. You're our final visitor today. We hope you enjoy your time here."

Good to confirm that you're the last, as you expected. Knowing mages, they're likely all in the orientation room already, posturing. Plenty of time to snoop around, find any possible evidence of wrongdoing, and then sabotage the systems and staff if needed.

"We are very sorry. Another 180 seconds is needed to complete the admission process. Enjoy a simulated battle while you wait."

That immediately sets off alarm bells in your head. There shouldn't be anything left of admission to go through. You sent everything needed long before coming here. Not to mention, a simulated battle? For a 3-minute wait? Really?

"Regulation: N/A. Contract Servants: ?̵̧̳̙̗̥̎̄̊?̵̦͕̤̖̥͗̌͛͝͠?̵̧̧̡͚̥̙̐̂͌̕ͅ?̸̮͈̤̣̫͎̳͊̽̃?̶̡̘̟̗̮͈̯̜́͌?̶̞̞͓̃̄̾͜"

Well, isn't that ominous? You ready yourself into a combat stance as the room around you starts to flicker and change.

"There will be no record of your score. Please feel free to enjoy."

You find the former unlikely and the latter impossible.

"Activating Heroic Spirit Summon System FATE. We hope you have a good experience as a Master for these 180 seconds."

A bright flash of light, then stifling darkness. Soon after, you find yourself standing in an open field of green grass, a sunny blue sky overhead. Most importantly, a large golem made of dark stone stands about 100 meters away from you, and something is right next to you.

As though it tried and failed to load something, someone, leaving them blurry, partially transparent, and with some parts just a flat plane of a certain color. From what you can make out, it seems to be a woman, with blond hair and green eyes, wearing tan and dark green clothing. She's wielding a long lance as well, though it is barely recognizable as such, leaving your Structural Analysis unable to process it correctly.

Judging by the slight connection you can feel between you and her, this is the supposed Servant you have for the test. The newly re-appeared Command Seal on your hand supports that idea. She seems… quite weak. About comparable to the False Assassin, maybe even weaker. You aren't quite able to tell if this is her normal strength or a result of the sabotage.

You assume that this is sabotage, at least. Considering you are the very last of the Master candidates to arrive, if it had been consistently failing for everyone else they would have just stopped performing it, it'd be a waste of energy. The question is why?

The obvious first conclusion is that this 'enjoyable simulated battle' will label you an unsuitable Master if you fail, and someone, possibly the entire organization, wants you to leave.

But that doesn't make sense. They invited you here, why would they attempt to make you leave as soon as you get here?

Spoiler: Insight Check

If the test doesn't kick you out, and you can continue as normal after failing, what would be the purpose of making someone fail? If they do end up sharing these scores what would happen if you were the only fail in a parade of easy wins?

Shattering one's confidence. A magus technique so common you feel ever so slightly ashamed about not thinking of it immediately. Mages are cowards with high egos, so they believe the best tactic is to lower their opponents' own, leaving them off balance. Of course, there's no way to confirm either of these theories, even if you're fairly certain one of them is right on the money.

So, they either want you gone or want you weak. You'll give them neither.

The golem has started heading your way…

How are you going to play this?

Combat Modifiers:

Just a Simulation: Magic circuits will start at Nominal and won't accumulate strain. Death is not the end.

[ ] Take it on yourself.

It's not the first golem you've taken down, not by a long shot. Though, you'll need to think about what you'll use…

-[ ] Trace Monohoshizao and exploit its slower speed.

-[ ] Trace your Calico M950 and spray it down before it can get to you.

Both will require some liberal use of Reinforcement to damage it, which may have been an issue in a normal fight, but not in this simulation.

[ ] She can take it.

Even though she's weakened, it's hopefully not to such a degree she would lose to something you yourself could win against. It could provide some practice to working with a Servant again.

-[ ] Provide cover fire, just enough to annoy it.

-[ ] Focus on giving orders, maybe test out a Command Spell.

[ ] Double-team it.

Throw both you and your temporary Servant into the fray. If she can damage it well enough to crack off some of the outer armor you could finish it off quickly.

[ ] Wait out the time.

If failure doesn't kick you out, hiding your abilities may be beneficial. Keep away from the golem.

Active Dissipation

[X] Double-team it.

As you settle on a course of action your breathing slows, your eyes narrow, and your magic circuits buzz to life.

"Lancer, with me." Technically, she could be something else but just happens to use a lance. Such as a strangely calm Berserker or a Rider lacking her mount. Not that it matters, as long as she listens. You immediately burst off, your Servant following with what you think is a look of concern, hard to tell as it's in your peripheral. The fact her face is in around 4 different resolutions doesn't help either. "Keep its attention, and try to break off some of the harder chunks of rock. I'll follow up to cause more damage, it shouldn't have any form of regeneration, so we'll win as long as we can last." Ignoring the time limit, of course.

Take all the hits and let me exploit the openings you make, essentially. Not an honorable plan by any means, and for a second you thought the vaguely knightly woman would have some silent objections before a flood of relief is felt through the faint link between you. It seems she's a fan, for some reason. Strange, considering her opinion moments before.

Spoiler: Agility Check

100 vs 30. Critical Success.


+12(Rank B+ Agility)

+3(Mind of Steel)

Wow we got our first crit way sooner than I thought, makes sense with the super high agility, I guess.

You get to the golem quickly. Too quickly, actually. As in before Lancer quickly. You don't have any time to ruminate over the impossibility of it, however, and quickly project your blade of choice. To stick to the plan, you should move past it and let Lancer catch up.

Spoiler: Awareness Check

34 vs 50. Fail.


+0(Rank D Awareness)

+3(Mind of Steel)

Rerolling due to Beginner's Luck…

57 vs 50. Pass


+0(Rank D Awareness)

+3(Mind of Steel)

That doesn't mean you shouldn't jump on an opportunity when you see one, though. The area where its arm connects to its torso is far less armored than the areas around it, it needs some leeway to move, after all. Leeway it'd be better off not having in your opinion. You reinforce Monohoshizao and swing upwards-

Spoiler: Combat Check

77 vs 55. Pass


+5(Signature Weapon)

+3(Mind of Steel)


-cleaving through a solid piece of it, and leaving its arm almost useless. A far better opening move than you could have hoped for, and as Lancer slams into it, it seems you'll be keeping that momentum going. The golem finally makes its first swing; towards Lancer, as you're now safely out of its limited attack range. The offending arm is quickly rebuffed and stabbed at, chipping off some of the hard shale.

