Mafia Deadline

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 Evil Thoughts

"Why were you there?" Marcello asked

"I can't tell you," Avalon said

Damien scoffed,

"She was there on a job,"

Marcello looked at her and pointed at Damien,

"My brother says other why's. What are you hiding?" Marcello said

He moved his chair in front of her as Avalon glanced at him, she knew that the information she had was secret and if let out, they would be put in prison, Marcello watched her… she was hiding her intentions,

"I don't know what you are hiding, but we won't hurt you don't need to worry," Marcello says softly

She glared up at him,

"You are not the one I'm worried about," Avalon said

Marcello is shocked by her and starts to ask her more questions,

"What do you mean by that?"

She stayed quiet,

"Why were you there?"

Stayed quiet,

"Why did you help my brother,"

Avalon shot up from her spot, making Marcello flinch, Damien stood up and slowly walked to them with Luke following him,

"I saved him because it is the right thing to do," Avalon says

Damien stood next to her pushing her back on the chair, she didn't struggle which caused Marcello to wonder, she didn't want to struggle against Damien but was still stern,

"We mean you no violence, Avalon, but we would like some answers," Luke said

Damien placed a hand on her shoulder, holding her in place. Avalon glanced at him turning her attention to him and said,

"What would you do if that information would put you in prison?"

Marcello stares at her stunned and Damien tightens his grip on her, Luke moves in front of her asking,

"What was that? Prison!"

"Yes prison," Avalon told him,

The room went quiet until Renato broke the silence,

"So you are a government agent or something?"

"No, I don't work for stooges," Avalon scoffed

"Then if you don't work for them, who do you work for," Marcello said

Avalon glares at him,

"No, I will not tell you that," Avalon said

She gets up from her chair, shrugging off Damien's grip, and starts to move away from them, she is stopped by Renato who grips the crutch that's keeping him up,

"Look, you do not have to answer all the questions now if that's what you want," Renato said

Avalon held her side in pain and her eyes burned to want to fall back asleep, Damien noticed this shot up from his spot to her, Avalon felt herself descend to the floor,

not bothering to wait for the fall her eyes closed falling back asleep, Damien watched her lifting her into his arms, Luke walked up to them checking on Avalon,

"She seems to be fine," Luke said

Marcello walked to them looking at her and finding her face pale with dark circles under her eyes. He looked at Luke saying to him,

"Her body still healing... get her to bed, we will just have to research who she is,"

Luke nods at this before helping Damein with Avalon and Reanto stays with Marcello, He watches Marcello sit back into his chair,

"I don't think she would do that," Marcello said

"I noticed her completion change lighter, I think it was bound to happen, Marcello," Renato said

"I didn't mean for her to faint... we need answers and she was stern," Marcello said

"She was but if it is something as serious as prison, then she has a good reason to keep it a secret," Renato said

Marcello put his hand over his face not hearing Renato get up and walk to him,

Marcello felt a hand rest on his shoulder, causing him to move his hand away,

"Don't you have some research to do?" Reantao asked

Marcello smiles gets up from his chair,

"Yes, I do," He said

Marcello looked at his brother finding him weakened barely able to stand without that crutch,

"You need to get some rest," Marcello said

"Are you sure I could help..." Renato got cut off,

"No. You need rest," Marcello said

Renato sighed knowing that what he said was true, therefore, he hobbled over to the door giving Marcello one last look before walking out leaving him to his lonesome,

"Snake eyes how is finding enough financial help going?" Tiger's eye said

She sits in her chair with her feet up

"Ever since the traitors killed our men, we have become short in associates," Snake Eyes said

"We need more recruits... Don't we have a list for that sort of thing?" Tiger's eye said

"You mean the blackmail list?" Snake eyes said

She turned to him with her eyes shifting from green to amber,

"Yes I believe it is time for the insufficient life to pay their dues," Tiger's eye said

Snake hummed looking through the list, as Tiger eyes stared at her computer reading through the information she gathered,

"They seem to be all in one area, it will be taken care of boss," Snake Eyes said

Before he could leave Tiger stopped him,

"Have you found anything on Avalon, Snake?" Tiger's eye asked

He made himself turn to her. almost frozen in place answered her,

"No. I didn't think I would need to, is that what you want?" Snake eyes inquired

"No, there is no need. I already looked into her history," Tiger's eye said

"Ok then boss, anything else," Snake eyes let out

Tigger watched him... Seeing him try to hide the knowledge of Avalon from me, I will find out it doesn't matter if he is in the way.

