Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man

Chapter 62: Changing Tides Part 7

- A Week Later -

It's been a few days since Peter visited the X-mansion and met with Kelly McGrath.

Since his meeting with Kelly, Peter and the Ancient One have made an agreement. They both agreed that Kelly Would live and train with the Ancient One for the time being, at least until Peter's life became stable enough to take her in.

Kelly showed an aptitude for magic so it was easier for her to remain with the Ancient One than to live with him, her transition into an acolyte of the New York Sanctum was almost seamless. It also made things simpler for Peter, he had only one make-shift hideout at the moment, one that wasn't conducive for a child, and taking Kelly to live with him would have made his home life even more complicated.

Peter had a few things to figure out before taking Kelly in as her guardian. He had spent the last few days digging through the meta-verse going as far as digging into classified databases and black book archives all over the world trying to find as many candidates as he could for Babylon to come to fruition. Cypher ran the numbers and it seemed the most opportune time for him to act was within this month, he had to act while the world was still recovering from the shock of an alien invasion.

He was running out of time so to speak.

His actions during the Chitauri invasion exposed him to the world at large- it was one thing to be a small-time superpowered teen duking it out with the likes of daredevil and spider women or helping the Hulk out in a street brawl, however, it was another thing entirely to throw hands with alien gods, the hulk and atomizing entire buildings with nothing but the sheer force of your punch, especially during an alien invasion with the fate of your entire planet at stake.

He was exposed, there were too many people out there, too many eyes and too many shadows, too many groups with their own individual agendas and goals., too many things he didn't know about. There was H.Y.D.R.A, A.I.M, and Oscorp who had something to do with his parent's disappearance, S.H.I.E.L.D who had his sister working for them, the Mutant Brotherhood who knew who he was with their supremacist agenda, the X-men and their hero-complex, the Mystics with the Ancient One and the Classified Government Groups that were responsible for the satellite he stole and god knows who else. 

Peter began to realize that there were too many players in this game and he needed more pieces in his corner before the board was fixed.

 Cypher's data implied that he needed to have Babylon up and running within the next few months, it wasn't a matter of if any of these groups' actions would start to affect him directly or indirectly, it was a matter of when and when they did he had to have something in his corner, something concrete, something real. There was a 67% chance that one of these groups would try something in the next few months and that's excluding the X-man and the Mutant Brotherhood.

Peter had to build his secret organization and he had to build it fast. He had little time to ponder on other things.

His endgame boiled down to two simple goals; first was his parents, he had to find them and save them and second was something a bit more selfish, it was freedom, the freedom to do whatever he wanted, go wherever he wanted, and to do that without worry or care- and for that safety and freedom to be extended to his family.

For that purpose, he spent the next few days in total isolation locked within his mind extending his plans for Babylon. He pushed everything aside to focus on that goal and finally after a week in the real world- what was essentially months in his metal space with Cypher – he finally found them all.

The candidates who will become the pillars of Babylon, the foundation on which Babylon would be built. 

-Present Day-

Peter silently in the vacuum of the metaverse looking over the list of names in his Cypher persona. Cypher had grown even more advanced and complex due to his extreme usage of the ability. He was downright abusing it at this point and given the fact that his been in the metaverse for months spoke volumes of how much he was abusing the time dilation abilities of Cypher.

Around him, countless clones (234)-Cypher kept mental track of clone production and physiological adaptation to further improve ability effectivity and efficiency - the clones went to work sorting out other data or working on various tasks assigned to them.

Peter scrutinized the list going over the names. 'Arno Collins Carbonell, Age thirty-six, sick patient since birth, unknown incurable and debilitating disease, extremely intelligent, utilizes numerous aliases to solve advanced mathematical, philosophical, and other complex to near impossible problems on numerous academic forums and websites, possess millions in stock and investment through multiple trading accounts all put into research to prolong lifespan and cure his disease.

 Location: Private Stark Medical Facility in Utah.