The exchange continues for a while, though the winner is clear. Your enemy has failed to land even a single hit, damaged as it is, and more and more of its innards are showing by the second, but…

There's about a minute remaining.

Lancer's damage isn't as high as you expected, though, with hindsight, it makes sense. If you couldn't recognize her weapon as a Noble Phantasm in its state, how could it possibly retain anywhere close to its proper strength? You need to end this. Now.

"Stop parrying, Lancer. Tear off as much of its torso as you can in one strike." You order your servant to take a direct hit. She complies far easier than you would have thought, almost instantaneously piercing forwards with all her strength, boring a hole into where its stomach would be. In return she receives a fistful of stone to her head, a sharp crack echoing over the field as she's flung back, blood now staining the blades of grass below them.

Spoiler: Agility Check

96 vs 40. Critical Success.

81( Roll)

+12(Rank B+ Agility)

+3(Mind of Steel)

Are you fucking serious

As the golem moves in for the kill, it finds itself once again blindsided by your sudden appearance, your Calico now in hand, it and its bullets fully Reinforced as you hold down the trigger in point-blank range.

Spoiler: "Combat Check"

I am not rolling for that, it is dead as hell.

The enhanced bullets rip it apart as they easily reach its core, ending your first battle as a Master once more. The simulation starts to fall apart as the robotic voice speaks once more.

"Simulated battle complete. We hope you enjoyed it." You were right. You didn't.

A soft step from behind alerts you that Lancer is back on her feet, looking unsurprisingly worse for wear, both from the hit she took and her active dissipation along with the rest of the environment. She did well, considering the circumstances.

"Thank you for your service, Lancer." Your only response is a radiant smile, as the rest of her vanishes. You don't give it a second thought as you examine yourself for irregularities. Your performance was far higher than it should be. Far higher than it was on the last operation you undertook, not even a full week ago.

As your surroundings return to the sterile room, you find nothing out of place. No irregular muscle growth, strange symbols, or any trace of magical energy. Your suspicion has nowhere to be targeted towards, so you file it to the back of your mind, for now. You've finally made it into Chaldea, and there's a little under an hour before orientation, plenty of time to find what you need.

As you formulate an investigation plan you notice a body on the ground in the hallway you've started downwards.

Spoiler: Coin Flip!

Heads: Fujimaru Ritsuka (♀)

With rather familiar red hair, and a similar uniform to your own, though with a skirt and leggings instead of the pants you're wearing.

Seems like a poor choice for a base in the Antarctic.

Another Master candidate, then. She seems to be breathing just fine, with no obvious injuries either, so you quickly walk around her, you have places to be.

Speaking of said places, where should you go, exactly?

Vote for as many as you'd like.

[ ] Pick up your equipment from the loading bay.

They vetted most of it, but what remains is still useful.

[ ] Search for schematics in maintenance.

Chaldea has plenty of inventions that could be useful to know about, to use or to find ways to negate.

[ ] Scavenge the director's office for dossiers.

Logically, she should have the highest clearance in the building. Though that also means it may be hard to find your way in.

[ ] Investigate the personal rooms.

Focus more on the individual rather than the organization, see if you can find any metaphorical or literal skeletons in their closets.

[ ] Check out the break room.

Listen in on gossip. Like the professional assassin you are.

[ ] Wander the halls.

Maybe your luck will finally turn around for once?

[ ] Write-in?

As for the orientation, you should…

[ ] Arrive on time.

The top two choices of the vote above will win.

[ ] Show up late.

The top three choices will be put into action, though you'll miss some information from the orientation, and you doubt they'll appreciate it.

…You suppose you could also…

[ ] (0.5) Help the girl up.

A waste of effort. And time.

Will overwrite all other options if it wins.

Author's note: Seriously what the hell was that. Two critical successes in a short combat encounter is so typical. So, Shirou has almost immediately realized that he's 'randomly' gotten stronger because of something '''unknown'''.

Also I feel bad about bullying Gareth. Sorry Gareth…

Double also, Merry Christmas to all those who participate in it! In order to celebrate, feel free to imagine everyone in Santa hats for this update.

Burnt Sugar

[X] Pick up your equipment from the loading bay.

[X] Search for schematics in maintenance.

[X] Arrive on time.

Yes, that would be for the best. Your equipment is necessary if anything goes wrong, and those schematics would be vital in shutting this place down without using brute force. If the orientation has even a chance of having some useful information, you should try to learn all you can.

As you cement your plan, your steps slow, and you glance behind you. A waste of time… that's still true, but it doesn't mean you should do nothing, right?

Spoiler: Pressure Action

If a weighted option loses but still has more total votes than the winner, it will be partially pushed into action, with a minimal effect. A consolation prize.

[X] Help the girl up.

You hasten your movements and head back to the collapsed girl, counting the seconds in your head. As soon as you reach her, you get to work. You quickly check her for smaller wounds you may have missed, such as injection marks or a curse, but no, nothing.

A mundane reason, then.

Moving her into the recovery position you hold your fingers to her throat and check her pulse and respiratory rate-

60 seconds have elapsed, get moving.

-about twelve breaths and 52 heartbeats, healthy for someone asleep. She's fine. As you start to get up you notice her eyes fluttering slightly, looking at you. Two pairs of footsteps echo down a nearby corridor, one much faster and softer, with seemingly four legs.

Time to leave.

You're gone before they arrive, without attracting any notice. From the new arrivals, at least, from the girl on the ground, you'll just have to hope she wasn't quite conscious. Could draw attention you don't want.

She definitely saw you.

The loading bay is easy to find, it's one of the only places that newcomers are allowed to go to, after all. Rather barren other than the stray staff member. No other Masters, as expected, too busy boasting or collapsing in hallways.

You ask the nearest person if they could grab your belongings for you, and after the same reaction you get every time you give your name, they hurry off, likely in a far faster fashion than they did for anyone else. Seems like it pays to be 'famous'.

