Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 15. Bastion

The next day when classes started again I got an extra jacket that Banner had. He never even asked me where the other one went. ‘He really does seem nice… Too bad he’s evil.’ I thought to myself while walking to class. I made it to class and decided to take a seat much higher up and away from the teacher to sleep easier. ‘These lessons are just like those drills that some of the Yugioh games run where you have to beat someone in one move with the limited cards you have. I’m not saying it’s bad practice, it’s just droning after so long. And I never use the cards they talk about.’


I sighed from how annoying it was in class sometimes and went to the top and back of the seats in the auditorium. I took off my jacket to seem a little less conspicuous, and leaned far back in my chair to be harder to see from the platform. I used the jacket as a pillow and closed my eyes to hopefully sleep through class and wake up for something more exciting.


As I was waiting for class to start everyone else was taking their seats, and a few even took seats next to me. “Didn’t think I’d see you up here so fast…” A familiar voice said. I squinted one eye open to see Alexis, Jasmine, and Mindy all sitting beside me. “Ahh crap…” I said as I closed my eye. “What, you don’t want Mindy or I sitting in on your precious time together?” Jasmine said with a harsh tone, clearly still hating me. I sighed and pointed with my eyes still closed at where most of the Obelisk guys sat. “No, it’s because now, I’m sitting beside the hottest girls in this class.”


They all remained silent while I was trying not to feel all of the death glares coming from all the guys in the room. Class started soon enough and as it went on Alexis whispered to me to not bring attention to us. “You shouldn’t be sleeping in class.” I smirked a bit while my eyes were still closed. “Why do you think I took this seat in the first place? The teacher won't even notice my existence let alone call me out.” I yawned a bit before trying to doze off.

I woke up to someone shaking me. “Mmm… What is it?” I said, half asleep. “Class is over… I guess you were right.” I heard Alexis say in an almost amused tone. I chuckled a bit as I stretched myself awake. “Alright then… Off to gym I go.” I said while putting my jacket on. Alexis nodded before leaving and meeting Jasmine and Mindy by the exit. I made my way over to the field this school had for exercise and it turns out it was baseball day. ‘I know where this is going… I kinda feel bad for Chazz, but this’ll be good for him.’


I stayed out of the game, because there was no teacher actually watching. They took our attendance and then left. Not like I was complaining though. I just kept looking at my PDA for any new luck based cards to ask for. I was still low on DP to actually buy them, but I still wanted plans for the future. The day continued on just like in the show. Except that Jayden, Syrus, and Bastion wanted me to join in on painting Bastion’s room with them. I thought for a bit, but I didn’t want to get paint all over me. ‘But the food would be better…’ And with that last thought I agreed.


We made it to Bastion’s room, where all of his walls and ceilings were covered in formulas. I sighed while gawking at all of the thought he put into every card that he added. ‘That is a full time job…’ Bastion brought out the paint, and as soon as he did I took off my jacket. ‘I just lost one, no way am I gonna explain to Banner that I lost another one. I really don’t like hanging around that guy.’ We started painting and it wasn’t long until history repeated itself and it exploded into a paint war between all the guys. I tried to stay out of it, but after they saw I was the only one not covered in paint they formed an alliance to get me as well.


I tried to dodge out of the way as best I could, but even with my increased instincts, and physical ability I was no match for the three teaming up. I got painted right in the chest, ruining my black shirt. “Peace was never an option…” I said darkly. I then began to join in the fun of this paint fight. Just glad that the fumes weren't anything toxic. After we were done painting Bastion’s room and cleaned up we moved to the Ra’s commissary. The food was way better than the Slifer’s. We all started chowing down while Jayden was talking about how much better the food was. “Sorry guys, if they allow me to move up, I’m not sure I could turn this food down…” I said while finishing some of the lobster Bastion brought out.


“Don’t worry man! No hard feelings dude!” Jayden laughed a bit while finishing his food as well. I gave him a slight smirk. “But I’m sorry to Ra, there is no way I’d ever wear that mustard jacket. Red is my color.” I looked back down at my jacket and smiled. I always did like Slifer the most when it came to the Divine Beasts. ‘Too bad I’ll never even get to hold, or even see the real one…’ I sighed a bit before continuing eating.

