My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

Devil’s Incarnate and The near Trouble

It started nine years ago, the time when everything began. I don't know much about my parents, my Mother was weak and died giving birth to me, Father couldn't handle it and ended up succumbing to depression. The neighbours reported on it and I ended up being taken by the orphanage, father's relatives didn't like him and they didn't want to take me in, I was responsible for my mother's death after all and they did love her. This is what I have been told my the orphanage

When I grew to understand what it all meant, I wanted to meet my Father but unfortunately, the depression got to him, he hanged himself inside the house. His body found 2 months after his death, no one really visited him, just the smell grew large enough for people walking by to notice. Maybe things wouldn't have turned this way if I stayed with my father and the orphanage didn't take me away.

I didn't know much about him or anything at all, so the news didn't hit hard. After that, I comfortably lived inside the orphanage and enjoyed every day of it, after all, I had a family of 34 other similar children who also didn't have parents, those children were my brothers and sisters, the nuns who took care us, would be mother and father.

I loved my new family, we would play together throughout the day, the nuns would cook such delicious food for us, the head nun would provide our basic education. I wanted to grow up fast and myself become one of the nuns, that's how much of a wonderful place it was. I didn't need a real family, the orphanage was my family.

Those happy days lasted a while, yes...only for a while. It all changed when I came to the age of 12, that's when it appeared. Yes, it! not a person. It was a devil's incarnate...a fiend in human flesh. It went by the name of Mayuri.

She was this mysterious girl who always seemed to be spacing out, it was like she was under constant thinking. She was also an orphan, which means she's the new member of the family, so I was very happy despite the strange atmosphere around her. She was probably sad because her parents died, it was my duty to help my new little sister and make her feel at home.

I tried...but I failed.

It was difficult to approach her, every time I went near to talk, she would give me this look...the look that she would eat me right there, a feeling that stopped me from talking to her. Her eyes were innocent but there was something deep inside them, that I didn't know how to describe...but now I know, it was amusement. She knew I was trying to approach her and she was amused that I couldn't, of course, I didn't know it at that time, so I just kept trying to approach her.

She started hanging around three people of the orphanage, they were a group of two girls and one boy. Their names were Shreya, Mana and Aran. They were 2 years older than me, hence 15. They were the oldest brother and sisters of the family, they took care of everyone and looked up to them a lot.

As the days passed, it got more difficult for me to approach her. I learned that Mayuri's parents had abandoned her and I got mad, at no one but myself. The girl needed help, she needed friends like me who are her age, friends she could open up to. It was no wonder she had this mysterious air about her, what would you expect? her parents left her! and there I was not even being able to talk to her, how could such a pathetic me ever become a nun?!

Thus the courage came and I crossed the line which now I wish I didn't cross, I talked to her and became friends with the devil.

Everything went well for a year, there were strange things that happened but I simply ignored them. Hmm? what strange things? was like someone was always watching, even when I was alone, I could feel a pair of eyes on me. Then there was Mayuri who always had her eyes locked onto Shreya, she was kinda obsessing over Shreya, trying to copy whatever Shreya does. I also sometimes noticed her just staring at a wall or a ceiling like something interesting was happening, though she didn't do that when with someone. I also only caught her doing strange things alone, by accident.

Then after a year, the devil showed her true colours. I don't know happened, but she suddenly...just blew, like the things that were pent inside her...came bursting out one by one.

It only started with small things, she would spread fake rumours about someone, tell fake gossips...of course, it didn't have any effect, we knew that one of ours won't do the things that girl talked about...well... maybe a few did believe and had small fights but they got resolved very soon with culprit caught red-handed.

But being caught red-handed didn't make her feel remorse, that something which I saw deep inside her eyes, the amusement inside her eyes grew, I wish I could have seen that back then.