After receiving them alongside a look of abject fear you move into a corner to check what remains.

Spoiler: Stealth Check

41 vs 40, 80. Low Pass


+5(Rank C Stealth)

They removed all of the obviously deadly items, and it seems a few of your hidden pouches were scavenged and tossed as well, though not all. You'll take it.

Your long coat, as expected, got through. The runes you had imprinted on it are dangerous, but no more so than any other magi's attire. Though, what rune did you mainly have inscribed again…?

[ ][Coat] Ehwaz

A hardening rune, with an affinity to fire that makes it rather flame retardant on top of more resistant to physical damage.

[ ][Coat] Berkanan

A tracking rune, allowing you to keep track of a tagged target through walls.

[ ][Coat] Inverse Sowilo

A reversed sun rune, dampening the light around you. Renders oneself partially invisible when standing still.

Far more surprising is that one of your weapons made it through safe and sound, even obscured as they were.

[ ][Weaponry] Modified M1917 Enfield

A bolt action rifle, altered to have more magically conductive components. Can easily fire Reinforced bullets without needing to be Reinforced itself, as well as fire the Origin Bullet currently hanging in a necklace around your neck. Its disassembled pieces are hidden in various mundane objects.

[ ][Weaponry] Carnwennan (False) x3

Three poor recreations of King Arthur's dagger, though still effective. They have slight seeking abilities and can be recalled to your hand by channeling magical energy into the accompanying ring. Hidden in a hollowed-out fantasy book.

Overall, not too bad an outcome. You don't normally need much anyway due to your projections, though you notice it has become impossible to recall any but your main two ever since entering Chaldea, which is a massive problem.

One that you most certainly can't fix in the amount of time you have left so you start hurrying to the maintenance room-

Spoiler: Awareness Check

27 vs 30, 60, 90. Fail


+0(Rank D Awareness)

Rerolling due to Beginner's Luck

90 vs 90. High Pass.


+0(Rank D Awareness)

Squints eyes maliciously at the dice gods.

-when you start to feel an indescribable sense of wrongness. Something that had blended into the rest of the magical energy running through, now so painfully obvious you can't believe you had missed it before. As though the walls and ceilings are collapsing inwards(or outwards?) and you're breathing cotton and walking on craggy rock barefoot. You force yourself to keep moving, stick with the plan as well as try to find what is making you feel this way.

Status Effect gained.

Inverted Nerves: Awareness and Reflex checks have 10 added to their total, while Grit's is reduced by 5, as long as the feeling persists.

Though it has been a far more arduous journey than you would have wished, deep breaths and calming techniques have almost washed away the feeling, like blood seeping in through the pores-

Another breath. In. Out.

Maintenance is in front of you. You'll find what you can in the next 25 minutes before making it to orientation, just in time. You ready yourself for a possible fight, or tense negotiation, and pull on the door's handle.

Spoiler: Luck Check

91 vs 40, 75. High Pass.


-5(Rank E Luck)

Sure. Yeah. Whatever. Sure.

To a room barren of life. You're fairly certain they wouldn't be forced to attend an orientation for newcomers in a role almost entirely separated from their own. A lunch break, maybe…? With the door unlocked, too..? You're immediately on edge for a trap, thoroughly investigating everything around you as you take cautious steps into the room, but there's nothing. A display of incompetence so profound you can only call it a miracle.

With your safety assured you move to start digging through documents, sorting through a lot of junk unimportant to you.

Proper equipment handling? No. Heater repair? Already got that locked down, sorry. How to operate the coffee mission? Really? Is that a porn mag? You shouldn't even be surprised, considering the door incident- there. A map of the maintenance tunnels, as well as the code to them on a sticky note attached to it.

How were these people even hired?

Spoiler: Luck Check

Automatic Pass, due to the previous check. Would normally have a DC of 50.

You've still got time, keep digging. No. No. Not that either. Interesting, but not helpful. No. No. You can feel the metaphysical clock ticking away. No. No. The feeling is getting stronger and it is not helping.

Coffins? What would they need a specific article on coffins for, they're not a morgue- those are not normal coffins.

So this is how they do it.

Or rather how they stabilize it. Rayshifting, essentially time travel. The only reason you're here is because they (somehow) found out you had a decent aptitude for it, unbeknownst to you. These coffins raise the success rate far above their normal levels, as well as an included vitals readout.

You absorb as much information as you can, how they're powered, how they interact with your circuits, the emergency release, and the cryogenic freezing capabilities. Most of it is beyond you, but you file what is usable into your mind for when it may be needed.

Spoiler: Luck Check

-3 vs 70. Critical Failure.


-5(Rank E Luck)


Footsteps. Outside the front door, you're out of time. Swiftly putting everything close to where it came from, you duck through the maintenance tunnel after typing its code, now memorized. As you maneuver your way through the claustrophobic space, you get closer and closer to your destination. The feeling grows, and a specific scent is now able to be picked up through your nose. Something like-

Burnt sugar? With a disgusting backdrop of infected flesh…

As you leave the tunnels and enter the corridor, then the command room, you notice you're precisely on time. That doesn't stop everyone else, already in their seats, from turning and staring at you.

"Is there a problem? I'm certain I wasn't late." Oh, scratch that. There are three empty seats, and you have a strong feeling you know one of the other owners of them.

"There's a procedure to these things!" A woman dressed in orange and black speaks, likely the director considering she's standing at a podium in front of everyone. "Punctuality is vital for us to-"

"I was on time. What is the problem?" The answer is, there isn't one. She's just attempting to make you cede ground.

You stare at her.

She stares back, shutting her mouth with a sharp clack.

Two suddenly appearing girls from behind you stare in confusion.

The source of the scent of infected flesh stares in amusement.

Spoiler: Composure Check

72 vs 50. Pass


+5(Rank C Composure)

You maintain your stare without glancing at the newcomers, one wildly more concerning than the others. A slight clench of your fist, nails biting into your palm, combats the overwhelming sense of nausea that threatens to consume you.