"No. now go," Tiger's eye said

Snake Eyes walked away,

"Then it's going to be a long night," Tiger's eye said

Her cat watched her talk to herself with its eyes shifting. As she changed her eyes,

"He's is hiding something about her... I just wonder what, I knew he used to work for his family but I doubt that would be why," Tiger's eye said

"Marcello?" Luke said

He opened the door and found the lights turned off, Luke turned on the light and looked around finding Marcello over at the desk with his computer still on, notes on the desk while some were on the floor too, Luke moved past the papers to Marcello placing a hand on his should and started to shake him awake,

"Marcello," Luke said

He stirred but didn't wake up, Luke shook him again this time raising his voice,

"Marcello it's nine in the morning, get up!"

Marcello jolted up from his seat with his hand grabbing the nearest item, Luke stopped him placing his hand on Marcello's arm and stopping him, Marcello blinked letting his eyes adjust seeing his brother over him,

"Hello, Luke... Sorry about that I just," Marcello says

"Stayed up too late and had another nightmare?" Luke asked

"No actually, I got a good dream this time but staying up late, yeah I have nothing for that," Marcello said

Luke moves to the side of his starts to skimp over the paper, note, and a company article it doesn't say the name but two capital letters with an elegant circle around it,

"You've been busy," Luke muttered

"Yeah I was, I found some things on her but it was little and few from what I was looking for," Marcello said

Luke picked up one of the papers and read out loud,

"Avalon Clover is alive but her employment is unknown... I searched her name through the dates base some things came up, I found one company website that had her information on it only got to read her age and birth date before it closed on me, when I clicked back on the website the computer shut off on me... whoever she works with it knows I'm looking for her information and they don't want me to find,"

Luke placed down the note glancing at Marcello, However, he couldn't ask him anything Marcello gave him another paper which Luke looked at before the company article, it showed Avalon's face bloody and beaten and listing her injuries and she got it from, the perpetrator names unknown but the picture of the posted with a warrant out for the arrest,

"How long have you been awake?" Luke asked

Marcello looked away from his phone to stare at him, he closed his eyes remembering the last time he looked at the clock,

"The last I remember is five in the morning," Marcello said

Luke covered his face with a frustrated sigh,

"You only got almost four hours of sleep," Luke said

"Yes," Marcello mumbled

Luke grabbed Marcello by the arm pulling him out of the chair, Marclloe not phased by this stared at his brother with a blank tired look in his eyes, Luke opened the door letting Marcello go first before following him,

"Please tell me there's coffee?" Marcello asked

Luke saw the pleading look in his eyes and gave him a chuckle,

"Yes there is," Luke said

Marcello sped up his walk, turning into a jog until he was in the dining room where he was meeting with his brother and Avalon as well, Marcello didn´t bother to look at her head straight to the coffee pot while Luke greeted her,

"Hello Avalon, how was your rest?"

"I never had a better night of sleep, thanks for asking," Avalon let out,

She gave him a small smile hoping he didn't notice anything wrong, Luke felt his heart twist at her act almost stopping his breath, only for Renato to hobble into the room and greet him,

"Hey, Luke did you get the troll in the lab?"

"Yes I did, he's in the kitchen probably chugging down coffee as we speak," Luke sighed

Renato pats him on the shoulder before moving to the table, he sits in front of Avalon, he looks at her with a tired smile on his face,

"Did you sleep well?" Renato asked

"Yeah, I got sleep but it looks like you didn't," Avalon suggested

"I didn't get much sleep. my pain meds wared off in the middle of the night and had to get up to get more," Renato said

Avalon hummed at him Renato took note of it,

"She seemed to be in deep thought or wanted to discussion to stop," Renato thought

Marcello walked out of the kitchen with a plate of food and a cup of coffee, he laid it on the table away from Avalon, he sat down looking at the two before eating his food,

"You could have greeted her Marcello, we went raised in a barn," Luke said

Luke sat next to Avalon and Marcello scoffed at him, before Marcello could respond Damien walked in placing a plate of food in front of the woman,

"Somedays it seems to be that way," Daimen said

Before Marecello could respond, Damien walked back into the kitchen to bring out Renato his food, leaving Luke to pout asking,

"Where is my plate?"

"In the kitchen, idiot you're not injured are ya?" Daimen said

Luke mumbled a curse while he got up from his chair and walked to the kitchen, Damien walked to his chair and sat in it noticing Avalon not eating her food,

"You need to regain your strength, eat," Daimen said

Avalon glanced at him and the food before pushing the flood toward him,

"I won't eat a piece of this food unless you take a bit first," Avalon said

"Fine," Damien said

He picked up a fork and picked up some eggs before placing them in his mouth, while Avalon glared at him waiting for him to fall over but nothing happened, he pushed the plate closer to her before giving her a new fork,

"Eat," Damien demanded

Avalon huffed grabbed the fork and ate some of the eggs, Marcello watched them as he was done eating,


She looked up at him,

"I did some research into you," Marcello said

"Yes? I need to eat," she glares at Damien,

"Why were you so beaten?"

Luke said from behind her, Avalon glanced at him before going back to her food mumbling,

"You found that out?"

