Mafia Deadline

Chapter 40: Chapter 39 Confused Intention

"Love it time for you to wake up," Blake whispered in her ear,

Avalon not wanting to get out of bed stayed put, Blake sighed and picked her up and walked out of the room,

"What are..." Avalon said stopped when she noticed their lab in front of them,

"It's nothing darling just something that I need to get done," Blake said

He passes her to his aura and sets her on an operation table, Avalon tried to fight back but from being weak from him taking at her energy, the aura trapped her down, as Blake pulls out a blood bag, weirdly empty.

"Sorry, my love but I will need some of your blood for research purposes," Blake explained rubbing some alcohol on her wrist and pushing the needle into her skin, Avalon whines at it, Blake kissed her forehead,

"it will be alright dear. just in the meantime why don't we talk about our future together," Blake said

Avalon looked around to find something to get her out of this, but she found nothing. she remembered this feeling. Fear, dread, she rather not remembers, but here she was. tied to a table with a psychopath that claims to love her,

"Well, my darling?" Blake said curiously,

Avalon just stared at him knowing he wants something, Blame getting inpatient bangs his hand on the table trying to startle Avalon, it seems like it didn't work Avalon just smirked at him,

"You can not convince me to talk. you just want to control me or... you saw something didn't you?" Avalon said staring at him and seeing through his illusions,

Blake pierced his lips and watched as her blood filled the bag slowly with a blank stare,

"The blood," Blake thought

Blake watched it drip, the blood shined not human-like but one of silver,

"My love I..." Blake peeked back at her noticing how the light in the room reflected off of her, the glow made her shine bright, sadly he didn't notice her glaring at him,

"Yeah, I have seen into your mind. I saw you as a child with your mother, I don't know what to think of it," Blake said

Avalon is not shocked by this but responds with a hymn in encouraging him to continue,

"My response to it was I... I would.... do anything to protect you. anything," Blake said

He held her hand and kissed it and leans his face so her hand can cradle it, Avalon feels off.

she was disgusted but she felt her heart warm up with a familiar emotion,

"No!" Avalon screamed out,

Blake flinches away from her, Avalon breath heavily not wanting to love him,

"He is not what he used to be. he doesn't love me I hate to think this he's an obsession with me. he just using me I need to regain my energy then make my move.... again," Avalon thought,

Avalon hasn't noticed that Blake pulled out the needle and let her out of the restraints. and is holding her to his chest, whipping sweet nothing into her ear,

"It's alright, my love. I'm here," Blake said petting her hair,

Avalon stood stiff not wanting to look up at him, Blake rocked them back and forth and pulled her into his lap, he started to hummed a song she is familiar with.

"Are you better now? I was so worried. you started to pull your hair saying not this no. no-no!" Blake said

Avalon felt her hand move to his face, not from her own body. she makes him look down at her and leaned into him,

"My," Blake said but is cut off,

Avalon pulled him into a kiss, she gently kisses him lovingly and passionately, Blake dazed by what was happening pulls her up to his level, and kisses her back roughly,

Avalon moves her hands to his shoulders to get a better hold on him, Blake places his hand on her back. Not wanting to let her go. But alas he hands to,

Avalon greedily breathes the sir into her lunges, Blake just smiles at her,

"That was something. my love," Blake purred at her,

Avalon just sits there dazed,

"Let's get you some food, that was about of blood that we took from you," Blake said lifted her, and walks out of the room,

"Hey, Domenico!" Lucario yells runs up to him,

"Yeah, what do you want?" Domenico said not want to be bothered by him,

"What with you and Ally?" Lucario asked with a smug smirk on his face,

Domenico flustered by this stayed quiet and started to walk away from him, Lucario walks with him,

"I'm just asking," Lucario said frustrated,

Domenico hummed at him continuing to walk towards his office, he looked around to see some weird footsteps that are black leading into an office that he has no idea of, he grabs Lucarios hand and runs straight into his office,

Lucario looked at him bewildered,

"What was that for?" Lucario asked

Domenico pulled out the maps that he and Ally looked through,

"This is part of what I and Ally am doing but," Domenico said then pulls out some files with pictures of some of his co-workers on them,

"This is what I've been working on..." Domenico said pained,

Lucario sighed and answered, "This is what you did with her?"

"Yes, I did and still am. she showed me all these maps, then she thinks there's an insider," Domenico explained

Lucario studied the papers looking at all the details, noticing the black ink they did,

he went past Domenico to the other files quickly looking through it noticing details of one particular,

"I think I have a clue..."

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