Mafia Deadline

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 The Woman

They run to the van,

"Luke open the door for me," Damien asked

Luke runs to the door and opens it letting Damien clime in before closing it behind him, Marcello looks up from stitching Renato, who is currently asleep from the pain medicine he gave him. Damien placed the woman on two seats, putting a presser on her wound.

"Who is the woman?" Marcello asked

Damien glanced at him,

"She will need to be stitched up, are you almost done?" Damien asked

Marcello finished the last stitch and buckled Renato, He moved over to place a hand on her neck and found that her heartbeat was slower than normal.

"She's starting to lose more blood," Marcello said

Marcello looked over at Damien's hand,

"Tell me, and I will do it," Damien said

Marcello looks at him and takes a moment to look into his eyes, finding remorse in them...

"We are going to take out the bullet and for that, I need to look at her wound but first," Marcello said

Marcello opens his kit and grabs a pair of scissors as he does this, Luke enters the van shaken by something, Luke starts the car and starts to drive away from the bank,

"Now gently move off her wound," Marcello said

Damien moves his hand away making room for Marcello to look at the bullet wound, he looks at the wound and what he finds stuns him, he moves the tweezers over to the wound only to be interrupted by the van moving over a bump, Marcello keeps going used the tweezers and moves around the tissue grabbing the bullet. He slowly pulled the bullet out while Luke made a sharp left turn interrupting Marcello,

Damien looked at Luke asking,

"What happening Luke?"

Luke kept his eyes on the road, finding the rote to their base, Damien walked past Marcello and Renato to Luke, He made another turn now on the highway and Luke glanced at Damien,

"What was that about?" Damien asked again,

Luke clears his throat before telling him,

"Before I went into the van I saw a drone following us,"

"A drone?" Damien whispered

Damien glanced at the woman,

"We are thinking the same thing... it might have to do with that woman, right?" Luke said

Damien stayed quiet giving him a stiff nod, Marcello listened to them and took care of the woman, he gave the bullet one light pull finally getting it out... he stared at it in awe, he placed the bullet in a small bag and started to stitch her wound, while he did this the woman starts to open her eye,

"We will just have to ask her when she wakes up," Damien said

"Ok, but I want to make sure she won't try anything," Luke said

She glanced at them but couldn't see them and a light pain drew her attention elsewhere, Marcello way done saw her looking down at him, her eyes a dim grey with hints of life in them.

"Don't worry, I'm just patching you up," Marcello said

She felt tired again and started to nod off, Marcello kept stitching her wound but the bullet drew his mind elsewhere, making his movement work on memory,

"This trip was not normal," Marcello thought

And before he knew it he was done stitching her, he cleaned the outside stitches, placed the meid kit back and the van stopped,

"We are here Damien do you need help carrying Renato?" Luke said

Damien grunted lifting Renato,

"No, I will be alright, whoever carries the woman put her in the guest bedroom next to me," Damien said

Marcello opened the door for Damien and then picked up the bullet then placed it into his pocket, Luke turned the corner to the van and asked,

"Do you want me to carry her?"

"No, I will but after we get her settled, I have to show you the bullet that went into her," Marcello said

Marcello gently moves his arm under her upper back and lifts her into his chest.

Luke gives him this odd look before asking him again,

"What do you... I will just wait,"

Luke moves away from the door letting Marcello carry the woman out of the van, they enter the base with the woman and take her to the guest bedroom, Luke opens the door for them, Marcello moves to the bed and places her on the bed,

"Here we go," Luke said

He placed a blanket over her,

"One of us will have to check in on her," Marcello said

Luke was about to ask Marcello what he meant back at the van, only to be pushed out of the room by him,

"She would wake up any minute they said," Damien said

He lays in a chair next to the woman watching her, he lays back in his chair remembering this morning's events, Damien walks out of my room, taking a small glance at the door beside his room before walking past it, he enters the kitchen to two of his brother in their night were talking to each other excitedly, Damien tapped on the wood to get their attention, and they turned to look at him.

"Hey, Damien how did you sleep?" Luke asked

Luke yawned and got up to get more coffee, while Marcello patted the chair next to him and Damien walked by him and sat in the chair on the other side of him,

"Just to spite of me?" Marcello asked

"Yes," Damien said

Luke passed him his cup of coffee and then sat on the other side of Marcello,

Luke looked at Marcello and pocked his side making him glare at him.