 Exploits: Physical condition, incurable disease, Online Activity implies extreme dislike/hate/envy/jealousy of individual Tony Stark-related-Medical Care and facility registered under Howard Stark, Speculation extrapolated from available data- the possible illegitimate son of Howard Stark.

 Psyche: apathetic, isolated, calculative, intuitive, shows sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies- High functioning Sociopath. Approachable, recruitment success rate %67, Candidate for CEO Position of Parker Industries and the one who discovers Peter Parker.

Possible Babylon Alias: Gluttony-Covet Hoarder, Corporate Branch of Babylon '


'Ichiro Yashida, Age one hundred and nine, dying from old age, Founder and CEO of the Yashida Corporation, highly intelligent, deep ties to the Japanese Military, Classified background.

Location: Private Villa on a remote private island.

Exploit: Spends billions on alternative methods to prolong life span, only heir- Mariko Yashida- Mutant, traceable ties to mutant extremist groups.

 Psyche: Cold, Manipulative, obsessed with prolonging his life- shows a willingness to eliminate all obstacles to pursue extreme medical treatment. Acceptable, Handle with care, recruitment success rate %93 percent. Candidate for Financial Investor/Backer and Supporter of Public Persona of Peter Parker and Parker Industries.

Possible Babylon Alias: Sin of Pride-Hubris, Military Branch of Babylon'

Peter's eyes shifted to the next person…

 'Samuel Stern, Age forty-six, highly intelligent, Cellular Biologist, in custody, human mutate with further heightened intelligence.

 Exploit: disfigured due to mutation, imprisoned for life, exploited by the government facility holding him, the offer of new life and identity.

 Location: Classified Military Zone- Camp Echo One. Psyche: Driven, innovative, desperate, isolated. Acceptable, Approachable, Recruitment success rate %110. Candidate for the Science Division of Parker Industries.

 Possible Babylon Alias: Sin of Greed: Rapacity, Research/Advancement Branch of Babylon'

The next one is…

'Maya Hansen, age thirty, Genetic biologist, Highly Intelligent, Mastermind Behind abandoned Extermis Project, relations to Project Rebirth, Relations to A.I.M, Relations to Oscorp.

 Location: 5890 Blue Lagoon Drive, Miami, Florida.

 Exploit: Speculation extrapolated from available data - Illegal Human Experimentation related to Terrorist Coverup, Project funding, under supervision of A.I.M. possible relation to parental unit disappearance, offer of new life and identity.

Psyche: Desperate, ruthless, clever. Acceptable, Handled with care, Recruitment success rate 54%, Candidate for Science Division of Parker Industries.

Possible Babylon Alias: Sin of Greed: Grasping, Research/Advancement Branch of Babylon'

And Finally.

'Robert Callaghan, Age fifty-four, Head of Robotics Program at San Francisco Institute of Technology. Above average intelligence. Creator of Callaghan's Law of Robotics'.

Location: San Francisco.

Exploit: Daughter in comma- suffers from exposure to foreign contaminants of unknown alien origin, finically unable to cater for daughter's medical expense due to unknown nature of daughter's illness. School destroyed during Chitauri Invasion, Unemployed.

Psyche: Desperate. Acceptable, Approachable. Candidate for Mid-Town High Headmaster/Principle & Supporter/Endorser of Peter Parker Public Persona.

Possible Babylon Branch: N/A, Daughter's Alias: Curse of Virtue- Benevolence, Academic Branch of Babylon.' 

These were the individuals he had come to prioritize, over the few hundred candidates

Cypher was able to find them. These were the ones most likely to accept his branch of sin, there were other's too but they required a bit more nuance in their approach, this group though, this group could be taken into Babylon within the month. 

He would recruit them all within the month and by the following month Babylon would already be in the process of becoming a functional organization. There were the others he already had that would also play a part in his schemes.

'Wilson Fisk, Curse of Virtue-Justice, Criminal Branch of Babylon.