"W-whatever! Two of you were late, at least. It doesn't matter." Indeed it doesn't. Nothing seems to matter more than whatever is standing right next to you. "Seems like we're here now, at least… Please find your seats. As you move towards your designated seat number you glance at the two following you, confirming that one of them was the girl that had passed out, who is currently staring at you with a strange expression you can't quite place.

How did it take her longer than you to get here?

You reach your destination and sit down, coincidentally, right next to the girl still staring at you with what you can now tell is tiredness mixed with something else. Recognition? Confusion? Distrust? There's too much drowsiness to discern it enough. Regardless, you should pay attention.

"Welcome to the Special Organization, Chaldea." As you settle down and start listening, you allow your vision to make glances in his direction. A man wearing a rather hideous green suit, with long brown hair, emanating that horrific scent. "I'm the director, Olga Marie Animusphere." Yes, it makes sense that an Animusphere would be running this place, though you haven't heard of her specifically before.

Soft snoring can be heard from your left. You have a feeling this meeting will get derailed in 3. "You have been selected," She glances at the culprit. 2. "Or discovered from each nation for your rare talent to…" She's stomping this way and winding up a well-telegraphed slap. 1.

Which is easily caught in your hand, the loud noise still serving to jerk the Master candidate awake. "I don't believe slapping people is an effective way of earning respect, Director."

After she flushes in anger and quickly jerks her hand away, she angrily yells "It doesn't matter! She's clearly not ready for the responsibility we hold here." You can agree with that at least, is it narcolepsy, perhaps? "She's out of the first mission! And you," She attempts to turn her fury on you, before stopping. "Just, stay quiet, please."

You can acquiesce with that at least. Though you find yourself uncharacteristically envious of the girl leaving, as well as the one supporting her and she stumbles. Then you wouldn't have to deal with this feeling at its worst…

[ ][Decision]Force down the nausea.

Sit through the orientation and keep your eyes peeled.

[ ][Decision]Leave as well.

You can't think while you're in here. Get out and reorient yourself.

Author's note: The Dice™ continue being little shits. Not super happy with how this chapter turned out because of that, they had a lot of absurd results that I had thought of and put as possible but didn't really expect to have to write one much less multiple of them. Hopefully it's not too clunky.

Also fun fact I had originally planned for there to be multiple awareness checks sprinkled throughout the chapter, slowly getting easier, but that sure seemed unnecessary after the first one. Sigh. It did slightly work against him here though, as revenge a result of being a bit too sensitive to abnormalities.

Please be sure to vote for all the separate votes, for the coat, weapon, and that final decision.(If you want to, I can't force you).

Nothing Remains

[X] Force down the nausea.

You're fine. If that thing is here then you should be too. You grit your teeth and focus your mind, listening to the now continuing orientation while keeping a wary eye out for sudden movements from your target.

"You all know why we're here. To preserve the Human Order. Recently, CHALDEAS has noticed a distortion in time." Concerning. The information you received wasn't so clear on the severity of the situation, and judging by the many gasps around you, you aren't alone in that. "There's no need to be alarmed, we have located the instability. A singularity, taking place in a city in Japan, in 2004." That gets a more visible reaction from you, though no more than a twitch and no one seemed to notice.

It can't possibly be there, right?

You need to know for sure. You've decided, you're going on this mission no matter what. You'll be the last one in a Coffin though, just in case. You're not that eager to get yourself killed, at least. Listening closely to the proper procedures, though you know most of them already from your snooping, you start to feel that this is less of an orientation and more of a 'Hello, you work for us now, mission starts in ten minutes.'

Spoiler: Awareness Check

72 vs 50. Pass


+0(Rank D Awareness)

+10(Inverted Nerves)

He's gone. So naturally that you could barely notice as you were actively watching him. Keeping calm on the surface, you continue preparing alongside everyone else. Inside, your mind is racing with possibilities.

Invisibility? Everyone would've felt the casting.

Trained stealth abilities? You were looking at him. He's not an Assassin.

Some quirk of his bloodline? Maybe…

Your eyes dart over the entire room as everyone else has already gotten in their Coffins, leaving you, some staff members, and the director as the only ones still in the open. Something she is clearly not pleased about as she stalks towards you, her anger from before reigniting.

Then, the smell of caramel spikes, then cracks, as if giving a death cry. Leaving only the smell of rotten flesh.

Spoiler: Reflex Check

27 vs 70. Failure.


+0(Rank D Reflex)

+10(Inverted Nerves)

+3(Mind of Steel)

Rerolling due to Beginner's Luck…

94 vs 70. Pass.


+0(Rank D Reflex)

+10(Inverted Nerves)

+3(Mind of Steel)

Time decelerates. Your senses sharpen. Quickly grabbing the director -ignoring her cry of disapproval- you try to find something, anything else you can do in time.

Right there, if you can make it in time…!

Spoiler: Agility Check

116 vs 80. Critical Success


+12(Rank B+ Agility)

+3(Mind of Steel)

+5(Reacted fast enough)

So do I just give you the Agility rank up now or…?

Dragging her along with you as you move just as fast as you had before, in the simulation, you make it to the nearest Coffin and quickly pull the emergency release. You barely have enough time to see who you grabbed before you cover the two of them the best you can-

Spoiler: Luck Check and RNG

6 vs 50. Failure.


Beryl Gut is not excluded from the roll.

Rolling a d7…

2(Ophelia Phamrsolone)

-as the world ignites.

Spoiler: Damage Calculation


-25%(Mage Killer)

-10%(Ehwaz coat)

-20%(Ehwaz coat(Flame))

-84 Health

You are in so much pain. You blacked out for a bit there, though you don't know how long. The two below you are still unconscious. Olga is quite injured, though not fatally. The other girl… needs medical attention immediately. The mental shock from being torn from the Coffin, directly into a large blast, not to mention the fact she seems quite frail in the first place. As you shakily stand up and brush the debris off of you, you take note of your altered surroundings.

Destruction is abundant, and flames consume most of what's in your vision. Survivors look minimal, and the three of you aren't in anywhere near top condition either.

You carefully bring them over to the door, checking each and every Coffin for any other survivors. Every single one you check on the way makes your eyes narrow more and more.

Vital signs critical! Extraction could lead to death.

