Chapter 39: Chapter 38 Out of body
Avalon yawns waking up from her slumber, a raging headache causing her to rub her head,
she moved her hand to see if Blake is still next to her to find him not there,
"Maybe I should try to connect with Salvatore again," Avalon said
Avalon lowered her head and concentrated on the connection to Salvatore she imagines a wire that connects them, first she felt soulless and the fire in her stomach burned lightly, Avalon started to meditate, seeing,
imagining the headquarters in her head, she felt her feet land on the ground of headquarters, she in that state if mind opened her eyes, and looked around to find the people she works with. she shivered before walking to Salvatore's office,
Avalon stopped when she heard crying, she turned her head to where she heard it and walked towards it,
"It sounds so familiar," Avalon whispered going through the door,
She found Domenico comforting Ally, holding her to his chest as they sleep peacefully,
Avalon sighed, walked up to the two, and puts her hand on Ally's shoulder, Avalon looked back into her memories and found what made her upset,
"She thinks there's an insider, and she believes it's her," Avalon said concerned
She worries about her health, she turned around to get out of the room,
"I've been having nightmares about what happened," the small voice of Ally ran through the atmosphere,
Avalon spun around to where Ally is and find her still asleep, she walked back to them bends down to get a better look at her to see if she's having a nightmare,
"It doesn't look like she has one," Avalon said starting at her expiration, it's calm no ounce of fear or irritation,
"Her eyes are stuffy but other than that she's fine," Avalon mumbled standing back up and turning to the door,
"I keep seeing my hand... chopped off," Ally's voice said
Avalon didn't look back continuing to the door,
"His voice. the pain, still haunts me," Ally's voice said discombobulated,
Avalon walked through the door hurrying towards Salvatore's office,
"Hey, Marcello I need you to check this out," Lucario said walking up to him with some files,
"Sure, what do you need?" Marcello asked
"These are the papers I got from Jacob, Sal wants you to look over them for him," Lucario said passing him it,
Marcello started to look it over but he felt something move through him and shivered at it,
"Did you feel that too?" Lucario asked rubbing his upper arm feeling cold all of a sudden,
"Yeah. what was that?" Marcello said weirded out,
"I have no idea but I will let you be, I have security video to watch from out of the city," Lucario said patting his shoulder and leaving him in the hallway,
Marcello walked to his offices and sat down in his chair, he opened the files and starts reading, he couldn't get the feeling of familiarity off of him, each time he tried to put it in the back of his mind, it keep bugging him until he pushed the papers away from him,
"Whatever went through me was familiar," Marcello said putting his chin on his hand,
looks at the files yawning in the process,
"A nap wouldn't hurt," Marcello said resting his head on the desk falling into slumber,
Marcello opened his eyes to find himself not in his body,
"What?" Marcello said floating above his body,
"Is this how Avalon did it?" Marcello said floated over to the door tries to put his hand on it but he went through it, he flys through the wall, he holds his hands out and stopped,
"Thank God," Marcello said sighed afterward,
He looked around him noticing his surroundings,
"What's this?" Marcello said look at iridescent handprints on a door, he noticed it was Ally's Office and floated to it,
Marcello looked into the room through the window, he sees a pearlescent human-shaped spirit in front of him, its hand grabbed him and forcefully knocked him out,
"No evidence,"
"Sal?" Avalon said walking into his office,
Avalon looked around the room to find not there, she took a step towards the desk, she noticed that there are papers all over his desk and walked over to get a better look at it,
"What this?" Avalon said
She tried to grab the file but her hand went through it, she sighed and leaned forward to get a better look at it, It's a map of both the city and the forest area, there are multiplied dots on the map.
"Still trying to find me," Avalon said chuckling,
Avalon not knowing that black started to cover the room,
"Darling, What are you doing?" Blake said pulling her out of the state,
Avalon glared at him,
"Nothing," She said dully,
Blake huffed and sat next to them, putting his hand on hers, Avalon who doesn't care how he feels pulled her hand away, Blake sighed feeling frustration bubble up in his heart, knowing he would do anything for her, kill, murder, lie, cheat, steal, anything for her.
he would make the world burn if she wanted,and all she has done for the past month is ignore him if she decided to talk to him, she would be sarcastic or harsh to him,
he doesn't blame her. he betrayed her and took Ally with him, then tricked her with his insider stick, but above all.... he would do anything to make her his.
"my love. I...." Blake struggled to talk feeling uncomfortable with saying it out loud,
"Yeah?" Avalon said curiously,
Blake swallow some spit before blurting it out,
"I'm sorry," Blake said shamefully,
Avalon looked at him surprised but what he confessed, not knowing what to say she stayed quiet, the room filled with silence only the sounds of the cold night going around them,
"I missed you too much. I pushed it back. I even forgot... no! They made me forget you," Blake let out in a sob,
Avalon looks at him an old friend started to show, which filled her with hope,
"Blake," Avalon said softly, laying her hand on his back and rubbing circles to relax him,
"I made you miserable here, I had no choice! What was there, leave you to my father to take over his horrible company? That will just kill you in the end," Balke said passionately,
A silence filled the room once more before Blake pulls her into a hug,
"I can't lose..." Blake mumbles into her shoulder,
"I have lost so much, first it was my mother. then my dad to a company, losing my dignity to work for that wench. But now we don't have to worry about that," Blake said letting out a sigh of relief,
Avalon had her hope crushed by what he announced, she went limp in his hold not caring anymore feeling too tired to fight him right now,
"My love? You're tired. I'm sorry, get some sleep my dear we will talk more tomorrow," Blake said
He lays her on his chest,
"Good night my love," Blake mumbled kissing her forehead,