Chapter 52: Chapter 51 Escalated
"Let me go,"
Avalon hit his chest with her hands causing him to whine a bit but still glare at her,
"Who, where are you talking to?" he asked
"You. I was talking to you," She explained
He deduces that she's lying to him. His hold tightened, by making her whine at the strength of his grip,
"I don't recall talking to you tonight I came here sensing an off-putting aura," he said
Avalon is tense at this moving to get out of his arms he sees this as an attack on him and starts to move his hand to her neck, he then feels a radiating heat coming off of her scaring him remembering what happened before he let her go which Avalon takes that opportunity and moves away from him,
"That won't do you any good... I remember how you use your gifts against me, I don't want to hurt you, but I need answers for what that thing is," he declared
Avalon gives him a blank stare not knowing who or what she talked to answers him,
"Look, I don't know who I was talking to… hell I don't know why it came here, but it just strolls into my house and told…"
She stopped, realizing that she caught herself saying what he was trying to get out of her,
He eyes her for a moment, realizing what she is up to, and moves towards her saying,
"Don't try anything funny."
Avalon backed away from him feeling her energy come back to her, and almost hit her back on the floor, She delivered him a beam that knocked him back hitting the fridge, and breaking the door handles on his back, he let out a cry as Avalon took this and ran with it literally... she ran away to the garage,
She looks at her car broken seeing its tires flat, the windshield shattered, the car hood crushed into the oil leaking on the floor then there is the gas tank that's punched into not spilling out,
"You thought I would let you go to your car and leave, no I won't let you," he said
He pulls her back into the house slamming the door behind them, She struggles against him his grip never falling on him keeps her in his arms, She screams and thrashes around before concentrating her energy on her elbows moves, and hitting his arms around her,
"Stop!" he yelled
He felt the energy move through his elbow into his bones, shattering both of them, he let go of her, his arms now noodled. He moves away from her, trying to move them, feeling tremendous pain move through them,
She runs to the front door and opens the door hearing movement behind her, She books it out the door runs through the front yard moving past her gate,
"Back here,"
She hears from behind her, not close but enough to concern her,
"How did he get up from that?! That broke his elbows that should have got him down and kept him down," She thought
She is caught off guard by his leaping and pushing her onto the ground, he pins her onto the ground glaring at her as she watches his movements,
"I thought I was clear that I want answers... it seems you have other ideas than to answer me. I'm not you. a human I'm made of..." he stopped
his face dims, scaring Avalon who is still under him starts to move slightly to get her knee under his undercarriage, but he closes the distance between them, and she gags at the smell of his breath.
"Do you know what happens to me in there? what torture that I had to endure for me to kill them all!" he yelled
"Why is that my fault? I didn't even know you until three or four days ago. I had no control over that so why are you here haunting me for someone else's wrong doings? What, so you can take your pain and anger out on me... You are truly lost, aren't you?" She yelled back
His face stiffened with rage seeping into his system, he let it off for so long he couldn't help it anymore. He's been ridiculed and mistreated by the cruelest people… then there, him, that makes his blood burst. He made him not just by his means but through greedy people trying to disrupt humanity thinking that this would help their causes, so he went to find answers. Furthermore, he was there when she escaped only on the computer, watching her break through them and be free once more, he wants that… to be free from his. No, their grasp,
Avalon looks up at him seeing him distracted but not able to move tries to figure out what to do,
He watches as her eyes shift from her silver to iridescent angrily staring back at him, he feels a burning flame on his hands, and he quickly moves his hand making Avalon kick him in the stomach and launching him away from her,
"Are you done?" she asked
She watched as his body stayed still not moving, he started to chuckle at her before full-on laughing at her his body shaking from it he then stared at her,
"I never wanted to be made... but here I am a disgusting thing not to be made... I just want answers, you are supposed to help me!" he yelled
Avalon is taken aback by this why was she supposed to help him? Is there something she did beforehand that caused him to be here. Was it that Blake took her blood that could have helped make him?
She didn't notice that he was in front of her about to grab her,
"You are going to tell me,"
He turns to see a car coming at him not being able to move the stand in front of it waiting for it, no. wanting it, he can handle it,
Avalon moves away from the road not wanting to get run over, noticing that the clone isn't moving out of the way, She tries to move the clone, but he pushes her away from the impact, and the car makes him fly away into the tree line,
Avalon looks up at the car, not seeing the one who's in the driver's seat,
It is open to show a wet-haired Marcello with his clothes ragged with his gaze landing on her, he quickly moves to her and gets on his knees,
Marcello pulls her into a hug,
"Never do that to me again,"