Yuriko Watanabe, Sin of Lust, Law enforcement, Spy Branch of Babylon.

 Arron Davis, Sin of Sloth, Criminal/Security Branch of Babylon.

 Miles Morales, Sin of Envy, Criminal Branch of Babylon.

Felicia Hardy, Sin of Lust, Thief/Espionage Branch of Babylon.

Kelly McGrath, Curse of Virtue-Temperance, Espionage/Intelligence Branch of Babylon'

They would be the first of his people, the foundation of Babylon. From there it would grow, and military personnel could be recruited from all corners of the world with the promise of money and power, the moment they accept Peter's sin shards would insure their loyalty. He already had a list of them in the hundreds, those who suffer from permanent physical disabilities could be cured. They would be able to walk, run, move their hands, see or hear again, mental ailments could be cured with his sin shards.

The same could be said for company personnel, he already had a list, a very long list using the same algorithm that got him his other candidates. Once Parker Industries got off the ground it would have a small but dedicated group of individuals who would work for it, all possessing a branch of sin shard.

The rest of the employees could vary but the really important ones would know. 

 Peter wasn't delusional enough to believe that he could handle everything thrown his way with his strength alone. No, if things went differently he would have lost to the Hulk and Thor.

 I had to die to secure that win, I don't want to do that anymore. I need to be stronger, faster, smarter, I need to be more…

As the saying goes, there was always someone stronger out there.

He wasn't just going to rescue his parents from these old secret organizations, he was going to declare war on them. Wipe them off the fucking map, and given his finding on the metaverse about the actual state of the world right now he knew he could not do that alone. He needed money, resources, power, and so much more. What he was going to do to the candidates was going to be downright blackmail and extortion but Peter had long since made up his mind about the metaphorical line he was willing to cross to reach his end goal and that was what he was going to do.

No turning back now. If he didn't do it this way he was sure as hell he was going to fail.

No really, his realistic chances of success given his current abilities if he went at it alone were as follows; 7.5% of survival with the loss of some or all family members. 22.5% chance of capture. 55% of imminent death through unknown means. 8% chance of death through known means. 5% chance of being cast to a different dimension and only a 2% chance of complete success.

Yeah, he did not like those odds, but now that his plans for Babylon were complete the odds were slowly shifting in his favour.

Cypher's analytical powers stressed the need for Babylon as an actual factor in his success. He needed to do this, all the judgemental, and moral shit could be handled once this shit was done. Peter reaffirmed the statement he told Aunt May in his thoughts.

'They can hate me all they want. They can judge all they want, it doesn't matter to me. At least they'd be alive to do it.' If there was one fear Peter still possessed right now despite his diminishing humanity- it would be the fear of losing anyone else, he was afraid of being alone again, to be without his family, and to that end, he would go to great lengths, cross all the lines one could cross to ensure their safety.

It was ironic since a few months ago he didn't even know he had any family beyond Aunt May.

Peter swiped the data away and stood up in the void that was the Metaverse, he sent a mental message through Cypher to Arron and his prowler buddies to meet up in a few days while simultaneously pinpointing Wilson Fisk's location with his new Satellite Babylon 1. 

It didn't take long to ping his location to a remote medical facility in Shanghai China. Turns out that King Pin was getting himself checked up by the best doctor's money could buy.

With that in mind, Peter separated himself from Cypher. He blinked and he opened his eyes to a damp brown ceiling inside his hideout. His stomach growled from hunger and he took note of his arms, he was thinner than he was a week ago, scratch that, he was really skinny.

Well, one week inside your own head without food water or rest can do that to you Pete…God I need to socialize, I'm talking to myself again.

Peter chuckled to himself as he stood up. He shook his head comedically and shrugged to himself.

"Oh well, time to go to work I guess. Always wanted to visit Shanghai."

The teen quickly made his way over to his blood bank to quench his thirst, he sent a mental note to Cypher to order a fuck tone of Pizza while he was at it.

Chapter End -


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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