Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 668: HAUL ASS! [1/2]

"That is one really big hole! D? How deep do you think does this goes?"

"I don't know. But Pix, stay in the flying carpet. You might fall off!" Her partner said as he crawled on all fours.

"Eh? But it's perfectly safe, my lord is driving after all! Wait. D… Why do you look so pale?"

"Pix! Stop moving! The carpet is shaking! We might fall!"

"D! Are you afraid of heights? HAHAHA! Heights? Really?"

"It is not funny! This be no joke!"

"Haha sorry, D. Don't you worry I will protect you!" Pixie said while trying to keep a straight face.


"Unbelievable. Even the manner we are descending to the next floor is insane! We are flying instead of crawling. Even Rank S parties do not have it this easy! Won't we get there in under an hour at this pace? We packed enough supplies for a week!" Nyda complained as she rested.

"Indeed. And rather than worry about the random monsters we have the Lizardkin bulldozing them. It seems trying to adhere to common sense when you are with Limitless is pointless."

"Right? And how the hell can we even understand the monsters? If Administration or HQ learns that we can talk to them, wouldn't it completely change the status quo? And my lord isn't even trying to hide it!"

"Hmm. I do not think most would even care about it at this point. Once the report we sent gets to the Adventurers HQ, I doubt anyone would be able to pay attention to anything else."



"Wow! I must say I am impressed with your {Flash} Jas. How did you change its attributes while still being able to use the original keyword?"

"It's straightforward. You restrict the luminescence. I got the idea from Husband's {Restore}. {Flash} no longer blind targets at the cost of not being able to reach as far. It can be used as a flare in this manner. But what are you writing, Lilly?"

"Oh? You mean this? I was coding a new {Program} I plan to create. It will be called 'Autohunt'. In a nutshell it is basically an automated zombie hunting protocol. Any zombie around my vicinity gets a bullet to the head, but there are still issues I need to work on."

"Tsk. Don't you have too many {Programs} already? Your skill set is already completely broken, now you want to hunt without moving? Thats just cheating!" Jas remarked in a pout.

"Me? Cheating? Have you seen the stuff Dearest pulls? This is like a parlor trick compared to {Restore}. Besides [Guardian Angel] is just as broken! You are a pot calling the kettle black!"


"Beloved, are you sure you are not pushing yourself? I can share stamina if you lack some. Moving this flying construct at this speed, must be burdensome."

"I am fine Liv, please protect me while I practice"

"Of course, love. Be at ease. I will wake you should the need arise."

Seated on Liv's lap, I focused on slowly guiding the {Shelter} disk downwards. [Archmage] reduced my soul consumption and made it easier to manipulate {Fates} as I wanted.

While I said slow, we were actually falling at an alarming pace. Funnily enough despite reaching terminal velocity, we still couldn't catch up to Juno and her sisters. Who were running at an even more insane pace.

The tunnel we were in was about 5 miles wide, according to {Imaging}-Holographic. My party and I were on a platform less than 200 ft wide. It wasn't cramped but there was not even any space to summon my UGVs on.

Right now, I was using a combination of {Stock}, {Withdraw}, {Ascend}, and {Hike} to control our ride. While it was not tiring, it needed a lot of brain power. Apart from [Commander], [Knight Lord] and [Primalist], I needed experience on the other new classes.

[Shadowblade], [One round marksman] along with [Archmage], were the [Overdrive] versions for [Assassin], [Sniper] and [Wizard] respectively. Funnily enough, I still yet to understand the nuances of my job classes especially when used in combinations.

[Combat Shadow Silhouette], gave me a lot of inspiration after seeing how my girls handled the soul in their bodies. And while I cannot drive my body as good as Exa, I need get better at hand-to-hand combat before I face off with Gaspar and the duke.

Although I try to focus, being so close to Liv made it difficult. She had me secured with her left arm while her right wandered around my body. Her hand movements reminded me of Aki.

Were the girls' all getting tips in seduction from my land lady? Just as I was about to ask, I felt Liv's breath on my neck. A second later she began nibbling on my ear.

'Seeing you trying so hard to focus is so adorable beloved. It makes me want to tease you…'

The moment Liv's lecherous thoughts entered my brain, I felt my attention waver. The {Shelter} construct we were riding on suddenly tilted to the left. A full second passed before I was able to correct the tilting of the platform.


"D! Calm down! It righted itself back up! Relax. Look at me and breathe…"

While my {Vassals} were panicking, the adventurers were looking at me with contempt.

"Sigh, if only the lord wasn't a complete lecher he would be perfect. I am about to die because the man I serve it getting teased by one of his girlfriends. Don't you think so Leo?"

"Haha, I think this is better, cupcake. People would relate more to a realistic womanizing scum that some perfect hero, right? My lord's quirks make him approachable. Basically, he thinks with his lower half."

"Sigh, I guess this is for the best. At least he hasn't tried looking at me with eyes of desire, so he knows some shame at least?"

"Indeed, plus if he does the Sirens would probably beat the living shit out of him. They balance well."

Whatever dignity I might have gotten was reduced to being a heroic pervert. Kind of an unfair assessment but better than being seen as some kind of deity. Liv who got a kick out of my reactions continued to lick my earlobes hoping to see me break my concentration.

My eyes then saw two pairs of beautiful legs before me. When I looked up, Jas and Lilly both had folded arms and had complicated faces.

"Liv, since when have you began to take joy in making Husband falter? That is my domain! Stop at once."

"Jas, that's what you have a problem with? Ugh. You people are insane. Liv, get off Dearest. Delroy over there is going to die of a heart attack if you keep this up. Do something useful and stop bothering him."

Just then a loud streak came from up above. Then an ear-piercing sound of chattering filled the air. It was similar to the sound of thousands of teeth chewing, but only the teeth were the size of doors or something.

"Husband, fall down faster. We have a worm or some manner of creature," Jas warned as she raised her rifle upward. She took aim at one of the spots along the wall.

There were still a couple makeshift flares Jas made from {Flash} that still lingered. Giving us some visibility from up above. Heading my Wifey's words, I disabled {Ascend} on the platform which sent us into free fall.

The speed at which our velocity increased took the others by surprise. Aside from the Sirens and I, the others began floating a couple of feet off the platform.

"NA MAN! I CAN'T DO THIS! I CAN'T DO THIS!" "D! Focus on my voice! We are okay! Relax!" "Leo was that what I think it was?" "Yep.

That was definitely the sound of Rank A Tunneling Worm."


Just like gravity boots in science fiction, my party and I suddenly felt our bodies pressed against my {Shelter} construct. D in particular began to kiss our ride as his feet returned to solid ground. The girls probably were the ones who saved us.

Before anyone of us could ask Leo and Nyda for specifics, a loud crash violently resounded. I gazed up with {Perceive} and saw a tower of flesh burst the walls of the tunnel. It looked like a gigantic maggot that thrashed along the vast chasm.

With its long body it began to travel downward increasing in speed. Its head was comprised of a bulb that had jaws. It didn't have eyes or ears or a nose. Instead of a neck this monstrosity had appendages that looked like flower petals all of which were covered in teeth.

A resounding growl echoed along the walls as we fell. The petals opened practically sealing the tunnel with its umbrella-like head. This thing was fucking massive.

"HELLSEND! OPEN FIRE!" Lilly commanded.

"[Shared Armory] Denel FT5! Husband, let me borrow this. [PENETRATOR]!"

When my party heard Lily's instructions, they took out their guns and began unloading everything they had skyward.

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