Chapter 673: Work something out [2/2]
They instead made the situation as perfect for Leo and Nyda as possible. To ensure none of their power would be wasted, the Jas and Liv practically corralled the enemies together. The push their construct did grouped the enemy vanguard and middle guard together.
Lilly on the other hand not only helped in gathering the enemy, but she doused everything in water. Water was not natural conductor but it made electricity better. That simply meant being electrocuted with or without water made a huge difference. Naturally the former was worse.
When people get wet, the water on their skin or clothing conducted electricity more effectively than dry skin. In the same vein wet skin allows electric current to flow more easily through one's body, which increases the intensity of the shock you experience.
If that was not enough, dry skin provided more resistance to electrical current than wet skin due to insulation. Thus getting doused in water effectively removes whatever insulation a person's body might have had.
With lower resistance, the electrical current could travel more freely through your body. This naturally fucked you up more which led to more severe injuries. I didn't know how dry the skin of Ghouls, Zombies and Vampires were, but I never heard of them wearing a lot of rubber.
If you had a large group of bodies in the same zone with lowered insulation and increased electric conductivity, what would occur if you suddenly created a lightning storm? The answer was of course a barbeque of near mythical proportions.
And that was before you brought up the fact that Leo was Nyda's {Kindred}. While getting access to a second set of {fates} was good. The main benefit of {Kindred} was multiplying the people who could use your {fate}.
If Nyda could turn into a lightning elemental and summon a fuck ton of lightning. Her {Kindred} could too. And what I saw when the lights finally faded did not disappoint.
I had all my avatars stop firing. The sizzling sounds of electricity still continued around the inhuman number of corpses in front of me. The ones still left behind were the zombies that died to Lilly's [Electrocution]. As her attack was based on physics its effect was quite dull by comparison.
Instead of the massive army in front of us, what remained was but a shadow of what once was. The grounds was as black as charcoal from being scorched beyond comprehension. The air smelled of burnt corpses and a foul order that would make one hurl.
Like a lie, the water that flooded the area disappeared. Whether it be Ghouls, Zombies or Vampires, there was nothing that could still move. Even the corpses that remained were so charred they crumbled to ash from the wind.
But perhaps the biggest change was absolute silence. In front of such power, most would hardly have the courage to continue to fight. Not when so many of your allies suddenly died. I mean who would risk going forward. If such power could be used again, fighting was futile.
I didn't know if my girls intended to demonstrate such an overwhelming show of force, but it was fucking effective. Even as the smoldering ruin of the aftermath began to cool, no from among our enemies could move.
Too bad our side didn't have the same inclination.
"{FLASH}! Eliminating targets."
Along with a bright flare in the sky, Jas' stone cold declaration resumed the battle. Her M107 began to spew golden flashes of light like a dragon. In the span of three seconds, six .50 BMG Sacreds flew across the sky.
And in their wake only golden dust remained. Naturally each one of those rounds just took out a Rank C monster. But she wasn't the only one who had a hard on for Vampires.
The two lightning elemental by our side used my {Fate} to restore their fatigue. But what they did next surprised me.
Probably using their {Kindred} link to discuss quietly, the Adventurer couple demonstrated their combat sense in the truest sense of the word. Both Leo and Nyda were suddenly covered in black armor.
Leo pulled out his Greatsword while Nyda formed an extremely long katana from lightning. Souls suddenly poured into both blades which turned them silver. In the same moment the Adventurers raced forward. In the same moment my Valkyrie similarly sprang to action.
"[Asura]! [Valkyrie]! [Inventory] 1887, M32! Exa! Prepare for [War Cry]! {BLINK}!"
[Understood, Lady Liv. [War Cry] is primed and ready.]
Liv suddenly grew to 12 feet and manifested four extra arms on her shoulders. Armor and weapons made from {Shelter} wrapped her body. Her guns followed and appeared on the extra arms on her shoulders.
In a single moment, a dominating figure appeared in front of remaining enemies with a mighty roar!
As I couldn't leave her behind, all my avatars except Saturday our sniper, similarly ran forward. Burger revved his engine at full powered and began sniping Ghouls as he advanced. Fries remained in placed but began it's devastating salvo of launching 50 Switchblades into the air.
'Exa, how many are still remaining?'
[My lord, only 15 Rank C Vampires remain. Over 75% of the enemy force was annihilated with our last attack. However the Rank C Stone Borne have joined the battle.]
'So? What's so great about them?'
[The Stone Borne as essentially Earth mages. They can manipulate the battlefield to their liking. They also have extremely hard bodies that make them near indestructible. Their only weakness is that they are stupid.]
'Let me guess, the vampires brainwashed them and turned them into siege weapons?'
[Yes. The ten vampires are working as controllers for the Stone Borne. They serve as the Vampire artillery unit.]
"Artillery unit?"
Sound of something massive falling through the air echoed. I looked up and saw a huge rock coming towards me. But before it could even come near. A {Portal} suddenly opened in the sky and swallowed it.
"Oh my. That was quite a steal. Dearest. You really bring me good luck."
Lilly's melodies voice rang out before a rock suddenly was shot out of one of her {Portals}.
Your next read is at My Virtual Library Empire
Screams of distant voices explained what exactly my American princess had done. I commanded Saturday and removed my eye from my scope. Behind me Lilly was smiling triumphantly. Jas was beside her pouting.
I could only smile wryly as I knew their faces were the result of some sort of competition. Wanting to end the fight, I was able to resume hunting when the ground began to shake. They slowly got louder until I heard roars coming from behind our position.
As if they floor gate was a clown car, Juno and her army began to pour out like a flood. Knowing that the battle was effectively won, I picked up my anti-material and welcomed our allies.
"Juno what took you so long?"
One of the Lizardkin Dragons stopped in front of me and began to sharpen its scythes.
{Limitless, you and your group are insane. How could you try fighting a Tunneling Worm? Those beasts are impossible to stop!}
"I know, we almost died to it."
{And yet your blood lust seems even sharper than before. No matter, our eggs are on this floor. We can replenish our numbers with the black smoke. I sense some nearby.}
"Cool, we also got some stuff to do around here. Maybe we can work together on some of them."
{Actually, I wish to request for your aid in that Limitless. Seeing the ferocity of your warriors can you assassinate the vampires for us? My brood and I will scour this entire floor. You have difficulty in that due to your small numbers, correct?}
'Well would you look at that. She even knows to negotiate with her strengths. And knows it is in her best interest to have us kill the Vampires with Sacreds.'
"Interesting. I am sure we can work something out. I also need something from you. Can you help?"
{If it is something I can do, I do not mind.}
"That's my girl. Alright let's do this," I cheered in glee.