Vital signs critical! Extraction could lead to-

Vital signs critical! Extraction could-.

Vital signs critical! Extraction-

Vital signs critical!-

There's no end to it. You hope there's someone alive who can start their cryopreservation functions, as you see no way to do it from inside this room. So you keep moving, making sure not to jostle your passengers any more than is strictly necessary.

When you finally reach the entrance, it is suddenly opened from the other side, bringing you face to face with a panicked redhead whose name you should really try to find out soon, as well as a man with light orange hair in a doctor's outfit, doing a fair bit better at hiding his dread.

"A survivor- wait, three of them? Director!" The man quickly starts to check her condition before radioing in for any possible medical staff to make their way to the command room. You gently lay both of them on the ground before you begin to make your way back into the flames, stopping as you notice you have a follower.

"Stay outside, it isn't safe."

"But Mash was in there! I need to make sure she's okay!" That must be the other girl that was with her earlier.

"I apologize, but I doubt that-"

"I need to at least try!" She quickly pushes her way past you, leading you to run after her. After not too long, the same synthetic voice you heard when you first made it to Chaldea makes its reappearance.

"System switching to the final phase of Rayshift. Coordinates, AD 2004, January, 30th, Fuyuki, Japan." You were expecting it, but it still feels terrible to get confirmation. "LAPLACE's shifting protection established. Singularity's additional factor slot secured." The door is sealed. It seems you'll be rayshifting anyway. Not that you'd decline by now, but the singularity is even more so a problem with most of Chaldea out of commission. "Unsummon Program set. Please start final adjustments."

"Mash!" it seems that she's found her friend. From a glance… it doesn't look good. Littered with wounds, and it's astonishing she's alive. Seems there's nothing left to do but make the jump.

You do your best to center yourself and ignore all possible distractions as the countdown ticks.

"Central Area, sealed. 180 seconds till internal containment procedure."

Breath in. Breath out.

"Coffin Vitals: Masters. Baseline not reached."

You tap your thumbs against each of your fingers in order.

"Rayshift requirement not met. Searching for qualifying Masters... Found."

You are Emiya Shirou. You are real. You are here.

"Candidates No. 30, Emiya Shirou, and No. 48, Fujimaru Ritsuka, both reset as Master."

Idly, you notice that you've just learned her name, but immediately head back into your mind.

"Unsummon Program, start. Spiritron Conversion, start."

Power surges, and you finish your grounding with one last line, whispered like a prayer under your breath.

"I am the bone of my sword. (My body is made of blades.)"

"Rayshift starting in 3, 2, 1… All procedures clear. First Order, commencing operation."

You immediately feel your body be bisected, then your two halves bisected again, then again, and even further, and further, and further, further, furtherfurtherfurtherfurtherfurtherfurtherfurtherfurtherfurtherfurtherfurtherfur-

Until nothing remains.


Singularity F: Fuyuki(Flame Contaminated City)

Units Deployed:

Emiya Shirou

-Pact Servant: N/A

-Chaldea Servant: N/A

Fujimaru Ritsuka

-Pact Servant: M̶̫̉̐̈́a̷̱̬̦͔̎̊̑͛?̴͙̙̜͙̊͝h̴̰̱͜͠ ̴̨͛̀̀K̴̜̮̣̗̍̓̍̚ẙ̷̟̭̫̬̂?̴̨̠̱͙̉̎͗?̶̞̘̹̈́́̌e̷̻̙̘̋̈́͛̾l̵̜̏̌͗ȉ̶̥͑̉͝?̸͙͎̓̒͒̇h̸̡͒̈̈́ṱ̷͗́

-Chaldea Servant: N/A

You let out a gasping breath, the immense pain fading away like a distant memory.

Speaking of distant memories…

The city of Fuyuki is covered in flames, just as your first memories remember it. Not a soul around, the heat reaching in as though to burn even your soul. You shake your head and brush off the bad thoughts. This place is dangerous and the threats are unknown. You can see shambling skeletons in the distance, a lot of them.

You need to reconvene with Fujimaru. Fast. How much mana are you willing to expend to make it to her?

[ ] Heavy Consumption

Go all out on Reinforcing yourself, and project both Monohoshizao and your Calico to tear through the opposition.

[ ] Moderate Consumption

Trace Monohoshizao and use some light Reinforcement on yourself and it to make it through. Pick off ranged combatants with your Enfield when necessary.

[ ] Light Consumption

Stick with your Enfield and projected(and Reinforced) bullets. Trace some mundane blades only if needed.

Character Sheet has been upgraded to Chaldea Dossiers

Author's Note: Just saying, this could very well have been a bad end. Due to the fact you chose the Ehwaz rune it made it rather unlikely, in fact it would only have maybe happened if you failed the awareness check, but still.

Far more noteworthy is saving two people who were fated to die. Olga was way easier, you pretty much just needed to be here and pass the reflex check, meanwhile Ophelia(or any of the other A-Team members) required maintenance knowledge, the awareness check, the agility check, and a couple of them(including Ophelia) needed the Ehwaz coat to survive the blast. So, y'know. Congrats!

Would've been really funny if you got Beryl, though.

Pack Tactics

[X] Moderate Consumption

You shouldn't overdo it. You need to get to her quick, -she didn't seem much for combat, after all- but it wouldn't help anything if you burned yourself out before getting there.

Considering your newfound enhancements… you shouldn't need to do nearly as much as you would have before, either. Reinforcement improves on the base, after all, and if there's one thing that hasn't let you down yet…


+25 points of circuit strain. (Warming (25/50))

Your circuits open and immediately start Reinforcing parts of your body to make you as fast as possible. None of the skeletons have noticed you quite yet, so you have time to take it slow. While you feel your body heat up from the circulating magical energy you start looking for the nearest tall building; there would be no point in just sprinting around and hoping for the result you want, after all.

Hm. While it's not a building, the Fuyuki bridge should be nearby, if you're remembering your way around correctly. It should still be enough to get a good view around the city, and with a bit more Reinforcement for your eyes, it will probably be enough to find your quarry.

As well as take note of possible threats.