"Yes, and I find it interesting, how I found that article but got nothing else but a messed up website," Marcello told her,

Marcello observed her waiting for her to flinch or shut him up but nothing happened, she stood up from her chair causing the chair to fall onto the floor and she looked up at Renato with a dark look in her eyes,

"Where is your restroom," her voice quiet,

"Go straight then the last door to your right," Renato said

Avalon walked passed Luke not bothering to look up at him, She walked out of the dining room leaving them with each other,

"You couldn't have waited for after she ate?" Renato said

He looked at the both of them glaring at them, Luke placed down his plate and sat down while explaining,

"I just wanted to know why she was so beaten down..."

"That doesn't mean ask her now, wait until she is ready to tell you," Damien said

"I don't trust her still, she could be a spy for them, which I got from the research I found. She could be a threat," Marcello said

"I read through some of the research there's is something there," Luke told them,

"So you ask her now when she healing from a bullet shot into her side... you could have waited," Daimen sighed

Marcello was about to dispute further but Renato stood up and grabbed his crutch, he stared at his brother having a full conversation and turned away from them, hobbling over to the entryway, but before he left he said this,

"Yes, she could be. but you could at least show respect to the person who saved my life,"

He left them there looking to check on the woman, Damien stood up as well leaving into the kitchen, Luke ate his food as Marcello sat there staring at the seat she was in.

"I have to get back,"

Avalon whispered looking into the mirror, she had been there for a while trying to collect her thoughts... but the night prior stayed in her mind mocking her, Avalon took deep breaths closing her eyes and attempting to keep her mind clear.

"You fine, you didn't cause it .... you never did," Avalon murmured

"Yes you didn't, but that doesn't mean you were a part of it,"

A voice laced with ridicule, Avalon opened her eyes and looked into the mirror to encounter a Tigers eye glaring at her from inside the mirror, Tiger eye scowled at her watching her with disdain in her amber eyes, However, Avalon saw something in her eyes not the normal color but green.

"They told me how you were with them. honorable, loyal to a fault type of woman, I saw that back when you met me but now I see a battered. defeated woman trying to hold onto her mind," She mocked

Tiger looked at her closer noticing Avalon holding her side and smirked,

"I don't think it working by the way, talking to yourself makes you look insane," Tiger taunted

"Not all of us can pay for therapies, So the only expert you can talk to is yourself and I call it self-exploration," Avalon said

She looked at the young woman, giving her a light chuckle before telling her,

"That's not going to help you with me, you know that so why don't you go back to your CEO and tell him to stop destroying what mine, the mafia,"

"He won't stop cause you to yell at him and threaten him nether will I... you caused death and ruin to families and friends, with the smuggling of drugs and scientists than the looting and robing, I won't stop until its dead and I believe he thinks the same," Avalon spoke

"You won't be able to kill it dearly, it's everywhere!"

The mirror cracked from her voice causing some to fall around Avalon,

"I put it in every branch of industry or government, so people like you who would want to destroy what I took and made mine. Can't kill it!" Tiger yelled

The mirror fell apart showing the mafia boss glaring down at her with something lurking behind her with glowing green eyes,

the glass shards fell into the sink and onto the floor, Avalon stood there feeling her body go numb and decided to sit down on the toilet, However a knock on the door with a voice that sounded concerned,

"Avalon, what's going on in there?"

"I can't explain it," Avalon said

"That's fine I just wanted to check up on you,"

Avalon looked at the glass on the floor while the person she was talking with continued to talk,

"I don't mean any harm but I need you to open the door. whatever happened in there doesn't matter right now you need to get out of there,"

She didn't say anything leaving the man in worry,

"Just open the door I don't want to break it open... I don't know if I could,"

The door opened and Avalon looked up at him while glass lay behind her, Renato stared at her concerned but still opened one of his arms for her, Avalon glanced at him uncertain of what to do until, he pulled her into him getting her out of the bathroom but once he did the door shut on its own with soft laughter that can be heard, Avalon glanced at Renato seeing him looking down at her before he asked,

"I... Are you ok?"

Avalon didn't answer just stood there on his arm and Renato tried to concept what happened in front of them not hearing someone walking toward them.

"Hey, Renato did you," Luke stopped

He sees Avalon holding onto Renato as he keeps his arm around her, Renato notices Luke by them,

"Luke could help me talk to her, she doesn't seem to be fine," Renato said

"Yeah, I could do that, Avalon?" Luke said

Avalon stares at him making Luke flinch at her eyes, which show a dark silver,

"I need to go back to the room," Avalon let out

Renato and Luke glanced at each other before Luke responded to her,

"Sure I can get you there, Renato why don't you go back to the dining room, I think I left something there,"

Luke gently grabs Avalon and walks down the hallway, Renato takes a look at the bathroom door and then goes his way to the dining room, where Marcello and Damien are talking,

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