Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 669: HAUL ASS! [2/2]

'Exa, what the fuck is that?'

[It is a Rank-A Tunneling worm my lord. It travels along the Hellsgate corridor and devours those moving between floors. Its existence is what prompted the NA Battlefront to create the Warp matrix.]

'That is all well and good, but my main concern is if we can we kill it?'

[It would be highly unlikely. Its body is too tough. Among the Rank-A. It is among those considered close to S rank. And all professions except the Death Seekers regularly lose reapers to it.]

'Well fuck…'

During my short discussion with Exa, my entire party pumped the approaching wall of teeth with lead. Yet the rounds didn't make much of a dent on it. Even 40mm grenades and 95mm HEAT warheads hardly did any damage. Neither lead nor Sacreds did nothing in the face of the powerful monster.

Seeing it's unstoppable approach I felt my body tense up and my heartbeat loudly. My girl's links also began to drown in confusion, fear and anxiety. If we could not kill this thing, we would die here.

My ears suddenly picked up the sound of a stampede in front of us. Looking down I saw the Lizardkin Dragons along with thousands of Rank D lizardkin. Feeling I had to do something, I roared to Juno.


{We are running at full speed Limitless! Why did it come out? It normally ignores us!}

"How do fuck should I know?! HAUL ASS!"

Despite having an extremely large head start, the worm closed in at an insane pace! From being a few stories above us, it was already within half a mile of our location. That might have sounded a lot, but in our situation if might as well just within a stone throw away.


[We will reach the next floor in five minutes. The worm will reach us in three. I will reach the Lizardkin in the next sixty seconds.]


Lilly and Liv both kneeled to the ground the invoked {fates}.

"{Hike}!" x2

Their actions increased our speed even more. Despite having {Hike}, my ears began to hear the sound of wind whistling. My hair and clothes also began to wave like lunatics as our descent caused the air currents to violently pass through them.

Following my girls, the adventurers also invoked their {Fate}.

"{SIEGE}" x2

The new fate seemed to function like {Crush} as we went even faster.

"My lord! What do we do!" Nyda shrieked in a loud voice!

FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! A wall enemy that will crush you in a set number of turns. It was a staple in RPG games. But in most of the games we played I just went Apeshit on it till it died.

[{Portal}! Switchblades inbound!]

Exa then opened a wide {Portal} and out it came Switchblades by the dozens. They all collided with the Rank A beast. But its massive size practically made them into eggs smashing on a wall.


I then smelled something pungent, it was a disgusting odor. I noticed Lilly open an extremely large portal and release a crap ton of water like a geyser. The water which began to douse the worm on the face so much so that it began to shake its head in annoyance.

Lilly then raised her right hand as she roared in loud voice.


A powerful electric current then began to flow through the water. Electricity was normally invisible and silent. But if you had a large enough charge, it created beautiful arcs of light that would be enough to kill people in seconds.

Leo and Nyda who noticed Lilly's plan, similarly they tried to assist.

"{Thunderstorm}!" x2

Along with the water, blue lighting snaked around the currents as they smashed into the face of the Tunneling Worm. Loud violent crashes echoed in the confined space creating savage booms that threatened to turn us all deaf.

"LIV! HURRY!" at Jas' shout, Liv replied energetically. "I KNOW! HERE GOES!"

"{SHELTER!}" x 2

Two interlocking plates of gigantic {Shelter} walls combined to create a plug. There was a small gap where Lilly's water still entered. Within seconds, my two girls created a makeshift wall. Unfortunately, it shattered in seconds.


My Northerner and African lovers vomited blood as their faces began to show violent lines. It seems they had already overdrafted to try and stop the incoming Rank A.

Despite all the things the Sirens did, the Tunneling Worm was relentless. It was now close enough that we could see its teeth. Despite the air flowing upward, I could feel the hot breath of the gigantic mouth threatening to swallow us whole.

I then noticed that we were quickly coming up towards the Lizardkin army. They were along the wall. While the smaller lizards should be okay, the Juno and the other champion ranks would be chomped helplessly.

'My love, I will pull it away,' Liv sent to my link as she stood up.

'Huh? What do you mean Liv?'

'I will invoke [Titan] and force the Rank-A to turn to the right. Juno and her sisters should be safe then.'

"What the fuck are you talking about? To hell with them all! Liv, I cannot lose you!"

Just then Lilly and Jas began giggling like schoolgirls.

"Fufu, always the melodramatic Dearest. We have {Rewind}. You worry too much."

"Haha. Husband does lose his common sense when we are in danger. I find it adorable."

The Valkyrie of Ivaldi strutted to me and gave me a passionate kiss.

"As always Beloved, your affection for me gives me butterflies. You worry too much. {Save}."

[My lord, my ladies. We are coming up towards our exit. Please be ready to jump.]

"No need. I will {Blink} first and jump to the exit. Jas and I will link up and create a doorway. We will place it on the floor so just jump into it. Dearest. Set your {Rewind} on me.

When our group has safely arrived on the 31st floor. {Rewind} to my position."

"But what about Liv? I won't go without her!" I shouted.

Jas then sighed as she slapped my arm.

"Look at you, Husband! Please stop being foolish. Liv's {Save} point is on your body. So long as you are safe, she can {Rewind} to your position. But in order for her to do so, you must be out of danger as well."

Hearing the Ebony death stalker's explanation I finally understood what Liv intended to do. It was basically a {Rewind} rally. Or a moving our {Save} points beyond what we can see by using each other.

I didn't get what they were trying to do, but when I finally understood, I quickly embraced Jas and passionately licked her mouth.

'Wifey! You are a genius! AMAZING! I LOVE YOU!'

Although surprised at my actions, Jas didn't resist and returned my passion. Only for Leo to suddenly shout in a booming voice.



"D!!!! WAHHHHH!!!!"

The monster's teeth were now feet away from us. We were also just seconds way from reaching Juno and her army. But I wasn't worried. After all I had the Valkyrie of Ivaldi on my side.

"[OVERDRIVE] [SNIPER]! {TITAN}! [Valkyrie]!"

[[Wizard] setting shifting to [Sniper].]

[[Assassin] setting shifting to [Sniper]. [Sniper] levels up to [Sniper Elite].]

[[Knight] setting shifting to [Sniper]. [Sniper Elite] levels up to [One Round Marksman].]

Liv's body shone like a star and grew! Within seconds she transformed into a 50-foot tall giant and grabbed the face of the Rank A and yanked it away from Juno and her sisters.

My beloved forcefully smashed the face of the Rank A towards a nearby wall. Thanks to the size difference, she looked like a child wrestling a full-grown bear.

Within the same movement, as her body grew Liv's feet pushed against my {Shelter} construct. She then sent us hurtling even faster with a powerful stomp.

[My lord and ladies! We have missed the 31st floor exit!]

"Jas, you know what to do! I'll be going first! {Blink}!"

Lilly disappeared and Jas then opened a small {Portal} on my {Shelter} construct.

"Everyone! Jump in now!" she shouted.

Jas leapt into the {Portal} last. When Liv and I were the only ones left, I dissolved the {Shelter} taking away the footing we used to keep upright.



My Northerner created a third arm and sent all her {Counter} energy into it, she then slammed it into the face of the Rank A. Knowing Liv's safety depended on me, I invoked my {fate} to return to Lilly.


Dissolving into light I next found myself standing in front of a doorway with my party. A second later Liv appeared and landed beside me. All while a painful scream echoed along the tunnels like a funeral dirge.

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