Chapter 26: Chapter 25 Forgive?
"We don't need to fight. I just came here talk," Ally said put up her hands,
"Fine, if that is it I want all your weapons," Avalon said
Ally nodded and gave her the weapons she had
"She gave me her weapons willingly?" Avalon through
"What do you want to talk about?" Avalon said
Ally looks conflicted, before moving her turtleneck, which shows handprints around her neck,
"So, you had a rough night that's none of my concern," Avalon said nonchalantly
Ally turned red,
"It's nothing like that, you idiot!" Ally yelled embarrassed, Avalon covers her ears,
"Alright, I was just messing with you, I have not done that in a while, you know without you trying to kill me," Avalon explained
Ally calmed down,
"Ok, something is seriously wrong with Snake eyes," Ally said
Avalon looked conflicted,
"Why should I care about him or you for that matter? both of you turned on me Blake cause of Sal, and you for your ego and pride," Avalon said
all of a sudden all of her pent up wrath started to come through,
Ally sat there a shadow cast over her face,
"Avalon, I know you will never forgive me...and that's alright, but Blake is the one who caused these bruises, something is wrong with him,
I can assure you," Ally said fearfully
got up and tried to hold Avalons hand,
but before she could, Avalon point the dagger close to her neck,
"I see you don't want me to do that," Ally said
"Yeah, you shouldn't do that," Avalon said
there was a moment of silence,
"I am just here to warn you of him,
his aura. he the aura made choke me,
he doesn't care what Tigers eye says or what she wants, but he seems like he cares about you?" Ally clarified
"He has been acting off, you know that she lies.
keep your guard up," Avalon though
"Fine, let's say I believe you,
why would you tell me this when I can knock you out and put you in jail, and why warn me? when he probably threatened to kill you," Avalon said
Ally punched Avalon's dagger away from her neck,
"Maybe cause I still care for an old friend,
who doesn't know this side of him," Ally shouted at her,
"You care? you care! you should have done that two years ago," Avalon shouted back at her,
Ally just stood there quietly,
until she launched herself at Avalon and hugs her,
"IM SORRY!," Ally yelled
they both fell to the ground of the office, Avalon slowly looks at Ally to see her,
tearIng up looking back at her,
she slowly worked her arms around Ally,
They both stayed there looking at each other,
"Avalon... I have done a lot to harm you, to kill, and harm the name of shepherd, but if there is any way you can forgive me, or start to forgive me then let me know," Ally said
"I have never seen that guilty look in her eye," Avalon thought
"You can't be expected me to forgive you so easily, I need time to trust you again, so maybe Ally. but I would like one thing," Avalon said sternly
"She will forgive me one day," Ally though
"Yeah, what do you want?" Ally asked
"Get off me," Avalon said plainly
Ally got off of her,
"How bad is this side of him you speak of?" Avalon asked
they both sat in chairs,
Ally takes a minute,
while flashes of what happened come back to her,
"He was dark and vicious, he wanted to kill me..but he knew he would have gotten caught red hand, he even thought that you would put the knife in my back," Ally laughed in dismay, then continued,
"You need to be cautious about him, I would even say that he might be strong than tigers eye," Ally confess
Avalon looked at her in disbelief,
"I don't think he is that strong yet, but if what you are telling me is true, then thank you for the information," Avalon said greatly disturbed,
both of them turned their heads as they heard footsteps,
"You might want to leave quickly," Avalon said pointed at the window,
"You have a point," Ally said
walked toward the window but stopped and opened it, looked at Avalon,
"Thanks for listening, see you next time," Ally said smiled at her then jumped out the window,
Avalon shakes her head,
her door opened to show Salvatore and Jane,
"Avalon, we have recent information," Jane said
walked over to her and showed her files,
that talked about what Blake said to her,
"So, she tries to take everything from you huh," Avalon said trying to make herself convincing,
"Yeah, it looks like so far nothing from our finances is hacked, they said that there was a silver firewall to protect it?" Salvatore said accusing her,
"Yeah I did, what of it?" Avalon said,
"What we mean is, did you see this coming?" Jane asked
Avalon sighed,
"No but a had a gut feeling that she will try something like this, and look like I was right," Avalon said looked at them,
"Please buy it!" Avalon thought
"If that is it, how did you do that without us noticing," Salvatore asked
"It's how I hacked into the computer,
but imagine a big data wall," Avalon explained
"That's new, when did you learn that?" Salvatore asked curiously,
"I just thought about it then boom it appears out of thin air, even your most experienced hack didn't know what to make of it," Avalon said shuddering to remember how much pain she felt afterward,
"Thanks," Salvatore said
Avalon looked at him then smiled,
"For what doing my job? don't mention it, Sal," Avalon said
"Well if that's it, you have another segment soon let's go," Jane said
started to push Salvatore out of the office,
"Do I have to," Salvatore said acting childish,
"Yes you have to," Jane said closed the door behind her,
"They need to get together already," Avalon said
went on her computer to start her work,
"How did you not get into their system?" Lilith asked
"We couldn't get through a silver firewall," Liz said
Lilith had a look of distant,
"How did she become this powerful in such a short time?" Lilith though
"I will come back shortly. I want everyone to try and get through that firewall got it," Lilith said walked back to her office, to see it devastated,
"What!" Lilith yelled walked around the destroyed debris,
to see her computer broken into pieces,
most of her papers were missing, and the cameras were carved into,
"Boss what the" Ally asked looked around the office shocked,
"Ally my dear, do you know what happened to my office," Lilith said threateningly,
Ally stands there silently,
"Sorry boss, I wasn't here," Ally said timidity
Lilith stood there seething with anger,
"My dear ally, please find out who did this before I do," Lilith said holding back her anger,
Ally nodded and quickly went out of the office,
Lilith looked around her destroyed office with a sadistic grin,
"Now it begins," Lilith declared
Blake smiled as he started to download the information to Avalon,
"~I hope this makes her happy~," Blake thought sipped his coffee,
"Why am I doing this? I have built my way up this Mafia, and I want to throw that all away for her?" Blake said
puts his head in his hands,
everything around him turned black and blue,
"What do you want?" Blake said
"~That is a question isn't it~," The dark voice said mocking him lightly,
"Just tell me so my headache can go away," Blake explained
the voice laughed at him,
"~The reason why I suddenly appeared, is for you to achieve your goal~," the voice said
Blake looked down at his feet,
"~You remind me of your mother,
she had the same powers as you, but she didn't fall for the darkness within, will you~?" The voice asked
Blake felt a surge of anger within him,
"Get out of my head!" Blake yelled
"~I am not in your head, I am here to help you~," The voice said
Blake calmed down,
"~What would you like, what is the goal you want to achieve~?" The voice asked
"I want to be the boss, the old hag I want her dead," Blake explained,
"~Then I can help you, no payment is required, are you sure that's all you want~?" The voice said
Blake stood there to think of what happened between Avalon and Renato,
"Yes, there is I want the four of the traitors dead! gone from this world," Blake said
then he thought of Avalon,
how he hated her at first, though of her as worthless, but now as his light in the dark,
"~Is that all~?" The voice asked