Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 14. Signing the NDA

Making it back to my dorm I saw Jayden and Syrus walking around, and seemingly looking for something. “What’s up!?” I called out to them to ask what they were doing. They both perked up when they heard me and came over while I was still walking to my room. “Hey dude! Where did you go? We couldn’t find you in the morning for breakfast?” I chuckled a bit at what I was actually doing at that time, but I couldn’t tell them where I was for the future NDA. ‘Well… I haven't signed it yet.’


I gained a small smirk while thinking of telling somebody before I legally couldn’t anymore. “I broke a school rule and just got out of trial.” They both froze in confusion at what I just said. I chuckled a bit before explaining more. “I got caught inside some abandoned dorm, and they had a ruling over what to do with me about it.” Syrus was extra worried at that last part and almost begged me to go on. “What did they say!?” I chuckled a bit and shrugged. “They’re gonna give me a paper saying I can’t tell people and let it go. But I’m dead beat. They barely let me get any rest.” 


Hearing this caused the tension to die down. I swear I saw Jayden looking like he would duel the principal to get it revoked. I smirked and patted them both on the back a bit while making my way up to the room. I think school was closed for the day for the security to do a sweep to make sure that Titan wasn’t still around. That gave me the whole day to relax. “I’m going to sleep. I hardly got any because of what happened.” I said with a yawn, and left my two friends to head off to my room.


I made it inside, took off my gear, and was about to take off my jacket before realizing that Alexis still had it. ‘I didn’t see her with it when we met each other earlier…’ I wondered a bit where it was, but I could always get a new jacket. I didn’t bring any of the extra duel spirits on that adventure, so they were all ok. I fell back on my bed with my eyes closed and noticed there was something wrong. I opened my eyes to realize that I jumped on top of Dark Witch who was laying on my bed before me.


I was about to get off of her but she held me in place with her arms, and enveloping the both of us with her large wings. She began to pet my hair as I quickly fell into her spell, and drifted off in her embrace. I awoke in mid-day by the sun shining through my window. I buried myself further into my pillow to avoid the light, and as I did I heard a girl lightly moaning. I then remembered that I was still resting on top of Dark Witch so the pillow I was trying to bury myself into was actually her chest.


I was about to shoot myself up away from her, but realized that she was still holding me in her embrace. I looked at her to see her defenseless and content sleeping face. I stared at her expression for a bit before sighing and laying back down, welcoming her embrace. I looked away from the window and let my head rest on her chest again. This was comfortable, I had to admit. The wings wrapped around me to give me a sense of warmth, her arms wrapped around me would comfort me, and laying on her chest was the most comfortable pillow ever.


I let out a content smile as I just let myself enjoy my time like this. Unlucky for me, the time didn’t last that long. As I was almost fading back off into sleep in the arms of Dark Witch, someone began banging on my door. I was startled awake, and Dark Witch seemed to be saddened. “Sorry we didn’t spend more time together like this… But it was cute with you staring at my face before deciding to lay back down.” My face blushed, and I frowned with the new information of Dark Witch actually being awake for that.


She giggled and gave a kiss on the cheek before disappearing. As soon as she was done with that. The banging continued. “Yea! Yea! I’m coming!” I sighed from annoyance and got out of my bed. I went over to the door to see Alexis and the police woman standing outside. I was a bit confused before they let themselves inside. “No, please come in, it would be my pleasure… Are you sure I can’t convince you otherwise? Oh great.” I said in a sarcastic tone, mostly to the police woman, I didn’t mind having Alexis in my room. “Ugh… This place… No wonder you slept in the medical wing.” 


I squinted at the police woman as Alexis just looked around my place. I noticed my jacket she was holding now. The police woman made sure to touch as little as possible and went over to my desk where she put some papers down. “I am here to make sure that both of you understand and sign this.” I sighed from having to wake up for this and made my way over to the documents. I took my papers and glanced it over. I didn’t see any glaring flaws in the wording that would get me kicked out of school or have me arrested for admitting something.

I nodded and signed everything needed. I then looked at the police woman who was looking around my room uncomfortably. Alexis was right beside me checking the writing of everything as well. When I looked at her she actually adjusted her hair behind her ear. I frowned and looked away with a slight blush. The police woman started grinning at me so I dropped the stack of papers on purpose. “Oops… You mind picking those up, princess?” Her grin was replaced by a scowl as I walked back over to my bed.


I laid down in my bed and got comfortable. “Least you could do, for waking me for this.” I said under my breath. The police woman scowled more, but picked them up off the floor anyway. “Hah… Made you touch my floor.” I said in a joking manner. The police woman groaned while looking at the dingy floor. It was then that Alexis was done with signing her papers as well. “I’m done.” “Good! Now I can get out of here! And I’ll find something to nail you to the wall later!!” I scoffed at her as she was leaving. “Nailing me to the wall huh? Maybe that whip comment really was close to the mark.”


The police woman groaned and scowled at me with her blushing face. She left without another word and slammed the door as she left. I looked over at Alexis to see she was looking away from me a bit while trying to hide her slight giggling. I gave a slight chuckle as well and laid back down on my bed. I let out a sigh when I fell down. “You should probably go too. You don’t want people to know you’ve stepped foot in these dorms. I’m pretty sure that Kaiba has put more money in his own personal bathroom than on this entire building.”


Alexis chuckled a bit while looking around some more. Her gaze then settled on me, and stayed there. I looked back at her and we were locked just staring at each other. This continued for a while. I could see the gears turning in Alexis’s head. She was thinking hard about something, so I just waited for her to come up with an answer. “What exactly happened inside?” She finally asked me what was plaguing her. “Less than a 1 minute, and you already want me to break my NDA huh?” I gave a slight chuckle while Alexis also giggled a bit before I stared at the ceiling while thinking of how to describe it.


I sighed before talking. “I walked around the forest trying to clear my head, and found that creepy dorm. I stared at it for a bit, and then I heard you scream and came to help you.” I stopped talking, hoping that would be enough to satisfy her curiosity. “What about after your duel?” It wasn’t… I sighed again while thinking of how to answer her. “I put you on my back and ran you to the school for help. Then you were holding onto me so tightly, I couldn’t get you off so I slept with you still hanging on.” I looked back to Alexis to see her blushing furiously while looking at the floor. I smiled and chuckled a bit at her.

“Don’t worry, I won’t take it personally. I know you just needed something to lean on from that frankly traumatizing experience. I’m actually surprised you are doing so well right now.” Alexis was giving me a slightly confusing look. She seemed to be a bit unhappy along with some other emotions I couldn’t quite place. “What’s wrong?” I said in a confused tone. This seemed to wake her out of those thoughts flooding her mind. She jumped a bit and shook her head while walking out of my room. “Nothing… Thank you for helping me…” She ran out my door quickly and I was alone in my room again.


“She forgot to give me back my jacket…”

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