"Is there something you want to bring to my attention?" Marcello asked

"Yes, who's going to watch the woman and wait until she wakes up," Luke said

Marcello and Luke looked at each other thinking of how to tell Damien,

Damien sat there enjoying his coffee and injured them,

"Damien, are you hearing this?" Luke asked

He turned to them,

"No, I was enjoying my coffee, what do you want?" Damien said

They looked at him finding him still half asleep, Marcello shifted in his chair to look at him and explained,

"We need you to do it, I and Luke have some research to do and Reanto needs to get some rest,"

Damien looked away from them,

"It will be fine Damien, she could wake up any minute," Luke said

Damien scoffed at the memory,

he watched the woman feeling tired and his eyes started to dim until a creek came from the bed,

Damien's eyes opened and the woman kept moving around like she had a nightmare of sorts, he got off the chair and moved to her bedside. Damien debated waking her up while he watched her stir in her sleep.

"Should I do..."

The woman sat up taking deep breathes,

She looked around still having some but with her vision, she rubbed her eye quickly and while she did that a hand was placed on her shoulder,

"Are you... Ok?" a nervous voice asked her

She looked up at him, she looks at him finding crimson eyes staring at her, she took a look at him,

"He is tall and has blackish almost purple hair," She thought

He stood there still waiting for her to say something, but all she did was stare at him Like she was analyzing him.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I'm just here to make sure you are ok," Damien said

She moved away from him and he sighed, frustrated about this predicament until a soft voice spoke to him,

"Where am I?" She asked

"You are in a base," Damien said

The woman gave him a stare,

"That's not informative," She said

"Well stranger, I don't know you enough to tell you," Damien said

She turned away mumbling something,

Damien leans towards her asking,

"What's that I didn't get it?"

"It's Avalon," Avalon said

Damien moved away from her and gave a small smile,

"Then my name is Damien," Damien said

An uncomfortable silence falls over the both of them, Avalon in Damien's point of view is in deep thought, and by that, he asks,

"What's going on in your head... You seem to be in deep thought,"

Avalon looked back at him,

"I shouldn't say," Avalon enquired

"How so?" Damien asked

"I don't know who you work with... Or why you helped me when you could have left me to die," Avalon pointed out,

"Then why would you save my brother," Damien said

She sat up from the bed and patted the spot next to her, Damien huffed and then sat next to her,

"You ask me something and I will answer your questions, then you do the same for me," Avalon said

Damien thought upon it for a moment and obliged to it,

"Fine why were you there in the first place?" Damien asked

"I was there for a job," Avalon said

"What job?" Damien continued

Avalon turned to him pointed her finger at his face and told him,

"My turn where am I?" Avalon asked

"As I said, in a base at the end of the last counties in the state called water parted," Damien said

"Water parted?" Avalon whispered

"Now tell me what that job was," Damien said

Avalon was about to tell him but Luke opened the door saying,

"Hey, Damien is she awake..."

He stopped and stared at them until his eyes landed on the woman, Luke cleared his throat and walked toward the woman with his hand reaching out for her to shake,

"I'm sorry for my rudeness, my name is Luke," Luke said

Avalon gave him this nonchalant stare before shaking his hand and seemed to be not bothered by this, Luke on the other hand, kept his thoughts to himself,

"Her eyes are silver that unreal and her hair is fine, it's just orange, dimples on her face mostly on her cheeks," Luke thought

"Is he alright?¨ Avalon asked

Damien shrugged at her and raised his hand starting to snap his finger trying to get his attention, Luke snapped out of it and looked at his brother, Damien pointed at his hand making him let go of Avalon's hand,

"I'm sorry about that, I just lost my train of thought," Luke said

"It's fine, now why are you here?" Avalon asked

"I just came here to see if you're awake and you are, I need to bring you to the lab we have some questions to ask you," Luke explained

While he told her that, she looked at him and analyzed him,

"Golden brown eyes, orange hair, he has dimples as well and is taller than Damien," Avalon thought

"Get up, you need to move," Damien said

Avalon held out his hand for him, he lifted her and let her lean on him for her to walk,

Luke opened the door for them while talking their ears off,

"And the bullet we pulled out..." Luke stopped

A door was slammed onto his face making him burst into endless curses, a man from behind the door apologized to him while trying not to get himself into more pain,

