Konoha: Gu master

Chapter 35: Reliable

"Well, since things have come to this, let's eat first," Shinho Aburame suggested, worried that Hinata might faint, attempting to change the subject.

"Mm... okay," Hinata replied, her head lowered, not daring to look at him—as if she wasn't the one who had just fiercely confronted those bullies.

Shinho adjusted his sunglasses with his middle finger.

Did this count as a success? he wondered.

He wasn't quite sure.

Moreover, no achievements had been triggered. The only gain was that Hinata had activated her Byakugan earlier than in the original story.

"What about them?" Hinata gradually regained her composure and noticed the three boys lying on the ground.

She herself found it unbelievable that she had been the one to defeat them. But strangely, she felt an unprecedented sense of relief and satisfaction.

"They've just passed out temporarily; they'll wake up in no time. You don't have to worry about them," Shinho glanced at them and said.

He wasn't a demon; there was no need to finish them off.

He turned and walked toward his wooden cabin.

Hinata quickly followed.

Halfway there, she suddenly looked up at his back. Now that she had calmed down, something didn't seem right. Those four had been excessively nervous.

Seeing Shinho, they didn't seem like they were seeking revenge; rather, they looked forced and reluctant.

"Shinho-kun," Hinata couldn't help but ask, "Were they...?"

"Were they what?" Shinho asked calmly.

Sharp girl, you've noticed the clue.

But he wouldn't initiate, admit, or explain anything.

Hinata met his gaze but quickly lowered her head. "N-Nothing."

She must have been mistaken; Shinho-kun seemed so nonchalant. Even if it was a deliberate setup, she wouldn't regret it.

Upon reaching the cabin, as before, Shinho prepared a few Sichuan dishes without chili for her. Although they lacked the signature spiciness, Hinata ate happily.

After they had eaten and drunk their fill, they arrived at the Hyuga clan's compound.

"See you later," Shinho said, heading toward the Senju residence.

He didn't go home anymore, freeloading off Tsunade for food and lodging. He planned to return home after he finished dealing with that carp.

"Shinho-kun," Hinata watched his departing figure, her white eyes involuntarily showing a hint of reluctance.

Hidden nearby, her protector, Tokuma Hyuga, seeing that there was no danger, leaped toward Hiashi Hyuga's study.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door, respectfully saying, "Clan leader, Tokuma has a report."

A few seconds later, he received a reply.

Tokuma pushed open the door but stood at the entrance, bowing deeply. As a guard, he didn't dare to enter casually.

Hiashi sat at a tea table, leisurely taking a sip of tea. He looked at Tokuma, his voice cold, "Did something happen to Hinata at school?"

"No," Tokuma's body trembled, quickly denying it. He was Hinata's protector; if something happened to her, he would be punished severely—possibly even not being able to see the next day.

In Konoha Village, although the Hokage was the leader, major ninja clans, especially the Hyuga and Uchiha, had their own rules. If Hiashi decided to execute Tokuma, even Hiruzen Sarutobi wouldn't have the authority to interfere. Of course, he could force the issue if he wanted.

"Hinata-sama has activated the Byakugan," Tokuma took a deep breath and said.

"What did you say?" Hiashi's hand holding the teacup paused slightly, spilling some tea, but he didn't mind.

"I saw it with my own eyes," Tokuma said earnestly. "I wouldn't dare deceive the clan leader."

"Tell me the details," Hiashi put down the teacup. He was no longer in the mood for tea.

Tokuma immediately recounted what had just happened.

Hiashi's eyes narrowed. As an adult and the Hyuga clan leader, he could see that Shinho had set this up. But the result was favorable; he should thank Shinho.

Activating the Byakugan at six years old indicated that Hinata's talent was not only not poor but quite impressive. Because the so-called genius, Neji Hyuga, had also activated his Byakugan at a similar age. It was just Hinata's personality that hindered her potential.

Hiashi waved his hand.

After Tokuma left, he fell into deep thought.

Previously, he had encouraged Hinata to befriend Shinho Aburame to get closer to Tsunade. Now it seemed he had great foresight. Shinho was a good child—reliable and willing to step up when needed.

Hiashi suddenly sighed.

Because of his disappointment in Hinata's performance, he had decided to have a second daughter, Hanabi.

According to Hyuga clan rules, only one of them could inherit the main family. The other would, on her third birthday, be branded with the "Caged Bird" seal, becoming part of the branch family, their destinies diverging.

Hiashi thought of his brother, Hizashi Hyuga, and felt melancholic.

No matter how good brothers they were, after receiving the Caged Bird seal, they drifted apart, ultimately becoming master and servant.

He had considered abolishing it, but he didn't dare. He was the clan leader, but not all authority of the clan lay with him, the elders, who held the other portion of the power would never agree.

The original intent of the Caged Bird seal was to prevent the Byakugan from being leaked, but now it had become a means to maintain the main family's authority.

"Two more years," Hiashi rubbed his temples.

If he didn't place the seal on either Hinata or Hanabi, not only would the main family disagree, but the branch family wouldn't accept it either.

Unless external forces were introduced.

Hiashi thought of Hiruzen Sarutobi. Only the Hokage could suppress opposition within the Hyuga clan.

"Tsunade," Hiashi suddenly had an idea.

Hiruzen Sarutobi had resumed the Hokage position because of the Nine-Tails incident, where the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, had died, and he was acting as a temporary leader.

Theoretically, if a suitable candidate appeared, he should step down.

Currently, in Konoha Village, the most qualified were Jiraiya and Tsunade.

As for Danzo Shimura, he was the same age as Hiruzen—already old.

Moreover, with his image of a one-armed, half-blind man, he wasn't suitable; he'd scare the flowers and plants.

Tsunade was Shinho's teacher.

If she became Hokage, it would benefit the Hyuga clan.

Hiashi pondered.

Now, he just had to wait for Tsunade to show interest.

Then the Hyuga clan could support her, pledging loyalty.

If that didn't work, he'd have to negotiate with Hiruzen Sarutobi.

But that old man liked to exploit them.

Without paying a significant price, it would be hard to get things done his way.

The Uchiha clan next door was an example. Although their own personalities contributed, didn't the Konoha leadership bear some responsibility?

Danzo and his Root had targeted them repeatedly.

Hiashi didn't believe that Hiruzen wasn't tacitly approving.

Today's Uchiha could be tomorrow's Hyuga.

Moreover, Hiashi resented Hiruzen over the incident where Hizashi died in his place. He was the Hokage at the time; if he had firmly opposed the turn of events, things might have been different.

The life of a Cloud Village ninja is valuable, but so is the life of a Hyuga ninja.

Especially since they were at fault first.

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