Again, she started spreading rumours, no one believed them...but they turned out to be true this time. After all...she presented proof this time.  The devil became more motivated, now she started snitching on people, making them fight and hate each other. Where did she get all this information from? All from the previous year where she suddenly became super friendly, kind and talkative with everyone, If I knew it was all acting..then I wouldn't have felt proud and happy for her.

She spread recordings of children talking to each other's back, their embarrassing stories, like this one boy who secretly liked to dress as a girl, at that time we didn't know much better hence everyone made fun of him...we thought it was all for lols...but we didn't know how much emotional abuse he was being put through, we were bullying him without even knowing about it. And there she was, in the background, watching everything with a huge smile on her face, having the time of her life. Naturally, we didn't know that we were wrapped around her fingers, we were children and not too smart....but then, there she was...a girl too smart for age.

After that, there were no happy days. The orphanage fell apart, the devil exposed everyone.

There was no limit to her doings, she! she murdered! my dog, in cold blood and for what reason? Cauz, I didn't play with her enough.

She exposed the love triangle of the three people I looked up to. Splitting everyone apart, the once lovely and happy family was no more. The family was now filled with children who didn't trust each other. The nuns also couldn't just throw her out, it would be a great sin for an orphanage to throw some kid they adopted, out. They had to find someone to adopt the devil and they had to do it quick.

Thankfully they did, but the devil wouldn't leave us so peacefully. I don't know what was going inside her head, but before the day she went away....the devil tried to kill someone. No one believed it, they didn't believe that a child could something so sinister, they knew she was bad apple...but they didn't know she was a corrupted apple too, they didn't know she was someone who is filthy down to every. single. bone! but I saw it, I saw everything with my own eyes, no one believed me. They thought now it was me who was spreading rumours.

It happened a day before her departure. There was a small pool behind the orphanage, where we often went to play. It was not deep, with just one jump you could reach the surface, but that doesn't apply to someone who can't swim in the first place. She pushed him, the devil pushed the boy with her own hands and he fell into the pool. The reason the boy was there in the first place? I don't know, he went into a coma after the rescue.

How was he rescued? it was by the devil herself. After pushing him, she waited for a few seconds, I was also on my way to call for the help of a nun, I didn't know how to swim, I could only do it with the help of safety tube.....then suddenly she screamed HELP!! with all of her breath.

Hearing the loud cry, I stopped on my way to the nun and looked behind me, towards the devil, it was amused, it was looking my way, it had found me. My body started shaking, I couldn't move, the boy was drowning, I needed to call nun, I needed to help...but I couldn't move, how could I?! The devil's eyes were locked with mine, if I swayed them away then the devil would eat me too. I realized humans are selfish creatures when it comes to your own skin, and I was that selfish human too. The nuns came after hearing the loud cry of Devil, the moment they reached and saw what was happening, the devil turned her eyes away from me and herself jumped into the pool, rescuing the boy. She came out as the hero of the incident she herself started.

She made me realize that I'm a selfish human, but I didn't want something I learned from a devil to remain true, I didn't want something that came out of the person I become true, so now I try to not be selfish, I can't have her be proven right, that would be her win and my loss.

That's why I accepted when a new family came to adopt me, I didn't want to go...I wanted to stay in the orphanage I used to love and turn it back to what it was before the devil came, but that would make me selfish and prove her I accepted it and left the orphanage with the goal of coming back in the future when I have become a successful person and make this place that I loved, a new.

The new family was good, they were nice people, I even had an older brother....yes, had....he died. His name was Rohan, he went to Goa with his girlfriend at that time named Jyoti. They went but only sister Jyoti came back, she was all broken, bruises all over her body, a slice mark on her forehead, she had lived through a nightmare....both of them did...but only she survived. Even though she must have been going through hell, she still consoled me about the death of my brother, she apologized even though she herself suffered so much...she's a really nice person. I really look up to her and want to become someone kind like that.

But my life just doesn't go uphill, the moment it does...everything comes crashing down. The devil came back and she's in the same class as mine. The moment I saw her...I started becoming selfish again, I didn't want to help others by exposing her, I wanted to save my own skin and never enter her sight was just like all those years ago, back then I couldn't move...but now I want to try, even if I fail.