+25 points of circuit strain. (Warming (50/50))

Circuits are now Nominal(0/120)

The blade comes into your hands as easily as it always does, its comforting weight bringing you a bit of calm. First things first, you should test out the opposition.

Spoiler: Stealth Check

55 vs 40. Pass.

47 (Roll)

+5 (Rank C Stealth)

+3 (Mind of Steel

You stalk your way to the nearest lone soldier, appreciating the fact it seems to have limited perception, and then lunge towards it.

Spoiler: Combat Check

42 vs 20. Pass.


+5(Signature Weapon)

+3(Mind of Steel)

+10(Surprise Attack)

Your first blow is a probing one, an ineffective slash that would shame any Assassin who would have seen it were it to be a serious attempt. It staggers backward, before recovering and delivering a counter slash.


A small movement is all that's needed to parry it, though its strength is at least better than its speed, requiring a bit of pushback to keep the sword off of its path.

Now, for its durability…

Your blade sings as it slices through the air in a diagonal across your opponent's exposed ribs, cutting through them like butter. No need for Reinforcement on Monohoshizao, then. Even its minimal conceptual weight is enough. As it attempts another swing, its head is quickly decapitated.

They aren't a major threat on their own, the only real danger is their numbers. So, dodge the large groups and blitz the smaller ones.

Spoiler: Agility Check

36 vs 50, 70, 90. Fail

16 (Roll)

+17 (Rank A+ Agility)

+3(Mind of Steel)

Rerolling due to Beginner's Luck…

119 vs 50, 70, 90. Critical Success.

99 (Roll)

+17 (Rank A+ Agility)

+3(Mind of Steel)

Spoiler: Combat Check

84 vs 40, 60. High Pass.


+5(Signature Weapon)

+3(Mind of Steel)


Here we go.

The wind roars around you as you blast towards your destination, and your surroundings turn into a blur as they fly past. Any enemies in your path find themselves quickly disassembled. A pair wielding lances barely even turn to look in your direction before they have both lost their heads. One with a bow isn't given enough time to let loose the arrow it was about to fire before it found its arms missing, and a second later it joins its brethren in their un-undeath.

Like a fearsome gale, you rip and tear through side streets and alleys as you make your way to the bridge, and considering none of the massive groups have started moving towards you, you're staying decently under the radar. However, you can't keep the possibility of something else roaming in this city out of your mind. After all, just some skeletons couldn't cause enough of a temporal anomaly to form a singularity, would they?

As you take down a few more of them, the bridge is finally in your sight, along with one of the larger hordes you've seen meandering about on and near it. You take a step and ready your blade once more…

Spoiler: Composure Check

87 vs 50. Pass.


+5(Rank C Composure)

+3(Mind of Steel)

Status Effect Removed: Inverted Nerves

…but you restrain yourself. Your body is screaming that you could take them down, and it's right. Could you take them down without drawing even more attention as well as taking some more wounds? You doubt it.

You were acting too much like you of the past. Seems the view had been affecting you more than you had wished. You can lead them away without using brute force, you're sure of it. Despite being undead, they seem to exhibit some form of pack tactics, so if you use one that you've already taken down, they should at least check it out.

Picking up one of the skeletons nearest to you, you toss it into the air and slash it in such a way that would make the loudest clang that it could. As it crashes into the ground, the loud clicks and clacks of the group suddenly grow quiet for a scant few seconds, before they quickly reach the previous volume and start growing louder and closer.

Spoiler: Stealth Check

80 vs 60. Pass.


+5(Rank C Stealth)

+3(Mind of Steel)

You're already slinking your way through the alleyways again, out of sight. Luckily, they are completely unintelligent, or else you would've had to waste more time coming up with a plan.

The Fuyuki Bridge is quickly scaled, your enhanced agility serving you well for more than just pure speed. Now with clear sightlines, and the biggest threat in the area moving farther away from you, it's time to start looking for Fujimaru. As well as any other points of interest that may show themselves…

Spoiler: Awareness Check

48 vs 30, 60, 90. Low Pass.


+0(Rank D Awareness)

+3(Mind of Steel)

The first thing you can see is something you really wish you hadn't. A large skeletal dragon seems to be circling the city, as though eyeing up prey. It's far from you now, and shouldn't be too hard to avoid if you stay away from open areas, but you're far from confident in the outcome if you ever come to blows with it. There seems to be a figure riding it as well, though you aren't certain if it's just a rider or an actual Rider.

Nothing else leaps out at you, including the possible location of the 48th Master, until a flash of red light comes from the tallest skyscraper and tears its way through the air toward somewhere in the not-too-far distance.

It's him.

It could be any other Archer, technically, since all you've seen is some absurd form of arrow being let loose.

But you know. Your entire soul screams that it's him, and you find yourself quickly making your way down from your vantage point. He's distracted now, aiming at someone else, but you know he'll start hunting you down relentlessly as soon as he notices you.

Against what common sense would dictate, you start making your way towards his target. After all, against all odds, he's still firing. Whoever's there is surviving his barrage, somehow. You have your doubts that it's Fujimaru, but it's your only lead.

Spoiler: Agility Check

86 vs 50. Pass


+17(Rank A+ Agility)

+3(Mind of Steel)

Your trip this time is even easier than the first, as you notice all of the skeletons leaving to head towards the ever growing mass of skeletons… you led off away from you, still searching for a nonexistent enemy. Realistically, it shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you keep away, as of right now it's entirely beneficial, even.

As you near your objective, two events occur.

Firstly, Archer's nest is hit by a stream of flame, from somewhere off in the distance.

An enemy of our enemy. Good to know we're not up against a fully unified force.

Secondly, you notice a strong spiritual presence in front of you that is unmistakable.

A Servant. Not Fujimaru, then.

Or so you had thought, before a loud cheer breaks through the air, presumably at the forced retreat of Archer. As they both come into sight you see your redheaded 'coworker' give a massive hug to the new face.

Upon second glance, not a new face at all. That's the girl who was crushed by rubble in the Command Room, alive and well. Also suddenly a Servant. You can't be certain of the details, but you'll find out more by approaching rather than stalking. As you take another step, the Servant disentangles herself from the hug and quickly turns to you, brandishing her… shield?

