Moral Degeneration


“How was your day?” Audrey asked. She had picked up Chinese for us all on her way home. 


“Good,” Luna whispered. I wasn’t sure if the quiet response was how she was, or how she was around me. 


“It was great,” I said. “Luna showed me around the neighborhood. I may have went a little overboard at the superstore though. I had to get some more manly bedsheets.” 


“What?” Audrey asked. “I bought yours in the boys section.” 


“They were basically covered in flowers and unicorns,” I said. “Men need strong colors like dark blue, black, and gray.” 


“Most of the boys at school have lighter color stuff,” Luna said. I didn’t want to bring up the fact that I had been in her room and saw the pink sheets. I left it at that. 


“Well they aren’t manly boys then,” I said. 


“What does that mean?” Audrey asked with a frown. 


“Manly, you know, tough,” I said. “Men should be jumping out of planes, killing things, getting in fights. Not wearing clothes with flowers on them.”


“You’ll be hard pressed to find any kids your age that do that,” Ava said. “Maybe men used to be associated with that. In the founding fathers age. Not anymore. They need to be protected.” 


“That’s dumb,” I said. “How can you be a man without getting in a fight?” 


“Have you ever been in a fight?” Ava asked. 


“Maybe I have,” I said. “Have you?” 


She blushed. “Ava used to always get in fights,” Luna said with a laugh. 


“I’ll fight you,” Ava hissed. Luna stopped laughing, but ignored her. I began slurping up some lo mein noodles. 


“You’re quite good with these,” Audrey said. Eyeing my chopsticks I nodded. “I thought you were stuck in your cabin for a long time.” 


“I’m a quick study,” I said. I had probably eaten more meals with chopsticks than with a fork. “How was work?” 


“Good,” she said. “Didn’t miss much. Just a few fires to put out. Trucks being late. People calling in sick. The usual.” 


“Sounds fun.” 

“What about you?” 


“Great. After my workout I went for a jog. Met a kid my age down the way,” I said. 


“Really? A girl?” Like there was any other answer. I nodded. “You careful?” 


“I think so? We played basketball,” I said. 


She let out a long sigh. “You really shouldn’t run too far. Around the neighborhood is fine, but who knows what kind of sickos there are out there.” 

“Oh yeah? What kind should I watch out for?” She didn’t answer. I got the idea. “Should I worry about sex trafficking, being kidnapped for my body parts, or made to impregnate a lot of women?” The girls were quiet as they stopped eating. “Sorry, didn’t mean to be so blunt. Hope I didn’t ruin dinner.” 


“It’s alright,” Audrey said with a sigh. “I didn’t expect to have a boy here. You should be worried about all of those things.” 

“Well the government already has me on a waiting list for impregnating a lot of women,” I said. “So I’ll worry about the other 2 I guess.” 


“You should worry about all 3,” Audrey warned. “Boys have been known to be kidnapped and taken to other countries.” 


“Wow, they hard up for them?” 


“They can be,” she said. “I only know this because I work in shipping. We are trained to watch for trafficking odd cargo. A few years back the U.S. offered incentives for foreign men to come here. It was very appealing. A lot took the offer. Sex trafficking became a real issue after that.”

“Freakin government,” I spat. “Always getting in the way.” 


“You don’t like them?” Ava asked, genuine surprise on her face. 


“You all know a guy named Ronald Reagan?” I asked. They shook their heads. “He once said the scariest thing a person can hear is, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’ The government sticks it’s nose where it doesn’t belong.” I had a lot of hate for it after spending 6 years in the military. 


“Onto other matters,” Audrey said. We began to eat again. “I will plan to sign you up for school. I should be off tomorrow and we can all spend the day together. Watching Christmas movies. Making cookies. Whatever you want to do.” 


“I have plans,” Ava said. 


“Cancel them,” I offered. “I’d like to get to know my new family.” 


She eyed me then Luna. I could tell what she wanted to say. Thankfully she held off. “Can’t,” was all she said. 


“Fine, but I expect you here for dinner,” Audrey said. I was a little surprised she let the girl dictate her own terms, but then again she was in college. Who knew what kind of things she could be getting into. 


Dinner finished shortly and then they were sitting around the Christmas tree. Audrey happily passed out presents. “Why are we doing this today instead of tomorrow?” I asked. 


“Just how we do it,” Ava said. 


“It’s fun,” Luna said. Audrey had passed us 3 identical presents. All small, we opened them. There were cries of joy from the girls as they revealed the phones. 


“Sweet, a Nokia,” I said as I took the phone in hand. “This things indestructible.” I had one just like it when I was younger. The phones were all the same model. Mine was red, I eyed Luna’s blue one. “Trade?” 


She shrugged and passed it over. “Thank you, Audrey,” I said. 


“Thanks mom,” The girls said. They leaned over and hugged her. During my turn I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed and appeared to like the kiss more than I would have thought. 


“Of course,” she said. She gave the girls a couple more gifts and those were all the presents. I played on my phone. The girls hadn’t gotten her anything. 


“Love you guys,” she said. 


“That’s not all,” I said. “We got this for you today.” I pulled out a basket of massage oils and lotions. Audrey teared up as she looked at it. 


“You did?” She asked.


“N-” Ava said. 


“Of course we did,” I said, cutting her off. “What kind of monster wouldn’t give their mother a gift on Christmas?” Luna had said she didn’t care when I told her we were buying Audrey something. The daughter’s didn’t want to bother. Luna was slowly seeing that the gift meant more to Audrey than she originally thought. 


