Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Divine Awakening

After motioning Enbris says "Lets not take ages to get there now! The sooner you release your divine form the more powerful you can be in the future!"

"What types of divine forms are there Enbris?" Asks Deimos out of curiosity.

"Well there are many different types, there are rare types.... like supreme versions of any race, another is having a divine form be an overall multiplicative boost to power when its activated, Special auras that have strange effects, boosts to basically anything you can think of.

There are also versions that allow one to harness weapons from their soul, have absolute and completely perfect control over their qi, etc... It can get crazy when it comes to divinity. My divine form is a special combination of 2 types, I become a phoenix and I get insane control over flames"

After around an hour or so of walking they make it to Enbris's nest. This "Nest" isn't really a nest.... it looks more like a massive cultivator mansion. It is completely hidden by a formation until Enbris made a part of the barrier open for them.

The instant Deimos enters the barrier, massive amounts of qi can be felt in the air. Even when Deimos isn't focusing on qi, she can sense it all over the place. Then there is the "nest" itself which is a massive 7 story old Chinese themed/cultivator style mansion including the garden (full of flaming flowers which are somehow still alive) and the house has lots of flames on it too.

The whole sight is magical, and Deimos can't help but stare at the massive building. She couldn't even think of having anything close to this in her previous life. Enbris turns around again, and tells Deimos "Don't mess with or break anything, I will kill you even if you were just born. I will be getting the technique to awaken your divine form so sit tight and feel free to explore"

Still kind of skeptical about this whole thing, Deimos asks Enbris "Is there a specific reason you are helping me?"

"Nope, I'm just doing the divine equivalent of teaching a child (toddler in your case) how to read. Its a basic skill everyone needs to know but not many get. If I give this to you now you will be able to progress much faster.... and you might even increase your divinity in the process. I guess the one thing in it for me is you having a good opinion of me." Continuing to walk to his massive library Enbris beings his search.

'Now that he is gone I might as well take a look around, and maybe I could cultivate too? Also it's really warm in this whole place.... and he still hasn't told me where the ice spider queen is.....

Deimos took her time exploring the entire home, the first floor had a massive dining room, in the exact middle of the formation there was a room which seemed to be for cultivation and there seemed to be an even denser amount of qi here.

On the second floor there was a vertical extension of the library which was based on the first floor.... it looked like the library extended to every floor of the building. Other then the library, the second floor had training rooms and a lot of rooms for lounging around.

Deimos walked to the third floor and was about to look around, but Enbris walked out of the library and told Deimos that he found the technique. He then led her down to the cultivation room in the middle of the room and took out a technique book. He then took out a jade slip and tapped it to the technique book.

Glowing a deep green for a moment the jade slip formed words on the side (Divine Awakening Technique). Then Enbris tosses it to Deimos, catching it Deimos looks at the jade slip confused on how to use it.

Enbris chuckles slightly then he explains what to do. "You need to put it to your forehead and power it with qi. It will transfer the information to your mind. I will go now and leave you to practicing this technique. I will give you one week to learn and perform it once or I will feed you to the beasts. Goals are great for motivation, and motivation is great for learning!"

He then leaves the room and closes the doors. After processing everything that has happened, Deimos is still wondering why a Deity rank cultivator is staying here on a mountain. Knowing she won't get any answers until the week is over she just puts the jade slip up to her head and absorbs the information into her mind.

[Gained Technique, Divine Awakening Technique (EX grade Immortal)

Awaken the godly form held within one's divinity. Grows stronger depending on the divinity of the user.]

Deimos got a massive headache the instant all the information was absorbed. It was a massive technique with a lot of complexity to it compared to her other techniques. She took one day out of her time limit just processing the insane amount of information within the technique.

At the beginning the technique just tells Deimos to do certain things while cultivating her normal cultivation technique. Beginning the process of this divine awakening. Deimos, following the technique feels like a massive weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

Almost as if a lock over her divinity has been released. Now all she has to do is follow through with this around 10k more times. Which means she has to get a "Lock" released every 60 seconds or so on average..... but according to the technique the more you get used to removing these restraints on your divinity the easier it will be. So Deimos continues her awakening.

[Time Skip, Time of Divine Awakening]

Just 3 more locks left..... go go go... one gone................... two gone........... aaaaaaaand final one gone!


A massive shockwave rumbles throughout the mountain, the entire cultivation room is filled with a qi mist formed out of fate Qi..... and a figure emerges. Deimos has awakened her divine form.

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