Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 672: Work something out [1/2]

Video games were popular because they allowed people to live out different lives. Even if they had the most generic unfulfilled realities, video games provided an escape. In the digital world, they were no longer bound by anything. Only the limits of imagination.

They could be tyrants or kings. Heroes or Demons. It was the ultimate freedom. In such worlds most men dreamt of being the strongest being in existence. Who wouldn't? But most could only get this experience playing single player.

Why? Because while most play video games to pass time or escape, there were those the live in them. And these motherfuckers were the ones you never wanted as an enemy. They used skills and meticulous planning most never even heard of.

However, it was awesome to watch these PRO's match again each other. Even more so when it was in large brawls. This was probably the reason why MOBAs became the defining E-sport aside from shooters.

Multiplayer online battle arena was basically games where you had a team of players that try to kill their way into each other's houses. You start being weaker than the mobs your base produces. But eventually you grow and kill your way to getting stronger.

I had noticed it earlier. The Reaper landscape was basically a MOBA. Except rather than having a team of five. There was no concept of teams. You fought with as many players that you could muster.

Even in MOBA's the strength of one player was limited. You needed time to grow. But when you did get to that point, a single second or a brilliant play was all it took to snatch victory. There was no greater example than what my party did right here.

Against an overwhelming number our tactics were limited. There were three things we needed to take care of. One was to not get surrounded. Two was to ensure we did not hit each other by mistake. And three was to kill as many as we could while preserving our ability to fight.

The standard approach would have been forming a defensive line and shoot all the enemies. That was fine, but against thousands unless we had firepower comparable to the 777s it was difficult. We would have been overrun no matter what we did.

This was what happened to me during my first week. Despite having superior fire power against a single Rank-F, I almost died to them numerous times. It took a lot of planning and equipment to be able to fight outnumbered.

But my girls created a meticulous plan. One that completed a bunch of objectives I didn't know we had.

First George's party was overwhelmed by Ghouls and Vampires. Bison was on the ground out of commission and was being eaten alive. I wasn't even sure if he was alive. If we launched any large-scale attacks these bastards would have died as well.

So, what does my party do? Lilly uses pressure and water to hose all the bastards away. With her ability to control pressure via her subspace, Lilly increased the PSI of her water jets so that they were strong enough to either cut or thrash the ghouls.

While the spots around the Defenders were sliced. The rest of the battlefield was only doused with water strong enough to distract them. Naturally Vampires could resist, but that wasn't the goal.

With George's party separated from the enemy, Pixie and D carried them out within seconds. Bison was left in place as he was too big. The loud and chaotic waterjets kept everyone's attention hiding the rescue in complete obscurity. Stay connected via My Virtual Library Empire

The next phase was the combined attack by Liv and Jas. A massive {Shelter} construct that was over two miles wide and half a mile tall. Like a bowling ball the construct slammed with frightening power. Everything that did get turn into past was sent flying.

And as it was extremely well made, even the paste and the water on the floor flew along with the bodies. It was angled in a way to miss Bison. Water jets hosed the ones still lingering around Bison towards the flying wall.

Most people would stop there. But my party not for my party. Even though we already pushed our enemies back, the most devastating blow had yet to be fired. Our ultimate if you will, was still in reserve. Just like MOBA's our team had normal skills and then our ultimate moves.

The biggest problems with large flashy ultimate moves were range and cost. These techniques could turn the tides of battle but could not be used haphazardly.

Cost was simple. Because of the sheer power of such a strike it was neigh impossible to keep using it all the time. In MOBA's if you used an ultimate move on mooks you were an idiot. Most of the time such game changing tactics must be held in reserve for when you really needed it.

Range was the second biggest problem. Similar to cost, to maximize your use of an ultimate it was necessary to get as much bang for your buck as you could. Rather than use it to kill one powerful opponent, it was preferable to hit more if possible.

Funnily enough, my girls were Formless. Similar to me, we did not have ultimate moves. Our skills were so all over the place we didn't have anything we could use to suddenly kill the enemy. We got around these by using soulgears and Sacreds.

But it was different for the Manifested. The Manifested had skills that brought a single concept to its absolute extreme. Leo and Nyda's {fates} followed this concept. I knew as much when I saw her details with [Analyze].


Name: Nyda Flowers

Race: Reaper | Rank: Phantom | Origin: Human | Battlefront: NA

Soul Capacity: {Fate} 4/4 | {Kismet} 1/1

Available Souls: 1,315,748 | To evolve: 750,000


1. {Heart of Thunder} Lvl 6 | Cost: 2 | Owner: Self | Sub: {Thunder bolt}, {Thunder Cage, {Thunderstorm}, {Thunder Form}, {Dawn of Lightning}

2. {Man of Steel} Lvl 6| Cost 2 | Owner: Leo | Sub: {Borrowed Strength}, {Durable}, {Blade Tornado}, {Siege}, {Knights Valor}

{Kindred}: Leo Armstrong

{Kismet}: {Man of Thunder}

Soulgear: {Battery}


Leo was built like a tank. This was why he was extremely lacking in offensive power. His only offensive skill was {Blade Tornado} which was literally what it sounds like.

When it came to defense though, all his {fates} were excellent. Most of them ensured he would not be overpowered. This was what Exa and I understood from watching how he fought. [Combat Shadow Silhouette] reinforced what we assumed.

{Borrowed Strength}, {Durable}, {Siege} seemed to buff his strength, defense and weight, respectively. {Knights Valor} made his regular steel sword indestructible. Otherwise, there was no explanation why his supposed normal steel greatsword hadn't broken from abuse.

His primary {fate} {Man of Steel} manifested itself as his armor. I noticed it as his armor regenerates by itself, a trait common to Soul weaponry.

Nyda was the opposite. Her {fates} were all about lightning based attacks. She reminded me a certain yellow mouse. {Thunder bolt}, {Thunder Cage} and {Thunderstorm} were variations of the same principle. Which was to blow shit up with lightning.

The only unique {fate} I noticed was {Thunder Form}. I saw Nyda turn into a lighting elemental on occasion. As someone well versed in RPGs, I would guess that it probably increased lightning damage in exchange for being vulnerable to elemental attacks.

Finally {Dawn of Lightning} was her ultimate attack that was able to fry two vampires. The so-called Primordial lightning. I didn't know why the lightning needed to be primordial before it could kill vampires for good, but I didn't really care.

While {Dawn of Lightning} was powerful its range was absolute shit. The area Nyda torched when she fought the vampires was less than 100 feet in diameter. It was good for single target. But in a large-scale war, not so much.

But my girls understood its power. And so without meaning to, Lilly, Jas and Liv decided to give the final blow to them. Rather than try to be the ones to grandstand they gave the best part to the Manifested.

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