Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 24. Heart of the Underdog

Alexis told us about how Chazz was last seen leaving the island on a boat. “You think he left…?” Jayden said in a worried tone. “I don’t know about that Jay. It takes a long time before you can find the nearest land.” Jayden and Syrus were talking about the likelihood of Chazz really gone, and Alexis turned to look for my opinions. I frowned and sighed while thinking of the show. ‘I guess they did have it vague when he left… I do remember him on a boat stranded, and managed to get to his brother’s academy if I remember correctly.’ 


“Either way. He should be ok. Chazz isn’t stupid and would bring enough supplies to take him to wherever he needs to go. You saw how brutal the other Obelisks were. He probably took a boat to just take a breather from all the stress.” I said with a slight abrasion in my tone from how part of that might actually be true from how dickish some of these students were. Everyone else was quietly agreeing with me, and as we were just thinking to ourselves Banner came walking into the court himself. “Hello children.” He said with a calm smile, but I was always just a bit on edge with him.


Everyone looked over at him and gave their greetings. “What are you doing here Banner?” Jayden asked while tilting his head a bit. “I was here to talk to our new transfer student.” He pointed at Blair as he jumped a bit from the sudden attention. “Did Blair do something wrong?” I asked while not wanting to let him alone with a student. Banner looked at me with a little surprise on his face. “Oh, have you two already met? That’s perfect! You are the only Slifer with a single room, so I’m having him transfer into your room, until he moves up.”


I was surprised that we even got transfer students, but something was bugging me a bit. “Move’s up?” I asked. Banner nodded while explaining. “Blair here, has scored very highly in the transfer tests, but it is school rules that all new students must start out in Slifer dorms. Until he is eligible to move up to Ra, he must stay with you.” I nodded in understanding at Banner while looking down at this little roommate of mine.


He looked back up at me, and I sighed a bit from having to hide my Duel Spirits from this guy until he leaves. I pat his back a bit before making sure he wouldn’t be scared to bunk with me. “Well… It’ll be nice to have a roommate for a bit.” I said while stretching from this annoying work out I was forced to do. Blair nodded silently at me as we all walked off from the court. “Well… It’s the end of classes, so I’m going to take a shower, and head off to bed.” I said as I was walking away from the group. 

Jayden came with me also. “Yea, I could totally use a shower too! Maybe burn these clothes while I’m at it!” He said with a laugh, and I grinned at him. “Now you're thinking.” I said with a chuckle as I punched his arm. We walked off, but as we were I looked at the rest of the group, and saw Alexis and was happily talking to Blair. I was a bit confused why she would want to get close to someone who Alexis didn’t know if they could Duel, but I then thought of the answer. ‘She just wants to make sure someone else was in my room to keep me from openly being with my Duel Spirits doesn’t she?’


I scoffed and shook my head from how Alexis really didn’t like the idea of the Duel Spirits being that close. ‘I guess she’s a bit of a princess herself.’ Jayden and I made it to the showers, and we each took a stall. We both finished quickly and made it to the Slifer dorms to call it a day. As we were walking we were talking about decks, and whatnot. “Well Jayden I think it would do some good for you to have ‘Heart of the Underdog’.” 


Jayden gave me a slightly confused look at what that card was. I took out my PDA and looked up the spell for him. “It’s a continuous spell that allows you to draw again if you first draw a normal monster. If you draw another normal monster then you can keep drawing until you don’t draw a normal monster.” Jayden looked at the spell, and gave it some thought. “You totally only know this card because Joey Wheeler uses this card, don't you?” He said with a scoff. I scoffed as well for him reading me so well. He knew that I liked Joey Wheeler as a Duelist and remembered what the card was and who used it from the picture.


“Got me.” I raised my hands in surrender as I shrugged. “But I don’t have many normal monsters to use that spell with, but I noticed that you do.” Jayden smiled while looking at my PDA. “You wanna check if we can get it before the card shop closes?” He asked me as he handed my PDA back. I smirked and nodded at his proposal. “Sure.” And with that, we were both off to the card shop before it closed. We made it to the counter as the counter girl was closing up. She noticed me and gave me a smile. “You sure have a habit of coming here just as I’m ready to close sweetie.” I scoffed at how true that was.


“Sorry, I’m here for a spell card for my friend actually.” She then looked over at Jayden and remembered him. “Oh! You’re that nice boy who helped Ms. Dorothy with that large van. She told me all about it.” She smiled while Jayden gave a laugh at forgetting about doing that. “Alright, one card if I have it. What are you boys looking for?” “Heart of the Underdog?” Jayden said with a questioning tone to ask if she even had it. She nodded a bit while remembering the card. She then had an epiphany, and went into the back. She came back out with the card.

“Not very popular these days. Most kids want the cards with cool effects.” She glanced at me and I shrugged at her with a scoff. Jayden laughed a bit while taking out his own PDA. “I’ll sell it to you for 2,000DP.” Jayden smiled and completed the transaction before taking the card from her. “Thanks!” “Thank you.” We both gave our thanks to her as she finished closing the shop. “Come back anytime!... During Business hours!” We all laughed at that as Jayden and I left. Jayden put the new spell in his deck. “Thanks for the idea man.” He said while punching my shoulder. 


“Don’t mention it. Just let me know if it works or not. I’ll reimburse you if the card doesn’t work with your deck.” Jayden laughed a bit. “Sure… But I have a feeling that it won’t be necessary.” He looked at his deck a bit with a surprisingly calm expression. Not long after, we made it to our dorm. “See ya tomorrow!” Jayden said as we were going to our rooms. “Goodnight man.” I nodded at him, and knocked on my door to make sure that my new roommate wasn’t changing or anything. I didn’t hear anything, so I opened the door. 


I looked around, and saw the new suitcases that he had brought in, but he was not here. I quickly looked around the room to see some hints of where he could have gone. I looked around the room, and checked the top bunk. He wasn’t there, but I did find something. It was a map of the island. “These exist? Where was mine? Ugh, think about it later.” I returned my attention to the map, and found a line that showed a path. It led from here, to the Obelisk dorm, and then back to the lighthouse on the docks. “Is he going to prank someone on his first day? But then why go to the lighthouse? Is he meeting someone for a duel?” That last one made the most sense as I decided to head out to see for myself.


“Why are you so interested?” I heard Dark Witch ask me with her sultry voice. She teased my neck, trying to get me to talk. I sighed as I got my Duel Disk, and other Duel Spirits to join me. “I’m curious. I wanna see who this guy hated enough to Duel on his first day.” I heard her chuckle sweetly as she disappeared again. I went outside and made my way to the docks. It wasn't too far so it didn’t take me long. When I made it there I saw that he was Dueling Zane. “What the…!”

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