Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Enbris, Phoenix of the peaks

"Human I've seen you wandering up my mountain and I must say.... you are bold to set foot in my domain" Spreading its mighty wings while covered in flames, the mystical bird speaks to Deimos while emitting a powerful aura.

Deimos turns around and stares at the massive crimson phoenix emitting massive blue flames. Making sure to show no fear she looks it in the eye and tells it "This whole mountain is your domain? Impressive"

The Phoenix looks Deimos dead in the eye and tells her "Leave my mountains or face the consequences"

Knowing that this bird has immense power, Deimos decided that it was better to listen to the phoenix rather then to let it kill her. "Very well mighty phoenix, but may I ask you a question?"

With an interested look in its eyes, with a dash of arrogance it asks Deimos "What is your question puny mortal?"

Glad that the phoenix didn't instantly kill her she asks "Do you know the location of an ice spider queen?"

With a look of disgust at the thought of the ice spider, instead of answering it returns with a question "Why do you seek this 'Ice Spider Queen' puny mortal?"

"I am currently seeking it because I intend to kill one, which is why I was crossing through this mountain range.... Is that an issue mighty phoenix?"

"Quite the contrary mortal, But I do not think you are strong enough to take it down. You look weak and lacking in every way. While I like your goal you must understand that the weak like you are not welcome here" looking down at Deimos with a look full of pity.

"Mighty phoenix, I won't be here for long. If possible could you point me in the right direction to find an ice spider queen?" Hoping to herself that it will tell her.

"You're really intent on killing yourself huh.... too bad because trespassers aren't really in a place to negotiate. Lucky for you though I've been in a good mood recently, you may live to tell the tale unlike others but I give you 5 hours to get off this mountain before I turn you to ash"

The phoenix chuckles to itself knowing that a mortal can't kill an ice spider, let alone get off this mountain in 5 hours without very high speeds. 'Is this human even a mortal though? I sense a slight divine aura from it.... I'll release a bit of my divine aura to test this individual'

Cupping her hands and bowing her head Deimos says "I thank you for your mercy mighty phoenix, when" Looking back at the phoenix which seems to be pondering to itself about something, she asks "Does the 5 hours start now or must I wait"

Out of nowhere a immense pressure starts to crush Deimos, she feels her divinity reacting to this and holding her up. Although it isn't strong enough to keep her on her feet she looks at the Phoenix which seemed to be the source of this pressure.

After about 2 minutes of being forced to kneel by a divine presence it fades away. The phoenix opens its mouth and lets out a deep laugh. Then it says "You are quite interesting..... I was wrong to think you were a mere mortal! It seems a new deity has been born, what is your title little one!"

Standing back up after the intense pressure that was crushing her, she gathers herself and asks the phoenix "D..... Do you have divine power?"

"Yes I do! Although not much I do have obviously more then you. How old are you young immortal? How long have you been an immortal? I seem to have mistaken you as a weak mortal, I take back what I said before you are welcome here. Please follow me as you answer my questions!

Before you answer those questions what is your name? My name is Enbris of the Flaring peaks, Deity of soaring flames." The phoenix is fully encased in flames to where it isn't visible, and the phoenix changes form to a 7 foot tall (2.1 m) Buff man in a orange robe covered in flame patterns.

"Come now little one, don't be afraid. Tell me the answers as we walk to my nest." Enbris motions for Deimos to follow him. Which she does because its not like she can flee anyways.

"Well.... first off my name is Deimos" Rubbing the back of her neck and feeling the heat radiating from the top of the mountain, she keeps walking with Enbris.

Nodding after hearing her name, Enbris tells her "That is quite an intimidating name you've got there little one, I like it. Onto the next question now. How old are you?"

Taking a small moment to think, Deimos wonders what to say 'Well... on earth I was like 18 years old..... this body looks to be 17-18.... I'll just say how long I've been in this world because this body was made then'

"Enbris, This might sound weird but I am a little over 2 months old I think? My body seems to be 18 years old or so.... that probably sounds outlandish doesn't it" Looking at Enbris she hopes he believes her.

"So you really are a young one! What is your divine form? Mine is the phoenix you saw previously" Turning around and walking backwards, Enbris looks Deimos in the eyes waiting for an answer, but all he saw was confusion.

Looking back, stunned by the question Deimos asks "What do you mean Divine form? I've never been able to transform?"

"That's strange? When we get to my nest let me get something that might help you, a divine form release technique! You will use it and if you aren't divine you will..... well never mind that it doesn't matter" Turning back around, Enbris motions for Deimos to follow him once more and he speeds up a little.

After motioning Enbris says "Lets not take ages to get there now! The sooner you release your divine form the more powerful you can be in the future!"

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