" sorry for rambling for so must have been boring, Riya"


"Huh?...huh!? huh!? huh?...wh-w-why are you crying???!!"

"You idiot!! It's just dust!!"

"Ah!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!"

Riya quickly wiped her tears away and stood up from her seat, sitting on the chair beside Priya

"Hu-Hh?? Riya?"

She placed her hand on Priya's head and started rubbing it, Priya flustered by sudden actions

"You have soft hair, just like a puppy's"


That didn't work!! how do I console someone? This worked in those tv shows!

"It's alright, you were very brave today and now that you shared things with me...I shall allow you to remain friends with me. Be grateful"

"huh?.....hahaha, I see.... yes! it's an honour" a beaming smile, blossoming on her face after realizing something

Great! but this smile...

"Hmm? Riya your cheeks are hot, do you have a fever?"


W-what?!! when did I get a fever? It must be because I slept naked under the AC yesterday. Dammit!! I knew it was a bad idea

"I-IT'S nothing. Anyway, I also have my doubts about those sisters"

"huh? you do?!"

"Yes, now that I have more solid evidence, it won't be long before I expose them"

"Wh-why do you doubt them?"

"It's the eye losing incident, the story that Mehak made...seemed very suspicious, just way too perfect"

" it's just intuition in the end"

"Yes, basically. But my intuitions are often correct, I mean see! this one turned out to be correct!!"

"I see"

"Be thankful, that you found me. Now I can help you"

"Yes! I am"'s easy to console and talk with someone after all

"I also want to expose them...but in the end, it was all many years ago, she may have changed her ways by now...and we can't really go by intuition alone"

"Hmm, true...but do you think someone like that can change?"

" not sure..."

"!!!....well, well...well, looks like we will find out soon" suddenly a clear excitement forming on Riya's face

"What do you mean?" Priya visibly confused

"Look over there"


It was the sisters, walking hand in hand, stuck to each other like glue


"Shhh! quiet down... come, follow me"

"Hu-huh? b-but..."

"No buts!! you do what I say, please!!"


Riya suddenly grabbed Priya's hand and rushed out of the restaurant, leaving the bill money behind.




"What is this house?" (Priya)

"Well they went inside of it 2 hours ago and still haven't come back. Apart from them starting at each other for few seconds at the entry door, nothing else has happened..... what the hell are they doing inside?! is it their relative's home? their own house can't be in this area"

"Yeah...only upper-middle-class lives here... their house should be in the billionaire area"

"Hmm, then it's relatives?"

"I don't know, I think we should leave, it's not good to follow someone like this"

"Come on! I know! but it's for the greater good!! don't you wanna catch them red-handed and serve justice to all the children who were wronged by her in the orphanage?!"

"I-I doo.."

"Then don't fuckin chicken out!! You have me, what is there to be afraid of!!?"

"You can only say this because you haven't seen what she can do"

"Well. ..I guess I will then! I finally have some of exposing them and that's hope is in the form of you, so don't do dare shatter my hope now"

"I see.."

"huh? why are you smiling?"

"Nothing...I'm just happy"

"hmph! weird girl. Naturally, you would be happy to have me around"

"Yes! I don't want to back down like in the past, I will give it my best!"

"There you go! Now, that's my friend!"

"Hahaha, yes"

"'s awfully silent in there..."

" sound is coming out of the house"

"Even the curtains are closed..."


"Let's get closer"


The Sisters didn't realize that danger was much closer than they expected. Literally, outside the house.

This arc is about to finish. After this only Two more arcs are left, could go for more but don't want it to stretch for too long.

I hope the novel is being enjoyable, despite some downgrades that happened with the story or characters so far. But I have an attachment, it's the first novel, after all, so won't stop till finished.

Thanks for reading and stay away from yandere corona-chan.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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