Chapter 25: Chapter 24 Talk
"There you are, one annoying brother you asked for!" Avalon said dropping off Renato,
"I don't know... can you keep him?" Domenico said mockingly,
"Hey, I'm right here," Renato said
kissing Avalon's forehead, he walked inside,
"Would you like to come in?" Domenico asked
"No, I will be fine," Avalon said
She started to walk away,
"It's one in the middle of the night are you sure?" Domenico said concerned
Avalon stopped and yawned,
"See even your body agrees with me," Domenico said
Avalon walked back to him,
"Fine, I guess you're not going to let me anyway," Avalon said
walked past him,
he smiled and closed the door and she walked into the living room,
"Hey, I didn't know you were here?" Marcello said
He got up from the couch, and hugs her, Avalon froze, but slowly hugs him back,
"Well, I had no choice, Mom wouldn't let me," Avalon said moving away from him,
"I am not a mom," Domenico yelled
they both chuckled, Luciaro walked into the room,
"Av... Avalon?" Luciaro said shyly, surprised to see her here,
"Hi, been a long time huh," Avalon said
Puts her hand out for him to shake and he shyly shakes her hand,
"Well, I am going to bed, get some rest Avalon," Marcello said left them,
"Well, I should get some rest, good night," Avalon said
stared to walk to her guest room,
"Hey, can we have a little chat?" Luciaro asked timidly,
They both stand there for a moment,
"Sure, I don't see why not," Avalon said
"Nice, right this way," Luciaro said leading her to his room,
They both sat on his bed,
"What do you want to talk about," Avalon asked
"Look I had a weird dream, about you and me on a.," Luciaro paused,
Nervous about what he was telling her, Avalon put one of her hands on his to comfort him,
"She's so warm," Luciaro though
"Take your time," Avalon said
She starts to rub his back for comfort,
"Well, first you and I are on a d.." Luciaro struggled to tell her,
"They are.." Avalon said but was cut off.
"You and I were on a date" Luciaro mumbled
for a moment there was silence between them Luciaro hides his face in his hands,
"Well is that it?" Avalon said still rubbing his back,
Luciaro looks through his hands to see her silver eyes stares back into his,
he started to blush, he sat up,
"It first appeared that your ability knocked me out, and sent me into a dream where we were on a date, my brothers and I killed tigers eye and saved you," Luciaro said
"Must have been some dream, huh?" Avalon said
not sure that he is done talking,
"That is not all, after a bit of talking I noticed that it was a dream, I couldn't see your face, everything turned black, and I started to fall," Luciaro said anxiously,
"Ok well, why did you want to tell me this," Avalon asked
Luciaro sat still, looked off into the window of his room,
"I just wanted to get that off my chest," Luciaro said sheepishly,
"Then I am here for you honey," Avalon said encouraging him,
"Did she just say!" Luciaro though
Avalon got up,
"Well, I should go to sleep," Avalon said
"Wait!" Luciaro said grabbed her arm,
she stopped looking at him with stunned,
"Can you sleep next to me," Luciaro asked
Avalon flashed him a smile,
"Sure, just don't try anything," Avalon said
Luciaro moved to make room for her, Avalon lay on her side, away from him,
as he stares at the wall,
"Good night," Avalon said
He smiled,
"Good night," Luciaro said
"Wake up! It's morning," Renato yelled
banging pans together,
Luciano wakes up to find Avalon snuggled up to him, still asleep,
he grabbed a pillow and throw it at Renato,
"Shut up let her sleep," Luciaro whispered,
Avalon shifted away from Luciano, he quickly got out of the bed,
"Fine, I will let her sleep," Renato said nonchalantly,
"Come on, let's get out of here," Luciaro said pulled Renato out of his room,
"Hey, I can walk you know," Renato said annoyed,
"Yeah whatever, why did you try to wake me up?" Luciano asked
pulled Renato in front of him,
"It wasn't me, it was Marcello who wanted me to wake you up for breakfast," Renato said
Childishly turned around sticked his tongue out at him, then running away,
"When will he stop his childish antics," Domenico said appeared next to him,
which made him jump,
"That would be never," Luciano said
He follow Domenico into the dining room,
Avalon hymns and she sat up,looked around the room,
"Must have left to get food," Avalon said
got up and walked to where the boys are,
"Avalon the Great has awakened," Renato said
Avalon rolled her eyes sat down next to Luciano, they all started to chat with each other, until they all heard the television
"Hello, minions of this lovely city," Mórrígan said
through television,
"How the hell?" Avalon said
bewildered by what she is seeing,
"I just started by taking over your social media,
and I took most of your city away from you," Mórrígan continues
Avalon felt her phone in her pocket, saw it was Sal,
"Avalon are you seeing this!?" Salvatore mumbled through the phone,
"Yep, I am," Avalon said
"Well, we need you back at headquarters soon as possible," Salvatore said
sounds like he was running,
"Alright, I will be there in a bit," Avalon said hangs up, turned her head to them,
"Anyone wants to come with me?" Avalon asked
"Can you slow down!?" Marcello yelled at her,
held to his seat for dear life,
"Yeah ok," Avalon said
Barely making the van stop in front of the headquarters, she jumped out of the van and ran in,
"Avalon! wait a minute," Marcello explained
locked the van, and followed her in,
"You believe that you're precious Shepherd,
will protect you, when you have their agents turn their back on them and come work for me," Lilith said mockingly
Avalon reached Salvatore's office, and walk right in,
"Yes, I know this is not good. yeah, I will get them right on that, ok, by," Salvatore said
hangs up the phone,
"What do we have to do?" Avalon asked
Salvatore sighed,
"So far we got her off the air, she was on the radio, she was on cable, she tried to hack into all the banks into the city," Salvatore said stressing out,
"Are they still in any of them?" Marcello said from behind her,
"No, there not in any of them know, that I know of," Salvatore said in deep thought,
Avalon grabbed the television remote,
turned on the news,
"We are back on the air," the news anchor said a bit frazzled,
"It looks like it was a little scare, but they hack the banks, the radio, and cable, but the banks are now reporting that they stole more than half of all of the money," The news anchor said
"The spy organization Shepherd is already looking into this, we will hear from the head of the organization Salvatore Dagda in the next segment," the news anchor said
"What do you need us to do Sal," Avalon said
puts a hand on his shoulder,
"Avalon, can you go back into Lilith's mind?" Marcello asked curiously,
Avalon paused for a moment,
"I am not sure how to, but I came up with a theory," Avalon said both of them looked interested,
"I am not sure how but I will try," Avalon said
"What do you mean you are not sure?" Salvatore said
Marcello looked at Avalon confused,
"When I was asleep from when she got into the headquarters, I got into her old memories and saw how she became the boss, I believe it was an accident I don't know how to do it again," Avalon explained
Salvatore walked up to her,
"It's fine take your time but for now,
Jane probably need me for that interview, you two are free to go," Salvatore said
went past the two got out of his office,
they both stayed there silent,
"We better get out of here," Avalon said
walked out of the office,
"Avalon, if you need anything. I'm here for you," Marcello said blushing a bit,
Avalon stopped to look back at him,
"Thanks," Avalon said
continued to walk towards her office
opened the door to find Ally,
"Hello, Avalon," Ally said
Avalon grabbed her dagger from her hip,