Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 11: Growing

Sabrina and Jade were deep in their post-coital cuddle. Sabrina stirred, wiggling her plump ass uncomfortably. Jade inferred that leaving the Living Dildo to cork Sabrina’s pussy was losing its novelty and sat up to help.

With Jade no longer spooning her, Sabrina’s mind wandered. Messages had been pinging in her head for hours, but the pair had made a point of focusing on each other and leaving everything else to the wayside. Absently, her focus drifted to the messages.

Quest complete: Find the Laundromat Key.


Party bonus: Inventory. All party members have acquired bonded Pocket Spaces to manage loot and equipment. Current item slots for personal Inventory: 12. A larger Pocket Space for shared loot can be accessed by all party members. Current item slots in party Inventory: 36.

Crafting Subclass paths: paths are available to attain Crafting Subclasses. Upon completing required challenge(s), the chosen Crafting Subclass will be bonded to you. Prior to attaining the chosen Crafting Subclass, each party member has (one) opportunity to cancel their challenge and choose another. Available subclasses are as follows:

Alchemist. Primary: mixology. Secondary: culinary arts.

Runesmith. Primary: aura totems. Secondary: domain coding.

Jeweler. Primary: bonus accessories. Secondary: sexual enhancers.

Blacksmith. Primary: bladed weaponry. Secondary: armor.

Pyrotechnician. Primary: alchemy bombs. Secondary: cannons.

Creature Collector. Primary: captures/bonds. Secondary: monster breeding.

Biohacker. Primary: monster mutagens. Secondary: perk mutagens.

Hidden challenge complete: you’ve confessed your love to the focus of Enamored, and she has confessed in kind. Enamored has evolved. Enamored is now shared between you. Benefits of Toucher gained from Contact with your partner are shared between you. Grow and maintain a healthy relationship to complete hidden challenges. Bonus to relationship chemistry. Bonus to relationship sustainability.

That was a lot to take in at once. Before Sabrina could preempt it, Jade said, “Enamored?” Sabrina flushed with embarrassment, and nearly sputtered out defenses. Jade got ahead of her though. “That’s so cute. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Sabrina replied, suddenly feeling lighter than air. “So what about these subclasses? We should discuss which ones would be best to round out our party.”

“Nope,” Jade rejecting, already choosing alchemist. “Don’t think, just choose. Let your gut guide you.”

Alchemist. With this Crafting Subclass, you will harvest ingredients from monsters and dungeon flora. This path will give access to crafting potions, alchemical cocktails, and alchemical foods.

Challenge: sample 10 alchemy ingredients. (0/10) alchemy ingredients sampled.

Sabrina thought it over, but Jade caught her doing so and glared at her. Sabrina folded and chose without thinking.

Biohacker. With this Crafting Subclass, you will harvest Monster Essences from eligible monsters. This path will give access to crafting mutagen totems related to Lust. Monster mutagens will modify a given body part to gain traits derived from Monster Essences. Perk Mutagens will modify a given body part to gain traits derived from Lust Perks.

Challenge: satisfy a monster* with oral sex.

*The monster in question must be sapient, have genitals, consent, and be capable of meaningfully consenting.

“Um… I got a weird one,” Sabrina said. “And I learned something new about monsters.” Sabrina then explained it all, getting a smirk out of Jade. She capped it off by saying, “I should probably use my mulligan, right? Runesmith looks cool.”

“Hell no,” Jade argued. “First of all, we have no idea what monster traits will do, it could be an overpowered wild card. More importantly, it sounds like we can give each other Lust traits. With an ass like yours I’ll be unstoppable! Not to mention, imagine being able to give the Busty perk to Alice, or any woman whose self image would greatly benefit from big tits. You can give people better control over their bodies.”

Jade’s ability to shine a fresh light on things made Sabrina awe-struck every time. It was one of the reasons she loved her. Sabrina agreed to keep the subclass, now proud of the work she may be able to do.

 Jade assumed a position with her head and hands near Sabrina’s ass. “Alright then, before I was so rudely interrupted, I was about to pop the cork on this bad boy.” Jade pulled the half-softened Living Dildo out of Sabrina, and quickly pressed her lips to Sabrina’s pussy to catch the cum.

“Wow. You’re a serious pervert,” Sabrina teased, as Jade thirsty drank the cream pie out of her.

The cum filled Jade with a soothing warmth as she swallowed it down. A surprising message popped up.

(1/10) alchemy ingredients sampled.

Ingredient: Living Dildo’s cum. Mid-tier magic saturation. Boosted by Enamored to high-tier magic saturation. Effects: boosts mood. Provides hydration and nourishment, regardless of which hole it is ingested through. Boosts magic saturation of other ingredients it is mixed with. Remains in a fresh state indefinitely and acts as a preservative for ingredients derived from sexual fluid.

