Marvel: The Journey

[Single? No More!] – The Carter Siblings Talk

As the sun cast its morning glow on Val's mansion, a melodic tune could be heard in its lavish kitchen.
Val, wearing an apron around his waist, sang comfortably while baking pancakes, "Taaaake ooooonn meeee~ Taaaake meeee ooooonn~."
With each lyrical note, he swayed his hips, embracing the joy of the moment as he flipped the pancakes with the spatula in his hand and continued singing, "I'll beeeee goooooooone~ In a day or twoooooooo~ "
In his Morten Harket reverie, he failed to notice Peggy standing at the kitchen door. As he turned around, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but exclaim, "JESUS CHRIST!!"
Peggy narrowed her eyes at him with her hands on her hips as he calmed himself and told her, "You scared the shit out of me, sis. Anyway, what are you doing here?"
However, Peggy didn't say anything and stared daggers at him.
Val, sensing her displeasure, gulped and asked nervously, "Um... S-Sis?"
Peggy continued staring daggers at him and slowly walked forward, saying, "Weren't you the one who told me..."
"... that you would never..." She continued, closing the gap between them.
Instantly, she stood before him and shouted, "Date anybody, huh?"
"Uhh... Did I say that? I must have said it jokingly. Because, look." Val awkwardly explained himself with an anxious chuckle, "Haha! I can't even remember myself!"
"Is that so?" Peggy gave him a chilling smile and instantly grabbed his ear.
"Owww!" Val cried and made a painful expression even though he couldn't feel anything.
Peggy yanked his ear hard and loudly reprimanded him, "How dare you! You lied to me!"
She grabbed the spatula from his hand and said, "I should spank your lying ass!"
"Sorry, sis." Val replied, but Peggy was still fuming, "Don't say a word until I'm done lecturing you."
After an hour of lecturing him on the ramifications of lying to his sister and other moral subjects, Peggy's anger subdued, and she finally let go of his ear.
As the tension lessened, Val watched as Peggy curiously glanced at the pancakes he was baking earlier.
"What's that?" She asked her tone now lighthearted.
"Pancakes." He replied while rubbing his 'injured' ear with a playful smile.
Peggy shifted her attention to the stove and began baking the pancake. As she watched it turn brown slowly, she asked, "Do you like her?"
"Huh? W-What?" He stammered, taken aback by her question.
"You heard me." Peggy glanced back at him and asked, "Do you like her?"
Val absentmindedly scratched his cheek and replied, "I suppose."
"I suppose?" Peggy grew angry again and said, "What's that supposed to mean? Do you genuinely like her, or is she another of your future plans?"
Seeing him not answering, Peggy turned toward him and angrily said, "Just say yes or no. It's not that difficult."
"For fucks' sake!" Val sighed in exasperation and replied irritatingly, "Yes, I like her. Does that answer your question, mother hen?"
"Yes," Peggy replied and redirected her focus to the pancakes. She flipped them over and continued baking them for a few minutes in silence until she asked, "Why did you choose to go on a date with her? Why her instead of the women I tried to set up blind dates for you?"
Val sighed again and explained, "It's... just, at that moment, I didn't see myself in a relationship. It felt useless, given I had so many things to do. Moreover, the women you set me up with were either looking for the status of being the 'girlfriend of the famous superhero' or the riches associated with me. Some were trying too hard to seem sweet, bubbly, or fun. But with Ororo, I could already see and read everything in her what she really was; no pretense. No second motives or schemes were hidden beneath her smiles, either. She seems sincere, genuine, and understanding with her warmth, mature mind, and simple attitude."
Peggy, astonished by Val's genuine praise for Ororo, exclaimed, "Oooh! I've never heard you praise any woman other than me. So, tell me, did you use your powers to find out everything about her? Did you read her mind or something?"
Val dismissively rolled his eyes and replied, "Of course not! You know I can't do that."
"Then, how are you so sure about her true nature? People can fake being sincere and genuine, you know." Peggy asked curiously.
Val answered as a slight grin formed on his lips, "If you can talk to her for more than a minute or two and spend your time with her, I am sure you'll understand it, too. Besides, some things cannot be faked."
"That's true." Peggy conceded and switched off the stove. She put the pancakes on a plate and added syrup, fruits, and whipped cream. She divided them into two, put one half into another plate, and gave it to Val, telling him, "Let's eat!"
They both made their way to the dining room, settling at the table to begin their meal together. Peggy asked curiously between bites of the pancake, "So, when are you going on another date?"
"Why are you asking that?" He asked while raising an eyebrow at her.
She rolled her eyes and replied, "Just because, little brother. You never know when the next big bad villain comes out of nowhere, and you are too busy saving the world again. You won't get the free time again anytime soon, so seize the opportunity before that happens."
"Hmm..." He contemplated her words, chewing the pancake, and said, "You are right. But I haven't thought about it yet."
"Then think about it." Peggy shook her head and asked, "Did she mention anything of a second date at all?"
"Uh, yes, she did. She wanted it to be more intimate." He replied honestly.
"Ooooh, someone's got the hots for you!" Peggy teased him and continued, "Hmm... so where are you taking her?"
Val rubbed his chin and answered, "Since she wants our second date to be more intimate than the first, then... maybe a candlelight dinner here."
"Idiot!" Peggy flicked his forehead and explained, "It's way too early for you to invite her here. If you do so, she will assume you want to get into her pants quickly. That would give her a wrong impression about you."
"Okay, but..." Val tried to explain.
Placing a finger over his mouth, Peggy shushed him and said, "Shut your trap! Girls want their dates to be more interested in them than what's in their pants, you stupidass. You shouldn't commit such a grave mistake."
"Then? Where should I take her to?" Val asked as he removed her finger from his lips.
"Leave that to me! I'll plan out and prepare everything for your next date." She said.
"There's no need for..." Val began to argue.
"Yes, there is!" She insisted, cutting him off with a touch of sadness in her voice, "I want to make sure that you have a love life that doesn't stay submerged in the ocean."
Val noticed her somber thoughts, reminding her of Captain America. He tried to console her, saying, "Don't be sad, sis. Like I always said, he will c—"
"Anyway," Peggy interrupted him, shifting her tone to an upbeat one, "Tell me about your first date!"

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