Bastion wanted to continue hanging out with us at the Slifer dorm. So all of the guys went inside Jayden’s and Syrus’s dorm to sleep while I went in mine. After I raised the sheets I was greeted by Unhappy Maiden hiding under them. I smirked a bit while sighing. “I guess this is an every night thing huh?” She just nodded without saying anything. I let out another sigh while climbing into bed as well. We just sat opposite of each other for a bit while Unhappy Maiden was fidgeting with unease. I found her adorably cute and decided to give her a hug.


When I enveloped my arms around her let out a small squeak as I chuckled a bit. It felt really nice to hug someone like this. I had been the little spoons before, and now I wanted to envelop someone. I enjoyed the feeling of having something in my possession like this, and felt Unhappy Maiden slowly wrap her arms around me as well. I smiled as I drifted off like this.


I woke up the next morning to pounding on my door. “Rakki you gotta get up!! Someone threw Bastion’s deck at the docks!!” I fell out of my bed from the sudden noise. “Ow…” I groaned as I rubbed my arm. Unhappy Maiden fell on top of me when we fell together and was gripping onto me tightly. “Sorry to scare you like that… You ok?” She nodded while her head was buried in my chest. “Alright I’m coming!” I yelled out to the guys as I was petting Unhappy Maiden. I still couldn’t see her eyes from her orange bangs, but she was frowning a bit. I pet her some more as I got us both up.


“Sorry… I have to go now.” She nodded while still gripping onto my shirt. I looked back down at her to see what was wrong, only to have her kiss my cheek before disappearing. I smiled at her and got ready as fast as I could. I burst through my door and ran towards the docks where the guys were all at. Making it down there I saw all of Bastion’s cards floating in the water. I sighed as I looked at it. ‘There are no Duel Spirits in there right?’ “Correct… Thankfully.” I heard Copycat say, in my voice to me. I was thankful that no spirit had to be destroyed like this.


“Bastion, your promotion exam is in less than an hour!” Everyone stared at Bastion in fear of what he was gonna do without his cards. I chuckled a bit at everyone's reaction. They all looked at me in shock of laughing during this. “Oh c’mon guys… You really think Bastion doesn’t have at least one more deck stashed somewhere?” I looked at Bastion who gained a grin himself. Jayden and Syrus were wide eyed at me calling it right. “I knew it might have been foolish to try and bluff the gambler, but I had to see if I might be able to make a formula for your style of dueling Rakki.” 

I scoffed at him as he opened his jacket to reveal his numerous decks he had hidden. “Woah!! You have all of those!?” Jayden was yelling in surprise at all of the different decks Bastion had, while Syrus was still silent from shock. “Indeed… I have many decks, each as powerful as the next!” Jayden and Syrus were both clapping at the coolness of that line while I scoffed again. “Well, I only have the one deck that you could counter really easily if you wanted with the right cards. I’m not sure you need as much formula to beat me as much as Jayden.”


Bastion smiled as he placed his new deck inside his duel disk. “On the contrary Rakki. I find your luck in direct contradiction to the statistics and formulas that I have tinkered with surrounding you. Give me enough time and I’ll be able to crack both you and Jayden though.” I smirked at him and hit his shoulder. “Focus on your match today first.” Bastion chuckled while we all made our way over to the school.


It was early so nobody else was in the halls. The entire school seemed barren. We all made it to the testing platform with Chazz and Crowler waiting for us. “Oh great he brought his friends.” Chazz said with a teasing tone. ‘Nevermind… I hope he gets taken down a peg now.’ “You’re the one that threw Bastion’s deck in the water!” Jayden yelled as he pointed at Chazz. “What?” Crowler did seem really confused at what Jayden was talking about. ‘Good, I guess only one scandal is enough for him.’ “Why don’t you show me some proof to back up that claim.” Chazz said with a grin.


“I saw you!” We all looked back to see Alexis and Zane walking into the room. “I saw you dump his cards at the dock!” Alexis yelled while everyone was still in shock of this new proof. “Normally I wouldn’t snitch, but you don’t mess with a person’s deck.” We all nodded while Chazz made a terrible excuse. “All you saw was me dumping some cards! You don’t have proof that those were Bastions!” “Hah!!” I laughed without thinking at that terrible excuse. “You got something you wanna say Slifer!” Chazz then took his anger on me to try and hide the fact of him getting caught.


I scoffed at him and shook my head while covering my grin. “I don’t have anything to say to that, no.” I chuckled more while looking at Alexis who was also fighting back a smile.

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