Marvel: The Journey

[Single? No More!] – Scott and Jean?!?!

Hey, guys! It's been a long time. I am extremely happy to be able to write again. And this time, I won't disappear. I promise. I have been extremely busy because of my studies and work in my med shcool. But, I have found time to continue this story. So, right now, the schedule would be 1-2 chapters/week. 

Anyway, I am proud to announce that the person closest to my heart, my world, my fiancée has begun her writing career. She is an Eng. Lit. Major and would pursue a major in Writing & Book Publishing soon. After thousand of hours of pleading and sweet talking, she has fought her insecurity and cooked up a story which I absolutely love and I am sure all of you would love it too.

So, show her some love and support like you have shown me! :))))


In the Xavier School at night,

Jean was engrossed in her studies in her room when she heard somebody knocking on her door.



"Hmm?" She turned her head toward the door as the knocks echoed in the room. She put the books down on the desk and got up from her seat. Walking toward the door, she wondered, 'Who can it be at this hour?'

The moment she opened the door, her gaze met the one person she had hoped wouldn't be standing on the other side - Scott.

"What are you doing here?" She asked while trying to keep her expression neutral.

"Hi, Jean," Scott smiled slightly, awkwardly rubbing his neck, "I could really use your help with physics again."

She frowned, ignoring the hoarse tone in his voice, and asked, "Did you not think to inform me of your visit in advance?"

He replied while looking guilty, "Umm... No, I didn't."

Jean instantly realized the real motive, and a heavy sigh escaped her lips as she confronted him, "I already told you I'm not interested in a relationship. Why do you keep trying to get close to me? Just look for another girl who is available like Emma, alright, Scott. Now, I have to study, so... goodnight."

She began closing her door, ignoring his protests.

"But, Jean.." He began desperation in his voice.

However, before she could slam the door in his face, he cried, "Jean! Emma! E-Emma! S-She—"

Jean's initial frown softened, replaced by concern and exasperation. With a sigh, she relented, her hand reaching out to grasp his wrist, pulling him inside her room while saying, "Get in here, you idiot!"

The door closed behind them, and she guided him to her bed. She plonked down on her chair and asked, while holding her nose bridge in vexation, "What the fuck happened?"

Scott clung to the bed's edge, struggling to articulate his emotions, his glasses streaked with tears, "Jea-Jean! I—"

"Will you stop that! She angrily demanded, "Spit it out!"

Scott conveyed through sobs and sniffling, "It-it's-it's E-Emma."

"What did she do now?"

"E-Emma!" He revealed while crying, "S-She cheated on me."

'Oh God!' Jean looked heavenwards and said sarcastically, "She cheated on you. Shocking, isn't it?"

"What a fucking mess you are!" Jean shook her head in disapproval and asked, not holding back her displeasure, "Last time I checked, you two had broken up. So, how did she cheat on you when she wasn't even your girlfriend to begin with?"

Scott cried without a response, tears flowing down his red glasses. Jean felt frustrated and pitiful as she watched his emotional rollercoaster unfold.

"Oh, for god's sake! Get your ass together!" She slapped her head and said with disgust written all over her face, "Is that why you've got a red nose and hoarse voice?"

He nodded slowly.

"Explain the whole damn thing properly, or I'll personally show you the way out," Jean yelled impatiently, sick of Scott's display.

"Alright, alright, I'll explain," Scott stammered, raising his hands defensively, and began, "A few days after our breakup, she showed up in my room one night, claiming she still cared about me. She said she was trying to toughen me up by kissing some blonde guy and that she had no feelings for him."

He paused for some sniffling and wiping away his tears before resuming, "So, one thing led to another, and we... we kissed. I tried to take it further, but she stopped me and told me we needed to establish some boundaries. I agreed with her because I was happy she returned to me."

Jean couldn't help but scoff at the ridiculousness of the situation.

"Yeah... 'Some boundaries,' right." She mocked, making air quotes with her fingers, and asked, "What happened next?"

