Kingdom: Hyou Ren

Chapter 16: The Battle of Sanyou(12)

I smiled as I saw the infantry flank the Arata Tai, which was named in a simple manner, Arata Unit.


I had gotten to know the name and identity of my enemy Commander, and it had turned out to be quite interesting.


It took long for us to get any intel on him, but I now had it. From a soldier we had caught, and hurriedly interrogated. 


Seikuro Arata was the son of Seikuro Kurutu, a General of the Wei Army. The only problem? Kurutu was a spinkly, weak and mentally retarded kid. But he was his Fathers only son, and therefore Kurutu wanted him to become a General, and lead when he died.


So therefore, Mr Kurutu went to great lengths, essentially transferring his elite troops to his retarded son every time he lost any, or got promoted. And therefore, due to the influence of his Father and skill of his men, the man had ridden the ranks to 2000-Man Commander.


Now usually, a fairly competent man would easily see our weakness, and therefore send their entire force at us. But he hadn´t, which was unlike his record. Arata had a strategist by his side, and a fighter. But apparently, they were both gone.


I might have sniped his strategist mid-battle, so the plan was never changed. But Arata had just been sending some troops there, and then some more and so on. 


Which is how we had coped, even against 2000 elites. 


But the extent of his intelligence stopped there, and didn´t go further. As once the 2000 men on his left, and my right. Turned on him, and charged his unit.


I spotted a horse and 20 riders leave immediately, like legit 30 seconds later. And his entire unit routed, which worked out quite well, I´d say. 


Now, I had a choice to make. I had regrouped my forces, I had put my elites in the middle, to rest for some time. And the rested 1500 men from Genji stood at the forefront of our formation. 


Genji, Ishiro, Kaen, Raku, Hozu and Tetsuji stood around the map, which showed the entire Battlefield. 


"Alright, so we have 2 choices. The enemy HQ is still in chaos after the General's death, so we'd most likely be capable of turning left and attacking the flank of the Wei Forces there, or we could turn right." I said, leaving our options on the table. 


This battle included 30,000 Infantry on our side, and 32,000 on their side. To our right, we had 12 000 allied forces, and 15 000 enemy forces, most of whom were elites on both sides. Including the Le Hua Unit and the Gyoku Hou unit. 


On our left were 18 000 allied forces, and 17 000 enemy forces, both of the allied and enemy forces were mainly recruits and average soldiers. 


"What do you suggest, Genji?" I asked the man, who was studying the map. 


"There's a risk with attacking the right. Due to their high level of skill, in both infantry and as commanders. We'd be risking one of them holding us off long enough for reinforcements to arrive. But in return, we'd clear up all our elite troops, ending the Battle quicker. But if we attack the left, which we have a higher chance of winning, we'd be ending the battle slower." He said, and I agreed. 


"I agree, but I believe freeing up the left is the smartest option. Their sheer number will rout the remaining forces." I said.


"I agree." Ishiro said.


"So do I." Kaen and Hozu said. 


"Sounds good." Raku said.


"I'm with you, Commander." Tatsuji said.


"Then it is settled, we´ll stretch our lines far, like an L, but backwards. We will be able to cover their east and north sides." I said, and they all nodded.


"Alright, get to work. We´ll stretch Genji´s infantry for the L formation, and my 500 men and 200 cavalry will be in reserves, and so will you guys. Understood?" I said.


"Yes, Sir." They responded in unison, and with that. They rushed off, contacting the Officers as we began moving. 


"Contact the 2,500 men Commanders to our left, and the Lieutenant remaining of the 1000 man commander. Inform them of our arrival." I told a messenger, and he performed a quick salute before he too, rushed off. 


I also saw dust rise from behind the Qin Headquarters.


So the dual of Generals has begun..... Let's see if it differs any now that I'm here. 




Time passed, as we fought hard against the enemy forces. Most of the enemy units routed at the sight of our unit, or the first 2 or 3 did. After that, the remaining 4 or so units were prepared. Which made it that much harder, but after my cavalry, elite troops, and officers had gotten some rest.


They too jumped into Battle, which quickly shifted it for our advantage, and I had even joined at some point. 


I had taken out a 4000 Man Commander with my sword, a dangerous fight. I got a few nicks on my arm, and a wound on my chest, which would likely scar.


I had gotten a quick check-up, and bandages as we moved on. And as we killed the last of the 7 different units, a lot of Commanders had been killed.


Ishiro had killed a 4000-man Commander, and a 5000-man commander, the 5000-man commander being our harshest fight. 


Kaen had killed 2 1000 man Commanders, who were a part of the 5000 Man Unit, and he had killed another 2000 man Commander. 


Roku had killed the 2000 and 1000 man Commanders of the 5000 man Unit, it was rich with fighters that one. 


Tetsuji had killed 2 two thousand man Commanders.


And lastly, Hozu had killed a 3000-man Commander as well. Quite the astounding success if I´d say so myself. 


However, we didn´t get to do anything after that, as the duel of the generals had ended. Resulting in Ren Pa almost killing Mou Gou, but he was saved by Mou Ten and Shin. Followed up by a detailed discussion about the Golden Age, and Shin survived due to being Ou Ki´s disciple, and owning his Glaive.


And after that, Ren Pa had given up and retreated. His headquarters had been taken by Kan Ki, and he had therefore decided to retreat, instead of wasting more Wei Life, ending the Battle of Sanyou after 6 horrifying days, and the death of 2 Greats. 



**Ei Sei POV**


"Report! Report!" I heard a man shout, most likely a messenger as he rushed into the room. 


"Mou Gou´s army has won. Qin is victorious." The messenger shouted, and I let a sigh escape my lips, though it was hidden from all. As they were focused on cheering.


However, it was soon ended by Lû Bu speaking up.


"Do you know the details of the war? Did anyone really stand out?" He asked the messenger.


"Yes, I was told General Kan Ki stood out. He kept the right flank locked down, all the while taking down the enemy HQ and killing their Commanding General." The messenger said.


"Oh, he did all that?" Lû Bu said, shocked, I suppose. Though I doubted he´d care much. 


"There's the man who slayed the enemy tactician, and led 2000 men to kill 17 000 Wei Men through flanking, all the while he and his officers killed 12 commanders. And he's only a 1000 man Commander. Commander Hyou Ren." He said, now this was truly a shock. I had heard of the man from Shin, he was one of his main contenders. 


"Leading 2000 men as a 1000 Man Commander? And slaying 13 Commanders and defeating 17 000 men no less, he must be quite the talent." Lû Bu said, a dangerous glint in his eyes.


I needed to make sure he stayed away from Commander Hyou, he´d be a dangerous ally to whomever got him. 


"Then there is the 300-Man Commander who slayed the central army commander Rin Ko, and clashed with Ren Pa, and survived. Temporary 1000 Man Commander Shin, of the Hi Shin Force!" He said.


What? Shin has come so far, to think that young man would reach such lengths.


I always had faith in you Shin, but for you to gain such achievements in your first year as a soldier, to think you have such a talent for war. 



Captain Vaughn: +11 Chapters

House Bracken: +12 Chapters

Hyou Ren: 40+ (soon, gotta fix a few things)

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