Mafia Deadline

Chapter 53: Chapter 52 Capture

"Come on just one more stitch,"

Avalon holds her breath at the needle stabbing into her skin, Marcello looking at the cut first cleaning it. He wouldn't want it to get infected,

He starts to stitch the cut together making sure not to over stitch the cut, he stops for a moment taking a peek at her seeing the pain written on her face,

"Can you get it over with?"

"Yeah right," Marcello said flustered,

On the last stitch hears his phone go off distracting him from the stitch and causing him to scratch the skin, Avalon whines in pain and tries to not move her other arm not wanting to tear the stitches from her reflexes,

"Sorry I was... stupid," he sighed

He grabs an alcohol pad to clean the scratch, picks it up, and swabs her skin, being done looks up at her catching her staring back at him, and smiles Seeing him care for her is quite odd not bad but different,

"Don't worry about it, water boy. I have handled worse," She said

He looks back at the stitches and finishes it,

"That's it, that thing put a number on you," He said

He has been curious about this "Thing" that's been staking her, seeing the lab with the document, the board, and the clone that attacked him, it could be the answer to the problem with the mafia and its colleagues,

"I... it hurts everywhere from my feet to my neck pain," she said

"Sound like you need a shower, a home-cooked meal, and a movie night," he said

"Yeah that sounds like a plan," Avalon said

She slowly moves off the couch, almost falling over, but Marcello holds on to her hand,

"You are very clumsy, aren't ya?" he asked

"Shut up," She said

He watches her walk upstairs, now standing alone in the room looks around admiring the house before walking to the kitchen, he walks in instantly regretting it plunging his nose, seeing smoke coming from the oven, he pulls his hoodie over his nose before opening the door, smoke comes out in a big puff blocking his eyes.

He pulls the heavily burnt dish and puts it out on the counter, he closes the door then goes to open the windows hoping Avalon can't smell the smoke,

"Well? How long are we from there?"

"Only a few minutes away, mayor," a female said

She closes the window from the driver's seat, leaving the mayor in solitude,

the mayor watches the cars move by, bored out of her mind, leans her head in the window,

She almost falls asleep but the car shifts moving around something,

"What's going on?"

She watched the car speed by them with the driver fighting to keep a hold of the steering wheel, the mayor moved over and knocked on the window to the driver's seat,

"Hey open the window,"


The mayor shook and started to inwardly, the driver moved the steering wheel left trying to move away from an upcoming car, the car moved past her but not in the way, It took the limo and crushers but the impact and made the limo spin to the side of the road, the mayor before this tries to look out the window to see what happens,

"Dana what's going on." she stopped

The limo was at a halt before they turned left, the mayor holding onto her chair silently praying that she makes it out in one piece, she heard the sound of wheels rubbing against the pavement, and she quickly turned her head to see the car coming for her, she moves over to the other side of the limo and holds onto the taking window,

the car crashes into the limo taking the bottom side of it and smashed it. Removes it from the rest of the vehicle, she screamed at the watching her limo being smashed and peeled offed in front of her, the car stalls and crashes at a distance from her.

The limo starts to slow down, the mayor still. Hold on watching the chaos of the road seeing cars piled up and some crashed into each other, the limo stopped she started to slowly get down trembling walked over to the driver's door and looked through to see Dana knocked out with a gash on her head,

"Dana," She whispered

She tries to open the car door, finding it not wanting to move, the mayor lets out a curse before looking for something to crowbar the door with,

"What can I?.."

She sees a piece of a broken car door that seems to be from hers, grabs it and walks back to Dana's door, the mayor tries to break the window with it, but it won't budge, She stops taking in more air looking at the ground before noticing a gap in the door, she puck it up.


She pushed it into the gap and then leaned on the metal to open the door, Dana who was still knocked out fell forward, and she moved over to grab her but didn't notice that she had the seat belt on, she let out a sigh of relief and puts her right arm in front of Dana, she takes off the seat belt making Dana fall into her arm then the mayor leans Dana into her left arm and lops her right arm under her legs,

"I got ya," she said

She with Dana in her arms lifts her and starts to walk away from the wreckage, She hears vehicles coming their way, and she looks up noticing that the vehicles stopped in front of her.

"Hey, I want an outlook on this road to see if anyone else is injured or if anyone is dead," she yelled

One of the vehicle driver's seat doors opened up to show not an agent. as she thought, but a woman of whom she knew not, the woman looked back at her with a grim smirk walked over to the back seat, and opened the door,

"We need to talk madam mayor,"

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