Chapter 61: Changing Tides Part 6
-X-man Mansion -
"So, how did it go?" Kat was the first to ask when Anne Marie (Rogue) entered their shared dorm room. She was sprawled all over the bed on her side of the room, both her legs were placed lazily against the wall pointing towards the ceiling as she watched Anne enter.
Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she pulled two sliced cucumbers from her eyes.
"How did what go?" Anne spared her a glance just as she slumped down on her bed. The soft silk shift felt very comfortable. She quietly shifted the pillows as she settled in. Anne could hear the shower running.
'Must be Jean.' Anne didn't have to look over to know that her roommate's lips twisted into a familiar playful smile.
"Oh, you know." She teased.
"I know?" Anne quirked an eyebrow lazily at her tone as she glanced over at her roommate again.
"Yep," she popped the 'P', and her smile widened when Anne's left brow gave away an involuntary twitch. "I can tell you know, I mean you didn't even slam the door open today, no stomping too, and you were quiet too. A little too quiet. Stop avoiding the question and just tell me already"
"I'm going to find out eventually sooo..." The gothic teen smiled slightly as she grabbed the thrown pillow and tucked it under her head for extra comfort.
She glanced back at Kat's expectant gaze. "Did you meet him?" Kat asked her.
With an exasperated sigh, Anne Marie answered. "…Yes."
Kat let out a silent squeal as she sat up excitedly. "and?"
"And you were right. My powers don't work on him…." She turned to face the wall giving her back to her roommate. " He's… alright, I guess."
"Alright…Alright! that's it, you meet one person you can touch and all you can say is he's just, alright." Kat gestured animatedly. "Seriously?"
Anne simply turned on her side, closed her eyes, and slowly fell asleep to the sound of her best friend's voice. Kat's voice faded as she began recalling her meeting with the enigma that was Peter Parker.
She wasn't lying when she said she found Peter alright, maybe even interesting; her powers didn't work on Peter, at least not in the way her powers were supposed to.
Anne Marie felt something when they shook hands, physical contact with Peter made her calm, almost too calm, she felt in complete control of her actions then, she could feel what she was taking from Peter, she knew that she was siphoning something from Peter, what it was she wasn't sure, but the fact that she was even aware and that she could feel just how much of it she was syphoning was incredible.
It may have been the first moment in her life where she felt like she was in complete control of her abilities. If she could, she would have held onto his hand longer no matter how weird it would have made her seem.
She could control her Powers to some extent at that moment. It was almost liberating.
The thing with siphoning the mental attributes of a person was that eventually, everything else came along with it. If she got a thought, she got the emotions and experience associated with said thought and vice versa. That was the thing about her powers, give her a meter and she'd take it a mile and then some and siphoning from Peter was the same.
At first, it made her feel calm, and for a moment that was all it was, a liberating, serene sense of calm and control, and then the whispers came, it was only for a moment but she heard it, what ever IT was. Millions and millions of voice's speaking in unison.
But then, almost as suddenly as it had appeared it vanished, it was gone like it wasn't even there and her powers simply stopped working entirely, she could still feel her powers, and not only that, she was in control, almost completely.
Yet it was still there, underneath all that control, all that calm. That haunting sensation.
She had to let go before the experience got too overwhelming for her but one thing was sure, Peter Parker was interesting.
- With Peter -
The Ancient One was already waiting for Peter when he arrived, her foresight was something Peter was going to have to get used to sooner or later.
The old mystic stood expectantly on the roof, her hands folded behind her back as she watched Peter lowered himself down on her roof.
As Peter lowered himself down he took notice of a small hand grasping the Ancient robe, it wasn't long before he saw the small figure hiding behind her robe.
Two blue fluffy bunny ears poking out from behind the ancient one's yellow robe accompanied by a pair of dark electric blue eyes watched him with fascination.
The small girl with the blue hair observed Peter with wide eyes full of curiosity. Despite her expressive eyes, her expression was almost dull, and apathetic, much like his own when he let a Fool's mask take over. Strangely enough, Peter had a feeling that he knew where she was, no, he knew where she was, he had a sense of her exact location. Maybe it had something to do with the 'piece of death' used to hold what was left of her soul that bound her to him.
It was not dissimilar to his sin shards, only more acute, and pronounced.
"You're earlier than expected this time." The ancient one noted. She glanced at the girl hiding behind her robe and nudged her forward. "Come now, you have nothing to be afraid of. Kelly, this is Peter Parker, you will be in his care from now on."
The little girl, Kelly, nodded as she squinted at Peter. "I know…"
She clenched her small fists and walked around the ancient one, her eyes wide and sure as she walked up to Peter.
"Hi," She said softly. "I'm Kelly."
"Hello Kelly," Peter smiled softly, "I'm Peter.
"I know." She repeated the words she told the Ancient One. Her eyes lit up with a soft neon glow as she spoke.
Peter felt a mental ping, akin to Cypher's but different, it was almost like a mental probe, it was as if she asking permission to form a link to communicate but she was reaching out to Cypher. She was trying to communicate, somehow.
'Right…her branch of sin makes her kinda like me… this must be her version of Cypher.'
A curious Peter allowed Cypher to respond in kind, Peter's eyes flickered with its neon glow. With a simple thought, a psychic link was forged between Kelly and Peter, and through the link they could understand each other completely.
Peter heard her then almost instantly. It was a feeling he had had before like a simple statement held all the information he needed, more than any length of conversation could ever have.
Concepts, ideas, sights, sounds, reasons, anything and everything was given in the form of data over a simple statement. Communicating like this made lying impossible. This feeling felt strangely familiar.
{Kelly: Greetings_Primary_Designation_Creator?}
{Cypher: Flase_Designation_Saviour}
{Kelly: Saviour?_Designation_Saviour_Acceptence_Purpose? }
{Cypher: Live_Thrive_Protect_Freedom_Conditional}
{Kelly: Acceptence}
She called him Primary and referred to him as her creator. A being responsible for her creation. Peter did not like that. He was anything but that, he only saved her from a mistake he made. A mistake he was going to make up for, eventually.
Their exchange was short, it only took a few seconds but it was everything Kelly needed.
As soon as the neon lights faded from her eyes Kelly gave Peter a bright smile before bowing softly. "I'll be in your care, Mr.Peter."
The ancient one merely smiled as she watched the exchange.
- Chapter End -