“Merry Christmas,” I said, kissing Audrey on the head. “If you need any help rubbing it on you, I volunteer.” Audrey became flustered as she turned to set it down. I felt good about her reaction. Ava eyeing me I gave her a wink. Luna grabbed my hand and I squeezed it. It was one of the better Christmas dinners I had been a part of. 


It wasn’t long till we were off to bed. My phone had Snake on it, and I played it happily. All the nostalgia was there as I tried to not eat my tail. My room was much manlier now. Gray bedsheets, a navy comforter, it felt like an actual room. Before it had felt like a hotel I was temporarily staying in. It was funny how little you had to change things to make them your own. 


I wasn’t terribly surprised to be brought out of my fun by a knock at the door. Past 9 PM, everyone else must have been in bed. Luna came into my room. Wearing a simple shirt and loose plaid pajama pants I grew excited by her arrival. 


“Hello, my dear,” I said in my most seductive tone. My voice cracked of course. Luna didn’t seem to notice. 


“Thank you for getting my mom the gift,” she said, moving to the foot of my bed. “You were right. She did appreciate it.”


I had noticed that there was a divide somewhere between the sexes. As men supposedly became more feminine. Women became more masculine. Just as Agent Simpson had said. Forgetting to get your mom a gift was a very masculine thing to do. 


“Of course. How would you like it if she didn’t buy you anything?” I asked. Luna didn’t answer. “Care to join me on the bed?” 


She looked up. Her chest heaved as she prepared herself, then she was on the bed. I extended my arm out and she rested happily on it. “What are you doing?” 


“Playing Snake,” I said. “Want to try?” 


“How did you find it?” She asked. “I barely understood what to do with mine.” 


“There’s a game screen,” I said. My snake died and I handed her the phone. She took it and got the hang of it. Focused on the small screen I watched her cute face. Kissing her on the cheek she blushed and died. 


“Why do you do that?” She asked. 


“Kiss you?” 


“No, make me lose focus,” she said. “I’m one of the most popular girls in school, you know.” 


“Really, a mean girl?” 


“A what?” 


“A popular girl,” I said. “People want to be you.” 


“Yes, very much so,” she said, her snake died again. 


“Never been around a boy?” I asked. 


“I have been around boys in class all my life,” she said. “But you, I don’t know.” 


“I’m guessing all your repressed fantasies are coming to life with me here,” I said. Letting out a sigh. “I can’t help my raw masculinity making you daydream and stutter.” 


“I don’t daydream,” she said looking up at me.

“Oh really? You don’t picture me between your legs?” I asked. My hand moved down her body. My fingers walking their way across her stomach. “Or maybe my face?” She shivered. Biting her lip the phone was forgotten as she let my hands wander. “What do you imagine me doing? Taking you in the middle of the night? Ravishing every inch of your body.” My hand stopped about her pubic mound. Her thighs rubbed together. “Maybe I’ll tie you up. Use more toys on you. Make you scream my name.” She panted with each word. 


“Or maybe I should make you do it all,” I said. Moving my hand back I turned my body to face the ceiling. “You came pretty hard earlier. I want another one of your blowjobs.” 


“Ok,” she said more enthusiastically than I thought she would. 


“Lock the door,” I said. 


“I did,” she whispered. I smiled and gave her a kiss as she moved between my legs. Helping her push my pants down they were quickly off. She stared at my rock hard cock. Her hands grabbing it she didn’t need much prompting to put it in her mouth. Licking the glans she remembered my teachings earlier. On her knees she went slowly. 


“It’s so good,” she whispered, licking it. That caught me off guard. She didn’t appear to be lying. I really was wondering if the lack of men made them crave them more. Before I could ask her to clarify she was going down. She made it half-way this time before coughing. I groaned as she raised back up. Her eyes locking with mine I watched the young girl work. Blonde hair tied back, her perfect face smiled at me as she went back down. 


It was a slow and methodical blowjob. I enjoyed every second of it. My legs kicking when she hit a certain spot she pulled off and went down to my balls. The shaft was well lubricated with her spit and her hand glided across it.


I groaned as the feeling slowly built up. She was back to the shaft going slowly. No hurry in her at all. She acted as if this was the only thing that interested her. Making me cum. Learning every inch of my dick as she kissed and licked it all. Her pleasured moans increased as I shook more. Then she took my shaft as far down as she could. Coughing she went from glans to that spot quickly. I groaned as I began to cum. 


Her mouth wrapping around the mushroom head of my dick her cheeks puffed out as I kept cumming. I struggled to not yell as she licked the head with each spurt. Then I was catching my breath. My legs kicking as she continued to lick. Eventually she let go and swallowed with a loud sigh. 


“Damn that was good,” I said. “You’re a quick study.” Her face brightened with the compliment. “Your turn,” I said. Sitting up I grabbed her and pulled her down. She giggled as I began kissing her neck. My hands searching inside her shirt my still rock hard dick poked her pussy, but I didn’t push it. Making her cum twice she then tried her first handjob. After that I had calmed down enough and could go to sleep. 


When she tried to leave I pulled her back. Latching onto her I spooned her. Luna had a smile on her face as we fell asleep. “Best Christmas ever,” I whispered in her ear. She nodded and was soon asleep. 

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