"Sorry Luke, I didn't see you there," Renato said

Luke stood back up holding his nose,

"It's fine, you didn't know, how are you feeling," Luke said

"I'm just sore now, hello there, nice to see you alive," Renato said

Avalon gave him a nod and told him,

"The feeling can be mutual," Avalon said

Luke helped Renato out of the way and walked him to the lab, Avalon followed behind them with Damien who wasn't so keen on going this slow, he lifted her and started to carry her to the lab, Avalon started to analyze Renato,

"Blonde hair, amber eyes, shortest than the two others," Avalon thought

Damien carried her into the lab onto a table and set her down on it, Luke set Renato on a chair before jogging to a chair with a male sitting in it, he turned it around,

"This is Marcello," Luke said

Avalon looked at him and started to analyze him,

"Brown hair, violet eyes, and tall but not as tall as Renato. was it?" Avalon thought

"Hi, nice to see that you are still alive," Marcello said

"Yeah, what are your questions," Avalon said

Marcello stares at her stunned until letting out a small laugh,

"You want to cut to the chase, alright what were you doing there, why were you there with them and why did you save my brother?" Marcello asked

They stared at her waiting for her to answer, Avalon leaned off of Damien and leaned toward Marcello,

"There is something I can't tell you. but I was there to infiltrate that mafia and I entered that day meeting their boss, it was all fine they gave me a weapon and told me to follow their lead, which I did but when I saw what they were doing to your brother... I decided then to help," Avalon said

"Whys that?" Renato said

"It was the right thing to do and at that moment, I couldn't let you die at the hands of that vermin," Avalon said

"Even at the cost of blowing your cover?" Luke asked

"Yes, they left me for dead did they not?" Avalon said

Luke went silent and turned to Marcello who watched the woman, trying to find any sign of a lie, he got up and walked to her and then leaned down to stare her in the eye,

"Fine, I believe you, but if you try anything your gone, Crystal?" Marcello said


"What do you mean? you left her at the bank!" Tiger's eye says

She sat in her chair with her cat,

"Well you see the traitors gained the upper hand, so we had to retreat," Snake Eyes said

"Too bad, I sensed something in her an old relic of the past," Tiger's eye said

Snake heard what she said and was now intrigued to try to ask what she meant, but she cut him off,

"Did you get the money? We need that for the next agenda,"

"We had to leave the money," Snake Eyes said

He tried to look away from her but an eminences power went off of her, he felt it... It's too strong for him now.

"You left the money," Tiger's eye said a black aura appeared around her,

"I had to, they killed ten of our men," Snake Eyes yelled

Tiger's eye got up walked over to him,

"You better find a way to get the money or I will have your head," Tiger's eye said

She grabbed his chin looking him in the eye, Snake felt fear but something else held him too.

"For my plan to go smoothly, I need more finances to make it a reality. Are we clear?" Tiger's eye said

"Yes boss," Snake Eyes said

She pushed him off of her making him lose his footing and almost fall to the ground, but he walked out of the room with a muffled curse under his breath,

"He doesn't know what it is like... Doesn't he kitten?" Tiger's eye said

She turned to her cat seeing there was a shift in her cat's eyes, it went from green to amber for her... Odd.

"It's not like she has nowhere else to go? I have eyes and ears all around the city except," Tiger's eye said

"Isn't that right kitten," Tiger's eye said

The cat went to her rubbing against her legs, The cat looked up at her,


Tiger's eye smiles,

"That's what I thought too, thank you kitten," Tiger's eye said

"Ok, raise your left leg," Luke asked

Avalon rolled her eyes doing what he asked, Marcello and Luke watched and studied her while Daimen and Renato made breakfast, Avalon felt a hand press against her wound and she moved away from them kicking the one who touched it in the knee,

"Sorry," Luke said

Marcello grabbed some pain medication for her and gave it to her, she looked at him then grabbed it asking,

"How am I supposed to take these?"

He was about to respond but Renato Damien walked in with food, Damien set Renato next to her carrying her food and a bottle of water, he placed the food on her lap and handed her the bottle,

"Sorry it couldn't be here sooner, Damien struggled to cook the dumplings right," Renato said

"Shut up it's not like you tried to help,

you just laughed and tried to give me directions," Damien said

Renato chucked,

"It looked like you needed a way out of it," Renato said

Avalon watched them argue while eating,

she laughed every once in a while at their antics. Marcello turned to them and said,

"That's enough,"

Marcello turned to Avalon,

"Avalon, I need to know something from the night before," Marcello said

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