"T-Then..." Scott's voice grew angry, and he continued, "Not long ago, I saw her kissing that guy again in the hallway as I was heading to her dorm. They were making out, and I couldn't believe it. She knew how much this meant to me, and still, she did that."

"Yeah, I bet you didn't. And then, what did you do? Peck on her and hoped she would run back to you again?" She snickered.

"No! I-I ran straight to you! T-to-" He tried to utter.

"No! Don't say it." Jean interjected, holding a hand to silence him, "I don't want to hear it."

"Please, Jean!" He pleaded to her, "Please, can we-"

But she was having none of it as she yelled at him angrily, "Get your fucking shit together and out of here, Scott! Get up!"

"Please!" He begged, dropping to his knees and grabbing her leg, "Please, Jean! Give me a chance! Please!"

Jean looked away as Scott continued begging until she heard him say, "Please! Jean! I love you!"

Instantly, she grabbed his collar. Her eyes glowed fiery red as she gritted her teeth and angrily asked, "What the fuck did you just say?"

"Y-Y-You-You... heard me. I-I-I said-I-" Scott stammered in fear, seeing her fiery eyes before continuing, "I l-lo-love you, Jeannnn."

She clenched his collar tightly and said through her teeth, "You love me? After you kissed Emma and whatever the hell both of you were doing? I doubt you even knew the meaning of love, and you come here telling me this bullshit!"

"It-It is not like that, Jean." He defended himself and explained, "I can see now. I can see my mistakes. I love you, not Emma. I don't care about her. I can't change the past, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to prove my feelings are real. I love you, I really do."

"I'll see that for myself." She said and used her powers to enter his mind. She looked through everything and saw his mind filled with memories of her. She witnessed the repetitive, almost frantic mental loop affirming his love for her, drowning out any remnants of affection he once had for Emma. She was also taken aback by the depth of his feelings and his genuine remorse for his mistakes.

Releasing her grip on his collar, Jean stepped back, her fiery red eyes returning to their usual hue as a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions churned within her. She looked at Scott with fear, hope, and regret.

"Really?" she finally asked, her voice softer now, tinged with both doubt and a flicker of hope, "After everything that's happened, you want one more chance?"

Scott nodded earnestly, wiping away his tears and regaining composure, "Yes, Jean. I'm saying this after realizing my mistakes. It's you I've always loved. Emma was a mistake. She's extremely manipulative and controlling. She wants me around her like a dog. I don't want her. You're the one who matters to me."

Jean sighed, conflicted. The walls she had built to protect herself were slowly crumbling, and she was torn by this unexpected confession. She knew forgiveness wasn't easy, but she also knew the transformative power of change and growth.

"Okay," She said finally, her expression a mix of caution and newfound resolution, "One chance. But Scott, this is it. No more mistakes. If you screw up, there's no turning back."

A glimmer of hope shone in Scott's eyes, and he nodded fervently, saying, "I understand, Jean. Thank you. I won't let you down."

"But," Jean cut him off before he could continue, a frown adorning her forehead, "There's one condition you should accept."

Scott's eyes widened slightly, his enthusiasm dampened momentarily, and he said, "Yeah? Of course. Whatever the condition is, I promise I'll accept it."

"No kissing or intimacy until I say so," Jean stated firmly. "You're not touching me without consent. Clear?"

Scott frowned at the restriction but knew he had little room to negotiate. So, he relented, "Fine."

"Alright, then. A fresh start it is," She said, her tone more composed. "I suppose this is where I should officially acknowledge you as my boyfriend, shouldn't I? I'll try to see if this can work between us, but you have to be committed to your words."

"Yeah, for sure," Scott nodded vigorously, hoping to convey his sincerity.

"Alright, now get out, boyfriend," Jean said after a quick exhale, feeling mixed emotions and uncertainty about her chosen path. Only time would tell if forgiveness was the right decision.

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