Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 650: Why I hate smart people [1/2]

"Should we begin with discussing what to do about the situation here?"

I turned towards Nyda who spoke.


'Dearest, while you were out of commission, the vampires noticed that the ghouls around this area were terminated. They began sending small groups of zombies and ghouls to investigate.'

'I gave Pixie {Flash} to prevent them from getting any information. Along with the Adventurers, the four of them have been dealing with the waves. Do not worry, your {Vassals} are included in my [Guardian Angel].'

'Personally, I do not think Jas' protection is even needed. {Call My Name} and their training has made them quite capable. Pixie and D have begun showing incredible combat prowess, Beloved. Once they become Phantom's they should be quite useful.'

Pleased with the quick report of my girls, I waited for Nyda's concerns. Unlike most heroine's my girls were not useless. Thus even when I was out, I didn't even bother to worry.

However, if the matters with the skirmishes were dealt with, what exactly was Nyda's problem?

"Before that my lord. Squad leader Mike Walker came here and delivered a letter. He said it was imperative that you read it the moment you are able too. Please read this first before we discuss."

At Nyda's words, I felt rage from Jas, Liv and Lilly all erupt at once. Bewildered I turned towards them.

'My {Kindred} is something wrong?'


Yet none of them replied. Feeling there was more to this story, I faced forward and took the letter from the Adventurer.

It was a old school letter. The material was quite extravagant, it had golden colored vines or some shit that screamed top 1%. Normally you would think that was all bullshit except for the fact that this simple letter was covered in soul!

When I opened the flap, the soul covering the message suddenly dissipated. It was probably a failsafe to ensure only I read the letter. Still, rather than send the message via text, it was through pen and paper, just from that alone I gained two theories.
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Either this letter's sender was old as fuck, or the fucker knew that my family was comprised of technopaths. Technopaths who could hack the pentagon if they wanted to.

I saw soul swirling around my girl's eyes. Their irises seemed to glow. They probably invoked {Imaging} and planned to read the letter. Putting two and two together I understood that they probably couldn't sneak a peek earlier due to the soul covering the letter.

Focusing on the letter, I opened the fancy stationary and began to read the message.

[To Limitless:

I come with both warning and praise. You have performed even beyond what I foresaw. Continue on your path and you shall find what you seek. Winchester has sung you nothing but praise. Thus, although you do not know who I am, I know you. Quite intimately I may add.

The answer to your plight lies in your blood, remember this when hope seems distant. Also set your mind at peace, I have brought reinforcements for Hell's Eden. South America will begin their assault in 3 days. Your garden will not fall. Wrath, Envy, Gluttony and Sloth shall grow with their blood.

The other Successors are on the move. The Revenant Project has already entered its next phase. You must head for Kismayo before the week ends, or you will be too late. One of my friends who is part of Africa would assist you.

This period will be the most turbulent. Remember to protect what you hold most dear and know that anything of worth requires sacrifice.


- Blanche Voir Millénia "The Astrologer"

Ps: Hero Syndrome's lesson is to learn the patterns needed to recognize that you are dancing to someone else's play. Come see me in the sun. Alone. I will find you.]


Before I could even begin to unpack this simple letter, the emotions of my harem were going haywire.

'My {Kindred}, please calm down,' I remarked.

'Dearest! This harlot is just too much! How can she ask to meet with someone else's {Kindred}? Are Europeans so shameless? And her letter is confusing, what is this Revenant project she speaks off? And Hell's Eden?

How dare she call our home such a stupid name!'

'Husband, Dame Blanche is a powerful specter. One of the most renowned in the European battlefront. We must tread lightly. She is at the same level as the Nightmare. But hearing that our side will triumph over the South America assault is comforting at least.'

'Beloved, numerous parts of her letter have information only we should know. It seems she is deserving of her alias. However, it is quite difficult to understand what she meant. It is as if she speaks in riddles. "The answer to your plight lies in your blood" it might be worthwhile to remember her words.'

'I know. Everyone, you are all right. Give me a few minutes to process this.'

It was just like the girls to focus on completely different parts of the letter. And while most of it didn't make sense to them. As the recipient of this message, it was the opposite for me.

The accuracy of this letter sent chills up my spine. As it answered questions, I had not even told anyone yet. For one, the foot note about Hero's Syndrome and Trinity was something only the Sirens knew as topics that bothered me. And yet she knew I asked such a question.

In line with that was the name Hell's Eden. Lilly called it stupid, but it was actually the name I planned for the battlefront. A paradise carved out of Hell. The place to seek protection and rest.

Under the roar of my guns Hell's Eden would be like an oasis in the middle of a war. Hell's Eden. I just came up with the name a few days ago. Similar to my question about Hero's syndrome, Hell's Eden was information only I should know about.

These two things meant either this bitch could read minds, or she really could foresee the future. By days or weeks at least.

Once I announced the name of Hell's Eden, it would be common knowledge. Similarly, the Hero's syndrome thing was something I intended to ask Trinity. So, if I did in the future, it makes sense for her to know.

The next part of it was the Revenant Project. Only one person uttered those words to me as I died for the first time.

"See you on the other side, John. Welcome to the Revenant Project."

Rolland Winchester. The Specter everyone knew but acted like a complete enigma. The bastard kept tabs on me. And after reading this letter I understood why.

Blanche purposely included writing about her interactions about Rolland. She could have hidden it but as with smart bastards every word in her letter seemed like it was deliberately chosen.

Rolland was a known Specter of America. Blanche on the other hand was from Europe. Even though NATO allied the USA with most of Europe on Earth, there was no such agreement in Hellsgate.

In Hell, each battlefront catered to its own interests. Besides, the European Battlefront was too far from North America to provide any meaningful support. At least that seemed to be the case now.

As Tristan and Isolde were part a reaper exchange program, America and Europe might have been chummier in the past. But with just the Blanche and Rolland, you could chalk it up to friendships or the like, not alliances of entire battlefronts. It would have been similar to how I considered Amari and Mia as allies.

However, with the inclusion of a third person who belongs to Africa, it changed the meaning completely. Acting together meant an alliance of some sort. Again, I felt the nuance of her intent in the letter. Why tell me you have someone coming to help us? And what's more, why specify that he was from Africa?

Her words seemed random but strung together they gave a different implication. It basically said that her allies transcended the divisions of the battlefronts. As far as I know there were only two groups like that among the Reapers.

Trinity the bastards who wanted to end the world.

And IRIS, the ones intent on stopping them.

If Blanche was part of IRIS, then it would make sense that she knows what Hero's Syndrome was meant to teach. They were the fucking ones who made the message in the first place. And if I asked her when it meant far in the far future, then it also stands to reason as to how she knew my question.

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