Chapter 651: Why I hate smart people [2/2]
'Ugh…my brain hurts. This is why I hate smart people.'
In just a few sentences, Blanche showed me proof of her ability and affiliation. This was probably done so that I take head of her next words.
South America was going to attack in three days. Your forces will be able to repel them successfully. Robyn, Jo, Aki and Bella would grow from the experience.
Few knew that I associated the Sirens with the Seven Sins. Only those who knew about their Benevols would know it. Wrath, Envy, Gluttony and Sloth was the perfect analogy for the girls of the Anvil team. Being the ones defending against South America, it is a given that they would grow. The alternative was to die after all.
'Hearing that the girls will be safe even after the attack is great…really good,' I inwardly sighed.
Relief flooded my system as I took solace in the Astrologers predictions. I trusted my {Kindred} more than her words, but it doesn't hurt to hear that my girls would be alright. If she wasn't able to make me believe in the authenticity of her abilities, I probably would immediately home to defend my harem.
Her next words were just as straight forward.
She foresaw where I was going. I was on the right path. The answer lied in my blood.
So, it was the correct action to head for Evelyn and in turn the vampires. Granting the impending attack, I could understand why. Unless I reduce their numbers now, we might get overwhelmed when the vampires move when we were busy fighting Reapers.
'My blood huh?'
This probably was saying something like {Rewind} was our hope or some cheesy shit like that. But the problem was what came after.
Head to Kismayo in a week. This period would be chaotic.
Her knowing that I had plans to help Amari was already understandable. But why did I have to arrive there in a week? What was I trying to stop? Was it so because there was something for me to find?
Then there was the crap that I couldn't understand no matter how much I thought.
The other Successors are on the move. The Revenant Project has already entered its next phase.
What the fuck was a Successor? I knew squat about the Revenant Project. What does it mean to me what phase we were on? Was this related to why we needed to rush to Kismayo in a week? That if I arrived past that, there would be something bad that would occur.
This letter gave me more questions that the ones it answered. But perhaps the most annoying thing was the foot note.
Hero Syndrome's lesson was to learn when to recognize that I was dancing to someone else's play.
I felt this feeling numerous times in the past. While I thought I was living on my own terms I was actually being led by the nose. Whether it was Zach who made me clean up his rogues of David who intended to use me a guinea pig.
Was she trying to say, that even this campaign was caused by someone else? It was an incredibly frustrating realization. Because so long as you were not the player, you would forever remain as a nothing more than piece. That fate would lead to one's death no matter how powerful they were.
As I sorted my thoughts, I clarified with Nyda.
"When did he arrive here?"
"Squad leader Mike along with Isolde arrived yesterday evening. He delivered {Bestow} ammunition along with the letter. I wrote a report about the war of the defenders. The ladies instructed I include information about the vampire conspiracy. I naturally gave it to the ladies for approval first, before having Squad leader Mike deliver it my adjutants."
Bella was managing the defense, so she would not send out Mike and Isolde just for ammunition. The Astrologer probably knew what happened here and told her about our experiences. It was kind of creepy for her to know as if she was here.
I didn't know if even the decision to send Mike and Isolde was Blanche's or Bella's, but it did resolve one issue I was having. Isolde's speed due to her ability to fly would ensure the information arrived in a timely manner. As Isolde was with her beloved {Kindred} the odds of our messenger dying en route was close to zero.
With the Adventurers apprised of the situation, we could leverage their resources and prompt them to investigate the other floors. Due to Mike carrying Nyda's letter, there was no longer a need to divide our party in two.
When Nyda saw me nod at her explanations she continued. "With Hellsend informed, the ladies decided to wait for your decision if we should trip the Dirge Sirens."
The main difference between Adventurers and Mercenaries was their ability to do clandestine operations. It was like the Navy seals and the regular army.
Seals normally performed surgical strikes, rescues operation or pinpoint demolition. They were perfect for specific tasks, but their limited fire power did not allow them to control an area beyond a single building.
In contrast the regular army was slow, loud and hard to get into motion. But once it did, only they had the resources, manpower and equipment to push back and occupy even countries.
Adventurers could investigate the conspiracy without alerting the monsters. In contrast once the Mercenaries were called, they would come in to annihilate anything that moved. If multiple nearby zones all had enemy presence, Death seekers would move between zones and fight them all too.
If we wanted the problem solved, calling the Mercenaries was the right decision. But if we wanted to take the demons by surprise having the Adventurers investigate behind enemy lines was the most crucial piece. Unable to decide on my own, I consulted my battle harem.
'My Kindred, may I hear your thoughts?'
'Ring the sirens, Beloved. It does not matter what the vampires intended, if we kill their armies before they are ready, we will win. Call the Death seekers and let them clear out the fallen zones.'
'The problem with Death seekers is their lack of patience. Husband, we heard George Clays story. Under the rules of the Death seekers, he would be executed for treason. But for the Adventurers he could gain clemency if he helps us to stop the vampires.'
'And so, the question falls to you, Dearest. Do you wish to save these traitors or leave them to their fate? Regardless of if they were forced into doing so, even after they are saved, it is no longer possible for them to remain in North America after this.'
I then looked towards George before asking him.
"I intend to butcher my way to the lowest floor of Hellsgate. You intend to die at the 32nd floor or are you willing to go further?"
The traitor of the 30th floor frowned as he contemplated. Not knowing that his words would determine the lives of all the defenders from this floor to the 32nd.
"I love my wife. I long to be with her. But I think I can endure a little longer. If I could help in culling this wretched place forever, it is my duty to do so," he replied. Continue reading stories on My Virtual Library Empire
"You believe my words? Even if you follow me, I don't know how long it will take. The other battlefronts all intend to pick a fight with me too. So, you would need to prepare to make the entire world your enemy."
"Hahaha. I do. Frankly your potential is frightening. In the short time I have known you, you brought me back to life, then almost beat me to death. And you consider me your ally. I shudder to think what would happen to anyone who picks a fight with you."
"Do the rest of the defenders think like you?" I asked.
"No. The defenders are separated to those who fight because to live and those who fight because they wish to die. The former will never follow, the latter would hunt you down just so they could join. I was originally part of the former."
"And now?"
"I am coming with you. Until we win or I reunite with my wife."
"Perfect. I welcome you. Your first task is to show me where they are. Lead me to those who wish to die," I said with a smile.