Kingdom: Hyou Ren

Chapter 17: Reward Ceremony

I rode through the gates of Xingyang with a smile, to think I´d have made it so far. So quickly.


Not even I, as a man from Earth, could predict that I´d make it this far. Before even fighting for a year, it's not an everyday procedure to say the least. 


I had been invited to the Ceremonial procedure of rewarding the heroes of the Sanyou Campaign, and Mou Ten had hinted at me getting rewarded. 


Not that it´d shock me, I was expecting it. After all, my accomplishments during the Battle exceeded even Shin himself on paper.


Now, defeating Rin Ko in single combat, as a 300-Man Commander, was a far higher achievement than sniping their tactician, and flanking a force busy fighting an equal force, 7 times. But on paper, my achievements were greater. 


And that's what mattered, to some degree at the very least. I technically outsmarted one of the Great Pillars, and I took control of 2000 men as a 1000-Man Commander, pretty decent if I may say so myself.


I was sort of late, so I headed right towards the Great Hall within the Royal Palace, and on my way. I met Mou Ten.


"Greetings, Mou Ten." I said, as I approached the man who awaited me. Standing in noble clothing. 


"Ah, if it isn't the hero of Sanyou. I still struggle to believe you managed such feats." He said, as we began walking.


"Well, Genji, the 2000 man Commander. Approached me, and asked me to command him. And whom am I to say no. And luckily, my enemy was commanded by a mentally retarded noble. And after that, it was just the simple procedure of flanking. And I didn´t actually kill 17 000 men, my unit probably killed around 9000, the rest routed or were killed by others." I said, and it was the truth.


I was extremely lucky, first for Genji to choose me. And then for my enemy to be actually retarded, it was all just great luck, but that didn´t mean I wasn't going to take advantage of this. 


"At least you're modest about it, but still. I appreciate it, made the peace talks with Ren Pa smoother." He said, as we entered the Great Hall.


I went to stand in the back, while Mou Ten went to drag Shin, who was standing at the front like the stupid man he is.


"Oh, Ren is here too!" Shin said, as he approached us.


"Of course, my achievements are even greater than yours." I said with a smile, but Shin took that personally.


"-Youuuu" He said, leaning in as if to kiss me.


"I don't enjoy the company of men." I said, as I backed up. Which made Mou Ten burst out laughing, and Shin even angrier.


However, we were silenced by the King's arrival. 


"Very well, everyone. Let the award ceremony begin now. And first up, then are 4 great men of extraordinary bravery. They will all receive congratulatory swords directly from his Majesty." Lû Bu said, turning towards Lord Changping.


"Well then. Lord Changping." He continued, and the man spoke up. 


"First things first, the Commanding General who led Qin´s Army to Victory. General Mou Gou." He said, which resulted in cheers from all the soldiers in the room, and the man stood up. 


"The General will go up one rank in peerage and receive the lands of Jiabai and Chan, 2000 gold pieces and ten treasures." He said, as the General went up to receive his sword, before returning to his place, as the next one was called up. 


"Next up is the Lieutenant who killed the enemy's commanding officer, all the while keeping its right flank occupied, General Kan Ki! The General will go up 2 ranks in the peerage, and receive the lands of Qing Bei, Qingling and Dake, 2000 gold pieces and 10 treasures." Lord Changping said, as Kan Ki received his applause, especially from his soldiers.


He then went up to gather his sword, which also resulted in a staring match between him and King Sei, surprisingly. 


"Next up is the 1000 man Commander who killed the enemy Tactician, and led 2000 men to defeat 17 000 men, his unit racking up 12 Commanders killed, Commander Hyou Ren." He said, as I stood up, through the slim applause, but mostly awe, and walked up towards the King, my eyes locking onto his cold eyes.


Ei Sei truly was a worthy King, he had a harsh upbringing but now enjoyed the pleasure of royalty, but he never indulged in it, if it compromised his end goal.


The Unification of China. 


"Being the son of Duke Hyou, his nobility is inherited and he will therefore not go up ranks in peerage, but as he proved his ability to command 2000 men, he will be promoted to a 2000-Man Commander, and receive 1000 gold pieces and 5 treasures." Changping said, surprising me. A lot.


I almost faltered in my steps, but I managed to regain my composure. 


It made some sense, my father. Duke Hyou had the unique title of Duke. Which was not a Chinese Peerage. And this was because our dynasty can be recorded for centuries, we were once the royalty of one of the minor kingdoms, but early on we merged into Qin, earning us the hereditary title of Duke, and the lands we once owned as Kings. 


A strain of land behind Xianyang, between Xianyang and Yang, with its city being named Zuhang. An extremely important city, one of the 4 largest cities in Qin, and all our soldiers were drafted from there, or most of them. 


I made my way up to Ei Sei, bowing down as I stretched my hands out. To accept the sword, and as I felt its cold touch in my hands, I immediately spoke.


"I thank you." I said, my eyes daring to look up towards his.


"I believe you to be amongst the Qin´s new generation of Generals, I hope you'll serve Qin well, in the future." He said, as I slowly stood up.


"Of course, Your Grace. I live to serve my Kingdom." I said, before turning around and making my way back. 


"Last but definitely not least, the man who killed a key general by himself, 300-Man Commander Shin of the Hi Shin Force, come forward." Lord Changping said, as Shin froze up.


I elbowed the man.


"That's you, Shin. Get your ass up and walk up to the King." I said, and Shin stood up, before beginning to make his way down to the King.


Of course, he couldn´t walk properly due to his nerves, so he crashed into a few ministers, walked like a robot. And didn´t know what to do when he reached the King.


But that's the typical Shin I suppose, no real shocker there to be honest. 



Captain Vaughn: +11 Chapters

House Bracken: +12 Chapters

Hyou Ren: 40+ (soon, gotta fix a few things)

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