“Dude! Your cum is an alchemy ingredient.” Jade licked the remainder from her lips. “And it’s fucking delicious.”

That revelation led to some more fooling around, followed by Jade taking a turn at the receiving end of the living dildo. Then, they each took turns masturbating with it. This took the form of using it as a dildo for each of them, and one extra round of Jade putting it on and jacking herself off. Since Sabrina felt this too, she didn’t find it necessary to take a turn at this.

They cuddled all night. They would have been content to stay like that forever, but at ten in the morning, a knock at the door forced the couple to stir from slumber.

“‘Tis some visitor,” Jade muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—

Only this and nothing more.”

“I’m going to murder you,” Sabrina chastised. Rather than responding, Jade stood and left the room, fully nude. Sabrina was too dumbfounded to protest.

Banking on the fact that whoever was on the other side would only see her exposure if they wanted to, Jade hoped to give some delivery driver a nice surprise. Instead, she opened the door to find Alice and Sloan, both instantly staring at her tits. Alice blushed, caught like a deer in headlights. Sloan kept her composure, slightly raising an eyebrow and tightening one cheek in the suggestion of a smirk.

“They’re real? I thought the tweets were photoshopped,” Alice stammered. “I don’t get it. I just saw you last week, but there’s no incisions, no swelling, nothing.” Alice had gotten carried away, closely inspecting Jade’s boobs. She barely caught herself just before grabbing them, then backed off, embarrassed.

Jade chuckled, and told her, “go ahead, feel em. I insist.” Alice cautiously did so, and her face twisted into shock. “Why are you guys here, though?”

As if it was obvious, Sloan said, “you texted me and said to come over today. Alice said she got the same text, so I picked her up.”

“You never even texted back!”

Sloan shrugged. “I’m telling you now.”

Jade was frustratingly puzzled at Sloans bizarre forwardness, but Alice’s yelp took precedence. “These are real!”

Jade grinned, proud that she got to play dumb. “I know.”

Alice’s adorably confused blue eyes darted up and down from Jade’s tits and face, befuddled. “How?!”

“How are they real? I don’t know, it’s just mammary glands and adipose tissue, over a bit of muscle for support. Pretty basic, really.”

Alice looked like she was questioning her sanity. “How are they so big?”

“Um, a lot of adipose tissue? I’m not sure if the actual glands are bigger, I’m not a doctor.”

“Am I… are you fucking with me right now? How are they so much bigger than they were the last time I saw you?”

Oh,” Jade drew out, like she was only now connecting the dots. “Magic.”

Jade maintained her confidently amused expression in the face of the incredulous glares. Luckily, answering the door naked had fulfilled a challenge, and the rewards emptied straight into her inventory. It included two Lust jellies, which Jade summoned into her hands. She handed one to each of her guests, who narrowed their eyes dubiously.

“They’re like experience. You’ll level up and both stronger and sexier. Give em a squeeze.”

It was unclear to Jade whether either of the girls meant to pop their jellies, but sure enough the pink goop wormed into their skin.

For Alice’s first level, she got:

New Perk: Bussy. Your anus has been granted traits akin to a vagina. This includes sensitivity, muscular control, skin type, lubrication, orgasm types, and self-cleaning. Waste will be processed and disposed of through magic. Prostate will have the sensations of a G-spot added to its existing sensations, as will the sphincter. Perineum will gain the sensitivity of a clitoris. Female hormones will be maintained automatically, and androgen resistance is granted.

New cultivation path: bondage. Complete challenges to gain rewards.

New Affinity: cum play.

Sloan got:

New Perk: Tongue-Tied. A split tongue is granted. Resting tongue size remains the same but can elongate by a factor of 2.5. Significant increase in your tongue control, strength, and flexibility. Your tongue now experiences erogenous sensations akin to genitals.

New cultivation path: domination. Complete challenges to gain rewards.

New affinity: breath play.

Jade studied their faces, taking glee in their reactions. Alice was cute and gentle with blonde curtain bangs overhanging her growingly delighted face. Her dimples deepened into her cheeks as she looked like she’d everything she’d ever wanted was given to her gift wrapped.

Sloan had a freckled face that said, “mischievous fawn-pixie,” and a body that screamed “muscle-mommy.” At five-foot-ten, she was the tallest of their group by quite a bit, and every inch was sexy. The way she wore he powerful muscle with potent femininity triggered bisexual panic in Jade. Her knowing smirk and lusting eyes were equally threatening and enticing.

By now, Sabrina was lurking in the hall, dawning her armor. Whatever reluctance she’d felt about bringing more people into the party had evaporated. She was just excited that she got to see this again. Pulling back the veil and showing people the endless possibility she’d stumbled onto was a feeling like nothing else.

Sabrina broke her silence, ready to change her friends’ lives forever. “Cool right? That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Who’s ready for an adventure?”

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