"No need to be on high alert. Unless you two are in the business of causing the explosion in Chaldea and/or this singularity, I believe we're on the same side here." You keep moving forward, out of the shadows. Only once your uniform is visible does she start to move out of her combat position.

"Oh! You're, um, you!"

"...Emiya Shirou." Wouldn't she have heard it from CHALDEAS at the same time you heard hers?

"Right, yeah! It's good to see you're okay. We're on our way to find a… hm."

No reaction to your name. Interesting.

"Ley point."

"Yep, a Ley point! -Thanks, Mash- So we can secure a connection back to Chaldea!" She seems awfully chipper for the situation. A coping mechanism? Still though, a ley point… the closest would be the Tohsaka residence, not far from here.

"Then let's get moving, it shouldn't be far from here, and we need to move before Archer starts firing again."

"You mean, he isn't dead?"

"Senpai, Servants are far more durable than that. Even the weakest of them would not have been vanquished that easily."

Ignoring the involuntary twitch you made at the term used, you quickly fall into pace behind Mash. You would have given directions but it seems she knows the way. So, as you keep your eyes peeled, you start your questioning.

"Speaking of Servants, last I checked, you weren't one. Unless you're an Assassin with Presence Concealment-" Which would be incredibly surprising considering her rather showy outfit as well as the massive shield. "-that shouldn't be possible."

"... I was offered a contract by a Servant that had lost its Master in the explosion. To beat the cause of this singularity I would receive his abilities and Noble Phantasm."

"That's…" Impossible, is the thought that first comes to mind. As you glance down at the shield, expecting to find some answers, the information isn't nearly as enlightening as you would've hoped. Though you can at least confirm she's telling the truth, the shield as it is now is simply 'Mash Kyrielight's Shield'. Whatever legend it had connected to it is hidden deep.

"Super cool, right?! Dr. Roman was shocked when he found out!"

"You've been in contact with Chaldea? How?"

"Emiya-Senpai," Another twitch. "There's a radio built into the wristband that came with your uniform. Did you not receive one?"

No. No, you did not.

"That's unlucky, maybe there was a supply issue?" You have your suspicions about that, but now isn't the place to say them.

"That's possible." So you give a noncommittal answer.

The rest of the walk is quiet and uneventful. Before long you find yourself next to the burnt remains of the Tohsaka Manor.

"Here it is. According to what the Director said, I need to lay down my shield as the catalyst, then draw the summoning circle like so…" The rest of her words devolve into mumbling as she slowly inscribes the patterns on the floor. You would offer your help, but your proficiency with Formalcraft is rather embarrassingly low.

It doesn't take too long, though, and you hear the wristband present on Fujimaru's wrist crackle to life.

"CQ. CQ. Hello…?" A masculine voice rings out from the other side, recognizable as the voice of the doctor you came across before Rayshifting.

"Dr. Roman, we can hear you."

"Hey, the connection's back! I've forced the Director to stay in the medbay for now, so it's just me here at the moment. Don't worry! I should be able to guide you through this."

"What's Chaldea's status?" You quickly butt in.

"Woah, you found the other Master? This is going way better than I thought it would already…" He takes a moment to clear his throat, and his voice becomes serious. "It's bad. We have 24 survivors, and that's including the three of you. Chaldea has lost around 80% of its functionality, and though I've shifted our focus to repairing Rayshift functionality as well as maintaining CHALDEAS and SHEBA, there's only so much that we can do with so few remaining. Once we're able to reconnect our external communications we can start requesting supplies and manpower but for now, we're on our own."

Terrible, as expected. Not that it should matter to you, as soon as you get back, you're leaving. Right…?

"Still, we won't be leaving you alone in there. We should be able to direct some power to the FATE summoning system through the circle you made. If you could both be so kind as to check your pockets, there should be an emergency supply of Saint Quartz there."

So that's what that's for.

You had noticed it when you inspected the uniform and was almost tempted to throw it out when you couldn't identify it. Luckily you couldn't find anything explicitly harmful about it, so you kept it in.

"Woah, skirt pockets, now this is advanced tech…"

Ignoring that, you stare at the summoning circle in front of you. Your Servant compatibility isn't… great. They let you know as much when they sent you the invitation. You were only chosen because you could at least Rayshift, and because of your combat capabilities.

Also considering your luck… you have a feeling you know some of the likely candidates to show up if you do choose to summon someone.

Spoiler: Summoning

Unlike Ritsuka, who has access to the full servant list(outside of Lostbelt or other situational Servants) at all times, Shirou will only be able to summon those from the country he's in or those related to the singularity he's in.

Servants will be rolled with no regard for in-game rarity.

'Omake' Bonus: Also, a little birdie told me that, if you were to talk about a Servant you would find interesting to see in the story in length, their chances would increase in the summon.

A slightly larger birdie also told me that if you were to write an actual full Omake about them and their possible interactions with the cast, said chance would go up even further. Unsubtle wink.

So obviously, you decide...

[ ]Step up to the circle.

You're willing to risk it, you need someone to watch your back in here. You'll just have to hope they won't be one of them.

[ ]Not here, not now.

It's not worth the risk. If you were to somehow summon Rider, or even worse Archer, and they try to kill you on the spot, what then?

-[ ]Pass the Saint Quartz to Fujimaru.

You still need the reinforcements, if she already made a contract just like that it's likely her compatibility is quite high.

-[ ]Keep them for later.

You can't just let a valuable asset like this go away.

Author's note: It's the first time in the Quest I've actually had to do a decent amount of character writing(that isn't Shirou) outside of the interlude, so I hope it's decent.

I feel no need to bring up any specific rolls. None at all.

Anyone know what's up with that dragon? Crazy, right? Must've been a hallucination.

Ever Dependable

[X]Step up to the circle.

Your heart beats erratically as your mind sprints through all the possibilities this choice could make. It could be Archer, whose dislike of you is instinctual. Rider, whose hatred lasted until the last iota of her disappeared. Lancer, who has already killed you once. Or…

…it could be her.

You're not certain which outcome you like least. You're not one to back down when you've made your choice, though.

As the circle blazes to life in front of you, you notice Fujimaru is lagging behind, so you ask, "Is something wrong?"

"N-No! Just… letting you go first! Because… you know… it's… polite…?" Considering she's sweating bullets, you're sure she's just nervous. Well then, you'll take the lead.

"Sure, you two can go one-by-one that works just as well, so just follow my lead for the incantation-" Roman's voice is quickly cut off.

"I know it."


One last deep breath. Your will sharpens. No more hesitation. You throw your hand out in front of you and begin.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. I, who has no great ancestor nor color to pay tribute to."

The circle slowly starts shifting from pure white to a brilliant blue. You feel a slight pull on your circuits before the flow is washed away by a far greater source.

Chaldea's supplies.

"Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

It's almost a novel experience. Your previous 'summoning' was no more than a miracle brought through by an ostentation of chance.

"Let it be declared now; your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword. Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth."

You leave out the line about the Holy Grail. You'd rather not speak its name, and it's generally not wise to lie to incredibly powerful beings.

"An oath shall be sworn here. I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven; I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell."

I, who has already brought bloodstains to Heaven and justice to Hell.

A familiar seal imprints itself on your hand.

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

A familiar bright flash, and your anxiety spikes as you subtly shift into a combat-ready stance, blueprints floating to the forefront of your mind.

You reflexively bite your lip as the first sight of your Servant is blue fabric, though you regain your composure when there is no silver armor to accompany it. No armor at all, actually. Likely not a knight class, then-

Any other thoughts are derailed as the newly appeared figure is suddenly very close to you, yellow eyes gazing deeply into yours. Time seems to slow for a second as your paranoia whirs to life.

Is this an attack? Some sort of Hypnosis? Mystic Eyes? Some aura effect? Or maybe-

"Alright! I can work with this!" She backs off. You can more clearly see her now, fancy blue shrine maiden clothes, long pink hair tied up, and are those fox ears…? "Your ever dependable Shrine Maiden Fox Caster is here to help~!"

The area is stunned into silence, and even the flames seem to quiet in astonishment. This is your Servant? Really?

"Is something wrong, Master? You seem shocked~ Was my dazzling appearance too much for you?"

Spoiler: Composure Check

53 vs 30. Pass


+5(Rank C Composure)

"No, it's nothing. It's nice to meet you, Caster." You quickly gather yourself, this is no time to be shocked by the weirdness of the Throne of Heroes, you already knew of this.

"Aw, you got over it so quickly! I have a feeling that was a rare sight I just got to bear witness to…"

"Ritsuka, you're up." She starts to shake off her shock at your words, quickly turning her apprehension into courage.

"L-let silver and… steel be the essence-" It starts shaky, but the further along she goes the smoother it gets. As she commences her summoning you think over your results.

Realistically, a front-line Servant, such as a Saber or a Lancer, would've been best. They could take the hits and the attention as you use your normal tactics. After that, an Assassin would fit better with your mindset. The others are a bit of a mixed bag, but a Caster…

Quite possibly the worst match-up.

With a more support-focused Caster, at least, which she seems to be. Speaking of, she didn't give her name, you have to assume that would be because of the other spectators. You'll need to ask her for that later, you never know when you'll need whatever her Noble Phantasm is.

Your thinking is interrupted by a sudden cold wind blowing in your ear.

Did she just blow in your ear?

Hiding what is almost certainly a grin behind one hand, the other is pointing to Ritsuka. She must've completed the incantation. As you focus on the new appearance, your heart sinks.

Golden hair, with a tuft sticking upwards. Green eyes, shining with a bit more hope than you remember. Familiar silver armor, with an unfamiliar white dress underneath. When she speaks, it's that same voice but with an utterly inconceivable intonation.

"It's nice to meet you, Master! I'm still in training, but I won't let you down! Saber, Artoria Pendragon, is at your service!"

Your nails pierce the skin of your palm, drawing blood as you let out an almost inaudible hiss. You quickly hide your now bloody hand in your pocket as Caster fixes you with a deciphering expression.

"A-ah! An enemy Master and Servant already? Stay behind me, Master!"

"No, wait! We're all on the same side here-!"

As she moves to attack, Fujimaru holds her back and starts desperately explaining the situation, while Caster listens in as well, no doubt curious. She's… unsurprisingly better at talking than you are. Once they finish up, she lowers that blade and nods slowly.

"A singularity… this is beyond me, but I'll trust you, Master. Though, what should we do?" As Fujimaru stalls, you take over.

"I believe I have an answer to that." Everyone, including her, turns to you. "While it's mostly just skeletons roaming the streets, there are other Servants here, though they seem hostile. I'd suggest we start hunting them down and see what information we can get out of them." You also suppose you could just start wandering the streets and hope to run into something, but that would be absurd. Caster immediately nods, Fujimaru and Kyrielight seem to be thinking it over themselves, and…

"Wouldn't that be a risk?" She feels the need to object. "If we don't know how many there are, couldn't they just overwhelm us?"

"There isn't much else of an option, here. Though if it's any consolation, they don't seem to be allies of each other, considering an Archer was attacked while he was attempting to take down those two. We'll likely have the numbers advantage." She still seems reluctant, but after a look from Fujimaru, she backs off.

Everyone's on board. What's the first target?

[ ]Take down that dragon.

You don't know why you even entertained the thought of it not being a Servant controlling that thing. While it may be lazing about in the sky now, you never know when it will decide to randomly strike.

[ ]Find Archer.

He's down for now, but you know he's far from out. If he regains a sniping position and finds you he'll be a constant thorn in your side, it'd be best to rip it out as fast as you can.

[ ]Head towards the source of the flame attack.

You're not certain if the adage 'an enemy of my enemy is my friend' applies here, but they're likely the best bet you have at a more peaceful way of collecting information.

Author's note: After rereading Singularity F I've realized they really do just walk around until the plot(Caster Cu) finds them. Which is absolutely insane, especially because it's really just fighting more and more skeletons for the first half of the singularity.

So, Saber Lily and Tamamo. That certainly is a combo I wasn't expecting. Saber Lily sure will be interesting to deal with moving forward, and Tamamo is Tamamo, so I'm overall happy with the results. (My personal hope was Ushi, but oh well. Gacha be Gacha-ing)

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